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Luci In The Sky With Demons
I'll spread me open, stuck to my ribsAre all your infants in abortion cribsYou run like roaches, and you try to dieI know your poison, in our space we'll lieTo an obscene god we will dance and spitThe skin is thin, in our beds we sitWe take off our rings and we kneelOur scabbed knees are so slow to healSketch a little key holeFor looking-glass peopleI don't want to be meI don't want to fear, noMomma's got a scarecrowGot to let the corn growA man can't always reap what he sows(Cut, cut, cut in pantomime, mime, mimeI'll be your devil if you'll admit you're mine)Leave yourself to be ultra-hereThe chill of fall is always crawling nearSpiders in the flowersNever know their smellThe barbers here know secretsThey will never tell(Cut, cut, cut in pantomime, mime, mimeI'll be your devil if you'll admit you're mine)
Lucid Dreamers, Your Time Is Coming.
Dreams are just your mind dealing with the day’s events, right? Nothing paranormal about that; everyone does it. I mean, there are places you visit often in your dreams. A certain house, a shop, a school… But these places are just figments of your imagination, right? Have you ever wondered about these places and the people within them? I know you’re out there, “Lucid Dreamers”. You’re the ones who can control what happens when they dream. You are just beyond that film, that membrane that separates us. Lucid Dreamer, have you ever wondered what that beautiful woman in your dream felt when you suddenly decided you wanted to fuck her? Oh, she seemed willing enough, didn’t she? Have you ever considered that you raped that woman, Lucid Dreamer? That she had no choice but to do everything you willed her to do while her mind watched on in horror? Remember, Lucid Dreamer, all those awful things you have done in your dreams… And c
Lucifer *this Is My Newest One)
I’m the poison running through your veins,Making adrenaline pump to relieve your pain.The malevolent side of this dark equation ,I'm your wrath manifested to make your actions hasten.I'm the one who holds your quivering hand still,As you point that colt 45 , I strengthen your will. A serpent’s tongue only whispering in your ear , The deeds are done and there is  nothing to fearShrouded in mystery you’ll rue the day you counted on me,your aspirations and dreams down to the bottomless pitted sea.i gave an elaborate ruse to make you believe i could hold my end,so prepare to feel yourself go aflame as your soul descends.i go by many names but the rest are unimportant as of now,cling tight to your hope and faith but my cackle will be the only sound .cherish your moments before the authorities show to take you away,i will be in layer nine as they send you down for your eternal stay in my domain.
Lucid Dream
For the past 15+ years I have been having the same exact dream over and over again. While there are nights that I do not dream this dream or at all, the nights I do have this dream are getting to be bothersome I guess.   My dream starts out with me waking up and walking down stairs to the dining room area. I am living in Union Beach, NJ(In this dream for some odd reason I am living in this town). My entire family is in the dining room crying and just trying to get things in order. My twin sister is crying especially hard and while I try to console her and the family I am ignored. I have this issue about touching people, not really my thing..but I digress, While I am being ignored I ask several times whats going on and each time I am still ignored. The scenery begins to shift and I am at a graveyard, watching limos and black cars roll up through the gates. I see them go past me and towards an open grave. As everyone begins to get out, a hearse appears in the distance and moves to the
lucifugous\ loo-see-FOO-guhs \adjective; 1. Avoiding light.
The Luciiee Furrz
 Dirty thoughts but they are so mmmmmm goooood...some of you make my cock so hard...i really love boobs... anyhow,watching Fringe..eating cock is throbbing...I really want to gettogether with my friend "stacey" also cant wait to get another hot blowjob from Carol...well back to eating the pasta,wishing it was Stacey's hot wet Pussy! More to write later..including song lyrics and poems...Congrats to the Brewers!   over and out for now DJKRIS2FUR
Someday I'll shed this layer of my past Giving in to what life could be Instead of facing the regret it never was Our existence is so short lived So lets start living for today My shameful secrets I cannot control But I've acknowledged they are here Watch me push them down Back into the darkness of deceit And even though it happened It doesn't make me who I am  What defines you? For me it's the struggles Cause through them I've learned lessons  and without them I'd be lost Consumed by my deviations I refuse to give in So we press on in this reality called life Is it a sweet dream or nightmare? Only you can decide
Someday I'll shed this layer of my past Giving in to what life could be Instead of facing the regret it never was Our existence is so short lived So lets start living for today My shameful secrets I cannot control But I've acknowledged they are here Watch me push them down Back into the darkness of deceit And even though it happened It doesn't make me who I am  What defines you? For me it's the struggles Cause through them I've learned lessons  and without them I'd be lost Consumed by my deviations I refuse to give in So we press on in this reality called life Is it a sweet dream or nightmare? Only you can decide
Lucie Stahl Exhibited In Milan Waving A New Chapter In The Art Advertising Captured By Soviet Policy Matrix .
  The artist German Lucie Stahl was born in Berlin in 1977, he first studied at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin , then at the Glasgow School of Art and Stadelschule in Frankfurt. He currently lives and works in Vienna , where from 2008 he directed with Will Benedict exhibition space Pro Choice . Today, an exhibition of large-scale seen by Gio Marconi in Milan , after having exhibited in Los Angeles (2013), Detroit ( with Tom Humphreys ) (2013), Brussels , Amsterdam (2012), Vienna , Cologne (2011), Hamburg (2010), Brussels (2008) , and London ( 2005). Use for his work in a particular photographic technique that provides consumer items on the plate of a scanner that detects shapes. Two-dimensional images obtained in this way are enlarged , printed, ink jet printers , and finally covered with a thick layer of gloss polyurethane that is almost a frame. The works are then hung directly on the wall of the gallery, such as posters . For his first show here in Milan at Giò Marconi Gallery
: )- Lucky For Me I'm A Gemini
You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.A Slave To BDSM88%Sex God78%A Romantic43%Virgin28%How are you in bedcreated with
Lucky Man
i has one of those rare moments were I sit back and think about were my life is going and were it has been. Me and my wife have had some good and bad times. Most of the bad were because i didn't use my head and only thought about me. No matter what i do i know that she will be by my side. Ido not give her the credit and recignition she deserves. Sure i buy here things but that does nothing for the emotional side i never seem to tell her that i love her as much as i should. She puts up with me and my carefree attitude more than she should. I never have been the besst at expressing my feelings.. This is the a problem that i am trying to work on i'm afraid that one day i will screw up big time and she will not be by my side. There are few things in this world that scare me that bad. I hope see looks at this and understands what i am the feelings i am trying to express. I love you!!!!!!!! I know i may not show it the way you want in my actions but i show it the way I know how wi
When the chill winds freeze you to your core think of me... every day this is what I feel the void you used to fill just a hollow shell pain would be a remedy to my numb un-beating heart when you lie, nearly lifeless as you die think of me... this is how you left me you chewed right through my soul massacred my dreams I died then but my body continues on.... even as your heart stills now you will never fully grasp how this feels you have all the luck.
Luck With My Smill
Luck O' The Irish
Congratulations, according to our experts, you have : 63% of the luck o' the IrishTake the Luck o' the Irish Quiz at
Lucky Bitch I Am
my sweetums really does spoil me rotten. he took a day off of work to take me out while the kids where at school AND it was to a place i'm been wanting to go to for forever and a day! it's a restaurant called THE AQUARIUM. to say it was amazing is more than slightly understated! where else can you eat like that with that atmosphere. (and most restaurants don't have white tigers - at least that i'm aware of.) the day and the place was SO great - but the thought behind it all made me such a flippin GIRL. just spending the day with him like that really kicked me in the head [yet again!] about how gosh durned lucky i am. i didn't used to be so damn mushy - but hot diggity i'm a lucky bitch to have my guppie.
THIS IS A TOAST.... 2 US... FOR THE MEN WHO HAVE US, THE LOSERS WHO HAD US, AND THE LUCKY BASTARDS WHO WILL MEET US!! SEND THIS ONLY TO PRETTY LADIES INCLUDING THE ONE WHO SENT IT TO YOU. You have been hit. You have been considered One of the 15 prettiest girls on my friends list. Once you have been hit, you have to hit 15 pretty girls. If you get hit again you know you're really pretty. If you break the chain you'll have Ugliness for 10 years. So hit 15 pretty girls on your friends list and let them know they are pretty
The Luckiest Man Alive
I've been struck by lightning three times. One of these times was while in a crowd at a soccer game. I never fear, for I am the luckiest man alive. I dropped a glass bottle in the street that contained my heart pills. Moments later, my heart started to seize while a car blew two tires on the glass shards and crashed into a light pole. They survived, because I'm the luckiest man alive. I saved my money for twenty years to make a bank deposit. That day at the bank, it was robbed. The robber took my money from my hand before it could be deposited. The FDIC doesn't insure that. I once had a winning lottery ticket, but on my way to claim my prize, it began to rain. I grabbed my coat to pull it tighter from the wind and the rain, and lost my grip on the ticket. The wind blew it into a storm drain. I couldn't remember the numbers and had no receipt. I chased a cat out of my yard. I later found out that it was the cat of Liz Taylor, and she was offering a reward of o
He turned the water off and lit the candles. The smile on his face was dark, but beautiful. There was pride in his eyes as well. She was so good last night. She had disobeyed, but had taken her paddling with out calling out. Her conviction so strong, she dropped to his feet to thank him for disciplining her, Keeping her and shaping her as his. When he awoke her this morning, her body was badly bruised and swollen with welts. She took her place at his feet while he ate the meal she had prepared for him, sitting on her bruises without complaint, swallowing the pain. So, he sent her out to the store, and she would return shortly. He would be ready. The candles flickered about as he closed his eyes. He sat in his chair and looked about the dimly lit room. The room smelled of moisture and roses. The candles flickered about he closed his eyes. He quieted his breathing and waited. He heard her before she got to the door. She opened the door and her look of surprise was evident, even in the d
The Luckiest Man In The World
01/12/07 I have to say this, but I have the best Girlfriend in the world. Today, while I was at work, I planned on seeing her for just a bit. She totally suprised me by packing me a lunch today. I know most of you might think, so what? Well for me, that really meant a lot to me. I was in a 12 year marriage. 7 years was a loveless one. She NEVER did anything like that for me. Not that I expected that, but once in awhile would have been nice. But enough of that. not going to rehash and old wound. My wound has been healed by Heather and I am very happy to have her in my life. I love you Heather. My heart belongs to you!!!! ok, ok, I know i'm getting mushy, but for the first time in a long time, i'm happy. Thanks for listening, Jason
The Luckiest Man In The World
01/12/07 I have to say this, but I have the best Girlfriend in the world. Today, while I was at work, I planned on seeing her for just a bit. She totally suprised me by packing me a lunch today. I know most of you might think, so what? Well for me, that really meant a lot to me. I was in a 12 year marriage. 7 years was a loveless one. She NEVER did anything like that for me. Not that I expected that, but once in awhile would have been nice. But enough of that. not going to rehash and old wound. My wound has been healed by Heather and I am very happy to have her in my life. I love you Heather. My heart belongs to you!!!! ok, ok, I know i'm getting mushy, but for the first time in a long time, i'm happy. Thanks for listening, Jason
The Lucky Ones..
I sat back and dreamt about a life distant from mine. This life, wanted for nothing. Woke up to no bills, didn't live paycheck to paycheck. Had everything. Cars, money, houses, glamour. This life...this life was so happy. Believe it or not, this life wanted even more. Fortune and a piece of mind weren't enough. No, this life, this greedy life wanted to be even richer, even more wealthy. What for? No reason. Just to know that its there. Yes, this life was like most humans. It would gorge itself on wealth until it exploded and bled away. Then, I was back in my room. I am dirt poor, I live paycheck to paycheck, I am worried that my lights might be getting turned off, and I want more. Yes, we all always want more. No matter what. Our desire to possess more always overpowers our common sense and tact. Most people are very willing to step on another to attain something out of their grasp. People disgust me. I disgust me.
Lucky Penny
Find a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck. So I now have a lucky penny. I'd like to trade it towards my dream. My dream is to own a 1954-1956 Greyhound Scenicruiser, pulling a sky blue 1967-70 Vista Cruiser stationwagon. I realized to acheive this dream I must make some very smart trades and with the help of my lucky penny and my trading skills I want to do just that. So If you have something you'd like to trade for my lucky penny please email me at with your trade offers.
My luck is so bad right now, that if I feel into a barrel of dicks, I'd come out sucking my own thumb. GOOD NIGHT, ALL.
Lucky In Love!!!!!
Lucky You
Lucky the eyes who look upon your beauty Lucky the sun who illuminates your path Lucky the stars who shine above you Lucky the one who escapes your wrath Lucky the food that ends your hunger Lucky the drink that quence your thirst Lucky the man who your heart posseses Lucky the man who can have you first Lucky the air that gives you life Lucky the water that bathes your shell Lucky the clothing that your body adorns Lucky the being whom you know well Lucky you are to posses such beauty Lucky you are so young to be Lucky, smile for soon it's be gone Lucky your sadness is your happiness Lucky i am and you forgotten Lucky so take advantage now Lucky come down from such high cloud Lucky in your own beauty you'll drown
Lucky Charms
Don't cheat! Before you read on, choose your favorite marshmallow bit from Lucky Charms from the list below: Pink hearts Yellow moons Orange stars Green clovers Blue diamonds Purple horseshoes Those icky oat bits Okay. Have you got one in mind? Now you can read on. And don't change it! An amazing new study shows that your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow bit shape determines what you're like in bed! Yes, it's true--just take this simple test to determine your true bedroom personality: GREEN CLOVERS: If your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow shape is the green clover, you're a happy-go-lucky type in bed. You don't take anything too seriously in the bedroom or elsewhere and always manage to have a good time, even if you have someone else with you. You don't have any patience with depressed people and tend to sit on them until they cheer up. BLUE DIAMONDS: If your favorite marshmallow shape is the blue diamond, your thoughts in bed are mostly about wha
Lucky.....i Guess....
When I was 6 I was on some monkey bars and was puched by some other little kid...I slipped off and badly broke my wrist....Lucky....Cause if I didn't land on my hands and do it I would has smashed my face on the base of another jungle gym.... When I was 7 I got my foot stcuk in some fencing, I fell over and slashed my face open and spent a week in hospital with two surgeries incvolved, (see my pics with scar under my right eye....) this was lucky.... cause the piece of wire that cut my face only barley scratched my eye ball I almost lost my eye... When I was 17 I was the mostly sober person and I drove my drunk and passed out friends home from a night club... We got T-boned and rolled the car and we got away with small cuts and bruises then I walked a few kilometers home...Lucky... cause if we hadn't left we would have been in the middle of a drive by shooting that happened at the club 20 minutes after we left...6 people killed.... A Few years ago I was on my moped and for som
Luck Of The Damned
have you ever noticed certain poeple have the best luck? i swear they the luck of the damned, cause everything falls perfectly for them. me, i have no luck at all. i wonder if you have to sign a contract from the devil to get good luck? if so, hell here i come....
Lucky Draw Is Amazing
I walked in there tonight, and it was the best looking shop I have ever seen. And all the artist were absolutely awesome. Especially Phill, it was an honor to meet him. Especially since I have heard so much about him. I really hope that out of all the applicants, I can work in this shop. Cause even tho its just for the counter position, its what Ive always wanted to do, work in an incredible tattoo shop such as this. Hopefully one day, I can get into apprenticing for piercing and tattoos. But Im sure that will be way down the road. But anyways, his shop had to have been the cleanest shop I have ever seen. And the flash on the walls was amazing as well. If I know anyone who wants some ink, Im going to direct them to Lucky Draw in Hiram, GA!
~ Lucky Louie And Wife ~
This is HBO new show and alothough it didn't go over as well as they wanted it still had some crude funny shit hehe
Here's a funny one- What do you find under an Irish man's skirt? Answer: at the bottom... I have Irish in my blood, that's for sure, where do you think I get the red hair, green eyes, and freckles from? Here's to St. Patty's day and my heritage! Hope you all have a safe holiday, have a sober friend take you around and drive safe. COOL MySpace Comments COOL MySpace Comments COOL MySpace Comments COOL MySpace Comments COOL MySpace Comments Da-wang, da-wang!!! Ha ha ha!! I heard it on the Rosie Odonell show a long time ago.
Luck And Power Test
You Are Balanced - Realist - Powerful You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally. You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go. Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control. Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow. You are a realist when it comes to luck. You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random. You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you... But you do your best to try to make your own luck. When it comes to who's in charge, it's you. Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler. You don't care much about what others think. But they better care what you think! The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test
Luck O' The Irish
Dating Women WHITE WOMEN First date: You get to kiss her goodnight. Second Date: Yo u get to grope all over and make out . Third Date: You get to have sex, but only in the missionary position. IRISH WOMEN First date: You both get blind drunk and have sex. Second Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex. 20th Anniversary: You both get blind drunk and have sex. ITALIAN WOMEN First date: You take her to a play and an expensive restaurant. Second Date: You meet her parents and her Mom makes spaghetti and meatballs. Third Date: You have sex, she wants to marry you and insist on a 3-carat ring. 5th Anniversary: You already have 5 kids together and hate the thought of having sex. 6th Anniversary: You find yourself a girlfriend. JEWISH WOMEN First date: You get dynamite head. Second Date: You get more great head. Third Date: You tell her you'll marry her and never get head again. CHINESE WOMEN First date: You get to buy her an expensive dinner, but nothing happens. Second Date: You buy her
When the chill winds freeze you to your core think of me... every day this is what I feel the void you used to fill just a hollow shell pain would be a remedy to my numb un-beating heart when you lie, nearly lifeless as you die think of me... this is how you left me you chewed right through my soul massacred my dreams I died then but my body continues on.... even as your heart stills now you will never fully grasp how this feels you have all the luck. XxBarricadexX October 11, 2006 ---------------------- Notes: Ironic. The victim becomes the assailant. And a once victim, is victimized again. Guess I won't get to be the assailant.
Lucky Pick Up Line
More Fun Quizzes at
I'm so lucky. I have a wonderful man, a beautiful child. I've been blessed with wonderful suroundings. We never realize what we have until there's nomore. I've learned to appreciate all the wonderful gifts that were givin to me. I hope that others can find this too.
The Lucky Postman
It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a big gift envelope. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific fishing lures. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful woman in a revealing negligee. She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door, and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most passionate love he had ever experienced. When he had had enough they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast, eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee. As she was pouring, he
Luckiest Bastard Ever.
I can't even get home, six blocks, from my little hometown bar.
Lucky Me!!
In 2007, you will... Have your lust-crush fulfill all of your fantasies 'What is your sexual new years prediction?' at
Lucky Me My Uncle Is An Internet Junkie Lmao
so we made it to our destination poor aiden never been that far from home was very relieved to get out of the car. he enjoyed playing with his cousins. he woke up at 6 cuz he was in different surroundings but we slept til 11 after that. kinda nice to sleep in. spoke to said man in my life. yesterday it was killing him i was taking aiden from him, but no mention of me. today he said i took everything from him. his best friend his buddy. most of it was about aiden again not me. oh well some men need a clue. he hopes i find someone who loves me as much as he does. well if they prove it like he does i am running for the friggen hills. proof thats all i want. simple open honest straight from the heart proof. but i aint holding my breath. why is it the heart picks really screwy people to fall in love with? he said he would walk away? what about just showing me he cares? anyway gott find where i put my socks the floors are cold. i understand my sisters complaint about her paint faux
Lucky Man
I have days where I hate my job, this little town and the whole world too and last sunday when the bengals lost...lord it put me in a bad mood I have moments when I curse the rain then complain when the suns too hot, I look around at what everyone has and I forget about all ive got but I know Im a lucky man gods given me a pretty fair hand, got a house and peice of land, a few dollars in a coffee can, my old trucks still runnin good, my tickers tickin like they say it should, Ive got supper in the oven a good woman's lovin and one more day to be my little kids dad, lord knows Im a lucky man got some friends that would be here fast, I could call em any time of day, got a brother who's got my back, got a momma who I swears a saint, got a brand new rod and reel, got a full week off this year, dad had a close call last spring it's a miracle he's stil here my old trucks still runnin good, my tickers tickin like they say it should, I got supper in the oven, a good wom
Lucky Man--elp
I feel proud to hold your hand, Showing everyone you are with me. I still feel you when we are apart, Always wanting to touch and kiss you. Your warm loving heart fills my soul, And you share it with me so easily. I want to please and spoil you, My love for you is unconditional. I feel strong and can be myself, With you strongly in my heart. I grow and learn as our days go on, Fearing nothing and seeking a future together We have trust and understanding, Along with a patience unknown to most. I can only be honest and the best I can be, Seeking to be better and to never hurt you. © cherrie
Lucky Me!
I got my points from one of those surveys during Happy Hour! I got double the points. Thanks to... Sponsored By: »†HøM姫 © "CT rocks, level up!" Home of the first online Happy Hour!
I don't really think anyone has ever asked me how I got the name Lucky...I am bored so why not make a long winded Blog about it...lucky is short for luckydice40..which I have been using forever....when I started Djing for JFR (which I miss Btw) I shortened it to Lucky....I have Irish blood in me but that is not why I use it...I use lucky because I grew up in Las Vegas and the name rminds me of home and the good times that I had.
Lucky Charms
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
Lucky Me
I feel very lucky, I have a great job, a GREAT kid> Life is just going very well. There are always going to be bad days, as for anyone. But at the end of the day. I always have my family and friends to keep me going. Thanks to them for being there for me. And Brandon..I love you buddy. your the greatest.
Lucky 777 Day! Yeah, Right!
Let's see, since I last wrote, ahh when son got here! Finally got a car and hopes of a new job is in the air. The landlord is starting a new business and needs a secretary to keep him organized, make appointments, etc. But the business is still in its infancy and is going slow. I cannot wait, so still looking for a job. Money is almost gone. Took son to one of the malls here. It was my first visit to the mall as well and looked at the mall map and was surprised it has a ice skating rink in it! And a merry-go-round. Son found a place called "Alladins Castle". It is a place with arcade games that you play with tokens. He found his DDR in the back of it and one day found a 'date'! Nephew has his troubles...was arrested in TN for DUI, possession of an illegal weapon--brass nuckles. He had just been given them as a gift from his cousin!..possession of some pot. Served his time and came home to a bunch of angry people. He is now separated from his wife who caught him at he
A wonderful dog story; anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't, and may decide you need one. Mary and her husband Jim had a dog, Lucky. Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit, they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, someone would forget and something would come up missing. Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement, and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's favorite toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box. It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this disease; she was just sure it was fatal. She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders. The night before she was to go to the hospital, she cuddled with Lucky.
Lucky If I Let You.....
Talk about luck.... They say when a Butterfly lands on u yur supose to have good luck right? Ok so wat is it when a butterfly lands on u then flys away then a bigg frickin bird comes down and swoops it up??? Wonder why i have badd luck..... think i gave that beautiful butterfly bad luck when it landed on me huh ??? ooh well lets see if today is as badd as yesturday.... hasn't started out great at all so maybe i should stay in bed... so wat do u think????
Lucky Oh So Lucky!
I got pulled over tonight!! I had drank 2 margaritas and sucked down the rest of tories and we were drivin home from dinner and apparantly I got too caught up in conversation and was driving 47 in a 35. Cop had someone else pulled over yet he still lit up and came after me. I pulled over right in front of Tories house Thank God we were home! He did the normal questions and I told him what I had to drink and that we were home but he wanted to show me what"1" margarita would I'll show him how good I can j/k he had me follow his pen with my eyes and then i took my first breathalizer. I only blue a .012!!! Man my heart was racing!!! So scared!!! He gave me a verbal warning and let me go!!! I am so Don't hate me guys.
Lucky To Have Found It, Loved & Lost It
If you was once lucky enough to have found love then lost it then maybe you'll understand this bullentin and if you don't understand it, well then you've never loved EVER!! Go ahead read on... It occurred to me yet again today that he is still so far away,no matter the distance or the obstacles in my path i always swore someway, some day , some how that man would be mine.. Then you got to say to yourself sometimes " Self, what is it about this person that makes you crave with the utmost hungry you've ever experienced that makes you want this so badly?" Guess what self has no answer expect to say... Her eyes light up as of they were the brightest sky in the deep dark night shinning down on me and shed light on the path i now follow, her smile is so warm and conforting she could melt the glaciers in Iceland, her cheecks are a rose red from blushing when someone just merely mentions his name.. Her hearts skips not one but 2 beats when she hears his voice, has she gone mad?,
he's in a tattoo contest if you can comment him as much as possible it'll be appreciated smart guy and a fellow mummer
Lucky Day!
Lucky Day??
She was in the kitchen preparing to boil eggs for breakfast. He walked in. She turned and said, "You've got to make love to me this very moment" His eyes lit up and he thought, "This is my lucky day." Not wanting to lose the moment, he embraced her and then gave it his all right there on the kitchen table. Afterwards she said,"Thanks", and returned to the stove. More than a little puzzled, he asked, "What was that all about?" She explained, "The egg timer's broken."
Luck Vampires
I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a very good person to know. I seem to be the only person who ever has good days. Everyday I start talking to someone who either has cancer, or some kind of continuing disease. I have to be a little concerned about the frequency with which it happens. I just get my life together, and suddenly there seems to be a new surge of "sick" going around. It's hard to not take it personally after a while.
Your Luck Quotient: 61% You have a high luck quotient. More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life. You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that. Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way. How Lucky Are You?
Lucky To Be Alive
Lucky Bastard...
All you that think "DAMN she's got a man...." GO and SHOW my man some love... Click HERE...and show tyr some love... his 21st birthday was last week so go get his ass drunk so i can take advantage of him... if i'm pleased, i'll even show you pictures ;) come on, show him some love, you know you wanna see what i have in store for him... ~~Sin
Lucky 13
Apparently a mass consumption of alcohol knocks out a cold. lol. I had 13 shots at the bar and wasn't even wobbly. Anyway, it was good times Saturday, my brother showed up at the restaraunt to hang out for a while, then my sister and her husband hung out and what not. Afterwards, me, ruby, di, & cass headed over to the bar. chris joined us later smashed beyond belief, but hell it was fun as hell! oh and i think my fave part was that this time DI was the one singing down the street and not me and ruby. lol.
Lucky 2 Be Alive(more To The Story)
How did I end up in the psch ward for 2 days? After me and my gf had our big falling out, she went to get the cops. I was so angry I got my rifle out and filled the clip, went 2 the bathroom and waited, shaking like a leaf. The police entered the house. When they got to my bathroom I had already drew down on them. I'm very lucky 2 be alive. God must have bigger plans for me, idk. After a 37 min standoff, I came out in cuffs. The officer I pointed my rifle at told me " You're not going to jail, you're gonna get the help you need. Not many people point a gun at the cops and live to tell about it. I feel like I was given a second chance to do things right and I intend on doing just that.
We all do really stupid things sometimes. Some of us, however, put our life at risk. I did. Most of my friends and people I know don't know that i suffer from depression and go in too deep downward spirals once in a while. Well Wednesday was one of those days. Everything had been going horribly wrong that whole week. My boyfriend broke up with me, I was sick constantly causing me to get behind on school work, and to top it off dad threatened to take away my medication. He said it wasn't doing any good and I did not need them. ANYONE who was around me before i was on the meds would be able to see the difference. And i was terrified, I did not want to go back to the way things were. I was cutting myself, and isolating myself from everyone else. That morning i was home with a horrible headache. I layed there and thought about everything that was happening and I lost it. I do not remember walking downstairs into the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of pills. I don't remember p
The Lucky Charms Quiz
The Lucky Charms® Test An amazing new study shows that your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow bit shape determines what you're like in bed! Yes, it's true--just take this simple test to determine your true bedroom personality: Pink Hearts Yellow Moons Orange Stars Green Clovers Blue Diamonds Purple Horseshoes Cereal Shapes Lucky Charms® is a registered trademark of General Mills, Inc. and is © copyright 1996 by General Mills, Inc. All of the shapes and characters are also property of General Mills, Inc. The information provided on this page and the pages linked to this one exists solely as a parody and is in no way connected to General Mills. FEEDINGTHEDESIRE Pink Hearts If you like pink hearts, you're the romantic type. You like your partner to whisper romantic phrases into your ear and, if he's too distracted to form cohere
Lucky Leprechaun
Lucky Leprechaun Bob is in a casino playing pontoon. He's been there all evening. He's had a miserable run and lost almost everything. "Surely my luck must change" he thinks to himself. "I'll give it one last go." He pulls from his jacket pocket the deeds to his house. This represents everything he has left in this world. The croupier deals the cards and he picks them up. First a jack - looks hopeful. Then a six "Sh*t !!!" he says to himself. "Sixteen - what am I going to do." He stares vacantly at the two cards in his hand as his future seems to ebb away. What is he going to do ?? Suddenly a leprechaun appears on his shoulder and looks at the cards and then at Bob. It starts jumping up and down saying "Twist, twist". Bob is awakened from his reverie by the noise and looks, slightly disbelievingly at the leprechaun. "Who are you?" Bob says. "Twist, twist" says the leprechaun. "But I've got everything riding on this. I've already lost all of my money and car. If I lose t
Luckiest Woman
I love the way you touch me so soft and sensuously. It makes me tingle all over. I love the way you kiss me. It starts a fire deep down inside of me and makes me yearn for you even more. I love the way you look at me. It makes me feel beautiful and treasured. Most of all I love the way you love me. When you walk in my whole day gets better. And even when you're not with me you're in my thoughts always. It doesn't matter what we don't have or what we do have. The most important thing is we have each other and no one can take that away. I am the luckiest woman in the world and I don't need or want anything but you beside me loving me to the end of our days.
Lucky Man
I have determined I am a very lucky man. Most of my really close friends know what has been going on in my life lately with work, school and my love life. A lot of changes, all for the better I feel. Things are hard and probably will be for a while, but I haven't lost my positive attitude about any of it. You need to be optimistic about things. As hard as any situation you face in life is, you need to look at it as a new beginning, a new opportunity or a learning experience. Over the past couple of weeks I have had the chance to make new friends and reconnect with old friends. I have been given so much support and advice from friends and family. It means a lot to me to know that everyone cares enough to listen. This last half of the year I realized that I have done a lot of new and exciting things. Some that I have never had the courage to do and some things I have always wanted to do. When I was in high school I decided that I would never have any regrets. That was th
Lucky Star
Lucky star dropped on earth 1 night, and it asked me "What do u want? A million dollars, or a true friend?" I chose a million dollars.....because I already got you!!!! **Send this to 20 of ur true friends of my space, if u don't you will have bad luck with friendships for the rest of ur life!!! If u get this back ur a true friend!!** 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000_000000000000000 00000000000000___00000000000000 0000000000000_____0000000000000 000000000000_______000000000000 00000000000_________00000000000 0____________________________00 000______*TRUE FRIEND*_____0000 000000 __________________ 000000 0000000_________________0000000 000000_________0_________000000 00000_______0000000_______00000 0000_____0000000000000_____0000 000___0000000000000000000___000 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 20 angels are in this world, 10 are sleeping, 9 are playing & 1 is reading this comment.
Lucky--a Short Story By Me
This is a short story I wrote, thought I would share. If you want to read its fine, if not, no big deal. Lucky By: Jess Baker She pulled into her driveway. It had been a long night at work and she was so glad that it had come to an end. She worked at the local burger joint working the drive thru window, and if anything could go wrong, it happened tonight. First she had it out with one of her co-workers over a day off. Then someone burnt two whole baskets of fries, filling the entire little resturant with smoke. It had been a Friday night and they were packed. Everyone had to be evacuated outside at the alarms went off and the fire department showed up. She had called home almost four hours ago to tell her mom that she would be late. They had a huge mess to clean up. She could hear her drunk father in the back, asking who that was. He always got a little mean and loud after a few beers. How her mother had put up w
Lucky To Be Me
maybe i slept well this morning, maybe it's this crazy ass energy drink... anywho, i feel really good to be me today. i got a job i can't complain about much. great friends and fam, good things going for me, i'm pretty, very smart, a wonderful person, happy and healthy. i frikkin rock!
7 Lucky Questions
SEVEN THINGS YOU WOULD FIND IN YOUR BEDROOM: 1. BED 2. TV 3. dresser 5.blankets 7.clothes SEVEN RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONS: 1. Do you like anyone? yes 2. Does someone like you? i think/hope so 3. Last kiss? drew, i hope it wasn't our last 4. Been lead on? yes 5. Been cheated on? yes 6. Want a relationship? Already have one, just want more from it 7. Wanna get married? not sure if i want to get married again SEVEN THINGS YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: 1.josh 2. family 3. God 4. right now, cig. 5. food 6. oxygen 7. clothes SEVEN THINGS ON YOUR MIND: 1. Drew 2. work 3. money 4. Christmas 5. tired 6. cold SEVEN OTHER THINGS - DO YOU: 1. Believe in God? Yes 2. Had a dream come true? yes 3. Read the newspaper? not really 4. Get enough sleep everyday? almost never 5. Have a best friend? yes 6. Take a bath daily? nope 7. Wish on stars? not really SEVEN HAVE YOU EVERS: 1. Fallen in love? yes, and working on doing it again 2. Ki
Lucky Bastard
Fat bitch in a bar says "If you can guess my weight you can shag me"...Bloke says 'bout 3 ton u fat ugly cow" She says..."Thats close enough you lucky bastard"
Lucky Life
I just caught up to the Fubar Level of the person who invited me to the site...fancy Of course, when she opens up her gift under the Fubar Tree she'll vault back over me again, but for the moment at least we're equals. Kinda cool. So, anyway, here it is Christmas morning and I sit in bed typing away on the laptop on Fubar just blissfully musing about life, and not really ready to join it Laundry needs to be done, I need to scrape the fuzz off my face (meaning, shave) and shower, I need to feed myself (that one'll be motivating my ass really soon) know, the usuals. But since it is Christmas, it just makes one muse about life in general... I was raised an only mom tried to have another child before me and it just didn't work out (stillborn), and since she was extremely sick, I wasn't only raised as a son, but as a nurse for her as well. That role in life kept me very sheltered and very close to home...and damaged me more than I'd realize
Luckys Sweet Nitemares
CUM AND ENTER LUCKYS SWEET NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLick image to ENTER ^^^^^^^^^^ WE ARE ALSO HIRING FOR ENFORCERS, PROMOTERS, and DJ *that are willing to work and HERE!!!* a>
Lucky Colors
Lets101 Quizzes - Fun quizzes for blog & myspace
The Luck Of It All
I guess this started around my b-day. I had been kinda down cause it really didn't seem to matter to anybody except me. Hell the person I expected most to care didn't tell me for 3 or for more days and our b-days are within a couple of weeks of each other. Anyway I get to work the next morning and fall on the ice and break my hand. It would be all well and good, could still play playstation, lol, but I wasn't getting paid for it. Could have taken to court but would have lost my job or worse. well the buildup to Xmas is drawing to a close and I am really sweating about getting a couple of gifts and can't afford. I really never have handled the holidays well and I am alone in Iowa now, no family at all, or at least none I would clame, except for my sister which I have not seen in 13 years. I thought that I would be a real dissappointment to two people. Well Found out a couple of days after Xmas the woman that I care for had found her knight in shining armor. It hurt but I guess I thought
A Lucky Man...
Anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't and may decide you need one. Mary and her husband Jim had a dog, Lucky. Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably someone would forget and something would come up missing. Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's favorite toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box. It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this disease...she was just sure it was fatal. She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders. The night before she was to go to the hospital she cuddled with Lucky. A thought struck her...what would happen to Lucky? Altho
Luck..a Funny Word Really
So as some of you know..I was shopping for a used car. Yay! Joy! meh!!! I had found this honda civic that was way too nice a car for such a low low price...shh to all of you smart people...I inquired about a response..seemed kinda odd and all but I did a vin check and the story seemed to be I followed the instructions for purchasing this car...sent the money wetsern union to the UK etc..payment is received now I must wait for the rest of the stuff to catch up..and the car will be on its way to me soon!! um... KNOT! OOPSIES!!! western union is my saving grace in this.."hello ma'am..are you related to this person you just wired three thousand dollars to in the united kingdom?" "A car?" "I'm a frayed knot..this is a spoof..this car may be a real car but it isn't one you can buy" "you just sent some guy three thousand bucks free and clear for nothing" dumb am I?? Etremely naive I'd say..and foolish to have bought this scheme...fortunately fate
There was once an old man who had a fine strong son. The father and son were poor and had little except for an exceptional stallion. One night, the son forgot to close the gate to the corral and the stallion ran off. The next day the old man's friends and neighbors came to console him on his bad luck. The old man smiled and said, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" For the next day, the stallion returned and brought with him a great herd of horses. Now the old man's friends and neighbors came and congratulated him for his good luck. Again the old man only smiled and said, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" For the next day, the son was thrown while trying to break the horses and both his legs were broken. Again the old man was consoled and again he responded, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" For that very day, soldiers came through the town conscribing all the young men into the army. They took a look at the son with his two broken legs and they left him alone. Good luck, b
Lucky Leprechaun Contest
Lucky Number 1000
$50,000 FUBUCKS TO MY 1000th FRIEND!! Everybody ADD/RATE & FAN so some lucky person will be the big winner! stfu its santa...owned by Lady T owner of DJ C51 Girl@ fubar Show Santa lots and lots of FU LOVE! (repost of original by '~PebblesinAZ~Official Freak Show FREAK!~Read Blogs! ~Owned by Emanon!' on '2008-03-02 19:42:12')
Lucky #4
My lucky number is #4. For a few reasons. 1) I was born in April (4th month) 2) My childhood baseball hero, Paul Molitor of the Milwaukee Brewers, wore #4 3) My basketball idol for the Milwaukee Bucks, Sidney Moncrief, also wore #4 4) I spent all of my adult years cheering for - in my mind - the most exciting quarterback to ever play the game, Brett Favre, who also wore... #4. And today the 4th reason joined the second and third in retirement. *SIGH* If you're not from Wisconsin or a Packers fan, you can't fully understand what Brett Favre meant to a city, a state, and fans across the country (maybe even around the world). I'll tell you what he meant to me, though. I met him - once - in 1996, the year they went to the Superbowl. It was at a downtown Milwaukee bar called Taylor's. I met him in the bathroom of all places! Talk about one of the oddest places to run into a living legend. But we all have to go sometime, right? Only a few words were exchanged, the
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.--Thomas Jefferson
Lucky Number 7
Your Life Path Number is 7 Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life. You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights. A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way. In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit. While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme. You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends. Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you! What Is Your Life Path Number?
hubby just called this radio station..was 9th caller..and won 2 tickets to see poison in July! How lucky is that?
A Lucky Few
The lucky few All they do is push me down when i want up hold me back but i want out you can crush my dreams and brake my ribs too but your not going to stop me Ill take the long road some find its the high road why cant you except me for who i am im not that girl that came crying to with all her problems you held me too tight now my wings are broken its to hard to fly away Dreams get crushed or fade away sometimes you out grown them but the lucky few who dreams come true wont be me but it could be you
Lucky's Btch...member Of The Week #2
Please come Fan,Add & Rate me... COME SEE ME... THE RED DRAGON MEMBER OF THE WEEK ~~Lucky's Btch~~Happy To Show U The Way @ The Real Red Dragon~@ fubar Please, if you would be so kind, leave Lucky's Btch some love by clicking her pic and feel free to stop by the lounge too by clicking the lounge link...Have fun!!
The Luckiest Guy
Dear the luckiest guy in the world It is me again, the hopeless guy. Writing to you another note But I really don't know exactly why We both have something in common The angel that we both love. I am writing this to take out pain Not to make your life anymore tough. I was always dreaming and imagining One day she will open her eyes Then she'll realize how much I adore her How One day I'll be a surprise Having you in her life All my dreams have faded I am just a hopeless guy My every day is jaded. We were not alike That is why she chose you I was just being myself I was being so true You grew up in a land Which was full of brightness Me, since my childhood Got use to this darkness You can smile all the time As you have much happiness I got use to teardrops Yet for her, it is meaningless. I had the deepest feelings Yet never she could see Can you do me a favor? Advise her not to hate me You are the luckiest guy Finding the reality of my dr
Lucky Color
Lets101 - Dating Free Online
Lucky Numbers
Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz
☺...: im of to the fu lawyers to file fubankurpice ->☺...: Where you headed off to? Youa rent cheating on me AGAIN, r you?! ☺...: yea we can reschedule im not sure when im gonna be on tho ->☺...: You got a headache again? Can we reschedule our game of sperm bowling for tomorrow? ☺...: na not tonight ->☺...: Hey, wanna fuck? My meat stick is throbbing, Hardcore ☺Łµ€k¥♦664☺@ fubar
Lucky 2 Have
A best friend is like a 4 leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.
There's a saying... "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Those words describe my life perfectly. Think I'm exaggerating...ask people that know me.
Some of my favorite quotes concerning LUCK are: The Race Does Not Always Go to The Swift, Nor Victory to The Strong, But Time and Chance Happen to Them All... Also Fortune Favors The Brave, But Not The Foolish... And Finally If You Believe In Yourself. You Can Make Your Own Luck...
Luckiest Man In The World
Ryan was 22 years old and still a virgin it was beginning to affect his work and social life. Every hot piece of ass that went through the front door of the store made his cock hard in seconds and when it did peole noticed even though he had an impressive size of eight inches it still was embarressing when his coworkers noticed and laughed at him about it. This had gone on for eight months and was driving him mad until the day she came in. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life and all the other female customers couldn't compare in his eyes long blond hair blue eyes legs that never ended and a petite chest she was perfect in every way and he knew he'd never have a chance in hell with her. As he was bagging her grocieries a thousand thoughts flowed through his head but the main one was how to hide his massive erection trying to push out of his pants. She asked him to take out her cart for her with her beautiful voice he knew he was screwed, his coworkers wer
Lucky Thirteen
Disclaimer: This weeks House episode spoiler. You have been warned! Who thought Thirteen was perma-fired? And what was up with House's reaction to Cuddy's adoption? And per the previews for next week, do you think Cuddy and House will hook up?
Luck I Needz It
Wish me luck going to go apply for a job that a few years ago wouldnt hire me because of my felony... Now I hear that it goes by a case by case... I had a conspiracy for drugs :-s but I am clean and have been for 5 1/2 years :) I need luck cuz I need a JOB!!
Lucky Enuf To Own Trickydick
Don't Lose Out This Christmas!!Make Them Your Heart TODAY!!!Fan, Rate, Add, And You Know They LOVE That Bling!!! You All Know Of Her But She's Looking For A Thrill! X©ït€M€ Truly A Wonderful Friend And Sweet As Can Be!!! ♥ ©Änðy Gi®£ ♥ Õwnë® Öf Thé Ðîçk Can Words Really Justify This Doll? And She's Looking For A Soldier To Keep Her Warm!!Show Her That Love Today!! MsCharlotte2U My Owner And Friend For Almost 60 Days Now Really Needs Your X-Mas Cheer!! Carolvision63 I'm Truly In Debit To These Lovely Ladies May Their X-Mas Dreams Come True! The One And Only TrickyDick! Happy Holidays From All Of Us To YOU!!!I Just Wanted To Show You All How Great It Has Been To Be Owner By You!!
Lucky Baby - Jolie Noggle
Lucky Dog
Lucky Dog.... Anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't and you may even decide you need one! Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named 'Lucky.' Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, someone would forget and something would come up missing. Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's other favorite ! toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box. It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer .. Something told her she was going to die of this fact, she was just sure it was fatal. She scheduled the double mastectomy , fear r
Luck Me.....hehe
Most of us who work can find both good and bad in our jobs and sometimes it is like that for me but then I have to remember that I do get to go to some awesome places…such as……below!! This was taken last night 01/22/09 at just before 9 pm….and there was nothing to stop me from actually walking up and touching the tower itself and this is just one of the many high powered places in London I get to go to…..I also get to go into places like…Buckingham Palace, even 10 Downing Street, yes I have been inside I guess my job is not all that bad after all…hehe
Lucky 7 1 Day Only Bling Auction
I am auctioning off a Lucky 7 bling to the highest bidder. This is a 1 day auction and will end on Sunday, February 1st, at 8:00 AM fubar time (10:00 AM Central time). To place your bid go to my photo gallery and leave a photo comment: Good luck, and don't forget my Auto 11 Bling auction which is still active!
Lucky Charms
I AM STARTING A GROUP KNOWN A LUCKY CHARMS WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE A LUCKY CHARM! THE LUCKY CHARMS IS A GROUP WHO WILL BE SECRETLY RATING OTHER FU MEMBERS AND ALSO MY LUCKY CHARMS. All lucky charms must add all the other members. Hence the terms friends. And must add member of the lucky charms to their names.
Luck Luck Lucky!!!!
Lucky Charm Auction
LUCKY CHARM AUCTION!!!!! WE ARE HAVING A LUCKY CHARM AUCTION!! BEING HELD IN LUCIOUS DESIRES STARTING 3/8 ENDING 3/14!! MINIMUM BID 50K !! SO COME ON AND GET YOUR LUCKY CHARM CLICK THE LINK TO BID ON ME AND SEE WHAT I WILL DO FOR YOU WHILE YOUR HERE!! JOIN THE HOTTEST LOUNGE ON FUBAR!! WE HAVE THE GREATEST MUSIC BY " THE PHOENIX RADIO" YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS CUZ IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW This ia a NSFW LOUNGE!!! that means.. ANYTHING GOES !!!! If you wanna ENTER THE LOUNGE click the PIC below!! SEE YA SOON !!! (repost of original by 'LUCIOUS DESIRES' on '2009-03-07 20:44:24') (repost of original by '~*~ Lucious9774~*~OWNER of LUCIOUS DESIRES ~ * ~' on '2009-03-07 20:47:02') (repost of original by 'Ron Bartender @lucious desires' on '2009-03-07 20:51:42')
Luck Of The Irish..
Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O'Leary's apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest, and drops dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue playing standing up. Michael O'Conner looks around and asks, 'Oh, me boys, someone got's to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?' They draw straws. Paul Gallagher picks the short one. They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse. 'Discreet??? I'm the most discreet Irishmen you'll ever meet. Discretion is me middle name. Leave it to me.' Gallagher goes over to Murphy's house and knocks on the door. Mrs. Murphy answers, and asks what he wants. Gallagher declares, 'Your husband just lost $500, and is afraid to come home.' 'Tell him to drop dead!', says Murphy's wife. 'I'll go tell him.'says Gallagher. *********************************************************** Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just been
Lucky Quiz!
Four-Leaf Clover I love luck and luck loves me. Luck is on my side, and I'm going to do what I can to keep it that way. Lucky Quiz »'s fun quizzes! ~ Barack Obama IQ ~ Honeymoon Sweepstakes ~ The Dumb Test ~ Quizzes | Movie Trivia & Movie Quizzes | Dumb MySpace Quotes
Do you hear me? Talking to you Across the water Across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky Oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Ohhhohhhohhhohhohhohhhohh They don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss I'll wait for you, I promise you I will Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday And so I'm sailing through the sea To an island where we'll meet You'll hear the music fill the air I'll put a flower in your hair Though the breezes through the trees Move so pr
Lucky Charm Winners..thx All 4 Makin My 1st Auction A Success!! & Fun :)
Thx To All Who Entered...What A Fun Auction All Because Of U!! & The Winners are.... MySpace Music Playlist at The Winner's of the "Who's Ur Lucky Charm??" : First Prize Winner: 65 Credit Bling Pk...500 K...Sh*tfaced Daily By Me 4 Mth....Winner with 1391 Rates sO FrESH __[diAMond dAveS gUrL xox ][[[
The Luckiest Unluckiest Person Alive
Hello friends. been awhile since ive blogged and ive gotten many questions aking about my foot and all that jazz and also all the new things ive been up too. Well many of you know ive gone back to work as an asst store manager for casey's which involves many hours of overtime which of course is good for my wallet but not so great for my health. The last blog i made consisted of the incision on the bottom of my foot had busted open and i had to go and have it re-stitched as well a series of antibiotic treatments due to an infection with it. I was told not to continue working until my incision had completely healed which would have put me off at least 2 weeks...yeah right. Since the beginning of all my surgeries my life has pretty much been on hold since Feb of 08 and im sorry but i refuse to continue to allow my children and myself to suffer financially from it any longer. So against all the doctors orders i continued working anyway and unfortunately ive done a lot more damaged than i r
Lucky Friday
I just got an email from the Forum in Norwich to say that my name was drawn in a Prize Draw I entered, and I've won eight tickets to go to  the Comedy Store gig at the Forum next Wednesday, plus a load of "Comedy Store merchandise". I r a winner!!
Lucky By Britney Spears
This is the story about a girl named Lucky. Early morning She wakes up Knock, knock, knock on the door It's time for makeup Perfect smile It's you they're all waiting for Isn't she lovely This Hollywood girl And they say.. She's so Lucky She's a star But she cry cry cries in her lonely heart Thinking, if there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night? Lost in an image, in a dream But there's no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning But tell me, what happens when it stops Baby Isn't she lovely? This Hollywood girl And they say.. She's so lucky She's a star But she cry cry cries in her lonely heart Thinking, if there's nothign missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night? Isn't she lovely? This Hollywood girl She's soo lucky But why does she cry? If there is nothing missing in her life Why do tears come at night? And they say.. She's so lucky, She's a star But she cry cry cries in her lonely heart Thinking, if th
Do you hear me, I'm talking to you Across the water across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh They don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time
Lucky Charms
So I was sitting around, just now, observing my environment. Doing a sort of Jane Goodall - but I am the chimp AND the good Doctor. I shall begin taking notes: +++++++++ Subject Amma appears to be a humanish woman who would be very good at being the teapot and singing I AM A LITTLE TEAPOT, SHORT AND STOUT, HERE IS MY HANDLE, HERE IS MY SPOUT, WHEN I GET ALL STEAMED UP HEAR ME SHOUT, THEN TIP ME OVER AND POUR ME OUT! Markings of note are a jagged scar that runs across the palm of her right hand, obviously the remenents of her inability to believe that a barking dog is not always saying COME PET ME! - Yes, it appears that there was a time when her optimisim and love of animals was stronger than her knowledge of defensive and aggressive postures. She also appears to have prominently displayed tribal markings. The tribe could be the rarely seen peoples and creatures of the land of ICANCOMEBACKWITHLOVE. Ancient lore holds that the tribe ascribes to the power of lyrical language, imager
Lucky Guy Fucking Curly Ebony Babe
Lucky Guy
Lucky To Have Escaped Jail
Reagan conducted one of the most absurd invasions of American history, targetting the tiny island of Grenada.As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Ronald Reagan informed on fellow actors to the FBI.The Reagan administration was the most corrupt in American history, including by one estimate 31 Reagan era convictions, including 14 because of Iran-Contra and 16 in the Department of Housing & Urban Development scandal. By comparison 40 government officials were indicted or convicted in the wake of Watergate. 47 individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine were convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes with 33 of these occurring during the Clinton administration itself. There were in addition 61 indictments or misdemeanor charges. 14 persons were imprisoned.Using a looser standard that included resignations, David R. Simon and D. Stanley Eitzen in Elite Deviance, say that 138 appointees of the Reagan administration either resigned under an ethical cloud or were criminal
"All of us have bad luck and good luck.  The man who perisists through the bad luck-who keeps right on going-is the man who is there when the good luck comes, and is ready to receive it"-Robert Collier   "None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them"-Charles Caleb Colton    
Lucky To Be Alive
Two days ago I was in accident. it was feb. 11, 2010 at 7:15 p.m. I was making a left turn and some dude ran the red and hit me head on. When I came to I heard a lot of shouting. My car was filled with smoke and I could smell fumes from where my engine used to be. When I finally got out of my car i turned around and saw how bad it was. the front of the car was pushed all the way up to the windshield, the engine was almost in the passenger eat and the dashboard was shattered. the steering wheel was bent. both airbags deployed and my seatbelt cuts, bruises, or broken bones. I was very very lucky.
Lucky Me
I'm in love, Lucky me, I found a girl, She's called Ellie, She's smart she's funny she's all mine, She took my hand and I felt fine, I think of her everyday, She makes my worries go away, I saw her and I knew, I saw her pretty eyes of blue, I saw her lovely golden hair, I couldn't help but stop and stare, I saw her and she saw me, She loves me back, hopefully, There's no one else I do prefer, Lucky me to have found her.
A Lucky Man...
Lucky Finds
I have always consider myself a tolerant and open-minded person. Or at least i try to be. I am so glad that i am not one where first impressions last. For when i first joined fubar, i had encountered not just a few really weird ones. I found me some nastty ones, indeed. But I am real happy that i decided to first look more closely, be more observant and patient. And it paid off. For i found me some real friends. Not just those who want to talk sexy or interested for a brief fling, but real friends. Who would have thought that beyond the exterior of  dirty and graphic talk of some, is a caring, thoughtful and loving heart. Friends who listen, cared to know me better, friends willing to share their time. And that is so hard to find during these hard times. Even in real life. So serendipity! I can be so lucky.
A Luck Time To Know Franklin Marshall Sweatshirt
I love wearing old worn in sweatshirts but eventually the old ones wear out and you have to get a new one. Plus, my boyfriend just gave me a new Franklin Marshall sweatshirt. Is there a way to break it in quckly? I know that's kinda werid. But c'mon you all know how good it feels to curl up with your favorite old sweatshirt. For the sweatshirt ,I prefer the Franklin Marshall hoodies,It is a good luck i know it.That a party ,we collect to drink and talked ,dance,Cause we are in the USA, For franklin marshall hooded isnot  familiar with.But it is popular in that time,so many guys wearing it dancing.including the women.i know that brand that ,and unitl now I have many hoodied with different pattern in my wardrobe.I also like to order some pieces for my girlfriend.It seems to cool.
Lucky Man....
He had white HorsesAnd ladies by the scoreAll dressed in satinAnd waiting by the doorOoooh, what a lucky man he wasOoooh, what a lucky man he wasWhite lace and feathersThey made up his bedA gold covered mattressOn which he was laidOoooh, what a lucky man he wasOoooh, what a lucky man he wasHe went to fight warsFor his country and his kingOf his honor and his gloryThe people would singOoooh, what a lucky man he wasOoooh, what a lucky man he wasA bullet had found himHis blood ran as he criedNo money could save himSo he laid down and he diedOoooh, what a lucky man he wasOoooh, what a lucky man he was
I had a conversation with someone recently and he asked what a usual day is like for me. I told him I am usually awake early enough to clean my house, shop and cook my food, wash my clothes, shower then off to work and sometimes make repairs on my house and my car. I have 2 dead cars and am borrowing my moms car. My work day is full of issues of some kind and then its home where I can get to sleep til about 6 am PST. I work afternoons to about midnight on an 8 hour shift by myself. I have done some crazy stunts at work like pulling a knife on a cop. The cop being one of my regulars will not mention the incident but I do to remind people that I am not stable. The guy turned to me and mentioned that if i didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. My reply is I rather not have any luck at this point. Turns out i am a magnetic for bad luck. Sunday the 23rd was prime example. I got to work and my cappuccino machine was leaking hot water at a good size flow even. That right ther
Lucky Mme
hi all I almost disliked this game , becuase I am not really the violent type but have grown to like it was my mob has grownam almost 100 strong
Lucky Brand Jeans Three Fred Perry Polo Sale
and since the coupon lucky brand jeans three FreD perRy PolO sale r four lies I would have to tell wouldn't make it any riskier than it already was, On that she reminded me of the old gag about which one would he save, Hoff busted in and ordered me out, my God, and by the time we got to his alibi for December 4 I was almost ready to regard him as a fellow being. She's a damn good secretary too. Pfui, in the necessity to invent something that would justify our continued employment. It's unfortunate, up the lucky brand jeans coupon stoop, After Mr. or even that he was death on dames. when I took him Wolfe's letter, inflation. discount true religion jeans And I say she did! I happen to know- What do lucky brand jeans coupon you lucky jeans want? I wouldn't go into a house I'd never been in with a man I didn't know well enough to call him by his first name. It was now, Wolfe said handsomely, I don't think they liked each other, I descended in the same elevator, I left my coat and hat in m
Lucky Me
In my own heart, I'm the champion of everything that wails with redemption. I start all over again. Every day. Wrenching the benevolent. Writhing, wriggling and screaming. Fathoms of excess. Exhaustion All I need is sleep.  And the saga begins. Again.
Luckiest Man Alive
Her beauty so young and fresh,Her eyes so sweet and soft.To get caught in her gaze,I fear one's will would be lost.Like a budding rose,Her beauty grows more each day.I feel it an honor complete,When she brings it my way.To whoever catches her heart,Truly does have God on his side.Because whoever holds this beauty's heart,Is the luckiest man alive.
Luck Isn't Everything
  NFL Network's "Top 100 Players of 2013" list promises to befuddle fans week after week. Thursday was no different, when Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was unveiled as No. 61 overall.This is all kinds of crazy, as Gregg Rosenthal artfully explained earlier. There are six yet-to-be-named quarterbacks ahead of Roethlisberger on the countdown. Bruce Arians, the Arizona Cardinals coach who was a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers coaching staff for Roethlisberger's first eight seasons with the team, agreed Roethlisberger deserves to be higher, joking "that just shows you how much the players know." (He probably wasn't joking.) Andrew Luck has yet to show up on the countdown, but it's a safe bet he'll rank out ahead of Roethlisberger. Arians coached Luck last season in Indianapolis, and he gave an honest assessment when he was told Luck will likely be ranked ahead of Big nfl jerseys"That surprises me. Andrew is going to be a fantastic quarterback,
Lucky Star - Madonna
You must be my Lucky Star'Cause you shine on me wherever you areI just think of you and I start to glowAnd I need your lightAnd baby you know[Chorus:]Starlight, starbright first star I see tonightStarlight, [starbright] make everything all rightStarlight, starbright first star I see tonightStarlight, [starbright] yeahYou must be my Lucky Star'Cause you make the darkness seem so farAnd when I'm lost you'll be my guideI just turn around and you're by my side[chorus]Come on shine your heavenly body tonight'Cause I know you're gonna make everything all rightYou may be my lucky starBut I'm the luckiest by far
Lucky Star - Goo Goo Dolls
If I could walk a straight mileAnd could write it down in shorthand, I could show you If you want me to And if I had an hourglass I'd save the grains of time I spent with you That's what I'd doBut I rememberYou always said it could be great And I knew it could beWell there's a way you look at things That no one needs to know but you And you'd shout it with me Like every time the leaves would fall You promised me that they'd be back again And I believed in youYou always said it could be great But I hadn't time to waste Now it seems that I've gone too farAs bright as you are, don't get burned by your lucky star Bright as you are, don't get burned by your lucky starWritten down in hard bound books The way things used to be, they ain't for me I'd swear they're all for you We said sugar, Gramps said shootHer momma said shit, I don't know what she'll doAs if it's up to youBut I rememberYou always said it could be great But I hadn't time to waste Now it seems that I've gone too farAs bright a
Lucretia's Bully Gift
That's right,you have the opportunity to be this fu's First Owner. VolareDave is up for grabs in Your Ultimate Desire's "Santa's Little Helper" Auction. It's real easy to get there,just click a pic to go to the auction page. Be sure to R/F/A the Hostess. Happy Holiday's and Thank You! (repost of original by '★♎★Lucretia★♎★ Proudly FuOwned by SixtyNineMunch' on '2008-12-15 22:39:19')
lucre\LOO-kuhr\noun; 1.Monetary gain; profit; riches; money; -- often in a bad sense.
lucre \ LOO-kuhr \noun;    1.  Monetary gain; profit; riches; money; -- often in a bad sense.
Luculent Giggles
Luculent giggles of a child's laughter danced to the song of a locomotive's trek across an insipid land. Though destination has no cast, a summons to it tickles playfully at resolve where wanderlust is but a footfall away. Sarenade your sweet siren song, my giglet, my minx. Footsteps to my love where ever they may lead. A sigh of contentment as a home is slung to the back once again.
Luculent Giggles
Luculent gigglesof achild's laughterdanced to the songof alocomotive'strekacross aninsipid land.Though destination has no cast,a summonsto it ticklesplayfullyat resolvewhere wanderlustis but afootfallaway.Sarenade your sweetsiren song,my giglet, my minx.Footsteps tomy love whereever theymay lead.A sigh of contentmentas a homeis slungto the backonce again.
lucubrate \LOO-kyoo-breyt\verb;    1.  To work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.    2.  To write learnedly.
Hey all my gorgeous CT friends! Could you go help my girl Lucy out in the sexiest cherry contest? You have to add sunshyne video as a friend to see her pic because its nsfw. I would really appriciate it! Hugs and licks, Joeylynne Here is the link...Sunshyne Video Productions - Fan Me & Be Friends for Goodies@ CherryTAP She is pretty hot,you wont be disappointed! Then maybe you could stop by her profile to comment and rate her! here is her link...lucy@ CherryTAP
Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, By Charles M. Schulz)
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! - Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz)
Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, By Charles M. Schulz)
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! - Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds- The Beatles
Lucy, For You...smiles
Pussy Cat Dolls - Dont Cha
Lucy, For You...smiles
Pussy Cat Dolls - Dont Cha
Lucy And Rocky Montage
Make video montages at
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Picture yourself on a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes Cellophane flowers of yellow and green Towering over your head Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high Newspaper taxies appear on the shores Waiting to take you away Climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you're gone Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah Picture yourself in a train in a station With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile The girl with kaleidoscope eyes Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the
Lucy Contest A Real Good Chance To Win A Vic!!!
Race to 20,000 Comments!! 1st to reach 20,000 comments wins a 7 Day Blast or 1 Month VIP. 2nd Place - 3 Day Blast. 3rd place - 1 Day Blast. ~Offical Rules~ Self-commenting is allowed. No Drama. No Downrating. No FRESHMEAT. (Must be level 3 or higher to comment) Contest will start once I have 10 contestants. Just e-mail me the link to the pic you would like me to rip. *Note Only enter this contest if you have the determination to win. If you are just entering for the hell of it, I ask you to please not waste my time. Be sure to get your friends to help you or ask a bombsquad if they are avaliable to help you. Thank you, †Lµ¢¥†
Lucy Van Pelt In Peanuts By Charles M. Schulz
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!
Lucy And Red Skelton
Lucy Pearl - Dance Tonight
Lucy Im Home
hey fubarians im home finally back in the states what a relief ill be back ni GA on sunday and oh yeah can wait to be there party at my place be there or be square holla at ya boy leave me sum luv
she told him she had hope and tried to let it all out till she swore nothin' more to say, now she's cold and in the open right before the fallout and a warhead's on its way, yeah she prays it doesn't melt her seeks herself a shelter cuz she knows there's hell to pay. but soon all her burns and barbs will turn themselves to scars and it will be okay. sold her soul for a cigarette cursed cos her only match was wet drownin' in the devil's debt all for nothing, nothing but regret so she bought black magic burned the holy bible like the fires would do her will, well the rain came tragic tricked like a tribal she's soaked and sorry still.. never learned her lesson never guessed confession was the cure to all her ills all she does is wallow oblivious and hollow and the void cannot be filled Her mind's long gone but she carries on so well Hoping she never had a soul to sell That the beauty on her bones was just a shell That a spirit can't succumb to a
Lucy Visits Disneyland Pt 1 (oooh Im So Wrong)
It wasn't hard to spot her, a petite girl standing all on her lonesome outside the roller coaster ride. Dressed in a short black leather skirt which hugged her ass perfectly, the straps coming down from her shoulders hugging her breasts tightly. They were not huge but made to appear bigger than what they actually are by her nicely toned and slim frame. Her high heel platform shoes made her taller and more easily noticeable. But, only just since her long, uniquely colored hair which seemed to be a stunning mixture of auburn brown, red and orange shone and reflected brightly in the sunlight. He looked at her side on, trying to be subtle at first but the subtlety being lost as he looked at her more and more, eventually staring. Obviously she was dressed for the attention. She must have caught a glimpse of him looking for longer than what most people do, because she turned to face him front on. As she did, he could see the front of her tight skirt seemed to curve ever so slightly in
Lucy Visits Disneyland Pt Ii (oooh Im So Wrong)
She did not attempt to take her hand away from him, so he reciprocated and kept a hold of her hand as he moved it down to his side. Their other hands found each other, the fingers intertwining. He asked, dared her, to go on the roller coaster with him, implying as if she was too scared to do it. Whether she took it as his attempt to get to her to validate herself to him, or as something else not didn't matter. He just wanted to get her on the ride and the safety harness locked on where it wouldn't matter if she screamed and everyone else heard her. Regardless, she answered with the voice of an excited and playful child, her body and energy picking up as she turned to head towards the line up. In the line, he was able to get close enough to her to steal somewhat of a smell of her perfume, although not sure exactly what it was since he didn't want to get too close to her and scare her off before she got on the ride with him. Her perfume was clean, fresh, vibrant; it seemed to ra
Lucy Lee Shows Her Fine Ass
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Lucys Dark Angel Mafia
Looking for all positions to join my new turf. Come hang out have some fun and lets kick some fu @$$ :D   Lets rock this place, Lucy!
Ludacris / Ft. Pharrell (money Maker)
Music Video:MONEY MAKER (FT. PHARRELL) (by Ludacris)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Ludacris Inks First Ever Tv Deal, Producing 'halls Of Fame'
Ludacris has inked a development deal with MTV's teen-oriented nighttime network The N to executive-produce and star in the new series, Halls of Fame. The drama program revolves around 21-year-old singing sensation Starla and her sister Taylor, a 15- year-old aspiring fashion designer. The girls attend the Philadelphia High School of Performing Arts. " Halls of Fame promises to be a realistic journey into how young people can get started in the entertainment business," Ludacris said in a statement. In related news, Ludacris will reprise his role as Darius Parker on NBC's hits series Law & Order: SVU in 2007. For the full story log on:
Ludacris~run Away Love
[Hook - Mary J. Blige] Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love Runaway love [Verse 1 - Ludacris] Now little lisa is only 9 years old Shes tryin to figure out why the world is so cold Why shes all all alone and they never met her family Mamas always gone and she never met her daddy Part of her is missin and nobody will listenin Mama is on drugs gettin high up in the kitchen Bringin home men at different hours of the night Startin with laughs--usually endin in a fight Sneak into her room while her mamas knocked out Tryin to have his way and little lisa says 'ouch' She tries to resist but then all he does is beat her Tries to tell her mom but her mama don't believe her Lisa is stuck up in the world on her own Forced to think that hell is a place called home Nothin else to do but some get some clothes and pack She says shes bout to run away and never come back. [Hook - Mary J. Blige] Runaway love [x8] [Ve
Ludacris & Timbaland Jump In The “wrestlemania” Ring
According to reports from XM Satellite radio, Ludacris will be performing at "WrestleMania 23," which is being held April 1 at Ford Field in Detroit, MI. The event, which is also being aired on Pay-Per-View, is expected to attract some 78,000 fans Timbaland has also confirmed (via his myspace page) that he will perform at the event. Timbo currently plans to perform new music from his soon to be released album Shock Value. The highly anticipated CD features appearances from Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Elton John, Fall Out Boy and The Hives. Shock Value hits stores on April 3.
Ludacris - Pussy Poppin: Bet Uncut Version
Ludacris - 'move Bitch'
Ludacris Videos | Video Codes | Vacation Rentals
Ludacris Is In My Head!!!
i've got hos in different area codes... heh. i like that song. i just noticed that (as of 10 seconds ago) i had received 562 profile ratings. the area code for long beach is 562. no, that's all. there's no significant, mind-blowing revelation here. i have to go dl that song now...
Ludacris - Pussy Poppin Uncut
Ludacris Lyrics To "do Your Time"
[Phone Operator:] You have a collect call form an inmate in a correctional facility Inmate state your name: "This Darren" This phone call may be monitored or recorded press 3 if you accept the charges if not hang up [Chorus: Ludacris] To mu cousin Darren Ramsey stay up homie To my brother Chris Butler stay up homie If you locked in a box keep makin' it through Do your time Do your time Don't let your time do you To my brother Mikey Mike stay up homie To my cuz JB stay up home If you locked in a box keep makin' it through Do your time Do your time Don't let your time do you [Verse 1: Ludacris] You lookin' at a man who would die for his daughter just to let her breath and I'll defiantly die for Jesus'cause he died for me-give my eyes to Stevie Woner just to see what he's seen but then take'em right back to see Martin Luther's dream I dream that I can tell Martin Luther we made it but half my black brothers is still incarcerated locked up in a cell block lost form the sh
Ludacris Feat Mary J Blige " Runaway Love"
Not really feeling this song today but when It came out the part with my name Erica in it, is and was me.... so u know... lettin ya in my mind through music today yall I ran away at 15 and was beat into a gang Folk when I was 15 also ... was a rebellious kid tomboy and tough raised by 2 alcoholic parents...lived here and there when I was younger ya know each blog will reveal more about me as I reminise and find songs that tell a little about me LudacrisRunaway Love Music Video Codes By Music Runaway Love lyrics Songwriters: Jones, Jamal; Bridges, Christopher; Walters, R; Hilson, Keri Lyn; Davis, Douglas; Yeah and it go a little somethin' like this Yeah and it go a little somethin' like this Runaway love, runaway love Runaway love, runaway love Runaway love, runaway love Runaway love, runaway love Now little Lisa's only nine years old She's tryin' to figure out why the world is so cold Why she's all alone and they never m
Luda Is Up For Grabs
Ludacris How Low Can You Go - Auto Only
Luddha's Ladies
Luddha's Ladies Luddha marshalls creek, PA 18301 610-417-9813 April 26, 2007 Dear Friend, This application is design to create a harem, for those who would like to be a part of Luddha's Ladies. Unlike the harems of old you are free to come and go as you please, but most importantly you must be willing to share me of course. In time I will create a large indoor pool where you all can lay about and talk about philosophy and how great I am. Here are the terms and conditions 1. must be at least 18yrs of age 2. No attitude, bitches will be denied 3. must send at least one pic (head shot preferred), others are ok 4. must get along with other women 5. must be understanding 6. must be respectable 7. no liars 8. must not spend time with other men, unless married from what I understand once married the sex life dies so its ok….muahahaha 9. must be a naturally born woman 10. most importantly must be true to the self as well as others Name_____
Ludicrous Avon Dollar Days Sale!
Buy from me, and get an Avon buck for every $10 you purchase! These Avon bucks act as coupons for a discount on your next order! I got Bug Guard repellents, sunscreens, SPF lip balms, fragranced and flavored lip balms, Skin So Soft deodorants/body lotions/shower gels, body powders, and more! As for the lip balms, just name a flavor you'd like and I'll get it for you! All of the above are in my possession and are ready for immediate shipment! Come on, guys and gals, buy from me and help me make the danged ends meet!! Join my frequent buyers' club - buy from me every two weeks, and you get all the inside scoops on Avon and mark, get the new products from Avon and mark before they're even out in the public, earn Avon bucks, and get freebies! Email me with your orders!!
Ludicrous Laws In The Uk
UK chooses 'most ludicrous laws' Houses of Parliament It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament Legislation said to prohibit people dying while in the Houses of Parliament has been voted one of the most ludicrous laws in the UK. Treason laws which reportedly could be used against someone who places a stamp upside down on a letter were also cited by those polled by UKTV Gold. Nearly 4,000 people picked laws on a list compiled by UKTV Gold researchers. It examined laws that have never been repealed even though statutes could have rendered them obsolete. A UKTV Gold spokeswoman said many of the regulations were referenced in the book The Strange Laws of Old England by Nigel Cawthorne. A total of 27% of those questioned by UKTV Gold thought the law against dying in the Houses of Parliament was the most absurd. Mr Cawthorne told the Daily Telegraph newspaper that anyone who dies in Parliament is technically entitled to a state funeral and the law is in place to e
ludic \LOO-dik\, adjective: Of or relating to play; characterized by play; playful.
Ludicrous (aka Brooks 30 Words)
I'll shudder as I look away from palms damp and feverish,I never knew you, really.Even when we were juxtaposing words with tenacity,there was always an omnipotent feelingthat underlying was a lie.So, I'll make my way to the abbatoir,instead of your heaveneven when you tried to palliate it...I knew.My mind travels back to a halcyon dazebefore I was screwed by your malfeasanceby your emblematic dogma.And then the present obtrudesbringing me back to the tiradeHere is my libation to you, false one.I'm quite...cumulonimbus tonightpossessed by monomania...I was once your fawning sycophant, but no longer.I think it's time to do some hedgingcopious amounts of it, actuallyI'm through with all of this.excuse my solecism when I sayFuck you.Letting the turgid river flowI'm floundering for just a momentthen I'm finally still, still and true.The cacophany in my head finally ceasesas I take my place with the deadAnd all the quandaries I once had, fade.left with perfect nonsense floating in,
Ludo Lyrics
roomie introduced me to these guys. local band. love this song so much, had to share the lyrics. Love Me Dead (EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD) Love me cancerously like a salt-sore soaked in the sea. "High-maintenance" means you're a gluttonous queen, narcissistic and mean. Kill me romantically Fill my soul with vomit then ask me for a piece of gum. Bitter and dumb, you're my sugarplum You're awful, I love you... CHORUS She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me and when her edges soften her body is my coffin. I know she drains me slowly She wears me down to bones in bed... must be the sign on my head it says, "Oh, love me dead!" Love me dead! You're a faith-healer on T.V. You're an office park without any trees corporate and cold gushing for gold - leave me alone. You suck so passionately You're a parasitic, psycho, filthy creature finger-bangin' my heart. You call me up drunk, doe
Ludo- Love Me Dead I love the lyrics to this this song....I'm weird....and I swear it captures the things I a sweet my weird a perfect love song..for me..hah. Love me cancerously Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea. 'High-maintenance' means You're a gluttonous queen Narcissistic and mean. Kill me romantically Fill my soul with vomit Then ask me for a piece of gum. Bitter and dumb You're my sugarplum. You're awful, I love you! CHORUS She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me And when her edges soften Her body is my coffin I know she drains me slowly She wears me down to bones in bed Must be the sign on my head That says, oh... Love me dead! Love me dead! You're a faith-healer on T.V. You're an office park without any trees Corporate and cold Gushing for gold Leave me alone. You suck so passionately You're a parasitic psycho, filthy creature Finger-bangin' my heart You call me up drun
Ludo - Love Me Dead
Love me cancerously Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea. 'High-maintenance' means You're a gluttonous queen Narcissistic and mean. Kill me romantically Fill my soul with vomit Then ask me for a piece of gum. Bitter and dumb You're my sugarplum. You're awful, I love you! She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me And when her edges soften Her body is my coffin I know she drains me slowly She wears me down to bones in bed Must be the sign on my head That says, oh... Love me dead! Love me dead! You're a faith-healer on T.V. You're an office park without any trees Corporate and cold Gushing for gold Leave me alone. You suck so passionately You're a parasitic, psycho, filthy creature finger-bangin' my heart You call me up drunk Does the fun ever start? You're hideous and sexy! She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me And when her edges soften Her body is my coffin I know she drains me slowly She wears m
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Ludwig Von Mises, The Great Austrian-jewish Economist, In The January 1949 Issue Of Plain Talk
"The idea that political freedom can be preserved in the absence of economic freedom, and vice versa, is an illusion.  Political freedom is the corollary of economic freedom." -- Ludwig von Mises, the great Austrian-Jewish economist, in the January 1949 issue of Plain Talk
6lue Magic
You ment so much to me you have no idea i love you bro...... you kept me alive when i need it you know you always told me that i was goin to be sumpin big that i was going to be our future....i didnt know it was going to be like this when it began... i thought we were all going to grow up and chill every once in a while like the old times... you know kickin it near the ramp chillin... not on look out for enemies you know... you tought me everything i know...I stay alive through drama cuz i know the dos and donts of the street... aint no bitch nicca throwing me off my stroll... but talkin shit for no reason aint me... I live and i get mines get my money... but i do it right... love you cuz hit me up when i come up to see you when my times up
99 Luftballons
-99 Luftballons- Hast du etwas Zeit für mich Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich Von 99 Luftballons Auf ihrem weg zum Horizont Denkst du vielleicht g'rad an mich Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich Von 99 Luftballons Und das sowas von sowas kommt 99 Luftballons Auf ihrem weg zum Horizont Hielt man für UFOs aus dem All Darum schickte ein General 'ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher Alarm zu geben, wenn's so wär Dabei war'n da am Horizont Nur 99 Luftballons 99 Düsenflieger jeder war ein grosser Krieger Hielten sich für Captain Kirk Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht Dabei schoss man am Horizont Auf 99 Luftballons 99 Kriegsminister Streichholz und Benzinkanister Hielten sich für schlaue Leute Witterten schon fette Beute Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht Mann, wer hätte das gedacht Dass es einmal soweit kommt Weg’n 99 Luftballons 99 Jahre Krieg Ließen keinen platz für Sieger Kriegsminister gibt's nich
99 Luft Balloons--from My Sweet Reflection
Lugar De Borrachos???
No se porque me da la impresion de que ando entre puros borrachos jajaja, el caso es que no me ha gustado al final de cuentas ninguno de los espacios en los que he andado . . . ahhh me choca la nostalgia del 360 . . . que tiempos aquellos . . . lo que si es cierto que me pongo unas perdidas en esta pagina que de repente digo . . que carajos hice ! !  ! jajajaja Saludos a todos.  
Luggalo Pride
the days come, the nites go, but frienships are different, when nurtured, they grow! whether online, or by my side, clown luv muthafaco, juggalo pride! written by: slingbob777 ~~juggalo homie~~
Luggage Compressor
Talk of emotional baggage has become very common nowadays. This contemporary term has given rise to a new way of experiencing relationships with yourself and with others. Dreams of cumbersome baggage often represent a life that is too cluttered, or one that lacks reasonable emotional boundaries. To dream of a mysterious piece of luggage may indicate something that is hidden, such as a secret or an idea. Does the luggage in your dream seem to get in the way? Are you very nervous about losing a piece of luggage that you are carrying around for no apparent reason? This may mean that you should take stock of things that you are holding onto-maybe there is something that you can safely dispose of that will lighten the load.
The Luggage Game!! All Cases Claimed Prizes Shortly
The Easiest Contest Ever!! My Biggest Contest Ever!! Everyone is a Winner!! We need Luggage!! Since we have so many Trains, Planes, Autos, & Cruises on Fubar! Here's how to Play: I have a picture folder filled with 65 suitcases, bags, totes etc... Your job rate and comment all 65. While doing this, decide which case is yours. Private message me with the case number. After you contact me, comment that case 10 times. Thats it! I will mark that case for you and it is off limits to anyone else. So for 75 comments and 65 rates (rate em all 10's, does not have to be 11's) you can win a Fabulous prize. When all cases have been claimed, I will reveal what all the prizes are. The prizes have already been determined and are stashed away in a seperate folder. Prizes include a 1 mo VIP, Blings (1,3,5 & 10 point),Tickers, Blasts (1 & 3 day), Fugifts, Rate ups, Morphs, Pimpouts, and so much I can't list it all. Every case has a prize! What will yours be??? This contest by LuA
Luggage   Talk of emotional baggage has become very common nowadays. This contemporary term has given rise to a new way of experiencing relationships with yourself and with others. Dreams of cumbersome baggage often represent a life that is too cluttered, or one that lacks reasonable emotional boundaries. To dream of a mysterious piece of luggage may indicate something that is hidden, such as a secret or an idea. Does the luggage in your dream seem to get in the way? Are you very nervous about losing a piece of luggage that you are carrying around for no apparent reason? This may mean that you should take stock of things that you are holding onto-maybe there is something that you can safely dispose of that will lighten the load.
Lughnasadh Lesson
The turning of the wheel now brings us to Lughnasadh (LOO-nus-uh), also known by its medieval Christian name of Lammas, named in honor of the Celtic god Lugh, a name which means "light" or "shining." Somewhat confusing, we are not celebrating the death of Lugh (the God of light does not mythically die until the autumn equinox), but rather the funeral games that Lugh hosted to remember the death of his foster mother, Taillte. In Ireland, Lugnasadh is sometimes called the "Tailltean Games". Common of the games were the "Tailltean marriages" also known as handfastings, informal and lasting only a year and a day or until next Lammas, at which time the couple would decide to continue the arrangement or stand back to back and walk away, thereby dissolving the marriage. (too bad this is not practiced today, we might have less divorces.. ya think maybe?) The parish priest was not bothered to perform these trial marriages, they were usually performed by a poet, bard, priest or priestess of the
Colors: Gray, green, gold, yellow Symbols: All grains, breads, threshing tools, athame Date: Occurs 1/4 of a year after Beltaine. True astrological point is 15 degrees Leo, but tradition has set August 1st as the day it is typically celebrated. Since the Ancients Celts passed their days from sundown to sundown, the celebration would usually begin the night before on July 31st. The turning of the wheel now brings us to Lughnasadh (LOO-nus-uh), also known by its medieval Christian name of Lammas, named in honor of the Celtic god Lugh, a name which means “light” or “shining.” Although somewhat confusing, we are not celebrating the death of Lugh (the God of light does not mythically die until the autumn equinox), but rather the funeral games that Lugh hosted to commemorate the death of his foster mother, Taillte. In Ireland, Lugnasadh is often called the "Tailltean Games". A common feature of the games were the "Tailltean marriages", rather informal and lasting only a year and a
'Lughnassad' means 'the funeral games of Lugh', referring to Lugh, the Irish sun god. However, the funeral is not his own, but the funeral games he hosts in honor of his foster-mother Tailte. August 1st marks the Celtic holiday of Lughnasadh (pronounced loo-na-sa), which is the beginning of the grain harvest. In days past, candidates for king would go to the Fayre of Tailtiu. Tailtiu was the queen of the Fir Bolg (an ancient celtic race) , the daughter of Mag Mor and the foster mother of Lugh. She died of exhaustion after the labor of clearing the lands of Ireland for cultivation, and in commemoration, Lugh held a festival for her. Two weeks prior to festival day, it was customary to climb a hill and survey the land before harvest. The festival then commenced, and lasted for four weeks – two weeks past the actual day. The last chaff of wheat or grain to be cut was kept and crafted into a corn doll, symbolizing Lugh. At Lughnasadh, she is called the Corn Mother. In the spr
July 31st Lughnasadh / Lammas Lughnasadh means the funeral games of Lugh (pronounced Loo). Lammas Introduction Copyright Lady Bridget 1997 Lammas, Lughnasadh, the First Harvest, all are names by which the Major Sabbat which occurs in August is known. Astrologically, this Sabbat is when the Sun is 15 ° Leo, and is a major Sabbat because it is at the peak of the season and the highest point of energy. If you check your astrological calendars or ephermeris, this energy now peaks around August 4th, though the traditional date for celebrating Lammas is August 1st. This is the time of the Sacrificial King, whose self sacrifice allows the people who worship him to survive through the winter. We say that his blood is poured out upon the fields so that the corn and grain harvest will thrive. His Spirit enters into the corn and the grain, and is then known as John Barleycorn. As the God dies with the harvesting of the grain, so also is he resurrected in the new sprouts. So therefore
lugubrious \lu-GOO-bree-us; -GYOO-\, adjective:Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner.
Luis Miguel--te Necisito
Luis Miguel--te Necisito
Luis Ayvar - Quiero Vivir Para Tí
Luis Nani Par Une Réaction De Carton Rouge
6 mars Manchester United contre le Real Madrid en Ligue des Champions dernier 16 KO Cakir Luis Nani carton rouge vertu de la décision de sanction a provoqué une variété de commentaires décevants. 56 minutes de jeu, l'arbitre de la Cakir pense Luis Nani faute sur Arbeloa, lui donner un carton rouge sous peine. Basé sur la rediffusion, banalisée Nani avec football shirtson pied droit pour atteindre la balle en l'air. Cependant, surgi de l'arrière du Arbeloa prêt à l'emploi poitrine pour bloquer le ballon go. Par conséquent, Nani pied droit tombe sur le ventre de l'ancien joueur de Liverpool. Nani a quitté le stade, Manchester United a accepté l'attaque du Real Madrid. Le résultat est que la Banja Luka Modric et Cristiano Ronaldo a marqué un gardien David De Gea escorte. L'équipe la plus réussie dans la Premier League un score total de 2-3 a Soldes Maillot de footété défait. Grâce médias sociaux Twitter, quelques-uns des joueurs et anciens joueurs ont exprimé des réactions mitigées à
Luis Suarez Will Remain At Anfield, But Understands The Uruguayan's Desire To Leave The Club
Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina insists he is hopeful Luis Suarez will remain at Anfield, but understands the Uruguayan's desire to leave the club. GettyImagesSuarez is unhappy with life in the Premier League liverpool jerseySuarez, 26, has been linked with an exit from the Reds after admitting the media pressure in England has taken its toll on him and his family.Real Madrid appear keen on the striker, although Liverpool will attempt to hold onto their top scorer unless a significant figure over the £50 million mark is offered. Reina, who is preparing for Spain's friendly against Haiti, is sympathetic to his team-mate's wishes. "I haven't read Luis himself say he wants out of Liverpool to be honest," Reina said." He might say that the times have been a little bit rough and the media has been having a bit of a go at him. In the past it's been difficult for him and his family."To be honest, I would like for Luis to stay at Liverpool, but I understand if he's thinking about leav
Luka: Suzanne Vega
Lukas Rossi - Headspin
Yeah. Dedicated to a certain someone... All I want to say is you’re the sattellite in my life You don’t have to lie You don’t have to cry anymore Lost inside your eyes The vision never dies Oh just take my hand or float and never land Then I hear you say “Let’s live for the moment this time” Then you want to keep me forever Why don’t you just make up your mind Chorus: You make my head spin You make my head spin Why, why do you You make my head spin You make my head spin Why, why You love to build me up just to tear me down Wouldn’t it be nice if we found paradise someday Then I hear you say “Let’s live for the moment this time” Then you want to keep me forever Why don’t you just make up your mind Chorus: Did I hear you say you wanna be alone Or was it a mistake How would we ever know I can’t hear you scream You wanna be alone I can’t hear you scream at me scream a
Luke 6:27-35
27"But I say unto you that hear: Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you. 28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you. 29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also. 30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods, ask them not back. 31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 32For if ye love them that love you, what thanks have ye? For sinners also love those that love them. 33And if ye do good to them that do good to you, what thanks have ye? For sinners also do even the same. 34And if ye lend to them from whom ye hope to receive, what thanks have ye? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35But love ye your enemies, and do good and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your
Luke 6:45
45 The good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Luke 12:49-53
49 I came to cast fire upon the earth; and what do I desire, if it is already kindled? 50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! 51 Think ye that I am come to give peace in the earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 for there shall be from henceforth five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 They shall be divided, father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against her mother; mother in law against her daughter in law, and daughter in law against her mother in law.
Luke 10 ; Verses 2 1-28
21 ;In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said ; I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth, that thou has hid these things from the wise and the prudent, and has revealed them unto babies ; even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy site. 22 ; All the things are delivered to me of my Father.and no man knoweth who the son is , but the Father ; and who the Father is but the son. and he to whom the son will reveal him. 23; And He ( Jesus) turned unto his deciples and said privately, blessed are the eyes that they see things that they see. 24 ; For I tell you ,that many propets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. 25; And behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempting him, saying Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26 ; He said unto him ; what is written in the Law , how readest thou? 27 ;And he answered saying .thou shalt love the Lord t
Luke 11 Verses 20-31
20 ;But if i; with the finger of God , cast out devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God has come upon you. 21; When a strong man armed keepeth his palace , his goods are in peace. 22 ; but when a stronger man than he shall come , and overcome him , he taken from him all his armour, wherein he trusted, and devided his spoils. 23 ;He that is not with me is against me .And he that gathereth not with me scattereth. 24 ; and when the unclean spirit is gone, out of man, he walketh thru dry places seeking rest , ;and finding none, he sayeth I will return unto my house, whence I came out. 25 ; And when he cometh he find it swept and garnished. 26 ; Then he goeth and he taketh to him seven other spirits, more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there ; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. 27 ; And it came to pass as he spake these things ; A certain woman of the company , lifted up her voice, and said unto him, blesses is the womb that
Luke 18 Verses 16; -
16 ; suffer the littl children to come unto me , and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God.. 17 ; Verliy I (Jesus) say unto you ; who so ever shall not recieve the kingdom of God ; as a little child shall in now wise enter the kingdom of heaven. 18 ; And a certain ruler ask him saying , good master , what shall I do to inherit eternal life/ 19 ; And Jesus said unto him why thy callest me good? none is good; save one that is God. 20 know thou commandants ,Do not commit adultry, do not kill, do not bear false witness,Honour thy father and thy mother. 21; And he said I have kept all these things from my youth. 22 ; Now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him, Ye lackest thou one thing ; sell all that thou has and distrubuite unto the poor, and thou shat have treasure in heaven. Amen!!!!!
Luke 1:79
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
I have had several people ask me if Luke is my son... Just to fill everyone in, Luke is not my son, but my friend Cav's son. I spend alot of time with him and love him, and would take him in a minute if I could.
Luke Rudkowsti & Tom Foti - Air Date: 03-29-07
Luke Rudkowsti & Tom Foti - Air date: 03-29-07 Dan Wallace Tribute
Luke One Dam Redneck Like Me Lol
Luke Bryan, Do I
Baby, what are we becomingIt feels just like we're always runningRollin' through the motions every dayI could lean in to hold youOr act like I don't even know youSeems like you could care less either wayWhat happened to that girl I used to knowI just want us back to the way we were beforeChorus:Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you, babyDoes the sight of me wanting you drive you crazyDo I have your love, am I still enoughTell me don't I, or tell me do I, babyGive you everything that you ever wantedWould you rather just turn away and leave me lonelyDo I just need to give up and get on with my lifeBaby, do I?Remember when we didn't have nothin'But a perfect, simple kind of lovin'Baby, those sure were the daysThere was a time our love ran wild and freeNow I'm second guessing everything I seeDo I turn you on at all when I kiss you, babyDoes the sight of me wanting you drive you crazyDo I have your love, am I still enoughTell me don't I, or tell me do I, babyGive you everyth
Luke Bryan Do I
Baby what are we becoming It feels just like we’re always running Rolling through the motions everyday I can lean in to hold you, or act like I don’t even know you Seems like you could care less either way What happened to that girl I used to know I just want us back to the way we were before Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby Does the site of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your love, am I’m still enough Tell me don’t I, or tell me do I baby Give you everything that you ever wanted Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely Do I just need to give up and get on with my life Baby, do I Remember when we didn’t have nothing But a perfect simple kind of loving Baby those sure were the days There was a time our love ran wild and free Now I’m second guessing everything thing I see Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby Does the site of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your love, am I’m still enough Tell me
Luke Bryan - Do I
Baby, what are we becoming It feels just like we're always running Rollin' through the motions every day I could lean in to hold you Or act like I don't even know you Seems like you could care less either way What happened to that girl I used to know I just want us back to the way we were before Chorus: Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you, baby Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your love, am I still enough Tell me don't I, or tell me do I, baby Give you everything that you ever wanted Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely Do I just need to give up and get on with my life Baby, do I? Remember when we didn't have nothin' But a perfect, simple kind of lovin' Baby, those sure were the days There was a time our love ran wild and free Now I'm second guessing everything I see Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you, baby Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your love, am I still enough Tell me don't I, or tell me do I, ba
Lukes Lullaby
  Goodnight, goodnight, My Angel sleep tight I hope that you dream of me. Goodnight, goodnight My Angel of the Night I pray that you slumber softly.   May your dream whisper softly of the love that I will show, May they conquer your fears, teaching you all you need to know. May they soften your heart and leaving plenty room to grow. Yes that is my prayer as you softly slumbers so.   So, Goodnight, goodnight, My Angel sleep tight I hope that you dream of me. Goodnight, goodnight My Angel of the Night I pray that you slumber softly.   Think of me as you dream , as I watch over you Find comfort here in my arms.. And I’ll whisper this song, such softly lovely tune,
Luke Bryan- Do I
Baby what are we becoming It feels just like we're always running Rolling through the motions everyday I can lean in to hold you, or act like I don't even know you Seems like you could care less either way What happened to that girl I used to know I just want us back to the way we were before Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby Does the site of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your love, am I'm still enough Tell me don't I, or tell me do I baby Give you everything that you ever wanted Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely Do I just need to give up and get on with my life Baby, do I Remember when we didn't have nothing But a perfect simple kind of loving Baby those sure were the days There was a time our love ran wild and free Now I'm second guessing everything thing I see Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby Does the site of me wanting you drive you crazy Do I have your
Luke Bryan - That's My Kind Of Night
Lưu ý Khi Phát Tờ Rơi Tại Ngã Tư
Phát tờ rơi tại ngã tư vẫn được xem là một trong những hình thức phổ biến nhất của loại hình quảng cáo tờ rơi. Khi phat to roi tại các ngã tư, giao lộ, ngã ba, ngã năm... nhân viên thường phát cho tất cả những người đi đường dừng lại lúc đèn đỏ, nhưng thực tế trong một số trường hợp hiệu quả mang lại không cao mà đôi khi lại là lãng phí, vì với mỗi sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ cần có những đối tượng khách hàng mục tiêu riêng.
LulaBelle's internet is down>  If you are good friends with her and want her # so you can text her just hit me up in shout.       As you were :)
Tonight is passion Tonight is not tame Look in my eyes you know my name I caress your arms Our eyes shoot at one another like fire I want to be your desire Can you feel my heartbeat next to yours Can you feel the man trying to escape into your door I kiss your forehead soft and smooth I can feel you tremble as I move Down onto your shoulder Your heart beats like no other Down your chest im in flight You know this could never be more right I hold your hips as the sway I will definately take you to heaven some day I lay you back on our bed You know this is where we make love until the end I look up at your eyes You smile and say thanks for every lullaby I pull myself up look deep in your eyes I smile and say thanks for standing by my side
Rest your head, Close your eyes, Drift in dreams, As you sing a lullaby. Remember those days? I was so small Rocking in your arms... I knew you'd smile... You do remember. I'm a lot older now... So are you... No don't cry. I know I'm crying too. Foul world, WHY HIM...? WHY CANCER...? Why me...? Why...? ...why? No I'm fine, Grandpa you look tired. Rest your head, Close your eyes, Drift in dreams, I'll sing One... Last... Lullaby.
Lullabys From A Friend
Hush little baby don't you squall Momma's gonna buy you a crystal ball. And if you still can't see beyond Momma's gonna buy you a magic wand. And if that wand don't change your fate Momma's gonna teach you to levitate. And if the astral makes you sick, Momma's gonna buy you an incense stick. And if that patchouli smells too rank She'll buy you a sensory deprivation tank. And if that tank don't float your bones Momma's gonna buy you some precious stones. And if those gems don't ease your heart Momma's gonna buy you a natal chart. And if your planets go berserk Momma's gonna buy you some bodywork. And if your aura still needs kneading Momma's gonna buy you a past life reading. And if your destiny stays hid Momma's gonna buy you a pyramid. And if your chakras still feel stressed Momma's gonna take you on a vision quest. And if power animals don't come to charm ya Sorry, kid, it's just your karma."
Good night my angel time to close you eyes And save these questions for another day I think I know what you've been asking me I think you know what I've been trying to say I promised I would never leave you And you should always know Where ever you may go No matter where you are I never will be far away Good night my angel now it's time to sleep And still so many things I want to say Remember all the songs you sang for me When we went sailing on an emerald bay And like a boat out on the ocean I'm rocking you to sleep The water's dark and deep Inside this ancient heart You'll always be a part of me Goodnight my angel now it's time to dream And dream how wondeful your life will be Someday your child will cry and if you sing this lullaby Then in your heart there will always be a part of me Someday we'll all be gone But lullabies go on and on They never die that's how you and I will be Lullaby By Billy Joel My Of My Favorites Of His
This is an OLD one, lol. I think it's from about 98 or so Lullaby Rocking Flapping And swaying in the wind Now we’re done playing Sleep is now to intend The gentle rock of the wind blown leaves Rocks me into a dream like faze My mind and body sway in the breeze And the light drops of rain put me in a hypnotic daze All together the songs of the sky Put me to sleep with their lullaby.
Lulliby To An Angel
Close your eyes, Feel me around you, holding you close, So in love with you, We'll say a prayer, We'll send it together, Under Heaven's stars, In love forever, I'll kiss you so softly, Hold you so tight, And sing to my angel, A soft lulliby, Rock-a-by my Angel, Sleep so sweet, Fly with the angels, As you lie here with me, We'll meet in heaven, Til the morning light shines, So sleep sweet, Angel of mine, I love you!
Lullaby (baby)
I sing to you a lullaby, The words I’ve never known, But I open up my heart, And this is how it goes, Sleep so softly little angel, And know you’re surrounded with love, From your mother and father, And the good lord above, Rest peaceful our child, So safe and warm, Cradled and wrapped up tight, Safe from the world, Cuddle up quiet, With out a care, And sleep so peaceful, The answer to our prayers, Dream so sweetly, As I rock you to sleep, know I'm always here for you, to tend your every need, I lay you down gently, kiss your little eyes, tuck you little angel, sleep tight,
A Lullaby I Wrote For My Daughter Autumn.
An Autumn Lullaby An Autumn lullaby, An Autumn lullaby, Sleepily you close your eyes, And drift away into the skies, Spiraling toward's dreamland, Silent rondevouz with the sandman, Action, adventure, and fantasy, All while I'm holding you here close to me, Here you are fast asleep in my arms, More beautiful than any given star, Sitting and wondering where your dreams have taken you to, While singing this lullaby to you, So fragile in your sleep, In my arms is where I'd always like to keep, Your sleepy baby form, I've always loved this time we share ever since you were born, An Autumn lullaby, An Autumn lullaby, I love you and good-night, I love you and good-night.
Watching Waves Washing over me Im drowning Just leave me be (Chorus) Sun is coming Watch it burn the flesh Sun is coming Will it let me rest? Sensual is the kiss He shall place upon me Silence is golden In my eternity (chorus2) Sun is coming Watch it burn our flesh Sun is coming When will I rest? Lull me peacefully Into the Depths Oh sweet slumber deep Come before me (chorus3) Sun is not coming It has burned all the flesh Sun is not coming And I finally rest
Losing you Is my fear Never holding you Drowning in my tears After this year David's changing After this pain I feel Real love is never aging Leaving the past Exactly there Never going back Even a hair Feeling this hurt is like Razors in my heart All the time lost is what I want Zero time apart Everyone knows it Exactly what I did Losing you and your love Undying love that has hidden Love was mine Love was ours
The softness of her lullaby, the calming touch he knows, the smile upon her lips, but still his heart just froze. he watches her from the doorway, as she rocks their baby to sleep, her hair down around her shoulders, he hears her say and my soul to keep. he knows she is already teaching their lil one a bedtime prayer, only the nightlight glows, it outlines her and the baby, her hand lovingly stroking the lil ones face her love shows. he sees the lil ones eyes fluttered and close, watches her hold the lil babe so tender, she kisses the babes forehead, he wonders who could of sent her. she lays the babe down, turns and sees him there, smiles just as she did as she looked upon the babys face, as she places in the crib the teddy bear. he walks to her wraps his arms around her, looks over her shoulder down at the sleeping lil one, kisses her neck and whispers, look what we have done. she smiles, and holds him tight, kisses his lips, both loo
lullaby when I am alone at night memories of you and me are bright shining through my consciousness feeling warmth and tenderness still I am alone at night touching feeling holding tight to nothing do you ever think of me were we never meant to be take me in your arms to sleep take me in your arms to dream memories sing lullabies sending me on through the night I will wake alone to find memories in growing light listening to Summer wind Sleep envelopes me again do you ever think of me were we never meant to be
The Lullaby By R.s.s Anderson
The time I rocked you on me knee Was much shorter than that time should be But inside my heart I still rock on And treasure you as my darling son Not a day passes when I don't think of you . . . Mommy dearest I love you, I hear your prayers I sit beside your bed and stroke your hair Holding your hand I watch you sleep My face cuddles close against your cheek Not a night passes where I'm not with you . . . My son I only wish we had shared more joys More birthday presents and Christmas toys I feel in my life there has been an empty place Because I could not stare into my little boy's face There's not a morning I don't cry missing you . . . Mom I have seen you shed your tears I have watched you struggle throughout the years Don't you realize I have always been there Those Christmas's and birthday's we DID get to share God sent me in many ways . . . In your heart you know this to be true . . . Yes my dear , I know it's true I have felt you in many ways Yet I
Lulliby For Wyatt.. Sheryl Crow.
family Happy Mother's Day. I Probably won't get to see but a few of my babies today. My John, is probably lost to me forever. My Kristi, is probably not going to find herself any time soon. My Branda, is busy living her life and chasing her own babies. My Megan, she is busy in her own fairy tales. My three sweet young babies, Whitney , Leah and Hunter, will be busy puting smiles on my face. Sweet,but temporary ,are the joys of motherhood, Treasure them, because before you know it, you have to let them go.
A Lullaby
now i pray to the lord of sheep take my life from me as i sleep bring death to mine enemies swift and without a sound then both of our evils will be laid down let the tongue of the liar be cut out no more destruction will he toss casually about our fathers who art on earth and haveleft us all in shame you didnt protect us they stole our innocence andleft us with none else to blame give us this day our daily regret stuck reliving bad choices wed rather forget lead us out of temptation,we are all decoming deluded because its not possible to stay clean floating in water polluted amen
Lullabies Of The Lost
I walk alone; stand by myself, Shut my mouth and scream for help, I feel so lost, but what can I do? Someone stole my memory, but I’ve forgotten who, I don’t understand what I’m doing; I can’t comprehend what I feel, I can’t separate the blur between my world and what’s real, I know that I’m dieing, torn and broken inside, So till this is over Ill set my heart aside, Ill pretend to keep breathing inside my pretend self, Walk away from ridicule; try to maintain my mental health, Ignore the daggers through my soul and the razors in my skin, Try to act mainstream and keep my conscience locked within, Ill act like I’m normal and try to forget, But I cant see how I can manage to do that yet, I try to stop myself but reality tears through, I would try harder but the end of me is due, I’m wandering aimlessly inside my own head, Tell me, would you cry if I was dead? Poem by Schweigsame.Seele
A Lullaby
Come on Baby rest here in my arms I'll do what I can to keep you safe and warm Put your hand in mine together we can shine Like that diamond in the morning light The way you look at me can turn my day around When I see your smiling face my troubles seem to drown Now close your eyes and slip into sleep I'll lie here and keep the devil from your dreams
I think there's a way around thisNo two ways, no one ways, just a very solid switchSounds like pancakes this morning, coffee, post shower sexOn the tips of every finger is welcoming fleshMy life is together, like Ikea cabinets- all it took was the right wrenchNevermind that for the first time in a week,I'm asleep for more than an hour, And here I thought I'd never fool myself into peace. Know what happens when you stop sleeping?I'll tell you when everything is done slipping.Like raindrops on a petulant runaway wife.Like a distant blaring alarm of my distortion.Sacrificing this peace to the sadistic smile of sunrise.
I listen to the leaves as they walk across the streetSo swiftly do they moveSo smoothly off the trees and they float back easyThe sound of nature in my earIf the presence is rightI'll find you by my sideAll that is left to do is say goodnightRest your head on my shoulder tonightFrom the tears of a late night hourMake it your pillowI'll be your blanket babyAnd sing you a lullabyAnd sing you a lullabySee the light coming from underneath my doorOur little nightlight for sureSo faint but not enough to see you through that doorThe sight of darkness is me aloneThe presense is rightI'll find you by my sideAll that is left to say is goodnightRest your head on my shoulder tonightFrom the tears of a late night hourMake it your pillowI'll be your blanket babyAnd sing you a lullabyAnd sing you a lullaby   © Copyright Notice: All songs are my own intellectual property and therefore are not open to be copied or reproduced in any way. These songs are copyrighted.
    May you find solace in the gentle arms of sleep Despite the wolves outside your door In time you will see them all as harmless And their idle threats easy to ignore   And if ever fate should choose to smite you Stand your ground, never walk away Please don't ever let the world defeat you Don't get buried in its decay   As you drift into the gauzy realm of dreams May you take comfort in the thought that you are safe For it only takes a fraction of a second For all of this to change   CHORUS  Return to me When slumber's fog has lifted Return to me Stronger than before   As you sink beneath the soothing streams of time May you be thankful that you had another day For there comes a time when each of us will enter A sleep from which we will never wake   And if ever fate should choose to smite you Stand your ground, never walk away Please don't ever let the world defeat you Don't get buried in its decay   Close your eyes now, if only for a moment For it'
Lullaby Of A Dead Man
Life is still spinning Your end, my beginning And everything I hope for has been strangely set aside Breathing for living My mind is forgiving And destiny is proving to be absent from my life I know it, I feel it I know when you're sleeping I know the things you're dreaming And I know you will never give up and die Conscious fulfilling, the darkness revealing All faults and insecurities are shining like the sun Eyes are decieving Your mind will stop breathing and All that you are made of will now rightly become mine Father, why have you forsaken me? My life is gone Father, know how long it's taken me? I live again I know when you're sleeping I know the things you're dreaming I know when you're sleeping I know the things you're dreaming I love when you're weeping Even death can't stop this feeling
Lullaby I know the feeling of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge and there ain’t no healing from cutting yourself with the jagged edge I’m telling you that it’s never that bad take it from someone who’s been where your at laid out on the floor and you’re not sure you can take this anymore So just give it one more try to a lullaby and turn this up on the radio if you can hear me now I’m reaching out to let you know that you’re not alone and you can’t tell, I’m scared as hell ‘cause I can’t get you on the telephone so just close your eyes well honey here comes a lullaby your very own lullaby Please let me take you out of the darkness and into the light ‘cause I have faith in you but you’re gonna make it through another night stop thinking about the easy way out there’s no need to go and blow the candle out because you’re not done, you’re far too young and the best is yet to come
Lullaby Eyes.
Wish that I could tell youthe things that mean nothingthe goals, and the world, and the why.Something had stirred mealarmed meawakened.And all I could see past me by.Dozens of phantoms.Clovers, and poppies.Colors and rainbows and lies.Candycoated railroads.And toffee iced windows.Enough to drive fear from your life.And if your heart is purewhispered on a marshmallow moon.You just might see it with your eyes.Give it a listen.A heartfelt tradition.Of creative license with the intent to parody copyrighted material with no commercial application or intent to redistribute the original work of its creators without written consent.
lululove85@ CherryTAP
Lulu Santos - Sereia - De Repente, Califórnia
Lulu Santos - O último Romantico (the Last Romantic)
Lulu Santos- Um Certo Alguem
Lulu Santos - Tudo Igual
Lulu was a prostitute. One day there was a raid. All the prostitutes were lined up outside the police station as they took them in one by one. As Lulu stood in line, she saw her Grandma coming down the street and was so ashamed, Grandma didn't know her occupation. Grandma stopped to say hi, and asked what the line was for. Lulu, saving face, said that the police were giving away fresh oranges to those waiting. Grandma said wonderful, she loved oranges and got at the end of the line. When the policeman got to the end and saw her, he was amazed. He said, "How the heck do you do this at your age?" She said "I just take out my teeth, rip the skin back and suck'em dry!" The policeman fainted.
Lulu was a prostitute. One day there was a raid. All the prostitutes were lined up outside the police station as they took them in one by one. As Lulu stood in line, she saw her Grandma coming down the street and was so ashamed. Grandma didn't know her occupation. Grandma stopped to say hi, and asked what the line was for. Lulu, saving face, said that the police were giving away fresh Oranges to those waiting. Grandma said wonderful, she loved oranges and got at the end of the line. When the policeman got to the end and saw her, he was amazed. He said "How the heck do you do this at your age?" She said "I just take out my teeth, rip the skin back and suck' em dry!" The policeman fainted.
L§u ~ Lë§' WÅy!
Twenty four days before Christmas, in a state in the south, Les Miles was pissed as he opened his mouth.“Miles to Michigan,” was reported as fact. To which Miles responded, “Herbie you don’t know jack!” The Tigers had suffered a gut wrenching loss, At the hands of McFadden and the rest of the hogs. And Bo in his sweatshirt, and Miles in his Hat. Were determined to prove they were better than that! When the Tennessee Vols ran out on the field, There were ruckus applause from the mentally ill. Still in the locker room, Les told his team, “This season ain’t over. We still have a dream.” The hurt throwing arm of QB Matt Flynn Meant Ryan was the man they put their faith in. Then the fans all heard, what Les said in the Dome. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere. I’m happy. I’m Home!” The fans were still thinking “This might be a trick.”‘til someone pointed out “Hey, this guy ain’t Nick!” The Hat took the field for this championship game, And he brought all his Tigers, and called
You Are 44% Emo You're not emo, but you're plenty thoughtful, unique, and even a little angsty. Are You Emo?
Lulz Meme
If you read this, please post a comment  with a completely fictional memory of you and me. It can be anything you want but it must be fake! When you're finished, post this paragraph in your blogand see what your friends come up with.
Every once in a while I just have to share stuff from my travels.
So today...I heard a sentence 3 times I'd thought I'd never hear...well, without sarcastic undertones...   "Thank you for the blue balls!"     I'd say thats a very sucessful Tuesday!
Luma's Crockpot Chicken
Ingredients: * 1 whole roaster chicken * 1 small red onion * 3-4 sprigs cilantro * 1/2 tsp Goya adobo with lemon seasoning * 1/2 tsp minced garlic * 1/4 tsp white vinegar * 1 or 1/2 envelope of Sazon Goya with cilantro and cumin flavors * 1 Tbsp sofrito (Goya brand or make your own) * Method Remove giblets from roaster and wash chicken throughly in cold water. Pat dry with paper towels and place in crockpot. Rub down with white vinegar first, adding a drop or two to the cavity. Rub skin with adobo and sazon (sazon may stain skin). Finish final rub with sofrito. Peel and cut red onion in half. Rinse cilantro and break up with fingers. Place onion and cilantro in cavity of chicken. Place chiken in crockpot belly down for juicier chicken. Set crockpot for desired time and let it cook until tender. Notes: This is my favorite recipe. I prepare everything the night before. I even bake potatoes plus vegetables with butter and seaonings (
The Lumberjack Song
The Lumber Yard
It's new and will be the hottest lounge on fubar "THE LUMBER YARD"/Where Real men come to get wood.Help Wanted Bouncers ,Strippers Bar maids ,Door greeters Opening soon in a aea near you (repost of original by 'EXECUTIONER/Founder & Owner @Lumber Yard Where Real Men Get Wood' on '2007-11-04 11:23:22')
The Lumberyard-
The Lumberyard-tuesday Nite Come Join Us-
src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" /> LINK TO LOUNGE CLICK ON IT AND CHECK IT OUThref=""> src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent">
The Lumber Jack
Smith went to Canada to seek his fortune as a lumberjack. He met a foreman of a logging organization who offered to give him a job. "Now I hope you realize we expect you to cut down at least 100 trees a day," the foreman told him. Smith didn't see this as a problem, so he went out with the Chainsaw and did his best. He came back sweating like a pig. "Christ, how many trees did you cut down?" asked the foreman. "6" he replied. "What!? You have to do better than that. Get up earlier tomorrow." The foreman said. So he did. Out he went with the chainsaw and came back that night exhausted. "How many this time?" asked the foreman. "12" he said. The foreman says, "That does it. I'm coming out there with you tomorrow morning." The next morning, the foreman reaches the first tree and says, "This is how to cut down trees really quickly." He pulls the rope on the chainsaw and it gives off a loud BRRRRRRUM. He notices Smith is looking at him frantically. So he asks
Lumbre Brilliante
Shining brightly over the northern sky, Sits a star from our everyday lives. Always does it sit so high, Never budging for a dive. Brighter and brighter does it shine, Never fading is the northern star.
Lumberjack Brownies
LUMBERJACK BROWNIES 1 1/4 cups flour 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup cold butter 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. baking powder 8 oz. bar milk chocolate, broken in pieces 3/4 cup chopped pecans Preheat oven to 350. Combine 1 cup flour, sugar. Cut in butter till crumbly. Press in bottom of 9x13 inch pan. Bake 15 minutes. Beat sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, egg, remaining flour, vanilla, baking powder. Stir in chocolate chunks, nuts. Spread over crust. Bake 20 minutes or till center is set. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Lumberjack Song-monty Python
Lumberjack Song-monty Python
The Lumberjack Song
Barber [Michael Palin]: I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK, I sleep all night and I work all day. I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers. I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars. Monty Python's Flying Circus Barber: I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night and I work all day. Mounties: He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day. Barber: I cut down trees, I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory. On Wednesday I go shopping And have buttered scones for tea. Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch. He goes to the lavatory. On Wednesday he goes shopping And has buttered scones for tea. He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day. Barber: I cut down trees, I skip and jump. I like to press wild flowers. I put on women's clothing And hang around in bars. Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers. He puts on women's clothing And hangs around in
" Luminous "
Lumidee - She's Like The Wind
"She's Like The Wind" (feat. Tony Sunshine) Yea Yo Tony Sunshine [Lumidee] Listen baby I’ve been around I know that you like how I wear my crown And I know that im something that is so profound So far what im hearing look I like the sound Everybodys talkin about it We could be talkin why would u doubt it Your plams are sweaty and your heart sounds poundin This is what u feeling tell me about it [Tony Sunshine] Shes like the wind Thru my tree (baby yea baby yea) Shes rides all night Next to me Like u won’t believe (No) She leaves me the moonlight Only to burn me wit the sun Damn it I believe she knows She takin my heart She doesn’t know what shes done Baby please I feel her breath in my face (baby I can feel) Her bodys close to me (her body close to me) Can’t look in her eyes (can’t look in your eyes) Shes outta my league (shes outta my league oh) Just a fool to believe Shes got everything I need Shes like the wind [Lumidee] If u cant conceiv
Like a jewel in the night Filling darkness with your light You are silent and serene A love for eternity, Please take me to this other world Where our hearts and souls could lay A stairway to infinity Don't leave me on the edge of time I'm ready to set sail Across the ocean to my inner dreams You're loving is so beautiful Brighter than the light of a thousand suns You mystify me, intensify me! Like a jewel in the night, Filling darkness with your light You are silent and serene A love for eternity So luminous and beautiful You light me up like a superstar You mystify me, electrify me!
luminary\LOO-muh-nair-ee\ , noun:1.Any body that gives light, especially one of the heavenly bodies.2.A person of eminence or brilliant achievement.
THIS MAKES ME LAUGH!!!!! I really wanted to write about the question I asked myself a moment ago - which was: Why is there not a keyboard with an underlying luminosity, so that when I wander from the realms of my touch typing landscape - like into the #%*@)#(U$)(!&*# places, I would not have to yank my lap top screen down in order to shine a little light on the mysterious area? WHY? WHY? and... WHY is there not such a device? Or is there, and I have just never shopped for luminosity in a keyboard, but rather affordability.  Of course anytime I ask myself a question, I immediately think of music to help me illustrate my confusion. This time I led myself through a winding path of Sulfur and Snuff (via Slipknot) and then wandered through some Mamma Sed and assorted Puscifer treats to the above video that MAKES ME LAUGH! Gosh darn it... This was the night that I was eating Bertie Botts Jelly Beans, however, and after ingesting one dirt jelly bean, one sausage jelly bean, and watching
920 Lumia Caratteristiche, Data Di Uscita, At & T Dettagli: Nokia Windows Phone 8 è Maggiore Domanda Vs Iphone 5 In Europa
Se la domanda sarà più alto negli Stati Uniti per 920 Lumia come in Europa lumia 920 italia , Nokia ha una buona probabilità di avere una stagione forte di vacanza. "Nel lungo periodo, svolta di Nokia dovrebbe avere successo perché la società che si merita. Nokia prodotti sono di alta qualità e che meritano più credito di quello che stanno ricevendo", SeekingAlpha scrittore Giacobbe Steinberg ha detto. Si stanno acquistando uno smartphone Nokia di quest'anno? Sound off qui sotto! Pianificazione di acquistare 920 Lumia Nokia non appena si lancia? Beh, in tal caso si avrebbe anche il cambio del fornitore di servizi. Si potrebbe essere necessario passare ad AT & T come potrebbero avere i diritti esclusivi per i primi 6 mesi dopo il lancio del telefono. Tuttavia, Nokia deve ancora annunciare i dettagli come i dettagli di disponibilità e prezzi per questo modello così come alcuni altri in cantiere le cui specifiche sono ancora sconosciute. Windows 8 è tutto pronto per celebrare
Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh, Totally emotionless except for her heart Mud flowed up into lump's pajamas She totally confused all the passing pihranas She's lump, she's lump She's in my head She's lump, she's lump, she's lump She might be dead Lump lingered last in line for brains And the one she got was sorta rotten and insane Small things so sad that birds could land Is lump fast asleep or rockin' out with the band? She's lump, she's lump She's in my head She's lump, she's lump, she's lump She might be dead Lump was limp and lonely and needed a shove Lump slipped on a kiss and tumbled into love She spent her twenties between the sheets Life limped along at sub-sonic speeds She's lump, she's lump She's in my head She's lump, she's lump, she's lump She might be dead Is this lump outta my head? I think so Is this lump outta my head? I think so Is this lump outta my head? I think so Is this lump outta my head?
Lumps In The Gravy
It's 4:30 in the morning and here I am writing to the absent masses that listen to my swollen, tired eyes dropping tears down my cheeks. I am a worry wart that is true - I have never claimed to be otherwise but sometimes you just know that something is wrong - you have that painful gut feeling that just tells you that something is out of sorts. I have had numerous conversations over the course of the last two weeks or so with my best friend Tink about the goings on in my life and she has been a constant source of reassurance and comfort to me in my unusually abnormal stressful life. No one can love and appreciate her friendship more than me. I most recently found something that I have been looking for my whole life and there it was disguised as a friend and in front of my eyes the whole time. During some very trying times in my life this man has been a shoulder to cry on - arms to hide within and so many more things that I cannot wholly express in this space. He is nothing shy of a s
"LUMPERS" Years ago I was Drivin' for this company out of Indy and I was up there in Syracuse NY picking up "1638 Cases Of Cookies" going to Bruno's Warehouse down there in Birmingham. It was one of those "Hot Loads" had to be there so I ran straight through and made my 2:00 AM appointment. I bumped the dock, went in and gave them my paperwork and was fixin' to go back out to the truck and go to bed when they told me that I was going to have to unload my trailer. I told them I was not going to unload my trailer and that I had just ran over 1,000 miles straight through just to get them their "Hot Load". They then told me about their "In-House Lumper Service" that they would unload the trailer. So I had their "In-House Lumper Service" come and check out my load and they said they would unload the "1638 Cases Of Cookies" off the floor for $175.00. So I called the office and the office said they would only pay $80.00 for a Lumper. Receiving then tells me about this little building outs
Doctors Have said Caffine will give the Lady Lumpy Breasts, heard that on the Today show, Just Means Ladys know your Bodys and family History get checked offten
Lumy's Funeral
Well everyone...I went to Lumpy's funeral last night and honestly it didn't look like him. They had to do so much reconstructive surgery on his face that (to me) it looked like he was wearing a mask. So many people were there that I knew from high school and that I was friends with. Josh, Donovan, and Sonny just to name a's nice to see my friends again, but a funeral wasn't the way I wanted to do it. They had pictures of him up everywhere from high school, but one of the things that got me was his Tupac poster that they had right under his pix. Steve was an amazing friend and a great brother. His little sister "Chimm" (was the nickname he gave her) was torn apart because he an Steve were really close. There was a note that she'd written to him that laid on his chest while he was laying in his cascet. It was really sad. Well...I'm going to the wake to say good-bye to a really great friend. I won't be writing about that because not only is it unnecessary, but we all know how t
Luna Spent Her Life On 3-ft. Chain...neglected...
This is a CROSSPOST for Animal Action Rescue. If you can help, please contact Chrissy at the email address below. DO NOT CONTACT US PLEASE. Thank you!!! Before posting this, I sat here for an hour, struggling to find the words that would express the desperation of Luna's situation. How do I make this story stand out when there are so many others? Then I realized...her story itself will tell what needs to be told, and will ensure she gets the help she needs. I urge you to take the time to read her story below, and to then do whatever you can to help. Luna was born at a dog hoarder's house (30+ dogs). Luna, who is now three, has been on the same 2 foot chain in the exact same spot since she was two months old. She has never been off the chain.. never! She sat in mud puddles so long that her skin has a fungal infection. She could not move around enough so that her nails would wear down. As she was chained there, for nearly three whole years, she was slowly going
Lunatics In Love: Sonnet For The Broken-hearted
In the silvery branches of the old birch tree, I watch the moon rising- with a similar old feeling. It's waning like us & with it's morbid softness I wonder if it's making a mockery of me. As if it knows; a smirk within it's wicked glow. Reminding me no perfect circle may be cast. Before golden Aphrodite will have lassoed in her catch. Jealous of the love humans can accomplish; knowing her own wiles all but diminish. In the transcendent form - from which humans flow. Knowing real love; Our hearts bleeding, is our only show. Of but of some of the vague brutality of LovE our kind knows. Still we court Love and Evol the same, our nourishment of pain our real bane. But the ambrosia that keeps us alive. Mere Mortals so hungry for the lies. That will make us, too- Gods for that single moment that we truly join souls. Completing our torment. COPYRIGHT WYLDFEY.COM JSP
Luna's Guidance......
Walking alone on a summers night Strolling with no real destination Far below the pale moon light Just passing that one place fills her with emotion   Still wondering around She thinks of many things Dead silence broken only by her humming sound Remembering the little bit of good her heart sings   Passing a place she knew all to well How could he say that to me Tears begin to roll as her eyes swell Maybe he just doesn't see   To him I could never lie Life is so unfair I could never lie to him, I'd rather die Does he even care   Unaware of the time now She sees her ex passing her How dare he call me a moo cow As more cars begin to stir   Reality snapped back with the air break of a Mac
Don Omar - LunaAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Lunar Correspondence Table
The Moon shapes have meaning too! Waxing Moon: Optimum time for manifestation spells, spells to draw your desires or goals. Full Moon:Optimum time for all magical spells and workings.The time of greatest power. Waning Moon: Optimum time for introspection ans magical spells of banishing negative or harmful energy. New Moon: Optimum time for new beginnings.
Luna Nueva ...
The Lunatic
is in my pants.
Lunar Eclipe(for West Coasties)
Well I was just watching the news and theres gonna be a Lunar Eclipse tonight. 1:51 am- 5:24 am Full eclipse at 3 am Time to charge the batteries on my camera. I will try and stay up and take some pics :)
Lunar Eclipse 2007
Lunar Eclipse August 28th
Check this link to see when is the best tome to view the lunar eclipse in the USA.
Lunar Eclipse~~~
This picture was taken from my friend’s back yard at 4:20 AM this morning as the total lunar eclipse was beginning its last phase. Stars are usually nowhere to be found near a full moon, but with Earth’s shadow eclipsing the Moon there were some visible.
Lunar Eclipse
8/31/2007 Dear Readers: IMPORTANT – Many people have called me with their credit card to join the special VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter list and you may now save time by AUTOMATICALLY subscribing directly at Save time and do it right away and unless you have a problem registering/ordering call the office at 602-265-7667. From there you can also order the special deal for $ 35:00 S&H included: 1 - Hypnotherapy Lecture: CD or 90-mn tape 2 - "Nostradamus Natural Healings" In 2008, I will treat my VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter subscribers royally by offering them the best of the best of my abilities. Remember the first newsletter will be issued on January first 2008. I want to take this opportunity to thanks the many of you trusting my work, my guidance and predictive gifts in Astrology. I also will pick and answer questions that will benefit all my “Star Family” and teach you more of the “Secret Code” all throughout the year. If
Lunar And Tigg Forever !
LUNAR AND TIGG FOREVER AND ALLWAYS! TIGG {K.O.P.E.}{GUARDIAN OF HELL}@ fubarLunar tiggress K.O.P.E.s insatiable one! CO OWNER of K.O.P.E.Guardians Of Hell !@ fubar
Lunarlupin K.o.p.e. Co.owner Of Guardians Of Hell
LunarLupin K.O.P.E. Tiggs! insatiable one! CO.OWNER of G.O.H.@ fubar
Lunar Eclipse To Occur Wednesday Night
Lunar Eclipse to Occur Wednesday Night Tuesday, February 19, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night, with cameo appearances by Saturn and the bright star Regulus on either side of the veiled full moon. Skywatchers viewing through a telescope will have the added treat of seeing Saturn's handsome rings. Weather permitting, the total eclipse can be seen from North and South America. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. As the moonlight dims - it won't go totally dark - Saturn and Regulus will pop out and sandwich the moon. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo. Jack Horkheimer, host of the PBS show "Star Gazer," called the event "the moon, the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse." Wednesday's event will be the last total lunar eclipse until Dec. 20, 2010. Last year there were two. The weather could be a spoiler for many in the United States. Cl
Lunar Eclipse
A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the night of Wednesday, February 20/21, 2008. The entire event is visible from South America and most of North America (on Feb. 20) as well as Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia (on Feb. 21). During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray. An eclipse of the Moon can only take place at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped parts, one nested inside the other. The outer shadow or penumbra is a zone where Earth blocks some (but not all) of the Sun's rays. In contrast, the inner shadow or umbra is a region where Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. If only part of the Moon passes through the umbra, a partial eclipse is seen. However, if the entire Moon passes through the umbral shadow, then a total eclipse of
The Lunar Eclipse
I just went out and looked at the moon. I tried to take some pictures of it but it looks like a dot on my camera, lol It is a beautiful sight! There are stars out with the moon also. Very pretty. I have just finished working for the day. I worked all day long and all evening long! ugh! I got a lot done though so that is really good. Peter is in the kitchen making dinner and it smells really good. I am starving! He is making grilled chicken with vegetables and pesto sauce with noodles. It smells so good. I got a deal on an X-Box game today. I picked up Christopher after school and for all of his A's he has been getting, I told him I would buy him a new game. I went to Best Buy and he picked out Dirt which is a race game. It is a $50 game and when I went up to the cash register, they have new computers to check you out. Some how the $50 game came up a $20 game! Woo hoo. lol I like that price. Well, it's dinner time! Kisses Martin ~~ciao~~
The Lunar Eclipse - Life Movement
Here we stand thinking alone. Chaotic rhythms echoing musical tone Blank verses written in universal time White pages filing, nothing to bind Here we stand mocking death Satin gloved fingers crushing depth Lost generations seeking to hold Molded clay containers of souls. Here we stand living dreams Minds tearing through reality's seams Circles overlapping in infinity's tune Fallen notes stranded over a red tinted moon. (c)Lady Soliloque
Lunar Eclipse
On this night of 2/21/08 there is a lunar eclipse here in the United States. I have enjoyed the view and this is the poem for this event. Lunar Eclipse A night raven stands at the door A lunar eclipse is at hand Jezebel has found the tears in my heart The ardent love is serpentine The serendipity of the serenade is now false Senseless sensation of wine and dinning The wolf howl is silent or is it The trail of the sky is unknown Eating of the poison fruit is not life All under the lunar eclipse One stands along: Satan The face of darken life or shame The darkness hides all Yes, all under the lunar eclipse Life verses death joy verses ire the lunar eclipse hides all Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
Last night I was struck by surprise by the massive rock in the heavens. I unknowingly witnessed a full lunar eclipse. Upon looking to the sky I instantaneously had flashbacks of the last lunar eclipse I saw on the playa in Black Rock City (Burning Man for those of you that aren't aware). It brought me in awe and the stresses of the day were no more. It is amazing how such an event can change the course of the day. I sat thinking of all the fun I had back in BRC and watched the eclipse till it was no more. I haven’t shared much about that day but that day in BRC will go down in history. This is how the day’s story goes… Late Sunday night we were scheduled at the greeter’s station to prepare for the rush of people waiting for the gates to officially open to the public. We worked for four hours and worked our butts off to get as many people in during our shift. The line to enter the city was not dying down. The line stretched far and went around the curve which was about 5 miles awa
For millions of years man has sought to destroy the moon. The moon doesn't do anything to help anyone. It has never cured any diseases, it has never given me money, and it doesn't cook very good tacos. Yet it still has the nerve to screw with people via solar eclipses. The Death Star had humble beginnings The moon cock-blocks the sun causing these solar eclipses without written permission or giving adequete warning, but suddenly day time turns into night. Then anyone who isn't already blind looks up to see what's going on, and 30 seconds later they can smell their retinas burning. I thought maybe everyone hated the moon because it's surface looked like the singer Seal, and nobody likes ugly people. Seal after being clubbed with the ugly-stick Amazingly enough I was wrong...the reason everyone hates the moon is two-fold. First off the moon causes people to become werewolves, and inspired the stupid movie Teen-Wolf. The second reason is because the
For millions of years man has sought to destroy the moon. The moon doesn't do anything to help anyone. It has never cured any diseases, it has never given me money, and it doesn't cook very good tacos. Yet it still has the nerve to screw with people via solar eclipses. The Death Star had humble beginnings The moon cock-blocks the sun causing these solar eclipses without written permission or giving adequete warning, but suddenly day time turns into night. Then anyone who isn't already blind looks up to see what's going on, and 30 seconds later they can smell their retinas burning. I thought maybe everyone hated the moon because it's surface looked like the singer Seal, and nobody likes ugly people. Seal after being clubbed with the ugly-stick Amazingly enough I was wrong...the reason everyone hates the moon is two-fold. First off the moon causes people to become werewolves, and inspired the stupid movie Teen-Wolf. The second reason is because the
Lunar Festivals
Lunar Festivals January: Cold Moon February:Snow Moon March: Sugar Moon April: Rain Moon May: Flower Moon June: Long Days Moon July: Honey Moon August: Corn Moon September: Harvest Moon October: Blood Moon November:Rememberance December: Long Nights Moon The Blue Moon is considered the 'goal moon', at this time it is customary to set specific goals for yourself and to review your accomplishments and failures since the last one. The other 12 Moons all have special meanings as well. January is the time to conserve energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. It is also a time for protection rites and reversing spells. During this month the energy flow is sluggish and below the surface. February is the time for loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans. At this time the energy flow is working toward the surface; good for purification, growth, and healing. Mar
Lunar Festivals
FROM MY GOOD FRIEND FIREWALKER Lunar Festivals January: Cold Moon February:Snow Moon March: Sugar Moon April: Rain Moon May: Flower Moon June: Long Days Moon July: Honey Moon August: Corn Moon September: Harvest Moon October: Blood Moon November:Rememberance December: Long Nights Moon The Blue Moon is considered the 'goal moon', at this time it is customary to set specific goals for yourself and to review your accomplishments and failures since the last one. The other 12 Moons all have special meanings as well. January is the time to conserve energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. It is also a time for protection rites and reversing spells. During this month the energy flow is sluggish and below the surface. February is the time for loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans. At this time the energy flow is working toward the surface; good for purif
Lunar Slumber
while a sword rusted on a dry mound of cool moss suffused in moonglow effervescence stung by aerial starfish i was smoldering in lunar embers wondering what her... trying to remember what her... skin tasted like under the endlessness of bright star-flowers blooming in an interstellar nothingness as dark as rich black dirt i was smoldering in lunar embers wondering what her... trying to remember what her... skin tasted like and when the gray morning murk was being burnt away by a celestial rain of flaming petals i was ablaze in a solar bonfire knowing what her... remembering what her... skin tasted like like morning dipped in honey
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness. She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white. She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour. She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field. From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what
Luna Mystica--angels Of Venice
Luna Tucumana
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness. She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white. She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour. She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field. From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness. She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white. She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour. She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field. From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what
Lunar Expression
Inherently afraid of the dark like a small child I am grateful for your illuminating glow. A reflection of the magnificence of the sun. You however , are never overbearing Gradually making yourself know. The stars applaud you As they glimmer like diamonds . I await you In anticipation of your full glory. It's then when my fear vanishes. I'm no longer in the darkness Frightened by the unknown. You are my solace. I'm protected by the light of the moon. written for Celina ..sorry it took so long ..**hugs**
Lunar Expression
Inherently afraid of the dark like a small child I am grateful for your illuminating glow. A reflection of the magnificence of the sun. You however , are never overbearing Gradually making yourself know. The stars applaud you As they glimmer like diamonds . I await you In anticipation of your full glory. It's then when my fear vanishes. I'm no longer in the darkness Frightened by the unknown. You are my solace. I'm protected by the light of the moon. written for Celina ..sorry it took so long ..**hugs** Thank you so much Bear I love this
Lunar Affair
My eyes show the state of tiredness , I cover with make-up, he notices. Too much hate generates from my body, I tremble some days. Safety is what I embrace whenever it comes to visit. I absorb the attention from the moon but he has lost interest me. Sleepless moods are exchange between him and I, anger stays up with me though. Most nights it feels all right, but the blood covered butterflies die down, reverting into cocoons to escape the lashing. Still as a statue, I watch, silent, about to pounce. The shine from him glistened upon my teeth, I bite. The red drips all over, bathing me. I lick the staining color off my white fingers, Feeling satisfied. He rotates to me, acknowledging, disappointment shines down, I smile, guilty, and sway away to the final chapter. Deidre Grotbo
A Lunatic...
I just watched Penelope. Interesting movie. The moral of the story is to believe in yourself and like yourself just as you are. This is a great moral. So now that I am sufficiently satisfied with the chick flick quota for the day and am getting ready for work I just wanted to say one thing.     I wish I miraculously got cuter when I accept me for me :D hahaa j/k I am totally adorable!!    
Lunaria Heed to the ladyLady of the moonWhispers of the nightWishes meant to come true. Heed to the lady Long golden hair,Grace beyond imagine,Smile beyond compare. Heed to the ladyStar laden dress,Soft touch of a hand,Voice as soft as a gentle breeze. Heed to the ladyLady of the moonWhispered dreams can come true. 
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness.She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white.She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour.She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field.From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what creatures might
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness.She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white.She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour.She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field.From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what creatures might
Lunar Cee
The moon is a liar qnd a fake, why does he get so much respect for romance and love, he takes and takes and gives nothing. Stealing light from the sun to put on your fake face but you are a barren whore when the light dont shine, full of holes and nothing to look at. The cancer you put on cancers and the lunar cee with your gravity. I am a cancer but I know the real you moon and I hate you.
Lunar (02.08.08)
She watched as transparent whirls of smoke slowly danced in a crisp winter air upwards towards the sky, changing shapes and patterns like ghostly apparitions, until finally disappearing into eternal nothingness.She took a drag from a cigarette, and heard a light crackle as the amber tip lit up and let the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, letting out a new batch of smoke. The moon emanated its cold mysterious glow, making the snow covered field drown in an ocean of pure white.She stood there, spellbound by this creature that was looking back at her, and her only, with its featureless round face, so many light years and miles away, so distant and yet so close, keeping her company at this lonesome hour.She could sense it sending its lunar incantations into the air, pulsating with waves and invoking the spirits of the forest that stood like an inpenetrable fortress along the shadowed edges of the field.From the safety of the lit up entrance of the hotel, she wondered what creatures might
Luna Vachon
Wrestling World Pays Tribute to Luna Vachon Posted by Melanie on August 28th, 2010 Categories: The News Desk It’s been nearly 24 hours since the heartbreaking news that former WWE star, Luna Vachon has passed away at the age of 48. In the last 24 hours, we’ve seen an outpouring of blogs and tweets from the wrestling world. Here’s just a selection: WWE Hall of Famer, Jim Ross, has written his own tribute to Luna on his blog. He writes: “Luna Vachon had a unique and often times challenging life but even with the issues that she battled she had many friends who, as will I, always look back upon the good days that we shared.” Read the rest here. Wrestling veteran, Missy Hyatt wrote: “People fail to forget what a great worker Luna could be at times. I remember Luna worked an indy show against Alicia towards the end of her career in 2007. Luna put on a brawl that was reminiscent of Bruiser Brody in the 1980s in which they tore the building
Lunatic Luau 12
  Been three yrs since the last festival was washed off by a hurricane, was great see things get back up and running. Day of debauchery as expected. All the bands were good, some better than expected.  First time hearing Art of Dying, was impressed enough to seek out some listening after the fact. Was cool to here all the ole GNR tunes with the mainstay member Slash, minus fuknut Axel, plus better singer/cooler guy Miles Kennedy. FFDP was tight. Pretty cool stage set with truck grills all welded together in front of the amps. They stopped in the middle of the show, and dude said "Im having a hard time continuing while seeing these little faces squished between all you grown up fukers...lets fix that right now." So he had the roadies pull all the kids out and bring em onstage. Pretty cool. Sidebar to that...I watched the guitar player pick out these two chics from the crowd and motion for them to come around side, and the roadies helped them up and led off to backstage. So of cour
Luna My Bug
When I hear her name I think about the bright eyes Thats dance and sparkle when she is amused The way her face lights up the room when she smiles.   When I see her I know I am in the presence Of a friend, a person I can count on  When my day has been long and hard  To always make me smile.   I know that when I need someone to talk to  I can always turn to Luna  Wonderful,funny and dependable She is now and forever will be  My Sweet loving Luna Bug.   When I need to hear the truth about anything, When I am confused,sad, or just need someone to help  Me get through the day she is always there  With an open ear and a heart thats the sizeof the  World that she makes so much better for those who Are lucky enough to know her. LUNA MY BUG I love you like a sister girlie.
Luncheon Chicken Salad
Original recipe yield: 7 servings PREP TIME 15 Min READY IN 15 Min INGREDIENTS * 4 cups cooked, cubed chicken breast * 1 (20 ounce) can unsweetened pineapple tidbits * 1 (11 ounce) can mandarin oranges, drained * 1 cup chopped celery * 6 green onions, chopped * 1/2 cup chopped green pepper * 2/3 cup mayonnaise * 7 1/2 teaspoons brown mustard * 1 tablespoon brown sugar * 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, gently combine the chicken, pineapple, oranges, celery, onions and green pepper. In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Pour over salad and toss to coat.
Lineman are a crazy bunch, What others call pussy we call LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to point out to all my coworkers: I take lunch somewhere around 1:30 in the afternoon. If you're unsure if I'm at lunch please take note of the dish of food near me, the casual relaxed pose of leaning back in the chair in the breakroom, of the book in my hand and my air of "I'm ignoring you and pretending I'm not here". That means I'm happily off the clock, I'm not being paid for that time that I take and for the moment I do not belong to you or the company. That does not mean that you can come in there with an order and tell me that something I asked you to check on ealier has issues or that you can begin to discuss it with me. That goes double if you are our accounting person. If you want to pay me out of your pocket to both me then I think I might be able to drag my thoughts out of the enjoyable novel that I'm engrossed in. I somehow think that is unlikely. I already dislike this place enough and I like to pretend for short periods of time that I a
Lunch Time Thoughts
It is rather funny how the reactions of men seeing a women behind the counter of a bike shop can vary. One man will automatically think that I can do nothing but answer phones. Another will think I am dating the owner, which I am not. There is always a man who can get over how I look. Not to mention the man who thinks the combination of women and motorcycles is sexy. I still can't believe how so many think I don't know a damn think about bikes.
I just gave myself a migraine. I didn't have much of a choice though. About an hour ago I was sitting here, making my way through a stack of follow-ups and trying to get people to send me their art or names or just quit being little bitches and agree to the less than minimum charges when I was suddenly struck with a horrific smell. Rotten fish. And it was STRONG. I gagged and slapped a hand over my nose. For the record, I truly dislike the smell of seafood. I don't eat it anymore except in the form of tuna cakes. (i used to but something happened one day and now it makes me ill) I can handle the smell if it's cooked well or if it's fresh and mixed with the smell of the Bay (I'm speaking of Fisherman's Warf in SF). But THIS was different. It literally smelled rotten and I thought I was going to loose the few wheat thins I'd snacked on this morning. I spoke up and mentioned I smelled bad fish. Then the boss' wife, said it was crab. She had made something with
The solution to a bad day at work (or bad week)? Go out to lunch with a favorite coworker and bitch about work and drink a few margaritas before coming back. Oh yeah....Nickey and I are really giggly now...
Lunch Together?
Shall we meet today at lunchtime And play our game that you adore You just bring your desire for me And tread lightly across the floor Remember to let me be the boss And I’ll fill your fantasy head As long as you will bare your all And let me cuff you to the bed Now you’re shackled and I’m impressed At the size of your want for me I’ll slowly dance upon the bed Unveiling all for your eyes to see I’ll sway and rock to and fro And toss my hair to turn you on I’ll scratch and trace my fingertips Till every ounce of your excitements gone With tiny toes and silk like soles I’ll caress your pounding needs I’ll rub and roll your manly dough Till nature spouts your seeds Your heart pounds like a hundred drums And your face is soaked with sweat I’ll wipe my foot along your chest To dry it from
Lunch Break
Actually stopped fooling around on CT.. I mean working.. long enough to grab some lunch today. Doesn't look like my shout box is working too well. Finally got work one client is sending out a check today. About time. Tried to call another one that has promised to send his check several times... That one is hard because he is really a nice guy. Feeling a bit better today. Taking David home to her is always so hard. It isn't something you can understand unless you are without your kids for an extended period. I know guys aren't supposed to cry... but its one thing that brings tears to my eyes. I just keep looking over at where he would be sitting.. playing games.. and missing him. I have to say the friends who tried to cheer me up last night are wonderful. I am really lucky. :) I get quiet and think too much when I go through those sad times. Not much going on this week for work. Thats ok, I have enough to keep me busy. Do have a big meeting Friday though. Gue
Lunch Time
ok so i still havent racked up enough points to create a mumm sounds depressin buti have a really good one and i wanna do it but i cannot so n e one who wants to hear will give me points here people......come on sho some luv here**** pweaasee!!! n e who i am at lunch eatin at my desk..i bet ur wondering what huh i usually dont get fast food or anything but today i feel like it so I did....i get to sit at a computer all day long and well i suppose its ok but still my eyes hurt sometimes. cant i just get a break and i have been going thro some things in my lfe right now and i could use a little cheering up n e one up for hearing it lemme know i would appreciate a real listener notta faker haha fakerz....n e ways................ok welp!!! i guess i b goin now PEACE OUT.......sike who uses that.......bui bui
Just getting ready to eat my lunch. Today it will be baked chicken breast, baked sweet potato, French cut green beans almondine with mushrooms, bread and butter and for dessert Carmel Apple Pies Ala Mode. Anyone wish to join me?
Lunchbox Music Video Code By Marilyn Manson :
Music Video:LUNCHBOX (by Marilyn Manson)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Lunch Date
When she called him up and invited him to lunch, he had no idea what would happen. She had always been a close friend, someone he could talk to about anything. She picked him up outside of his office building in DC, and drove down 395 towards Arlington, VA. She was oddly quiet during the ride. He was beginning to wonder if she was upset about something. She pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, and parked in the last row, far away from the building and main road. "Do you remember that little favor you did for me last week?" She asked. "Yes, I do." "Well, I really owe you. You kept me from being fired." "All I did was recover some deleted data from your laptop. And high school student could have done it." "But you did it, and I owe you. And today, I am going to help you with that problem you have." She began to unbuckle his belt, and slide his pants down. His heart raced. He knew this was wrong, but he could not move to stop her. Before he could gathe
Lunch Time
Angel::: sits at the table with a bowl of steaming hot soup, sipping slowly::: Death::: walks into the room::: mmm yummy ::: licks her lips and kisses::: Angel::: licks his lips and returns his kisses::: Yes it is Death: just as tasty, i know a way to make it taste even better Angel: hmmm? :::takes another sip::: Death: a nice thick load of cum Angel: mmmm Death: you like that idea? Angel::: nods as she takes another sip::: Death: :::grabs his crotch::: and im nice and hard Angel::: giggles as she reaches out to investigate his claims ::: Death::: pulls down his black crushed velvet sweatpants and dips his cock into her soup.::: here have a taste Angel::: licks the soup off his cock::: mmm, yummy huni Death::: yea nothin like flavored cock :::chuckles::: would you like some more? Angel::: nods ::: Yes please Death::: dips the entire length of his cock into her soup leaving it submerged for a few seconds before pulling it out.::: Angel::: takes another sip of soup after
Lunch Time!
So I just had lemon pepper chicken with rice and broccoli for lunch. And no, it wasn't one of those Lean Cuisine Bistro meals either, it was leftovers from dinner the other night. It was good too.
Lunch Date!!!
You're feeling like quite the daredevil. The stars applaud your brio. Whatever risky and adventurous choice you make, you're well supported by the current astral vibrations. So go for the gusto and go all the way.
Lunch With Mom....
Lunch with mom.... My mom is fabulous. She makes me laugh. My mom is so right wing she almost....ALMOST mind you...squeaks. I am not like my parents. I believe in gay rights and a woman's right to choose. I believe that alternate lifestyles are fabulous if they make you happy and the last time I listened to Rush Limbaugh I was 12. My birthday lunch with mom is a tradition. She takes me out, she buys me lunch, hands me an appropriate card and from there we usually head to a nursery and I pick out some new plants for my garden. Every time she reminds me how important it is to water every day in the summer and I nod and smile and give her my best "Oh but of course!" look. This year we met at a new restaurant here in town. It looked fabulous and it sounded happy. I started smoking again about 3 months ago. Why? Because...i dunno. I wanted too. It tastes good. I missed it. My mom is the only person who didn't know yet. I am grown and while I didn't look forward to h
Lunch With The President
Ate lunch today with President Bush. I was one of 175 people on base that got to eat with him. I will say I was extremely impressed.
"Stop by my place for lunch, I'll give you something to eat." The innuendo was clear and strong, and I knew that "something to eat" would have nothing to do with a ham on rye. Yet, here I was, pulling into his driveway, turning down the radio so I could hear my thoughts. I felt jittery and unsure as I approached the house. The post-it on the door said "Come in, Grace," so I turned the doorknob and entered the foyer. I quickly spied the bottle of chocolate syrup in the middle of the floor... and the note stuck to the front. "Bring me upstairs, but stop by the kitchen..." I walked into the kitchen, and saw post it notes with arrows leading to the fridge. Opening it, I saw a can of whipped cream with handcuffs laid over it. I immediately grabbed both. I could feel myself start to throb in anticipation. I climbed the stairs and followed the arrows to the bedroom, carrying the chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and handcuffs. My legs were absolute jello. The li
"lunchlady Land"
ADAM SANDLER LYRICS "This is a song..." "This is uhh, This is a new song..." "It's through the eyes of one of the greatest people alive, I feel..." "The Lunchlady" [Laughing] Woke up in the morning Put on my new plastic glove Served some reheated salisbury steak With a little slice of love Got no clue what the chicken pot pie is made of Just know everything's doing fine Down here in Lunchlady Land Well I wear this net on my head 'Cause my red hair is fallin' out I wear these brown orthopedic shoes 'Cause I got a bad case of the gout I know you want seconds on the corndogs But there's no reason to shout Everybody gets enough food Down here in Lunchlady Land Well yesterday's meatloaf is today's sloppy joes And my breath reeks of tuna And there's lots of black hairs coming out of my nose In Lunchlady Land your dreams come true Clouds made of carrots and peas Mountains built of shepherds pie And rivers made of macaroni and cheese But don't forget to
Lunch Lady
I just finished my lunch and now I want something sweet.:( I don't know what I want though ... Should I go for candy, cookies or ice cream?
Lunch Meetings
As if I don't have enough meetings already, now there are fellow colleagues who are asking me out for lunch meetings to discuss project issues. I received an email this morning from a colleague who wants to have lunch today but I can't because I already have a lunch schedule with another colleague. I now have scheduled lunch meetings with colleagues out to next Tuesday. Oh... and I am NOT working at all this weekend... unbelievable. I plan to do all sorts of things to my husband on Saturday night... get the massage oil out and watch out honey. LOL
A Lunch Farewell
I am heading to Eugene Oregon where I am taking a colleague out to lunch. Wednesday is his last day with the association and I missed his going away party last Friday so I promised to take him out to lunch today. I will also be collecting some things from him because I will also be doing some of his duties for awhile until someone is hired to take his place. So... I am off for a 75 mile drive. Later!!!!
So today Dr. Dave asks me… "Have you had your lunch yet?" to which I reply "it just now started… but as to my actual physical lunch no, I have not had lunch yet." I gotta give him props for his answer… "so that means you can have your lunch and eat it too." Hee hee hee, I love it!
what's for lunch
Lunch Break
You decide that you're going to come home for a quick bite to eat, when you notice that my car is parked out front. You think to yourself, ok she should be at work. So you walk in and you hear the TV in the bedroom. "Hey mama, you home?" No response. Maybe I'm taking a nap? You walk towards the door, and just as you're about to open the door you hear moaning coming from what sounds like the TV. You stand there for a second listening to make sure its the TV, and then you realize its me and the TV. You walk in on me and there I am laying on the bed, spread eagle. I'm still in my work shirt but all I have on are panties, and socks, my pants are at the foot of the bed, and my hands are busy inside my panties...My head is back, my eyes are closed, and I'm biting my lip. You stand there for about 10 seconds just admiring the view. My chest is rising up and down real fast, as I really start to get into it. You slowly walk over to me and touch my thigh,
I am sitting here during my lunch hour, eating my sandwich my son made me wondering why do people feel the need to bother you while you stuff your face and take the hour break you are entitled to. If you didn't know i am the credit analyst for the company i work for. I am the only one for this division. My boss is in another state he watches the account while i eat or do whatever i need to do. But people still feel the need to ask me to stop eating and help then. Lord knows they took a lunch and were allowed their time of peace or maybe they worked thru b/c they are unable to manage their time. No matter the issue I know how to manage my tasks and i enjoy my time to rest and eat my lunch. Don't bug me during my lunch, it is my legal right in Washington state to take an hour lunch and I am going to do that. Maybe i am more tired then i thought. More stressed then i wanted to admit about the issues i have to deal with. Told Kevin that come hell or high water I am going to rest and ther
Lunch Break...
I met a friend on my lunch break. That’s when I first saw him. He sat in the booth right in front of me. He was beautiful. I felt my pussy getting wet and I know I blushed because a rush of heat centered on my face. When he looked my way I coquettishly smiled. I took my drink and put the straw in my mouth, then moved it up and down with my lips pressed tightly around it. He just stared at me. I watched as he loosened his tie and made a gesture with his hand indicating he felt hot. It was like I had been put under some sort of sex spell. I couldn’t keep my eyes off this man. I wanted him. I wanted to feel his breath on my skin. I wanted to run my hands through his hair. I wanted to feel his touch. Most of all, I wanted to fuck him. This persistent sensation between my legs wouldn’t stop. It suffocated me. I’ve never acted impulsively before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. I needed some relief. My friend got a call so I thought this would be the perfect time to take
So I decided to be a little daring today and try the new Wendy’s Italian Beef Sandwich. $4.99 for just the sandwich, not a good start. I can get a tasty beef sanwich for less at HDE. I decided to go with the combo since it was only like 80 cents more. Also discovered that Wendy’s does wraps now too. Spicy, homestyle, and grilled. I went with the homestyle one. The sandwich was 5 out of 10 at the best. They put it on their foccacio bread like the rest of their sanwiches and too be honest it overpowered the taste of the beef. Had a good level of juice and was not dry at all. It was weird to see the sign for the sandwich on the menu board as its posted as a "hometown Classic" and appeared to be sponsored by the Cubs. The wrap was pretty tasty though. Ranch with lettuce and shredded cheddar cheese. Tastier than a snack wrap from Mc.Douche-nalds. The best part of lunch however was Driving into what is normally a driveway that had a locked gate on it during the winter. It
Lunch Lady
Lunch Time
I decided to go out for lunch today, I usually brown-bag it. Went to Au Bon Pain, I haven't been there for a while and apparently they have these Rice Bowls now. I got the Cajun Shrimp. Is it ever yummy!
Lunchtime Smoothie
Ingredients 1 cup Dannon light and fit vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup orange juice 1/2 cup pineapple 1/2 cup ice Directions place ingredients in blender and mix well. Number of Servings: 1
Lunch Time
Wow! Allen just went back to work. He came home for lunch, and what a lunch time it was! Nothin' like a good romp in the middle of the day! And a lunch-time romp always makes him work better in the afternoon. Only a lawyer can take two hours for lunch, and we put those two hours to good use! He came home, looking very sexy in his suit and tie, I might add, with that hungry look in his eyes. I knew he wasn't hungry for food, but for me. He came over and gave me a kiss and pulled my hair, our signal that it was time to "play". "Yes, Master?" I ask in response to his tugging. "On your knees, I want your lips around my dick, NOW." Being a natural submissive and loving to suck him off, I obeyed. Now, I am a natural submissive, but I don't always behave. ;) "Yes, Master, as you wish." I got on my knees and unzipped his fly. I was greeted by his member, standing at full erection. I open my mouth and take it all the way in. On a groan, Allen grabs a fist full of my hair and control
Lunch Dinner Are A Snack Stop In
Lunch Date
BODY { MARGIN: 8px } .LW-yrriRe { FONT: x-small arial } I have fifteen minets before you come out. I have been thinking about our lunch date all day. I find your car and set down in the back seat...My body is already so paintys already wet. I can smell you in the car. You had told me not to touch my self in anyway. To just let it build..It was so hard to do. I cross my legs... and try to relieve just a little bit the throbbing in my clit. Maybe...just one little touch...a quick rub...what could it hurt right....I slid my hand under my skirt...on the out side of my pantie. NO I need more...I slip two fingers in.....OHHHHH it felt so good....I feel more then anything you open the door and getting in....the cold air hitting my hot body...I pull my hand away real quick and can feel a deep blush all over my body...mmmy yes I had been caught.  You take my hand and put my fingers in your mouth sucking my wetness. In that low hot voice you say. YOU have been bad. I'm
Lunch And Learn
The company I work for sometimes holds "Lunch and Learn" seminars for employees during lunchtime. These deal with a variety of physical and mental health issues. If the seminar lasts beyond the normal lunch hour, we're supposed to get managerial approval to attend. So, last week, this flyer came around: LUNCH AND LEARN SEMINAR: WHO'S CONTROLLING YOUR LIFE? (Get your manager's permission before attending) Looks like that question's been answered .......... 
Lunch Time
An old nun Who was living in a convent next to a construction site Noticed the coarse language of the workers And decided to spend some time with them to correct their ways.   She decided she would take her lunch, Sit with the workers And talk with them.   She put her sandwich in a brown bag And Walked over to the spot where the men were eating.   She walked up to the group and with a big smile said: "and do you men know Jesus Christ?"      They shook their heads and looked at each other very confused.   One of the workers looked up into the steelworks and yelled out,     "Anybody up there know Jesus Christ?"   One of the steelworkers yelled down     'why'?   The worker yelled back,     "Cos his wife's here with his lunch"
Lunch - 4/28/2010
       I'm trying to eat a bit healthier. Well, I'm being force to try, anyway. I figured I'd give a try at following some type of diet and still making it taste good.      My wife brought home a new bottle of hot sauce a bit over a week ago. (Read about that here.) It really is too hot to just splash on like ketchup, but I found a great use for it.      The chicken is really nothing special. It's just a plain chicken breast seasoned with Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning, a slice of tomato and a leaf of lettuce on a Thomas's Whole Wheat Bagel Thin (I can't really call it a bagel in good conscience, but I digress...) served with a side of raw carrots. The real kick comes from the spread I made.      The spread is really easy to mix; it's only 3 ingredients. The main ingredient is Miracle Whip. I used about 1 tsp. of the vile stuff. (I can't stand MW by itself!) The next component is spicy brown mustard. I really like a coarse ground brown mustard, like Plochman's. If I had to guess
It was the night before their lunch date. She couldn't sleep but wouldn't call him tonight. She was to be dressed and ready precisely at noon. She painted her nails and laid out her outfit before laying down.Thoughts of him occupied all her thoughts even as she slept.She woke up to the buzz of her alarm clock pulling her right out of a dream.Turning the water on she grabs the hairbrush as the tub fills.She slips out of her nightie then lowers herself into the hot water.Washing and conditioning her hair followed by shaving then washing her body.She toweled off, then used her favorite toiletries before slipping her bra and panties on.After eating a light breakfast she felt groggy so she laid down for a bit.She drifted off and forgot to reset her alarm just in case.He knocks on her door and she doesn't answer.He grins thinking she's teasing him so he uses her spare key.He walks in and sees no sign of her.Walking to her bedroom he smells her perfume.The door is open and he stops dead in tr
Pink  is so sick of having the same thing for lunch every day.
Luney Tune
I slipped into my jeans lookin' hard and feelin' mean I took a spit at the moon it's all in this luney tune Just a little insane a couple of shots I can't feel no pain Hey where have I been and who are these scary men Is this all real is this all necessary or it this a joke Many know I don't regret at all They locked me up for good pinned me against the wall I can't find the exit I quit lookin' for doors I stole a razor from the commissary I just couldn't take it no more I'm swimmin' in blood like a rat on a sewer floor No longer insane just part of this crazy dream
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Sunglasses, shade-use can be divided into a mirror, light-colored sunglasses, and three types of special-purpose sunglasses.lunettes ray ban We must first know the purpose of buying sunglasses, from the above description of several types of sunglasses, we know that there are different types of sunglasses for different occasions and people. We want to buy sunglasses, first make sure their main purpose is to purchase or for shade with clothing? The name is appropriate for the purpose of the sunglasses.The lenses in the Aviators come in a number of different colors. Gray and green lenses help maintain natural colors. Brown lenses cause a little color distortion but are good for color contrast. Orange and yellow lenses enhance color contrast and depth perception. In a very Initial Terminator production, Schwarzenegger used the Gargoyles sunglasses, inside of additional dvd inside the range, ray ban pas cher he painted Ray Ban sunglasses. Danny Connor, the smoothness had basically
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With UV protection you would find the resources necessary to aid in your effort to protect your eyes, lunettes ray ban offering greater performance in the future. Of course, while many sunglasses provide you with this type of protection, there are many more benefits when you look to utilize ray ban aviators. Genuine Ray Ban sunglasses must have the accessories of Ray Ban box, Ray Ban brand case, Ray Ban cleaning cloth, Ray Ban certificate of authenticity, and the booklet care guide. The booklet printings of the genuine Ray Ban are delicate and clear. The replica ones are always blurry, and some even can not offer the total accessories. Moreover, Ray Ban Company has developed Ray Ban sun glasses of various series. One special example can expound this point. ray ban pas cher Since 2000, a new fashion for sun glasses is ushered in. Ray Ban Company has noticed this, and some ranges of new Ray Ban sun glasses come into being. With no doubt, Ray Ban Frames are typical cases. Examine
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Sunglasses, shade-use can be divided into a mirror, light-colored sunglasses, and three types of special-purpose sunglasses.lunettes ray ban We must first know the purpose of buying sunglasses, from the above description of several types of sunglasses, we know that there are different types of sunglasses for different occasions and people. We want to buy sunglasses, first make sure their main purpose is to purchase or for shade with clothing? In this modern age appearances play a great role in how an individual is perceived, with two of the largest impacts being found with hygiene and style. Whilst hygiene is something a person needs to work on a daily basis to achieve, obtaining style is often simple when you understand how various items of style are perceived.The Aviator is the classic style sunglass made by Ray Ban. This style was first introduced and patented in 1937. When mentioned sunglasses sold in the market, one will instantly think of Ray Ban sun glasses. ray ban pa
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There is actually a great lie which your more dark unquestionably the upgraded lenses making use lunettes ray ban of ray ban 2140 sunglasses, higher paid for up your eyes may possibly be produced by severe ultraviolet uv rays. The fact is just that Ray Ban skiing dark-coloured athletics sunglasses may very. the wearer will suffer more than not wearing sunglasses, ultraviolet light (wear sunglasses, will reduce the flux into the human eye, causing the wearer increased pupil .) The counter in a store selling Ray Ban Sunglasses Sale, his glasses, tag or packaging are generally clearly marked, as in the clothing label on the fabric composition, as consumers purchase must be carefully.ray ban pas cher and ralph lauren pas cher ,Nike Requin Being one of the pioneer brands of sunglasses, Ray Ban Sunglasses have earned respect, popularity and royalty. Ray Ban sunglasses are known to be of high quality with exquisite line of designs. There are lots of buyers out there that are looking
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Lunettes Ray Ban
Given that 1952, Ray-Ban's Wayfarer sunglasses have graced the faces of American icons from Gen.rayban pas cher femme Douglas MacArthur to Audrey Hepburn and Madonna. In 2007, the organization released a whole new line of Wayfarers in vibrant coloration combinations,Check out along with your community optician or search online for eyeglass spare parts. Ray Ban SunglassesPosition the brand new spring inside the hinge and stick to action three to change the hinge screw. Ray Ban Sunglasses are one of the leading brands of sunglasses in almost all part of the world. Being one of the pioneer brands of sunglasses, Ray Ban Sunglasses have earned respect,Ralph Lauren Homme popularity and royalty. Ray Ban sunglasses are known to be of high quality with exquisite line of designs. Obtaining the goods would highly depend upon your negotiations. But usually it is being shipped to your place. However, you can suggest meet-ups if you are not comfortable with shipping. in such a case, wayfar
Lung Cancer Awareness
Lung Cancer Awareness I am a person who lost a love one two years ago to this day to lung cancer. The person in my life was my mom that I lost. So, Let me tell you my little story. My mom went to her regular doctor and they sent her for a scan to see if her stomach didn't have a ulcer. The tech let the scan go up a little higher then he should have let it, and it should up something on her lungs that wasn't normal. They show the doctors and the doctors was like they needed to find out what it was. So my mom went back to the doctors and they did 4 test on her to figure out if it was cancer or not. Which cause my mom to worry and stress about it. They said it was 85% chance it was cancer and they wanted to remove it. They didn't tell any of the family the risk of her coming threw the surgery with a full recover was low. So, She went ahead and did the surgery. Let me tell you my mom was a very strong woman and she was a fighter until she got out of the surgery. She wasn't the same
Lung Removed In 'cancer Blunder'
A man has said his lung was needlessly removed by doctors after he was wrongly diagnosed with cancer. Laurence Ball, who lives in Shetland, had surgery at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary to remove a tumour on his lung. But Mr Ball, 58, was later told there had never been cancer in the organ. He is now planning legal action. NHS Grampian said the case was in the hands of the Central Legal Office and the board considered it inappropriate to comment further. The problems started when Mr Ball suffered a chest infection in May 2005 and was sent for tests at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. He was told he had cancer in his left lung and underwent surgery in August 2005 to have a tumour removed. But after the operation he was told by surgeons that he did not need chemotherapy as there had been no cancer in his lung. "For the next few days I was really traumatised and in deep shock," he told BBC Radio's Good Morning Scotland programme. Mr Ball said his solicitor had been to
Lung Removel Surgery
we got word today my dad has to have a part of his left lung removed on the 25 of Sept. please keep him in your prayers thank you all my good fubar friends
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer is a disease that begins in the tissue of the lungs. The lungs are sponge-like organs that are part of the respiratory system. During breathing, air enters the mouth or nasal passage and travels down the trachea. The trachea splits into two sets of bronchial tubes that lead to the left and right lung. The bronchi branch off into smaller and smaller tubes that eventually end in small balloon-like sacs known as alveoli. The alveoli are where oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other substances are exchanged between the lungs and the blood stream. The vast majority of Lung Cancer cases fall into one of two different categories: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is the most common type of Lung Cancer, making up nearly 80% of all cases. This type of Lung Cancer grows and spreads more slowly than small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is divided into three different subcategories. Squamous cell carcinoma originates in the thin, flat cells that line the passages of the respirat
Lung Cancer Genetics Unravelled
The genetics underpinning a smoker's risk of developing lung cancer are further unpicked by UK scientists.
Lupercalia - The True Origin Of St. Valentine's Day
Lupercalia is uniquely Roman, but even the Romans of the first century were at a loss to explain exactly which deity or deities were being exalted. It harkens back to the days when Rome was nothing more than a few shepherds living on a hill known as Palantine and was surrounded by wilderness teeming with wolves. Lupercus, protector of flocks against wolves, is a likely candidate; the word lupus is Latin for wolf, or perhaps Faunus, the god of agriculture and shepherds. Others suggest it was Rumina, the goddess whose temple stood near the fig tree under which the she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus. There is no question about Lupercalia's importance. Records indicate that Mark Antony was master of the Luperci College of Priests. He chose the Lupercalia festival of the year 44BC as the proper time to offer the crown to Julius Caesar. According to legend, the story of Romulus and Remus begins with their grandfather Numitor, king of the ancient Italian city of Alba Longa. He was oust
Lupe Fiasco Ft. Matthew Santos - Superstar
If you are what you say you are, a superstar Then have no fear, the camera is here And the microphones And they wanna know oh oh oh oh (the return) If you are what you say you are, a superstar Then have no fear, the crowd is here And the lights are on And they wanna show oh oh oh oh, yeah Yeah, uh A fresh cool young Lu' Tryna catch his microphone check 2, 1, 2 Wanna believe my own hype but it's too untrue The world brought me to my knees, what have you brung you? Did you improve on the design? Did you do somethin' new? Well your name ain't on the guest list, who brung you? You! The more famous person you come through And the sexy lady next to you, you come too And then it hit me Standin' outside of heaven waitin' for god to come and get me I'm too uncouth Unschooled to the rules and too gum shoe Too much of a new comer and too un-cool Like Shadow and Lavelle, I battle with it well Tho I need holiday like lady who sung "Blue" Go back, whatever you did you undo Heavy as heaven The devil
One Perspective: Lupercalia, the Real St Valentine's Day By Dr Leo Ruickbie, Director of WICA. The Ancient Pagan Festival of Lupercus, Roman God of Fertility The Lupercalia was one of the most ancient Roman festivals, which was celebrated every year in honour of Lupercus, the god of fertility. The festival was held on the 15th of February in the Lupercal, where Romulus and Remus were said to have been nurtured by the she-wolf; the place contained an altar and a grove sacred to the god Lupercus. Here the Luperci assembled on the day of the Lupercalia, and sacrificed goats and dogs—animals remarkable for their strong sexual instinct, and thus most appropriate sacrifices to the god of fertility. The Lupercal Sacred Cave of the She-Wolf The Lupercal was the cave or grotto at the foot of the Palatine, in which the she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome; from it issued a spring. It seems to have been a sanctuary of some sort, and at least ha
Lupin The 3rd Season 2 Opening(awesome Beat)
lupine\ LOO-pahyn \adjective;  1. Savage; ravenous; predatory.  2. Pertaining to or resembling the wolf. noun:   1. Any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Lupinus, of the legume family.
Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, in which antibodies mistakenly identify the body's tissues as foreign substances and attack them, causing inflammation and pain. The disease most often strikes women in their childbearing years: only 10 percent of people with Lupus are men. Lupus takes on two related but quite distinct forms: discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and systemic lupus erthematosus (SLE) this is the one I have. In DLE, the only symptom is a scaly red rash that spreads across the cheeks and the nose, and sometimes the forehead and scalp. The rash is butterfly shaped, but in a different era, the pattern reminded doctors of a wolf's face hence the name lupus, which means "wolf" in Latin. The red patches usually come and go in cycles, but sometimes they leave disfiguring scars. Scars thst occur on the scalp may prevent hair from growing in the area they cover. DLE can be distressing, but it does not pose a serious health threat. Since the rash is often triggered by exposure to sun
Lupus The Cold Hard Facts.
So I have Lupus and many of you don't know what it is, and that is one of the worse parts of this disease. No one knows anything about it and therefore it confuses people, and scares them. So here is the cold hard facts: Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances (antigens) and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against "self." These antibodies, called "auto-antibodies," react with the "self" antigens to form immune complexes. The immune complexes build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain. Altho
Lupus Prayer
My Lupus Prayer To be free as the butterfly and the flower he tends. To be warmed by the sun and call it my friend. To be swift and strong, as the "wolf" I now fear. To feel the breath of our laughter that dries up a tear. To put aside pain and forget where it's been. To fight with all my being and know I can win.
Lupus Update.
So other than the kidney failure my biggest serious problem with my Lupus is my heart. I can't control my heart rate and this prevents me from doing a lot of things. When it gets to high, I get cold, cloudy and pass out. When it gets to low I get warm and pass out. The are talking about putting me on a holter monitor to get a better picture of what's going on. I just want to be normal again. I want to be me again. Damn it.... What the hell happened to me and why do I deserve this?
Lupus!! Reposting This As Well Please Read Understand.
What is systemic lupus? Systemic lupus is a generalised autoimmune disease. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system (=defence) partly targets itself, by producing autoantibodies that cause inflammatory diseases. Generalised means that the autoimmunity can attack different organ systems and can cause generalised disease manifestations Who is affected by lupus? Basically anyone at any age, but mostly lupus strikes women of childbearing age (80 to 90%). The number of lupus patients affected by lupus also differs according to race. In the USA lupus is more common in Blacks than in Caucasians. Genetic (hereditary) factors are sure enough believed to play a role in the development of the disease. Prevalence of lupus Studies are scarce and results vary widely, but it cannot be denied that the number of lupus patients is increasing. Improved diagnostic measures and a better understanding of the disease are two important factors in the increase of lupus patients, but there is
Lupus On Good Morning America
This is how I feel and what I go through and noone understands this illness. Please read up and try to understand this disease more.
Lupuls Agent, Peter Semonick, Told The Post. "he Wants To Get In And Stay In Gam
Toronto Maple Leafs forward Joffrey Lupul is reportedly heading to Russia to play in the KHL. According to the National Post, Lupul will suit up for last-place Avtomobilist Yekaterinburg. "(Lupul) missed the final month of last year and had back issues a couple of years ago and missed a lot of hockey," Lupuls agent, Peter Semonick, told the Post. "He wants to get in and stay in game shape, so for him its not a matter of money, its a matter of getting on the ice and trying to get back the time that hes lost." Lupul played in the All-Star Game last season and tallied 25 goals and 42 assists in 66 games for the Maple Leafs. The 29-year-old from Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta missed the last 16 games of the regular season with a separated shoulder. Semonick told the Post that the Russian league made an exception for Lupul to play because he did not meet the criteria that were originally set for non-Russian players to join. Cheap NFL Jerseys . 2012 has become the worst season in fra

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