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Momma Always Said...
# My Mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - "If you are going to kill each other, do it outside because I just finished cleaning." # My Mother taught me RELIGION - "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." # My Mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL - "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week." # My Mother taught me LOGIC 101- "Because I said so, that's why." # My Mother taught me LOGIC 102 - "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you are not going to the store with me." # My Mother taught me FORESIGHT - "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you are in an accident." # My Mother taught me IRONY - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about." # My Mother taught me about OSMOSIS - "Shut your mouth and eat your supper." # My Mother taught me about CONTORTIONIST - "Will you 'look' at the dirt on the back of your neck." # My Mother taught me about STAMINA - "You will sit there 'til
"mommy's Little Angel"
Two little hands Two little feet I was not ready for It was not the Time for me to Have you and you Were not able to come Into this world with me Yet one day I will see you When we are both Ready to see Each other Two little hands Two little feet That I did not get To see God took you Because he knew That I was not Ready to be a mommy One day I will be ready To be and I would love To see your Two little hands AND Two little feet Mommy is so sorry That she was not Able to have you I love you with All my heart and Soul and I hope That you will come Back to me one Day so I can hold you And never let you go You are mommy's little angel And I might not have been Ready for you but I Still miss you everyday
Momma's Little Man
Momma's little man... every morning as i wake my love for you grows as winter approaches the rain turns to snow I go to your room and my breath catches peacefully sleeping my memory snatches the sight of my baby as perfect as it gets the pictures i take of you developed in duplicate sets you are my world i can only love you more and giggle to myself as i watch you gently snore you love me absolutely as only a child can you will always be momma's little man. A.Boudreaux 2006
Mommy Black Sponge
Little Johnny sees his mother walk out of the shower and sees her vagina. He asks her what it is and she embarassed replies, "Oh, that's mommy's black sponge." A few days later, Johnny spills a glass of milk on the floor and says, "Mommy, I need your black sponge to mop up the milk!" She replies, "I lost it, honey." A couple of days later, he comes running up to her and says, "Mommy, I found your black sponge!" Mystified, she says, "Where, honey?" Little Johnny says, "It's over at Mrs. Johnson's house, and Daddy's washing his face in it!"
Mommie Survey
*Age when you got pregnant?* 27 *Are you still with the father?* I LOVE HIM OF COURSE I AM!!! *How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant?* 4 weeks *What was your first reaction?* i was excited...i couldnt wait to tell people *How did the father react?* he was happy *Did you get morning sickness?* No thank god *What were your cravings?* pineapple, corndogs and mchickens from mcds *What books did you read when you were pregnant?* baby magazines *How did you feel about your first ultrasound?* I was excited I WANTED TO SEE MY BABY!!! *Were you happy about the sex of your baby?* I was happy either way..i kind of wanted a boy first but next time maybe *Did you excersice when you were pregnant?* uh no *How much weight did you gain?* 75 lbs *Did you attend any pregnancy classes?* nope *How did you know you where in labor?* my water broke *When did your water break?* may 4th *Did you have an epidural?* no *Wha
Momma Knows
Mrs. Jenkins comes to visit her son Anthony for dinner...who lives > with a female roommate Vikki. During the course of the meal, his > mother couldn't help but notice how pretty Anthony's roommate was. > She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two; this > had only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, > while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was > more between Anthony and his roommate than met the eye. Reading his > mom's thoughts, Anthony volunteered, "I know what you must be > thinking, but I assure you, Vikki and I are just roommates." > > About a week later, Vikki came to Anthony saying, "Ever since your > mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver sugar > bowl. You don't suppose she took it, do you?" Well, I doubt it, but > I'll email her, just to be sure." So he sat down and wrote: > > > Dear Mama, > > I'm not saying that you 'did' take the sugar bowl from my house, I'm > not saying that you '
Momma I Am Coming Home
Momma I am coming home it seems so long now and i miss you so much. I have held you close momma i know things arent right between us but momma i never stopped loving you. Momma i am coming home. I havent always been the best daughter to have, but momma i tried God knows i have. I did some bad things, things that made you cry, I have done things to make you angry. But momma I know now that you loved me and didnt want me hurt. Momma i am coming home it has been too long i missed you so much. It hurts that the wrongs i have done cant be forgiven. Momma I am coming home. Please forgive me momma i love you so much. The tears that i have cried are for you momma cause momma i am coming home I love you momma
The Mommy Test
> I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something > off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away > from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. > "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's > dirty and probably has germs" I replied. > At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, > Mommy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart." I was thinking > quickly. "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to > know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." > We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently > pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you > don't pass the test you have to be the daddy." > "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.
Mommy's Heart
Mommy's Heart And Soul My dear sweet baby Mommy and daddy love you with all our heart Even though we never got to see or meet you Mommy and daddy was so happy to have you coming into our life You where growing inside of mommy Until one sad lonely day Mommy and daddy was told You was gone to another place It made mommy and daddy sad and cry Always remember my precious baby Mommy and daddy will love you until the day we die We miss you little one and will forever One day my love I will be able to hold you in my arms for the first time.. I will never let you go I love you my sweet baby With all my heart and soul Your mommy's and daddy's little angel forever My heart, my love, my world and my soul will always be with my baby.
Momma Is Looking Now
Mommas Lookin
~The Other Half of My Cracked Nut Shell~ ~~My Sister of Another Mother~~ ~~~A Truly Beautiful Soul~~~ Lady Victoria *Eclectic Pagan*@ fubar She's always helping out where it really matters. She's got tons of helpful info in her blogs. All kinds of interesting stuff ;) Stop by, say hi, surf through her stash, read, rate, meet one of the more interesting people on fubar, you'll be glad you did Have fun ;)
Mommin It Up..
It's been 10 days now that I have been alone with my kids. Funny how things have a way of taking care of themselves. My only problem now is where to move. I'll lose his 3 kids, again, but they'll always be with me and my daughters, no matter how far. I don't see any way to keep this marriage. It has been less than a partnership for the past 5 months, and the 3 years before that are most forgetable. He is not even worth the tears I have thus far barely shed. Maybe I am just numb, still in shock. He's not even really dead, just to me and the kids. We don't think after 4 times in jail, that he'll ever be the partner and parent he represented himself to be. We were all so fooled, and feel deeply betrayed. Living with such strong emotions (especially a child) is so very difficult. The good thing is, we will heal with time.
Mommy's Little Baby
Mommy's Little Baby Mommy's little baby is not really far away I'm keeping you in my heart and that's how it's gonna stay! Although you didn't meet me and look into my eyes Mommy will be thinking of you when I look up in the skies And when I feel the sunshine ... shining down on me I will know you're safe & happy and where you have to be I have so many questions and there are no answers to find But don't think for just a second that you'll ever leave my mind You my precious angel made a mommy out of me But our Father up in Heaven chose to raise you instead of me God must have so much in store and wonderful plans for you So I will carry this burden of pain so all your dreams come true! So don't you cry any tears my love - be happy and be free When God decides it's will meet Daddy and me You are very special both here and in heaven above No matter where you are my angel you have Daddy & Mommy's Love!
Mommat's Contest
MommaT needs 10,000 comments to receive a month of VIP. Please stop by and give her your love and support. I would consider it a personal favor if you drop her some comments. Thanks, Tiggerbear2007
Mommy By: April Terry 12/2006 Mommy don’t you see, What is happening here? You are being consumed, By your own hate. Mommy don’t you know, How to be happy? You must find, Your inner beauty. Mommy don’t you trust me, Anymore? In that trust, Is the light. Mommy don’t you want, To feel good inside? Just take my hand, And follow me. Shallow your pride, And take a step. Mommy don’t you want, To find the light? Open your heart, And release the cold. Mommy I know, This is going to be hard! But trust me, I had to do it too. Mommy don’t you want, To fly like me? Spread your wings, And be free. Mommy don’t you know, The wind will catch you? Its only purpose, Is to soar upon. Mommy don’t be scared, I am here, I will fly beneath you, And if your wings Shall fall short of faith, I will catch you. Mommy don’t you know, What I hold within me? I have the faith of the world, Within my heart. Mommy I love you, And its time for you, To love yourself.
Mommy And Daddy
Mommy and Daddy I know right now you won't understand Why Mommy and Daddy split apart Sometimes love gets lost between a woman and a man I know how much it breaks your heart To know Mommy and Daddy are in love no more Just know it isn't your fault And we will love you evermore There have been many lessons taught And many more to come This one will be hard to swallow I know it is not an easy one And how it feels so hallow I to have walked in your shoes My Mommy and Daddy broke up too In the end its the two of you who lose Just because Mommy and Daddy couldn't make do I hope you won't be angry with us I can't blame you if you are For you this is a minus, not a plus On your heart there will remain a scar We will always be around when you need us Even though we won't be together Our love for you will never die regardless of what should come between Your Mother and Father
Mommy's Resolutions
- When I'm tired of hearing "mommieeeeee!" a thousand times each day, I will resist changing my name to "Please pass the spinach" or "TV is boring, I'd rather read." - I will develop an ability to have a conversation with an adult that doesn't revolve around labor pains or children's toilet habits. I will feel comfortable in the silence that ensues when neither of us can think of any other topic to discuss or remember we can always discuss the weather. - I will be more flexible about children's nutritional requirements by counting the ketchup and green crayon as vegetables. - When my children beg for a pet, I will buy them each a hutch for the dust bunnies that have multiplied under their beds. I will let them name each dust bunny. - I will count how often I repeat the phrase "You'd better listen because I will not repeat myself", until my children actually notice that I have spoken. I will not raise my voice until I have said it at least that many times. - When my kids
Mommy Middy
(For Mildred Ellen Young, my Granny, who just passed one week shy of her 86th Birthday) Her name is Mildred Some still call her Middy/Aunt Middy Her children called/call her Momma Want something she’d be Mommy Back when she had a fondness for welt- painting switches and Daddy’s whipping machine belts, do something wrong and she’d become “No, Ma. Please, Momma, no.” Her children’s children call her Granny Grand Meir and Grand Ma Most often they call her “Can I have some?” Today we call her matriarch but to her oldest brother she’ll always be Lady West Point this woman who used to be so heavy at a hundred-two pounds who gave birth to six already placed one in the ground who used to go dancing at the USO trying to luck up and find a man trying to luck up and find the man trouble was, she lucked up and found her man Who is this woman Mildred Ellen Mullen-Young big sister to Mary still grieving for Nanny always praying for Stanford wondering about
Momma Roxxs' Poem
Where are You by: Ramona Diane Rookard I've looked in the forests, I've searched across the seas, I've hunted in the deserts, But I still can not find me. When was it I lost myself, How did this come about, Why does it seem like forever Since you came around? Am I going crazy, Have I finally lost it? Where has my soul gone... How do I escape this pit? Is there any point in looking for something I've given up? I've lost something more precious I've lost my self love. Copyright ©2007 Ramona Diane Rookard I AM POSTING THIS IN ONE OF MY BLOGS BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THIS POEM AND MOMMA ROXX HAS IT ON A VOTING PAGE GO TO SEE TORNADO FIRE MAGIC'S BULLENTIN FOR THE LINK!!
A Mommys Xmas List
Dear Santa, Ive been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor, sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years. Here are my Christmas wishes: I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze; but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store. I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy. If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like fingerprint resistant windows and a radio that only plays adult music
10 Mommandments 4 Military Wives
Ten Commandments for Military Wives 1.Thou shalt not write in ink in thy address book. 2.Thou shalt not covet choice assignments or other branches of service. 3.Love thy neighboor ('tis easier if thou livest on a corner). 4.Honor thy Commissary and Exchange as long as they both shall live. 5.Thou shalt not ridicule a local politician, for mightly senator's from local politician's grow. 6.Thou shalt look for the best in every assignment even though the best may be "Most Childhood Diseases in One Year" or "Record Snow in One Months Time". 7.Thou shall remember all thy friends from all thy assignments with greetings at Christmas, for thou never knowest when thou may wish to spendeth a night with them while enroute to a new post. 8.Be kind and gentle to retired, white-haired Exchange and Commissary costumers, because thou too will be a retiree someday. 9.Thou shalt not curse thy husband when he is TDY on moving day. 10.Thou must never arrive at a new
Momma's Auction Bully
"I'm being AUCTIONED OFF...come bid on me and win what I am offering !!!" "Here is what I'm offering the highest know you want it !! 1. I will rate profile, all pics and all stash. 2. I will add you to my friends and family. 3. I will add "owned by" your name on my name for a month. 4. I will open my nsfw pics for you. 5. You can rip any picture of mine, just let me know which one. 6. I will take and send you a picture of your choosing. 7. I will send you a gift daily for a month. 8. I will send you a comment every day for a month." "So come bid on me, and I will reward you every day !!!! "
Momma Cat's Birthday 2/4
I just wanna show some Birthday Love to this Friend of mine. Please stop by and tell her Happy Birthday!! =^^=Momma CaT=^^= Demon Crew@ fubar She even has BIG news, I learned the other day that she's pregnant & is due in September. So Congrats to her and CaTDaddy :) We Love You Hugz BROUGHT TO YOU BY: **SexyTiger** ~ Demon Crew Member ~ Shadow Leveler ~@ fubar
Why did you leave? How bad could i have been? I was 6 months old Why did you carry me that long? Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? you could have aborted.... could have ended it all before it started. You chose not to. Instead I'm left living with this . Wondering,eager,doubting my own self worth. Was that your plan? Did you want to hurt me that bad? Why? What did i do? Even if it wasn't my fault.... why have i not heard from you? the only time you heard me talk was when i asked you to come see me And all you said was... "I don't drive" If you're on here I hope you find me And I hope you read this. I hope you see what I've become. I hope you regret what you've done. I hope it eats at you Like a cancer uncureable terminal I hope you're happy with the new life you have With the kids you were kind enough to keep. I will always resent you And all that you are I hope you're happy W
Month One Mommy I am only 4 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too. Month Five You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby.
Mommys Little Angels
Mommy, How Old Are You?
Mommy, How Old Are You? Little Jenny walked into the kitchen one day and looked up at her mother, who was busy cooking dinner. "Mommy, how old are you?" she asked. "Now dear," said her mother, "You should never ask a woman what her age is." "Why not?" demanded Jenny. "Because it isn't polite. You'll understand better when you grow up." Jenny thought about it for a moment, then piped up, "Mommy, how much do you weigh?" "Jenny," said her mother, "That's not a question you ask people." "Why not?" "Because it's not polite to ask grown-ups about how much they weigh. You'll understand some day." "Mommy," Jenny asked, "Why did you and Daddy get divorced?" "Darling," her mother replied with a sigh, "That's something that's still very painful for Mommy, and I really can't talk about it now. I'll explain when you are a little older." The next day, Jenny told a friend at school about the conversation with her mother. The other little girl explained to her, "All you have to do i
Mommy Dearest
My mom locked herself inside a running car once. Don't ask me how; she doesn't even know. All I know is that I got a call from my mother right around lunch time to let me know she was going out to eat with a colleague. Next thing I know, it's 3:30 and mom is NOWHERE to be found. She didn't answer her cell phone, she wasn't in court. She wasn't in the office. Her appointments were lined up in the lobby. I wasn't exactly worried, because I figured she couldn't get into too much trouble, since they only went across the street for lunch. She comes walking into the office around 4, giggling and talking on her cell phone. My first thought was "DON'T want to know". She comes into our office and tells me that she and her friend Liz were locked inside the car for the past 2 hours. Yeah...INSIDE the car...while it was running. All she could tell me was that they couldn't figure out the locking mechanism on the door. At least she wasn't kidnapped by the Chinese Mafia.
Mommas Boy
Any of you fit this description? LOL.. I know a couple who do!
Momma Tasha
~♥~MommaTasha~♥~President Of The Tribal Dragons (OWNED BY ΤhΣ ßîg Μîκ@ fubar Go add fan rate her she is awesome thanks again for the VIP
100% Mommy Nerd Sing Song For Her
He sure can't sing...He real need a Girlfriend
Mommy's Little Angel
"Mommy's Little Angel" Two little hands Two little feet I was not ready for It was not the Time for me to Have you and you Were not able to come Into this world with me Yet one day I will see you When we are both Ready to see Each other Two little hands Two little feet That I did not get To see God took you Because he knew That I was not Ready to be a mommy One day I will be ready To be and I would love To see your Two little hands AND Two little feet Mommy is so sorry That she was not Able to have you I love you with All my heart and Soul and I hope That you will come Back to me one Day so I can hold you And never let you go You are mommy's little angel And I might not have been Ready for you but I Still miss you everyday
Mommatasha Needs Help
I entered a giveaway to get 2 bling packs and need 14,000 comments. If you would please stop by and show some luv. Leave some Comments. I will be in there but at certain times I will be in there to give out something and you can get a bling, fu-bucks and gifs from me so go in and help out and maybe you can be one of the lucky winners. Thanks So Much And Hope To See You There:)
Momma Tasha Is In A Contest!! She Needs Your Help!!!
Momma Tasha is in a contest!!With our help!! She gonna win Some Bling!! Stop On By And Help her win this Thang!! ~♥~MommaTasha~♥~DYLONS DIVA MAFIA~♥~OWNED BY X©ït€M€ & Promoter Of The Green Door'@ fubar She needs 14,000 comments.. Can U Spare a few? Click Her Pic!..See ya all there!!
~♥~mommatasha~♥~dylons Diva Mafia~♥~owned By X©ït€m€ & Promoter Of The Green Door 14000 Comments For 2 Bling Packs
~♥~MommaTasha~♥~DYLONS DIVA MAFIA~♥~OWNED BY X©ït€M€ & Promoter Of The Green Door 14000 comments for 2 bling packs.So can you come show her some fu-love to her contest.Here's her pic link.She needs alot of help from use's people.
Mommys Day
Mommy's Day
This is what I got for my first Mommy's Day! :) Happy Mother's Day to all the FuMommies! ♥
Momma Day
Happy Mothers Day to all you Mom's :)
Mommy To Be Keepsake
Mommy to be Keepsake Verse Two precious hands with ten little fingers, two sweet feet with ten little toes. A head so small with hair soft as feathers, holds two tiny ears and a cute button nose. One cuddly body with two legs and two arms, joins to these two feet and two hands. That soon will be wiggling and kicking with fury, as time moves on according to God's plans. One heart so small beats strong with life, waiting to be loved and give love in return. Cherish the miracle that grows within you, as you await the arrival you have yearned. The love that two share for each other, the reward of being husband and wife, Is the creation of a baby, and the joy a child brings to your life.
Mommy Tried
Mommy tried so hard I swear I did Tried to keep you inside untill I could kiss your lips Even through the pain, I held on untill I couldnt do no more To hold you within my womb and my loves core I wanted you so badly, though you wernt my first I loved you just the same as I did your sisiter I cried to the doctor, Id beg and plead He said there is no way that we could save your baby Mommy tried Taylor, and I prayed so hard You were part of me, and took my heart I didnt give up, even after they put me to sleep To go deep within my womb to take you from me You fought for your life, I know you did I heard your spirit cry, asking what you did We did nothing wrong and I know this now But my heart was torn from the inside out
A Mommy Pride Moment. Excuse Me
my girl Alicia just text messaged me that she got into grad school at FSU WOoT! *doing the happy dance*
Month One Mommy I am only 4 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too. Month Five You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby.
Mommy Contest
Please Help Me Bling! 10k Comments Needed For Me To Win A 25 Bling Pack! All Help Appreciated! Just To Sweeten The Deal A Little 500 fubux for 10 comments or 1000 fubux for 20 comments 50 comments or more will get u a Bling ! Hit Me Up In Sb For Payment When Done ★Purry ★Co-Owner Purrfect Sin★Sex Slave To Dj Bone Crusher , My Sexy Owner!@ fubar
Mommaduck Anniverary
Colour My World - Chicago Happy Anniversary Diana & Don 35 years..lets show her some Fu-luv click on this pic to take you there mommaduck This congrats is brought to you by your friends in The Friendship Circle (repost of original by 'Mï¢kï-ßlµê-È¥ê§ ~{Ðïr†¥ §ðµ†h Çrêw}Çð-£ðµñÐêr 𣠆hê £rïêñЧhïþ Çïr¢lê'' on '2008-07-15 22:07:59'
Momma Maybe
when do u let ur son go? when he 25, do u snatch him back home, cuz he just got out of jail and fed u more sad stories then in the bible followed up by promises? Do u not push some sense in his already cloudly brain, cuzed not by weed, which they claim, but due 2 they think it is all about them!? well if u noticed they want 2 be fruitful, multiple, jobless wouldn't it make some sense 2 smarten up 2 dummies with one lesson? I know some mommas would, but not the one i know. Anyway, i have witnessed someone throwin piss out a window on me and then tryin 2 offer me a umberella claimin it is rainin. this was all a strong effort 2 avoid me and her constantly arguin over when she goin put her foot down, stop believin pinocchio, who only cares about himself. she knows this and refuses believe just cuz either it is her son, he now a muslim (who was once a koolide boy, wannab blood), or cuz of a grandchild, he don't even want 2 b bothered with cuz of some new love interest. confused by the f
The Mommy Survey
1. How long have you been a Mom?: 4months 2.How many children call you Mommy? None right now 3.Girl? Boy? or both?: Girl 4.Did you know what you were having? Not right away 5.How old were you when you became a Mom? i was 19 while preggo and 19 when i had her 6.How long were you in labor? i was induced..and labor was about 12 hours then we had a C-section 7.What's your favorite thing about being a Mom? Everything is great 8,What's your least favorite thing? old people in walmart stopping me and saying the same thing the old person said just ten seconds ago " look at all that hair" 9. Do you want more kids? just one more 10.Do you plan on having more soon? dont plan on it 11. How many times have you been pee'd on? 7times and counting 12.Barfed on? a few 13.Is your child named after anyone? her middle name was named after tonys grandma..but i wanted her to be named after my mom... 14.How did you come up with their names? i lov
please help me win a VIP. Bling & Fu Bucks MommaDuck
Mommaduck Needs Only 6k In Comments To Win A Vip
Help MommaDuck Win a VIP from one of our members...Liz.She only needs 6,000 comments in all
A recent conversation I had with my mother: Aurelia: I hate getting old. Mom: Just wait till you get to my age. Mom: I'm sixty years old. Aurelia: Mom! I'm half way there! Mom: *GASP* You're thirty??!! HA. I love my mommy. -REL
Mommaducks Vip
Help MommaDuck Win a VIP from one of our members...Liz.She only needs 6,000 comments in all please help mommaduck lets so her some fubar love !!thank u all who help!!
Momma's Rainbow Chili (or So Autmn Says :p) when it comes to my recipes...things are pretty is a little...relative. anyway! this is some killa chili, and makes a HUGE batch...feel free to cut it in half :) Ingredients: 2 lbs ground beef 1 medium purple onion (chopped into large pieces) 1/2 medium yellow pepper (chopped into large pieces) 1/2 medium green pepper (chopped into large pieces) 6 cloves of garlic (or however much u want- rough chopped) 1/2 jar sliced jalapenos (something like 5 whole jalapenos sliced) 1 can crushed tomatoes 1 can tomato chunks (that doesn't sound attractive lol) 1 large handful cilantro (chopped) 1/2 can black beans 1/2 can pinto beans 1/2 can dark red kidney beans 1/2 can butter beans or great northern beans (drain and rinse beans please!) (1/2 can whole kernel corn and 1/2 can creamed corn are optional) Spices: palmful of paprika, large palmful of good chili powder, large palmful of dried cumin, salt and pepper to taste...and a small dash of
Momma I'll Never Be Like Him
.... ..... THIS IS A ROUGH BUT FOR SOME REASON I CAN ONLY UPLOAD TO SOUNDCLICK & OUR STAGE HOPING TO GET A BETTER RECORDING IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE Momma I'll Never Be Like Him ©2006 Jody Dickey/Ben Burton/Ric Ledford's been awhile, since we talked things through But some memories still haunt me; I had to be near you I was thinking of the bad times, when I used to pray That daddy would stop hurting you, how I wished he'd go away (c) Momma I'll never be like him, that's a promise I will keep I thank you for who I am; that your warm heart is in me In my loving tender arms, my family will always be I will never hurt them, 'cause Momma...I'll never be like him (V) The sad day came when I was ten, I found you lying on the floor You told me not to worry; soon you'd be at Heaven's door He could never hurt you up there and one day soon I'd understand "You'll have a family of your own, be a gentle loving man" (Chorus) (v) I've brought you some dandelions and for
Free Crazy Text Maker
Mommys Little Angels
Mommie Dearest
You taught me how to hate myself it seemed your source of pride insulted and belittled me no matter how i tried called me stupid worthless lazy and then mocked me if i cried my mothers way of loving me made me wish that i had died you betrayed me and disgraced me just to serve your selfish lust humiliate me castigate me to see my pride ground into dust you made damn sure i had no idea of what it means to trust and what you tried to say was love was really only lust i am exactly what you made of me your special little boy i am your worthless broken battered little toy. you taught me i should hate myself it seems your source of pride your twisted way of loving me made me wish that i had died. ( a work in progress.)
I miss your smile the way it would light up a room. I miss your laugh, some say I sound like you and I say I wish. Certain days I can�t remember your voice and that scares me.. I know I will never forget you but accepting your death makes me feel guilty.. I'm angry cause you left me I know you never intended to.. I know your in a happier place, your with your dad making jokes no doubt.. I know that your watching me daily making sure I'm loved and safe.. I just wish you were here to keep me safe and loved.. I miss our mother daughter hang out days, those were the best�.. I know that if I just look at myself enough I will see you, which makes me happy as much as it makes me sad.. If I could go back to that day I would tell you that loved you so much, I know you knew but it doesn't help the guilt from going away.. I wish I would have hugged you more.. I wish I could have shown more emotions for you, after all you deserved the best.. You were my mom first
Mommy Mother Mom
MOTHERS Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn't come out of carpets. Real Mothers don't want to know what the vacuum just sucked up. Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?' and get their answer when a little voice says, 'Because I love you best.' Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade... It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother... The Images of Mother 4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything! 8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot! 12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything. 14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either. 16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned. 18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's
Mommy Whats Wrong.....
so your lil boy is getting dressed for school. and sees you, your eye all most swollen completly shut. what little bit is open, is red and burning. what can you tell him? oh dont worry hunny, i just took a blast to the eye, forhead, up the nose, both cheeks, and down the throat.... no thats not going to work is it.... so what do you say when he askes? "mommy whats wrong with your eye?" comments? thoughts?
Momma Said There'd Be Days...
Ever have one of those days that just feels right all day, but when you get home, you sorta feel a little empty? You kinda feel like you've made a lot of progress in really every fundamental aspect of your life, then you come home, sit down, and really wonder what it was all worth? I know as humans we tend to always strive for better, strive to improve our positions in life, but at times the work that is done seems so redundant. I need food, shelter, and clothing. I work for those, attain them, and I'm done with that. But now I need friends, people to talk to, understand me, etc. I strive for that, and once attained I realize a need in my life for companionship, someone to care for and be cared about. There always seems to be something that has to be chased, attained, or desired. Sometimes it would be nice to come home, sit down and content with what is around you, who is around you, and why they are there. Maybe my desire to be content is just another thing to be chased down, and onc
"mommy, Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight?"
1, 2, 3, 4 singled out the kids who are mean to me get straight a's but they still make fun i don't give a, i'll laugh last stayed in every night do my homework so i'll be smart girls all say i'm a little fucked mommy i'm a good boy mommy i'm a fuckin' savior mommy i'm alive mommy, can i go out and kill tonight rip the veins from human necks until they're wet with life razor-blades love teenage flesh an epidermoty i'll bring back a souvenir for it's my mommy's dream can i go out and kill tonight, kill tonight killed a girl on lovers' lane i kept her toes and teeth every night i stalk around until i find my keep i'll bring back a souvenir for it's my mommy's dream can i go out and kill tonight, kill tonight killed a girl on lovers lane i kept her toes and teeth every night i stalk around until i find my keep, mommy i'll bring back a souvenir for it's my mommy's dream can i go out and kill tonight, kill tonight kill tonight, kill tonight, kill tonight, kill tonight kill tonight, kill ton
Mommy She's Baaaa Acccckkkk
there goes the neighbourhood   I wonder if I pick on her and shit if I will get deleted ?    
Mommy & Lukey
i have no idea. sometimes i just have these dorky moments. don't judge me.
Momma Dukes
So.... I've been in Philly since the 10th, havent even made it back to NY yet and the way things are looking, I won't be back anytime soon.Mom's cancer spread to her spine and femur so she can no longer walk... The tumor on her c2 vertebrae has basically eroded the bone which the body perceives as a broken neck. The Neurosurgeon was amazed that she is even able to still move her head.We are on an agressive radiation schedule and will probably introduce chemo sometime within the next few following weeks. It's been rough but hopefully the road will be worth traveling and mom will be in one piece again.Thank you so much to those of you who have been following the story and asking, wishing, and praying for my mother's recovery. Though it won't be a speedy one, I truly appreciate everyone's support.Mom's still awake so I have to go back to her hospital room now. x0x0(h) Lilo
Mommy,im Scared.....
  But I dont wanna be touched.   :(  
Create free ringtones at Phonezoo
Mommy Issues
If you've read some of my other blogs you know I don't get along well with my parents. They live about 15 minutes away from where I currently live. In the 16 years since I have been married they have come to my home a total of twice. I have three beautiful children : Wilson soon to be 15 Kinsely will be 13 and Olivia soon to be 10 Now I have sucked up my pride and visited them, several times and felt really bad when my mother came down with cancer (which is in remission by the way) My children need their grandparents, I need a mother and fater. Sorry this was all brought on last night after seeing them in Wal Mart 3 different times and not so much of a head nod was directed to me. *sigh* I just want them to care for 1 day, is that to much to ask?
Mommy's Day!!!
happy mommy's day to all the mother'
A black girl and a white girl were friends. The black girl slept overthe white girl's house.  It was 3 a.m., and they were still up. The white girl's mother came downstairs and said, 'Honey, don't youthink it's time for you to go to bed?' The white girl responded, 'Shutup Mother, I don't want to go to sleep!' Her mother said, 'Okay, honey. You can go to bed later.'The black girlwas very intrigued by what happened and decided to use that when she gothome. The next night the black girl's mother said to the black girl, 'Girl, goto bed! It's late!'  The black girl shouted, 'Shut up Momma, I don'twant to go to sleep!'  The black girl's mother took one look at her &raised her eyebrow...The black girl started to blink, looked around, andasked, 'Where am I?  'A lady came over to the bed and answered, 'You're in the Intensive CareUnit, Sweetie.
Mommas Got It Going Onnnnn
It is the position at Highmark Medicare........appeals rep.   guess all the worries are over................smooooth sailing from here on out.  Now time to work on the lil sumpin sumpin on the side if ya know what I mean........*evil grin*     dunno why I am writing really dont give a flying fuck with just wasted two minutes of you life on me.  How do ya feel now???     dig it
Mommy, Someone's Calling You!
Now when someone calls my wife Martha on her new cell phone, she’ll hear this in Sarah’s loud squeaky voice!  It’s so funny hearing it played back after Martha recorded it last night.  After my day off yesterday with Sarah and Jeffrey (where the boys went out for haircuts), at least I feel five pounds lighter and, according to Martha, I don’t look like I’m wearing a wig!    That’s a relief … this morning I had to stop back by my house before work, and the kids’ aunt Mary was home with them watching “The Price Is Right”.  One of the contestants on stage was playing the pricing game “Cliffhanger” (which I called “Cliffjumper” before I could recall the name) and Mary GUESSED EVERY PRICE RIGHT!  And she could so use the trip to Rome that the contestant won!   It’s sweet of Martha to still be calling me at work because I have been short-tempered lately over what seems to be several days attacking
Mommy , I love you don't cry as you do ,The night is so cold to you as you are so alone as you are setting as you do. I love you Mommy as you may get mad at me at times as a child and yell at me and say no no you little one, Mommy I love you, Make me my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I love you Mommy , When we just set and talk about just nothings ... I love you Mommy , When you just want to take a drive to no where in the night.. If this was all true to my heart I love you Mommy hold me all night , I love you Mommy
Momma Dukez For Hire
Mommy .....
Mommy I have to say good bye now I walk in the meadows of love dark love hold me dare to your heart no more do you know how to love in the night Can you say the words of love off your lips I walk alone now as a child crying out your name Mommy Mommy Mommy love me love me love me in the dark of the night I have to say good bye
Mom Msfw Fail...
Mommy And Daddy Government
Mom Needs Help
My mom is is the beautful face contest can you please help her'' Thanks Jessica
Mom Needs A Lot Of Love Please Help
Mom Needs Help
my mom needs some help so if anyone can help her that would be great... here is her link
Vote for me in the following 3 contests and vote for my daughter in the other contest. I wanna see a lot of comments too :):) Love ya all Most real Best beaver [ photo: 4149725700 ] Best chest [ photo: 3436983012 ] Kids costume (repost of original by 'mom-of-kaylea' on '2006-10-27 00:42:59')
Mo Money Mo Money Mo
john_doe@ LostCherry
Mo Money Mo Problems
Mom Of The Year Award
Please take a moment and vote for this mom, she has created a network of over 180,000 volunteers who write weekly to soldiers who have no one! She deserves it. I am a member!
Mom Opens "haunted House" In Home Where Kids Died In Fire
Mom Opens "Haunted House" in Home Where Kids Died in Fire KTLA News 5:04 PM PDT, October 26, 2009 The "haunted house" at 1460 North Lilac Avenue seen from outside. (KTLA-TV / October 23, 2009) Related links Mario and David Sisneros Photo
Momorial Day
wishing all who served a happy momorial day. remembering all who have fallen and all who are still alive. remebering all who served, you are not forgotten
Mom Part 2
Ok.. so here it is now July and mom is almost done with her second round of chemo. She is doing good, but now is very weak. Her activity level has diminished to almost nothing. She does still work every day to keep herself active, but by noon she is wiped out. She is almost done with this round and soon she will be starting her radiation everyday for 5 to 6 weeks. Please just keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has a LONG road ahead of her. The Dr, I believe, only gave her a 20% survival rate. This isn't good news, but she is prepared for whatever happens to her. Love you guys!
Mom Pimped Out
craziest thing happen to me the other day. i get a message while on Yahoo, and it says Hola! Let's get it on! Okay, maybe not YOU and I but maybe YOU and my MOM? Help me out, my mom broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago and now she's over that. She would prefer to start off dating. Nothing fancy or complicated � she likes going to the movies or going to coffee shops. She likes guys who are honest, virile and go-getters. She goes for personality and intelligence over looks. About her: She's in shape and is not overweight. She loves reading books, rollerblading and traveling. She has many other pastimes; you can discuss them if you respond. I'll add that she's VERY attractive (I know, it goes against her principles). Ok then, quick reminder, this is not her account, so please don..t reply directly to my message. Instead, send your reply to her address: marie_hurst_r@yahoo. I hope you're interested! Thanks!!!
Mom Please Don't Go, Not This Way
if I seem not myself lately its because my mother has been the hospital with an some kind of bacterial infection in her blood that has traveled to her face and making it way to her brain the doctors have been giving her antibiotics left and right but it doesn't seem to be working and morphine for the pain  the Doctor told us if this makes it to her brain it will one leave her brian dead or two kill her either one she is dead and i am having a very hard time handling this i lost my grandmother to ganggreen poising that went through out her body and brain which was my moms mother  i can't handle losing my mom the same way at the same age her mother did and my grandmother so i'm asking my friends here please i can use your support in anyway shape or form   drowning in my tears pynkcherry 
Mom Pussy And Anal Fucked
Mom Recieves A Letter From Scout Camp..
...LETTER FROM SCOUT CAMP... Dear Mom, Our Scoutmaster told us to write to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and are worried. We are okay. Only one of our tents and 2 sleeping bags got washed away. Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for Chad when it happened. Oh yes, please call Chad's mother and tell her he is okay. He can't write because of the cast. I got to ride in one of the search and rescue jeeps. It was neat. We never would have found Chad in the dark if it hadn't been for the lightning. Scoutmaster Dan got mad at Chad for going on a hike alone without telling anyone. Chad said he did tell him, but it was during the fire so he probably didn't hear him. Did you know that if you put gas on a fire, the gas will blow up? The wet wood didn't burn, but one of the tents did and also some of our clothes. David is going to look weird until his hair grows back. We will be home on Saturday if Scoutmaster Dan gets the
Mom R.i.p
This is for you Mom. I love and miss you soo much. You were my Mother You were my friend You were my rock I never thought that it would end. Now that it has I wish to have it back. To hear your voice Just one more time. For that I would Give my last dime. To see your smile I will soar a mile. To have you at my side again My heart would amend. To hear you laughter Fill the air. To that I would be willing to share. If I could see your face I would slow my pace. You were my Mother. You were my Friend. You were my Rock. I hate that it had to end. I will always love and miss you. You will always be in my heart. Good bye Mom. And suffer no more, for you're in a better place WITH THE LORD!
Mom Rule #1 - Always Find Some Way To Embarass Your Kids When Their Friends Are Over
I read something earlier that made me think: I'm happy my mom is still in my life and that she's there when I need her. Sure she does embarrassing shit, but she wouldn't be my mom if she didn't, and I'm pretty sure my grandmother did some crazy shit to embarrass my mom when she was young. :) And it's a mom rule to embarrass your kids - I do it to mine all the time. :D  
Mom's Poem
My mother wrote this poem for me before she died... please dont not rip it or copy it without using her name.. Shirley Henley. Thank You.. Patty ================================================== As I watched the tiny humming bird I could feel him watching me- My eyes were wide with wonder as it flew from tree to tree. He said you're like that tiny bird - so little and so fast, But stay with me a little while, that's all I'll ever ask. I promise i wont clip your wings, someday I'll let you fly. she smiled- and placed a kiss upom the wind- If you can catch and hold that kiss, I'll stay with you my friend. I would like to stay and share your life, but i cannot you see. I'm not like that tiny bird, that little bird's like me. Life is full of wonders, I feel that I must try and if I let you hold me down I know that I shall die. I sit and dream of the things I'll do and all the things I want to be. If only mom would let me go someday and let me see. But mom say
Moms Letter To Santa
Dear Santa: I've been a good Mom all year. I've fed, cleaned, and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor, sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground and figured out how to attach nine patches onto my daughter's girl scout sash with staples and a glue gun. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my daughter's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years. Here are my Christmas wishes: I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache after a day of chasing kids (in any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't flap in the breeze, but are strong enough to carry a screaming toddler out of the candy aisle in the grocery store. If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like a car with fingerprint resis
Mom's Dictionary
AMNESIA: Condition that enables a woman who has gone through labor to make love again. DUMBWAITER: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert. FAMILY PLANNING: The art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster. FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots. FULL NAME: What you call your child when you're mad at him. GRANDPARENTS: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right. HEARSAY: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word. IMPREGNABLE: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid. INDEPENDENT: How we want our children to be as long as they do everything wesay. OW: The first word spoken by children with older siblings. PUDDLE: a small body of water that draws other small bodies wearing dry shoes into it. SHOW OFF: a child who is more talented than yours. STERILIZE: what you do t
Moms Ladies Guys This Is My Thoughts On Life
SUBJECT : Slide Down The Banister Of Life As You Slide Down the Banister of Life, Remember . 1. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written an impressive new book. It's called "Ministers Do More Than Lay People." 2. Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary. 3. The difference between the Pope and your boss...the Pope only expects you to kiss his ring. 4. My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash and it is gone. 5. The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the bathroom. 6. I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once. The seat folded up, the drink spilled and that ice, well, it really chilled the mood. 7. It used to be only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of course, there's shipping and handling, too. 8.. A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression that he just cleaned the whole house. 9. My next house will have no kitchen - just vending mac
Mom Should Put Her Toy Away
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Moms Contest Starts Tommorrow At 9am Sharp!
~ I'm Holding a Mother Contest ~ Starts tommorrow at 9 am central time ! Let's see who makes the Top Mother in comments. so all moms send me your pics and i'll add you to the contest. 1st mom is..... with 1 comments 2nd mom is..... with 1 comments 3rd mom is...... with 1 comments 4th mom is...... with 1 comments 5th mom is...... with 1 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! Contest will start on 2/2 thur 2/9 again mom with most comments wins! thanks maria click on the pic to enter contest! ~~UBER MARIA ..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP
Moms Contest Now Open!
~ I'm Holding a Mother Contest ~ Starts tommorrow at 9 am central time ! Let's see who makes the Top Mother in comments. so all moms send me your pics and i'll add you to the contest. 1st mom is..... with 1 comments 2nd mom is..... with 1 comments 3rd mom is...... with 1 comments 4th mom is...... with 1 comments 5th mom is...... with 1 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! Contest will start on 2/2 thur 2/9 again mom with most comments wins! thanks maria click on the pic to enter contest! ~~UBER MARIA ..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP
Moms Contest Updates.....
~ I'm Holding a Mother Contest ~ Starts tommorrow at 9 am central time ! Let's see who makes the Top Mother in comments. so all moms send me your pics and i'll add you to the contest. 1st mom is..... with 1313 comments 2nd mom is..... with 829 comments 3rd mom is...... with 515 comments 4th mom is...... with 109 comments 5th mom is...... with 68 comments 6th mom is...... with 2 comments 7th mom is..... with 1 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! Contest will start on 2/2 thur 2/9 again mom with most comments wins! thanks maria click on the pic to enter contest! ~~UBER MARIA ..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP
Moms Home
Mom is back from the hospital today, things were pretty bad before she went in. in the three hours shes been home i've noticed she has come back home worse and my sis is sleepin cause she got off work and dad is still so sick he can bearly leave his room. Gotta install some countertops for him tomorrow since he promised to be back to work and cant by today. I'm tired of trying to walk her back and forth to the bathroom she dont understand me when i tell her to bang on the counter to let me know when she gets done so i can get her up or ring her bell when she needs to get around. Shes very delusional and is thinking people are around that arnt or people are talking when no ones around. Thats one of the hardest things to do, convince someone that no one said anything to someone that beleives someone really had even though no ones with her. bah im tired and moody. So since our dryer completely quit working and my dads to weak to pick his electric screw up im gonna go and put a clothes l
Moms Contest .....
~ I'm Holding a Mother Contest ~ Starts tommorrow at 9 am central time ! Let's see who makes the Top Mother in comments. so all moms send me your pics and i'll add you to the contest. 1st mom is..... with 1656 comments 2nd mom is..... with 1345 comments 3rd mom is...... with 1039 comments 4th mom is...... with 248 comments 5th mom is...... with 68 comments 6th mom is...... with 2 comments 7th mom is..... with 1 comments 8th mom is..... with 1 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! Contest will start on 2/2 thur 2/9 again mom with most comments wins! thanks maria click on the pic to enter contest! ~~UBER MARIA ..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP
Moms Contest Ends Tommorrow Hurry Get Your Comments In....
~ I'm Holding a Mother Contest ~ Starts tommorrow at 9 am central time ! Let's see who makes the Top Mother in comments. so all moms send me your pics and i'll add you to the contest. 1st mom is..... with 2042 comments 2nd mom is..... with 1915 comments 3rd mom is...... with 1656 comments 4th mom is...... with 315 comments 5th mom is...... with 68 comments 6th mom is...... with 2 comments 7th mom is..... with 1 comments 8th mom is..... with 1 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! Contest will start on 2/2 thur 2/9 again mom with most comments wins! thanks maria click on the pic to enter contest! ~~UBER MARIA ..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP
Moms Contest Winners Are.....
~~ Mom contest is closed Winners are......~~ 1st Place is...... Wins Rolex And a Hug with 3100 comments 2nd Place is...... Wins Diamond Ring And a Hug with 3014 comments 3rd Place is...... Wins Diamond Earrings And a Hug with 1915 comments 4th Place is...... Wins Platinum Cherry And a Hug with 315 comments I want to thank everyone who was in my contest! thanks Maria
Moms Need Eyes In Back Of Thier Heads
Mom's Car
sooooo last night I wrote the blog about having a Migrane.. welll... here is the end of it lol... so I went to class thinking once I got a pop and got some caffine in my body I would be ok... got my pop opened it drank about 1/4 of it... went into class told the sub I was sick and such and the guy that sits next to me was sick too lol... well luckily we got out of class early because the sub didnt want to stay till 945... so I txted my day and told him to pick me up at 9pm... but then we got out and I called the house and said I was done... I sat down and my parents picked me up... we got started down the road and it was like instantly sick to my tummy... so I said to my mom to pull into the gas station and she relaid the message to my dad because my dad is deaf when it comes to speeking to him in a vehicle... well the light turned red and we had to stop so I yelled at my mom to open the door, and I puked in the intersection... then the light turned green mom closed the door and when d
Moms And Dads Check This Out! Pass this on When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as a small icon of a house. There will be red, blue and green dots surroun di ng your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a criminal will appear with his or her home address and the description of the crime he or she has committed. The best thing is that you can show your children these pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school. This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted. This is another tool we can use to help us keep our kids safe. Please pass this on to everyone!!! This site does work - it's scary!!!
Mom's Dog
My mom's dog is going to have puppies. I think it's getting close to time. She's hiding and being lazy. UGH! Anywho, I hope this finds you all healthy and doing great. Have a great evening everyone. Love, Me
These words have special meaning to me! My Mom passed away this past Oct., 2006. My husband & I had the honor of caring for her in our home, when she became so she couldn't carry on her usual lifestyle. Since we cared for her, I felt it was my duty, (as her child) to plan for her HOMEGOING, so I made a rough draft of how I wanted her funeral program to be. This is just one of the pieces I included within her tribute: MOMS The young mother set her foot on the path of life, "is this the long way?" She asked. The guide said:"Yes! And the way is hard and you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning." But the young mother was happy and she would not believe that anything could be better than these years. So she played with her children and gathered flowers for them along the way and bathed them in the clear streams and the sun shone on them and the young mother cried, "Nothing will ever be lovelier than this." Then the night ca
Mom's Wisdom
Mean Moms Someday when my children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates a parent, I will tell them, as my Mean Mom told me: I loved you enough . . to ask where you were going, with whom, and what time you would be home. I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover that your new best friend was a creep. I loved you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your room, a job that should have taken 15 minutes. I loved you enough to let you see anger, disappointment, and tears in my eyes. Children must learn that their parents aren't perfect. I loved you enough to let you assume the responsibility for your actions even when the penalties were so harsh they almost broke my heart. But most of all, I loved you enough . . . to say NO when I knew you would hate me for it. Those were the most difficult battles of all. I'm glad I won them, because in the end you won, too. And someday when your children are old enough to unde
~mom's New Boyfriend~
Mom's new boyfriend What a fun guy Never knew how it'd end In the blink of an eye. Shoulders to sit on Endless jump rope The new beginings dawn Future so full of hope. Asleep on the couch Hands caressing her body Hearing a subtle vouch "Just wait til you have me" Forbidden places He touches so gently Her broken heart races "What's he doin' to me?" She stirs, 'make him stop' It's never mentioned then Her "why" never drops Trust can't be given again.
Teachings From Our Mothers 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 4. My mother taught me LOGIC. " Because I said so, that's why." 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC. "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me." 6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. "Make sure you wear clean underwear,! in case you're in an accident." 7. My mother taught me IRONY. "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about." 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS. "Shut your mouth and eat your supper." 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your ne
Moms Pain
Moms Pain I remember the time when you were strong when nothing you did was ever wrong and how you cared for all my pain when you told me to get out of the rain you were there when I fell when I was going through hell you showed me the light when I was scared from the night and now you need help I cannot give this is not how you deserve to live Mother I love you, Mother stay strong what you go through is just plain wrong
This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's okay honey, Mommy's here." Who have sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing crying babies who can't be comforted. This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse. For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T. This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and gave them homes. This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections are hanging on their refrigerator doors. And for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal bleachers at football or soccer games instead of watching from the warmth of their cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see me, Mom?" they could
Moms Dictionary This Shit Is Funny
Bottle feeding: An opportunity for Daddy to get up at 2 am too. Defense: What you'd better have around de yard if you're going to let the children play outside. Drooling: How teething babies wash their chins. Dumbwaiter: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert. Family planning: The art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster Feedback: The inevitable result when the baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots. Full name: What you call your child when you're mad at him. Grandparents: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right. Hearsay: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word. Impregnable: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid. Independent: How we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say. Look out: What it's too late for your child to do by the time you scream it. Prenatal: When your lif
This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's alright honey, Mommy's here." Who have sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing crying babies who can't be comforted. This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse. For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T. This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and gave them homes. And for the mothers who lost their baby in that precious 9 months that they will never get to watch grow on earth but one day will be reunited with in Heaven. This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections are hanging on their refrigerator doors. And for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal bleachers at
Mom's And What They Mean To Each Of Us..
You know, this weekend is Mother’s Day Weekend. For Sunday is Mother’s Day. I would have thought MSN .com would had a trillion and one things dedicated to Mothers. Not so, there is a blurb on Fatherhood and the 10 most important rules for Fatherhood. Under Dad Laws. Oh, I miss it, there was something, it was from FTD .com bless their heart trying to sell flowers. Not one blurb on what Mothers are, they do have done for us in each and every step of our lives. Many of you know I lost my Mother years ago. No she didn’t leave on a trip or lost her in the woods or anything of that nature. Cancer took her at I feel the young age of 70 and although she is gone in the physical sense she lives on in my heart, in things I do and things I don’t do. She raised me to be who I am today. Oh yeah Dad was there too, but not in the presence she was. He was more of the work, work, work type and he did things but not like she did. I have seen many poems, writings of what is a Mother and who she really is
Moms Day Off Or Just Another Day?
i am going thew a bad brack up after 10 years we have two kids together 4 and 6. in the past he would tack the girls and let me sleepin but now well..... i am finding it hard to ajust to a alot of the lettle changes and i thought it would be the kids haveing this problem.... so now that its supost to be my day what do i do when i have noone to do it with?
Mom's Ex-bf
so, basically my mom and her boyfriend broke up again.. after them being on and off again for 16 years. He's an asshole. She's bipolar.. and every time they get into a fight, he blames it on that and says she needs to go to the hospital. and everything. which is bullshit because he's fucking nuts himself. he supposedly has stomach seizures.. which has never been heard of in medical history like ever. so him and my mom met in the mental hospital. so whats that say about him? hes fucking crazy. he's addicted to his pain medicine and if he doesn't have any, he's trying to buy some off people. maybe he needs to go to the hospital and stay for awhile.. get some help. he's a dick. anyways, they break up and every time they break up.. he calls everyone trying to find her, trying to find out what she's doing, who she's with, and all this.. scared to death that she found someone else. get over it, charlie. she don't want you anymore. you've treated her like shit for long enough and she's tired
Mom's Birthday
Today June 30th 2007 is my mothers 75th birthday. The day was not as elaborate as I had hoped, but nice just the same. I grabbed my 2 oldest grandson's Treston and Bryce, and we picked up fried chicken and something to drink and whipped topping for the strawberry short cake she had planned. The kids were of course very bored. But they brightened up when the ground hog under the neighbors shed came out to eat. I may live in a city, but the local fauna doesn't care. We had fun reliving the opossum incident of 2 yrs ago. I gave my folks a peach tree about 12 years ago. It has reached it's peak of production. Meaning several bushels of ground fall. Now that year we had already picked 20 bushels off the tree with at least 10 bushels in the garbage. There was a storm due so we decided to pick the remaining peaches to keep them from being ruined by the storm. As we started to pick up the fallen ones my mother let out a loud scream. In the garbage can was a very large very drunk o
Moms Anniversary
my mother told me to call my stepfather to wish them a happy anniversary. i said i cant because im not a hypocrite lol marriage is for suckers, and they definatly dont have a happy marriage
Mom's Pasta Primavera
4 cups of mixed vegetables, for example: 1 carrot, peeled and cut into 2x1/2-inch strips 1 medium zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch slices 1/2 small eggplant, sliced into 1/4-inch slices 1/2 red onion, sliced into 1/4-inch slices 1/2 bell pepper, any color, cut into thin strips 3 Tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning or herbes de Provence A sprinkling of garlic salt 1/4 cup of spaghetti, marinara, or tomato sauce 1 pint of cherry tomatoes, halved 1/2 pound pasta (use rice pasta for wheat-free version) Grated Parmesan optional pasta-primavera- 1 Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil (for your pasta). 2 Heat oil in a large skillet on medium high heat. Add the vegetables, stir to coat with oil. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring only occasionally, until vegetables are just cooked. Turn off heat, but let pan stay on the burner. 3 While you are cooking the vegetables, add the dry pasta to the boiling water and follow the cooking instruc
Mom's We All Have Em
Wow, I live approx 600 miles away from my mom, I call every week just to check on her & dad. But here lately it is like she doesn't wanna talk with me anymore, I have to kinda trick her to find out wat is wrong with her. I already know that she has Cancer, I had to find out that it was stage 4, by way of makin her think i was my older sister. Just wat is the deal??? Yeah i have problems too but none can nor will ever compare to this. She sayz she doesnt want me to worry about her, but she is the only real mother I have. I cant help but worry about her. She has been in Remission for 15 yrs, until now, you would think that makin a visit to the docs every couple of months that they would have found sumthing before now. I know wat i will have to do, My mother & I have never been very close, until i grew up & had children, so now she has been my rock,. I cant even imagine my life without her, nor do i wish too. I have already lost so many of my family, I just cant stand
Mom Still In Hospital
Yes mom is still there its been 9 days now. Looking that she might have to have surgery. There just seems to be no improvement. I took a break from going yesterday and feeling a little guilty. So as soon as my daughter is out of work Ill be going back again. I want to thank everyone for there kind words and prayers they mean a lot.
Momster In The Closet
Practicing What I preach.... (Exorcising the MoMster from my closet) The MoMster attacks without warning, without thought. She comes at you with cold, dark eyes. Still evil and hungered from the last time she fought. She rips into your heart with evil words and lies. She feeds on your anger. She feeds on your pain. She feasts on the darkness she plunges into your soul. She cares nothing of what you have to lose, only her gain. Pushing you, further and further into a 6 foot hole. She has lost her compassion. She has lost her mind. She's gonna take you down with her, to her hell. She'll prey on your weaknesses, any pain she can find. Then within your heart, mind and soul, build a cell. She curses your conception, the day of your birth. She curses each breath you take, each beat of your heart. She only sees you for the blood she can draw and the money you are worth. Her life is an evil, sad, play and you get the villains part. So it's time to close your closet,
Mom Sense To The William Tell Overture
Mom's Fried Pork Chops (chuletas Fritas Al Estilo De Mami)
INGREDIENTS: 8 garlic cloves, peeled 1 tablespoon Adobo 1/2 cup olive oil white vinegar to taste 6 center-cut pork chops 3 cups corn oil 1 In a mortar, crush the garlic. Add the adobo, olive oil, and vinegar. Use the mixture to season the pork chops. Heat the oil in a skillet. Drain any excess olive-oil mixture from the pork chops. Fry until golden brown.
Moms Letter To Her Son
Dearest Redneck Son, I'm writing this slow because I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles of your home, so we moved. I won't be able to send you the address because the last West Virginia family that lived here took the house numbers when they moved so they wouldn't have to change their address. This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I'm not sure about it. I put a load of clothes in and pulled the chain. We haven't seen them since. The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice last week; the first time for three days and the second time for four days. About that coat you wanted me to send; your Uncle Billy Bob said it would be too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets. Bubba locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out
Things My Momma Taught ME I OWE MY MOTHER 1 My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL . "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 4. My mother taught me LOGIC. " Because I said so, that's why." 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC. "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me." 6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident." 7. My mother taught me IRONY . "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about." 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS. "Shut your mouth and eat your supper." 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. "Will you look at that dirt on the ba
Mom's Applesauce Pancakes
Mom's Applesauce Pancakes Serve with maple syrup or apple butter." 2 cups dry pancake mix 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 eggs 1 cup applesauce 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 cup milk In a large bowl, stir together pancake mix and cinnamon. Make a well in the center of the pancake mix. Add the eggs, applesauce, lemon juice and milk; stir until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
WHY GOD MADE MOMS Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why did God make mothers? 1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2. Mostly to clean the house. 3. To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts. What ingredients are mothers made of ? 1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think. Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1. We're related. 2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me. What kind of little girl was your mom? 1. My Mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff. 2. I don't know
Mom Still In Hospital
Mom is still in the hospital and they are keeping her.They did not take the second mass out yet. They may be doing a biopsy on it. Still no news on the fluid in her brain. Do not know if they will do that surgery now or not.
Moms Surgery!!
Well a year ago on oct. 12th my mom was seriously hurt at work, a tree fell on her and put her in the hospital. She was put in to an induced coma for 3 weeks. She had so many things wrong with her and still does. She has no use of her left arm at all beacuse the main vain in her harm was severed so the little vains in her arm had to take over. Im very thankful for my mom being here today. I tried blaming people for it but couldnt it was a freak accident the wind took it and blew it the wrong way. Well anyways she went to the doctors today for her evaluation on her arm and to meet all her doctors. NOV. 6th she goes in for surgery. Im excited because she'll be able to use her arm again not as good as we can but it will work. Im as nervous as she is but im glad its finally happening. Please Pray for and pray that everything is going to be alright and work out like we want. Thank you!!!
The Mom Song..lmao
All mom's can agree with this.. Lord Knows I've said alot of these to my kids..lmao
Mom's An Army
Mom's an Army borrowed from Joan Baumann Mom's an Army now! When Dad's away Mom's the Commanding Officer. When Dad's at home, Mom's the Executive Officer, coordinating and executing actions for the Command Team. Keeping track of the kids, she's the S-1. Collecting neighborhood news and relaying it to Dad she's the S-2. Making plans for the family and training the kids, she's the S-3. Stocking food and supplies for the family, she's the S-4. She answers all the family correspondence and makes appointments for Dad, so that makes her the Adjutant. Worrying about the family budget makes her the Comptroller. Paying the bills and accounting to Dad for the paychecks makes her the Finance and Accounting Officer. Looking for a new place to live when we move, she's the Billeting Officer. Assigning us chores to do, getting us fed, bathed and put to bed; she is our First Sergeant. Serving food and doing dishes, she's on KP. Carrying small ch
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will." Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put prayed to God who would surely know the answer. When God responded he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?" God said: "When I made the woman she had to be to be made special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when
Moms Mabley - She's So Funny!
I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty, and probably has germs," I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Momma, how do you know all this stuff. You are so smart." I was thinking quickly, "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mom Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mom." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "Oh...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the dad." ''Exactly," I replied back with a big smile on my face. When you're finished laughing, send this to a Mom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A Baby's Conversation With God A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you." The child further inquired, "but tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy." God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy." Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?" God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." "Who will protect me?" God said, "Your angel will defend you
Moms Passing On
Today , my mom passed away at 6:50 pm and her fight is over. She suffered enough and now she is at rest. I spent the entire night with her last night and i spoke to her and she had her eyes open for a couple of hours. I was going to spent tonight with her as well, but when i got the call not to all came in. I cried more times 2 days ago for how sad i was FOR her. I cried several times today and the only nice thing is that she joined my dad for the first time in 41 years...HER FIRST AND ONLY TRUE LOVE. Shes no longer in pain and resting well. I was glad to spend that last night with her. I saw her body after her passing and with her head tilted to the right, she was not moving or breathing but she was at peace. REST IN PEACE MOM !! 4-5-08
Mom's Cousin
The funeral for Dean C. Wilson will be at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Hammond, with the Rev. Brenda Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery in Plainview. Mr. Wilson, 78, of rural Hammond, died Wednesday (April 16, 2008) in rural Wabasha County. Dean Clay Wilson was born Oct. 22, 1929, in Beaver, Minn. He attended elementary school in Estherville, Iowa, and the Grub School in Wabasha County. He farmed in Zumbro Township, Wabasha County, for 60 years and lived in southeast Minnesota most of his life. He was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Hammond and enjoyed having coffee and meals with friends and family.
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Mom's Job Title
A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk 's office, was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. 'What I mean is, ' explained the recorder, 'do you have a job or are you just a ...?' 'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman. 'I'm a Mom.' 'We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, 'housewife' covers it,' Said the recorder emphatically. I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, 'Official Interrogator' or 'Town Registrar.' 'What is your occupation?' she probed. What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. 'I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.' The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as
Mom's Day
Mom's Day 2008 [may 11th]
my mom passed away april 26th 2006, 10 days after her bday...i love her so much and miss her too, she was my best friend, someone who listens to my thoughts and words someone i can hug just cuz lol. she will always be in my to all you moms out are so loveed by your kids..married or single i loveu are the best friend of all your kids.... God Bless
Moms Rules For Dating Daughters
moms Rules for Dating momsRules for Dating Your moms rules for your boyfriend Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up. Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your eyes or hands off of my daughter's body, I will remove them. Rule Three: I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys of your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips! Please don't take this as an insult, but you and all of your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and open minded about this issue, so I propose this compromise: You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants ten sizes too big, and I will not object. However, in order to ensure that your clothes do not, in fact come off during the course of your date with my d
Moms Friends
My mom suffered a mild heart attack yesterday and they released her this afternoon ( To soon in my eyes). After seeing her shoutbox, I figured I would write this for her. No matter what position she is in right now, it's making her literally sick. She isn't keeping anything down as of yet. But still trying to eat crackers and drink fluids. After seeing her shoutbox from someone asking why she is ignoring this person, I felt this was in need to be written. She isn't ignoring anyone, infact trying her hardest to return the love and just can't. Hopefully tomorrow she will feel more up to this. She is to stay in bed over the next few days (Best reason to play on here lol). Will then return all your emails, comments, etc.... I did try and get her caught up today and maxed her stash out as she asked, (boring in my eyes) lmao. But anything to keep her happy and calm. Thanks all for understanding, Her daughter
WHY GOD MADE MOMS Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why did God make mothers? 1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2. Mostly to clean the house. 3. To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts. What ingredients are mothers made of ? 1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think. Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1. We're related. 2.. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me. What kind of little girl was your mom? 1. My Mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff. 2. I don't know because I wasn't ther
Moms Birthday
Today is my moms birthday. I would love it if all of my wonderful fu-friends could help me show her some love. I would really appreciate it. Thanks simsfreak. She is motormouth mabel on my family list. Thanks again.
Mom Surgery
over the last few weeks mom has been i'll because she constant gets chi\oked. well on monday they did a opperation to help her breath n now shes actually eating good soild fodd. not justsoup or rice, but beaf n i hope all is well with yall, missed u. n if u have my number, please call after 4 my time. would love to catch up with u folks. i wont be on here till shes all better. wish her luck!
Mom's Apple Pie
6-8 tart apples (medium to large) 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste) 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste) Dash salt 3/4 cups flour 1 1/4 sticks of butter Frozen pie crust (bottom only) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. To prepare filling, peel and thinly slice apples. Combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup flour, spices and salt and toss with apples. Spoon filling into pie crust. To prepare topping, mix butter, 1 cup sugar, and 1/2 cups flour in your hands to create crumbs. Distribute evenly over apple filling in pie crust. Bake at 400 degrees F for about 45 minutes or until golden brown. Recipe courtesy of Lisa Gordon
Moms Bday Card
Sitting here waiting for the right words to come my way; To wish my mother a special Birthday. I know I don't show it much but I do love you a whole bunch. Remember even when I don't call you are on my mind through it all When you read this you will finally realize that its not in the words spoken where I show my love; It is in the actions taken way beyond and above. I love you mommy always and forever and deep in my heart you will leave me never. Love Val Copyright November 2008
A Mom's Christmas Wish
To all the moms I know, here is a little funny that borders on reality! Happy Holidays. Dear Santa*,I've been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor and sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years. Here are my Christmas wishes: I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze, but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store. I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy. If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd li
Mom's Soft Boxes---chapter One
My parents hardworking couple always did their best to provide me and my brothers and sisters with memorable holidays. Starting in October, Pop would shrimp from early morning to dinner time come home eat and then he go to the wood mill and work another eight or so hours to make sure that each of six boys and five girls got wonderful gifts under the handpicked tree. We hardly saw Pop, covered in sawdust and smelling somewhat of saltwater he would drag into the house about midnight only to get a shower and crawl into bed for four hours of sleep before getting up and doing it all again. Mom was a wonder woman in her day. She be up before Pop to make him a breakfast and lunch. Then she would prepare breakfast for us kids and pack us up with school lunches. She managed to stretch money to be sure we were well feed. It wasn’t until we were older with our own children did we find out Mom hardly took the time to herself. The new pairs of pj’s and nightgowns we found under the tree we
SCHOOL CHILDREN The following are different answers given by school-age children to the given question: Why did God make mothers? 1.-She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2.-Think about it, it was the best way to get more people. 3.-Mostly to clean the house. 4.-To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1.- He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2.- Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3.- God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1.- We're related. 2.- God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me What ingredients are mothers made of? 1- God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2.-They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string I think. What kind of little girl was your mom? 1.- My mom has always be
A Moms Grief
the hardest thing anyone in life to do is have to bury a son. my son was 10 years old. school just let out for summer vac. my boys were playing inside that day as it was raining. around 5 pm it stopped raining and they wanted to go out so i let them that was the biggest mistake i ever made as it was the last day i ever heard my son call me mom. he went to get a ball that rolled in the road we lived in the country not many cars on the road but at 5:23pm this car didn't see my son and hit him .i heard the screams from my other 2 boys i run out to find my son lying in the road not breathing, i give cpr he takes a breath i look at him see no blood anyplace i think he will be ok 20 min later the ambulance gets there.they rush and call for a helicopter but it will take to long so we drive there .at the hospital i wait for hours before i hear anything or see him. the dr's come out and say there is little hope as he is brain dead has a broken arm and leg 3 broken ribs but yet they put him on l
I came there this morning for two reasons, to tell you that I got a flyer with an add for picking up the GED test, and when I realized Jman was not in school I panicked. Escuse me for caring if they get an education. Second, the 1099 will cost 75.00 and your father wants to see the refund you are getting and he wants half of it to pay him back for supporting you for the last 7 months. By rights he should be claiming your son, he supported him not you. I will be over later to pick up the electric heaters. I cannot afford for all those heaters to be going. I dont think I would mind so much if any of you acted thankful. But you are all ungrateful as hell. You and your children act like Im supposed to take care of you. But Im really done. You will act more thankful and be respectful of me or you can pack your stuff and go away now. Dont tell me you have no where to go, I dont care anymore. You have not worked in a year and you are perfectly happy not too. Well the bottom line
Moms Home
Shes so happy, n dammint so am i. a house is just a building without a mom. shes what makes it a home is what makes it home. shes weak tired, give out. but her memory is better. so i'm closing the shop a week to get everything just right fer her., but being home is the best medcine fer her. she just hates the wheelchair, cause she cant put no preasure on the slightley fractured foot. but shes on the mend, n tougher than nails. just stubborn, yalll all know that. time will heal her up. so all the sisters r here, n they all been on my ass to take a nap, i stayed up in there with mom all nite n just slept in the chair. so i anit gonna fuss lol. just need a bout a 2 hr powernap. i'll keep in touch as best i can folks n up to date. ty to everyone again, for yer concerns n prayers n bless u all.
Mom Song-phrases;) Hilariousssssssssssssssss
Moms In Group Therapy
A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed. To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy." He turned to the second Mom, Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny." He turned to the third Mom, Joyce: "Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy." At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand, and whispered, "Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner.
Moms Cousin
Moms Day
MY SPECIAL MOM By Mikayla Bowman – 9 years old     The most important thing for you to know about my Mom is that she has a very deep faith in God.  I know this because her favorite story to tell me is how she wanted me soooo much and she prayed for 7 years and had faith that God would give her a little girl.  There were times when she wanted to give up but she had faith that God would answer her prayers.  God did answer her prayers and I am the little girl that she prayed for.   My Momma lost her job in January and when Mr. Shawn had to lay her off, she did not get upset – she prayed for him and asked God to bless his business.  When my Daddy got laid off from his job, I was worried.  My Momma told me that we do not have to worry because God will take care of every need that we have.  Everyday when my Momma prays with me she reminds me to be very thankful for everything that God has blessed us with.  Sometimes I worry when our cars get broken and we have to pay a lot
Mom's Bday
I hung out most of the day with my parents. We went to Target to pick up some photos that dad had when they went to the Phillpines earlier this year. He also made some photo cards for mom's birthday. She turned 58 but looks like she's in her late 30's.  One of Robbie, who is their newest pet and a memorial card of Cocoa that passed a few months go. Real sweet. Went up to the casino. I hadn't been to that casino in the longest time. They changed the buffet there. It was actually pretty nice, they had italian, chinese, seafood..etc different selections to choose from and it was really big. We didn't win any money but we all had fun still. Did some shopping and they took me home. I didn't stay home long and headed out again. Went over to see how Kari and the others were doing and hung out for a while. Did some cleaning and omg...the downstairs bathroom was just soooo fucking nasty. I swear he needs to fucking aim when he pisses. He never cleans the bathroom or I get the nasty
Moms Club, Moms Club Websites, Membership Sites, Web Design
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you might have heard of MOMS Clubs all over America. It is a very good organization perfect for mothers who choose to stay at home. Staying at home is entirely fulfilling but the job sometimes lead to too much pressure or the exact opposite, boredom. MOMS Club has been created for moms so that they can have an outlet for their talents and emotions. The club takes mothering into a whole new light. It is a perfect support group for mothers with the same concerns and interests to stay and work together.moms club websitemomsclub newslettermoms club newsletter
Moms Update
Doctor called today moms tempature spiked again this time 104.8* now they are giving her a cocktail of different antibiotics if this don't help knock out the fever and  kill the bacteria that is in her blood  she will have to have a blood transfusion and  hope that this works.   so i still ask that you keep her in your prayers     
Mom's Phone
Because my mother had a habit of losing her cordless phone, I bought her a phone with a clip on it so she could attach it directly to her belt. A few days later, I walked into my mother's home and found her standing in the middle of the living room, halfway dressed. That didn't strike me as odd so much as the fact that she was holding her pants to the side of her head and speaking into them. "Don't look at me that way," she yelled. "The phone started ringing and I couldn't figure out how to undo this stupid clip!" 
Mom's Battle Is Almost At An End....
These words have special meaning to me! My Mom passed away this past Oct., 2006. My husband & I had the honor of caring for her in our home, when she became so she couldn't carry on her usual lifestyle. Since we cared for her, I felt it was my duty, (as her child) to plan for her HOMEGOING, so I made a rough draft of how I wanted her funeral program to be. This is just one of the pieces I included within her tribute:MOMSThe young mother set her foot on the path of life, "is this the long way?" She asked. The guide said:"Yes! And the way is hard and you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning."But the young mother was happy and she would not believe that anything could be better than these years. So she played with her children and gathered flowers for them along the way and bathed them in the clear streams and the sun shone on them and the young mother cried,"Nothing will ever be lovelier than this."Then the night came with a storm and
Moms And Love
My mother passed away this morning, she was eighty years old, I live far away but I tried to call once a month.  Don't leave a person without telling that you love them. She always did that after every phone call.  May the Lord bless everyone with happiness and peace. I am not asking for sympathy, just giving information.  If i wanted sympathy I would have written it in my status.
A Mom's Cry
JDRF WALK  February 27, 2011 Mall of America     Dear Family & Friends,   On February 27, 2011, I’m going on a 1-mile walk at Mall of America. I’m sure most people don’t write you to announce their walking schedule. However, this is an important event for me, for the hundreds of thousands of young people, like my daughter Triniti, who suffer from diabetes. On February 27th the walk to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will take place. I will be there because I want to find a cure for my daughter's disease.   Triniti was diagnosed with Type I diabetes when he was two years old. For the past six years living with diabetes has been a daily struggle. Each day, we test his blood sugar four to four-six times a day. She also receives bolus' through her insulin pump throughout the day. Often times, she doesn't want to check her blood sugar and get bolus' but she understands that she must take the insulin to survive. But insulin is not a “cure&rdqu
A Mom,s Heart
I make mistakes...sometimes more than I would like to admit....But I will always be there for hear cheer laugh and cry with protect you with my life...I will love you for eternity with all my heart,uncondionally. I,m your mom!! Shout out to my son, I love you!!! I am the luckiest mom in the world, and I am so very proud!!!!! Work hard, I am with you every step of the way!! Live your dream, it is within your reach. And God bless you for being here for me.
Mom's Tears For Amber
MomsTears4Amber   Why have you left me,oh child of mine?When did I fail to be a mother of love and compassion?What skinned knees and paper cutsdid I not add a bandage and a kiss to make it better?Oh, the fault of course.I keep forgetting thatI freed us from his harsh hands of painand words of contempt.Silly me,I thought we'd be better off without him.I put you in hiding while the paper work was done,no chance for him to take you away in revenge.I found us a better life,a safe and secure life,and even a new man that took you as his daughter.You saw us fight,but this man failed to hit me...and I lost you that day.You came at me with a knife,doing the man's job for him...and the first scars became visible.You saw your father by choice,and let him hurt you in exchangefor money and the good life.Everytime, I begged you to tell meif any of it started again...I can only belive your word 'no'.You never showed bruises,but you became so angry.You'd come home from v
Mom's Illness
It breaks my heart to have to leave all my friends here...I've come back several times for a reason...and that was just to stay in touch with all of the very dear, true friends I've met here. I lost my dad last March and my mom has gone downhill very rapidly since then due to Alzheimers. I've been going back and forth between Seattle and Vancouver lately..Monday thru Friday to take care of her but she is not doing very well at all. This may very well be me and my son's last Christmas with her and I wish to make it the VERY best for her!! SOOOO.....I will not be here much at all. That being said...I know the nature of this game...this isn't my first If you need to take me out of your family, believe me...I COMPLETELY understand! All my finances are wrapped up in making sure she gets the absolute BEST care possible so I just simply cannot spend any more money here. To be honest Fubar is SOO NOT my priority right now but I do understand how the game is played. If you remove
Mom Told Me About You
"Mom Told Me about You" When I was little my Ma always use to tell me that someday someone would come into my life when I needed them most. This person will become someone special in my life. They will take a piece of my heart into their hands and hold in with greatest respect. I will learn that I can trust this person with my deepest darkest secrets. They will laugh with me, cry with me or just pick me up on one of those days. All my life I waited for this person to appear. I would look into the eyes of strangers hoping to find a calming heart but always came up empty. There I sit 30 years old and ready to give up my search. Then one day my time must have finally came. My search was over. At first I didn’t realize they where what I had been looking for. As time went by I realized I had a friend for life. I sit and remembered back at the things Ma told me all this person would be. I think she forgot to tell me something’s. She didn’t tell that we would have
Mom To Me
Mom to Me You have brought so much to my life and me. Joy of cooking. Joy of eating. Joy of sleeping in a warm soft bed. How the garden grows And our friendship and love as a mother & daughter grew Like the flowers we loved. The feel of the warm sand and the smell of beach wood Will always remind me of you the California lady for Des Moines You have class and know what the finer things in life are all about. The crack of the Bat and the crack of fresh crab I will look for you. I know it won’t be the last time we see each other . But it will not be like the special time we spent together the past few years. Thank you for being you and sharing it with me. You are my Best Friend! RIP 02/01/2009 Life won't be the same without you!
Mom Teaches Her Two Sons How To Play Baseball
sure she show them how play baseball as one usz his bro as a ball.XD
Mom Update...........
Well we went for the CT scan today on her chest...she has an appointment with the doctor today at 1:15pm.....after the appointment we should know more. So everyone just keep her in your prayers and thoughts...She has been really upset this morning...sick to her stomach...and just really weak. I am trying to stay strong for both of us, and I have wanted to lose it a lot this morning...but one of us has to have some composure. Depending on the results of the CT..I may not have much composure left...I will post again after the appointment. Hope everyone is having a good day! :-(
Mom Uses Kids For Porn
An unthinkable act -- a mother is accused of crimes against her own children. A man and woman accused of using the woman's kids for making child pornography will remain in jail for now. Carrie Wheaton and Roger Smith are currently being held without bond at the Dane County Jail ... The evidence was in Wisconsin, the alleged crime was committed in Illinois, and authorities were first alerted in Missouri. That's why the case is being prosecuted in Federal Court. Carrie Wheaton and Roger Smith are accused of using Wheaton's twin 6 year old girls to make child pornography. According to an affidavit filed in Federal Court ... It started when a detective in Missouri posed as a 13 year-old girl in an online chat room. A man later identified as Roger Smith sent the detective a link to his webcam, showing him masturbating. An agent with the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation, or DCI, obtained a search warrant for Smith's home in the Town of Hollandale - in
Mom Wants Her Pc Back For Awhile Lol
I'll be back after while, Maybe sooner if I can get mine up and running
Mom (written By:kionna)
No matter where she goes She will always love us Where ever she is or she's with We're more important than it She sees my other side She helps my pride She's the one I depend on She will always be my mom Mom I need to THANK YOU For all you do Mom your special and cool Oh how I can trust you My mom she doesnt know What I never show I LOVE YOU THO You are my best friend The only person I know My secrets are safe with Thank you for loving us COMPLETELY!!! Written by: my daughter Kionna I lovers you too My strength in numbers!
Mom Xxx Videos
Mom (924 XXX Videos)
Mom You Are So Loved By All Of Us
Mom, You Better Check Yourself!
Mom, You Better Check Yourself You have to love our kids and their ability to be brutally honest.I happen to have one of the most brutally honest kids out there. He has beenthat way since he was born. I remember him laughing at me when he was 10 monthsold as I would attempt to sing to him, then when he could finally talk he toldme to stop because my singing hurt his ears. Well now my awesome son is 25years old and he still has this ability. It was Christmas Eve 2012 and he toldme, "Mom, you better check yourself". Of course, I was teasing himabout something but those words have stuck with me these past couple of weeks. So here I am, checking myself I am using those words and somewhat advice from my own fleshand blood to get my head in the game and my goals and priorities set for mybusiness in 2013. I am focused and devoted to build and grow. There are some key factors each and every oneof needs to do to ensure growth and prosperity regardless of what business weare in. Most of us u
Momz Birthday Today...
For those that really wanna know today is My Mommz Birthday.... From the immediate family there are only Her, my oldest Brother Jim and I left For the onez that REALLY wanna know that story you can ask me some other time My Brother and I are taking her out to dinner to try to make it a special one for her... Anything anyone you like to share that I can pass on to let my Mother know that I realize that I am really lucky to have her?
day to dental appointment and back to Ithaca, a long and travel-spanning day planned... will be online late of the day tomorrow and back upstate again. It was a very good weekend.
Well...another perfect day for sitting on my ass waiting to get unloaded! Heading up to Philly area...hope it aint snowin yet?
The Monastics And Their Sex!
HIST 295 Suzanne L. Neeley Those Who Pray: The Women To begin, we must examine the origins of modern renditions of the legend of Pope Joan and other similar stories that are popular in today's media marketplace. Firstly, feminist scholarship suffers from several problems, not the least of which is its tendency to impose a post modern value system onto historical figures, events and places that bear no relationship whatsoever with such modern ideas. Further, feminist versions of such "history" face the inevitable problem of figuring out the motivations of historical female figures, while at the same time, attempting to draw upon their own value system. This is a rather shallow error and it leads to numerous problems in examining any period of history with any seriousness. If female historians wish to be taken seriously, then they certainly ought to imbue their work with the sobriety that it demands and quit endowing historical women with a post modern feminist agenda that
Mona Vie
Team, hope everyone is having an Awesome week! This important info came from Silver going on Gold Rico Gutierrez ~ Thanks for sending it to us Rico! PART TIME VS. SPARE TIME One key factor why Network Marketing has a 95% failure rate can be traced to the way the industry is portrayed and "sold" to would-be business builders. The allure of Network Marketing has always been: MINIMAL INVESTMENT, LOW RISK, MAKE A TON OF MONEY, and most importantly, START PART TIME. Unfortunately, while people hear PART TIME, what they think the entire time is SPARE TIME. There is a huge difference between the two! Part time means that a person is not working 40 hours per week on his job or business. Part time still requires that he sticks to a schedule and works a minimum number of hours every week. It does not mean that he works only when he is not doing anything else or when he is free. McDonald's does not advertise: "NOW HIRING: FULL TIME AND SPARE TIME"! Before Monavie was introduced to each o
Mona Lisa Smile
Mona Lisa Smile Take me to the place where east meets west.. and we lie upon a jungle canopy you drink from my navel a sweet essance of papya and honey as we make love under the velvet sky I urge you faster ride you hard as I would whip my steed into a frey sweating and lathered in juices and sweat I take you for another type of ride a delight as old as time.. I slowly sink to my knees my white skin pale against your dark strong ebon hands you grab my mane of hair and urge me downward my mouth begins its erotic tease.. I take you full take you to the brink a explosion of red black and white in my head and I drain you of your prana your essance.. we lie in a collapsed heap.. bodies spent for the momment .till I make you rise again this time I ride you hard and fast as I would my favorite are rode hard to the pointe of colapse and I the victor get my reward we shower eachother under a water fall I was you and you wash me my pale nipples hardeded and g
Monastery Life
Monastery Life A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand. He notices, however, that all of the monks are copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies. The head monk, says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son." He goes down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives in a locked vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years. Hours go by and nobody sees the old abbot. So, the young monk gets worried and goes down to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall and wailing. "We missed the R ! We
Monarch Ii Making The Case (pt Eleven) In Their Own Words
Monarch II Making the Case (pt eleven) In Their Own Words
Monarch Ii Making The Case (pt Twelve) In Their Own Words
Monarch II Making the Case (pt twelve) In Their Own Words
Monarch Butterfly Kit-child
The most recognized butterfly design! Price: 8.99
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cite This Source Mona Lisa, or La Gioconda (La Joconde) is a 16th-century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo Da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. It is arguably the most famous painting in the world, and few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing and parody. It is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. The painting, a half-length portrait, depicts a woman whose gaze meets the viewer's with an expression often described as enigmatic. It is considered by many to be Leonardo's magnum opus.
Mona Lisa Explained
 Mona Lisa (Italian: La Gioconda, French:La Joconde) Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1503–1506 Oil on poplar Look at the painting, and my comments on it, and see if you found what I did. Interested to know if I am crazy or not... but I think I know the answer to that question... The Mona Lisa is probably the world's most famous painting of an unknown subject. She is said to have the most sublime smile ever to be seen, but I think it could have been gas. Most people do not know this, but it was painted on Poplar wood, not normal canvas. It took Leonardo Da Vinci 4 years to paint this portrait, so he must have either used a very small brush, or he was diddling her behind hubby's back, which is the true source of her enigmatic smile. Mona Lisa is also Nat King Coles best song, in my humble opinion. As a world-renown art expert and maker of baloney sammiches, I will explain this painting to you. If you look at it, which is the best way to view art in my humble opinion, you se
Mona Vie Pulse
Watching your cholesterol? MonaVie Pulse was created with your heart in mind. Formulated with 19 fruits, including the superfruit açai, this delicious, heart healthy blend delivers powerful antioxidants to nutritionally support your cardiovascular system. Additionally, MonaVie Pulse Gel allows you to enjoy all the benefits of MonaVie Pulse juice in a convenient gel pack. Whichever MonaVie product you treat your taste buds to, you’ll feel great knowing that you are taking charge of your health. Benefits • Boasts heart healthy levels of plant sterols* to help maintain existing healthy cholesterol levels. • Features resveratrol, which supports your cardiovascular system by helping protect healthy blood vessels. • Delivers powerful antioxidant polyphenols to promote a healthy cardiovascular system. • Features a wide array of essential nutrients for optimal health. • Offers potent antioxidant protection against free radicals. • Delivers the antioxidant capacity of ap
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa My life is like a painting, just like Mona Lisa. It may seem like im happy when you see my smile, but if you look deep into my eyes you can tell im unhappy, i feel tortured inside, and i dont want people to know. I dont want people to know because i dont want to be a strugle to them. No one can make me feel happy, but they can try. They may think its helping but i'll be Mona Lisa for them, i'll fake it, Rachel Harbison
Mon At 8 Pm (est Time) In Sweetwaters Saloon
Mona's Wedding Present
Mona and I are getting married soon and I would like to give her 2500 profile rates in the next 24 hours as a wedding present. Ms. Mona Doll ღ Dangerous Curves Member ღ Please rate or re-rate Mona today. Make my beautiful bride-to-be happy and let's keep fubar's finest lady #1. Thanks everyone! We can do this. Yes we can! Steve ~*~ Club United ~*~@ fubar
Mona's Wedding Present
Mona's Wedding Present Mona and I are getting married soon and I would like to give her 2500 profile rates in the next 24 hours as a wedding present. Ms. Mona Doll ღ Dangerous Curves Member ღ Please rate or re-rate Mona today. Make my beautiful bride-to-be happy and let's keep fubar's finest lady #1. Thanks everyone! Please repost. PM me if you sticky this bully, I'll hook you up. We can do this. Yes we can! Steve ~*~ Club United ~*~@ fubar (repost of original by 'Steve ~*~ Club United ~*~' on '2009-01-19 18:51:49') (repost of original by 'Ms. Mona Doll ღ Dangerous Curves Member ღ' on '2009-01-20 04:15:32')
Mon Ami
Mon Ami, L'amour pour toi est une chanson dans mon couer. Touts les heures il frappe je le sens. Je t'adore plus que le soleil et les etoilles. Je t'adore plus que la lune et le neige. Tu es la raison pour ma heurusement. Pour tu est toi et c'est la raison d toutes les raisons dont j'ai besoin et je veux..
Mona Rosa
Mona Rosa Mona Rosa,siyah güller,ak güller; Gülce'nin gülleri ve beyaz yatak Kanadý kýrýk kuþ merhamet ister; Ah senin yüzünden kana batacak, Mona Rosa,siyah güller,ak güller Ulur aya karþý kirli çakallar Bakar ürkek ürkek tavþanlar daða Mona Rosa,bugün bende bir hal var,Yaðmur iðri iðri düþer topraða,Ulur aya karþý kirli çakallar Zeytin aðacýnýn karanlýðýdýr Elindeki elma ile baþlayan...Bir yakut yüzükte aydýnlanan sýr,Sýcak ve minnacýk yüzündeki kan,Zeytin aðacýnýn karanlýðýdýr...Zaman çabuk çabuk geçiyor Mona,Saat onikidir,söndü lambalar.Uyu da turnalar gelsin rüyana,Bakma tuhaf tuhaf göðe bu kadar;Zaman çabuk çabuk geçiyor Mona. Akþamlarý gelir incir kuþlarý,Konarlar bahçemin incirlerine;Kiminin rengi ak,kiminin sarý.Ah,beni vursalar bir kuþ yerine!Akþamlarý gelir incir kuþlarý... Ki ben,MonaRosa,bulurum seni Ýncir kuþlarýnýn bakýþlarýnda.Hayatla doldurur bu boþ yelkeni O masum bakýþlar...Su kenarýnda Ki ben,MonaRosa,bulurum seni.Kýrgýn kýrgýn bakma yüzüme Rosa:Henüz dinlemedin
Monavie Featuring The Acai Superfruit!!
MonaVie Featuring the Acai Is HERE! MonaVie and MonaVie Active presented by Monarch Health Sciences, The Premier Health and Wellness Company. MonaVie will touch the lives of many people both health wise and financially.Top Health and Wellness company Monarch Health Sciences to Launch New Phyto-Blend Elixar with the Acai Fruit Berry as the Headlining fruit. ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods for Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone on Oprah's website and it is also touted by NBC's Matt Lauer as the 'Amazons Viagra', the Acai Fruit Berry is quickly gaining popularity. Experts predict that MonaVie is very likely to set industry records. ( December 13, 2004 -- MonaVie's ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods for Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Dr. Perricone is the author of the best selling title The Perricone Promise" www.​MonaVie-​Emv247.​comThe benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten t
Monats Iphone 5
Die Rekord-Vorbestellungen. Linien bilden eine Woche im Voraus. Starten Sie das Vergnügen des Tages. Versorgungsengpässe. Vor Auftrag Verzögerungen. Panic. Die Rekord-Eröffnungswochenende Abendkasse Umsatz. Zweifel. Probleme und Beschwerden. Ein Mini-Skandal oder zwei. Entschuldigung. Dies sind Temperament Gerät gestartet Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500). Ich verbrachte die letzten Monate, Apples neues SIM Karte Adapter, Messen sowohl gegen den Wettbewerb und seine Vorgänger. Das Gerät ist sicherlich nicht frei von Mängeln - "Scuffgate" und "beweisen" Mapsgate - aber das neue iPhone 5 ist wirklich das Wichtigste, da die iPhone iPhone, behauptet Apple es? Lassen Sie uns beginnen ein neues Design. Aus ästhetischer Sicht ist die ursprüngliche iPhone war schon immer mein Favorit. Ich war nicht glücklich, wenn Apple iPhone 3G und 3GS von Aluminium und die Verwendung von Kunststoff. iPhone 4 und 4S Umzug zurück in die richtige Richtung zu Dumping billig Gefühl Kunststoff, Glas und Metall aller A
    Mona Sweet , caring  gentle soul you can just look in her eyes and tell shes a good person ..  she care oh how she cares ..  she loves ohh how she loves .. and makes you feel so welcome ...  so very welcome ..  her home is my home ...  she's of the special people ..  one that i will never forget ..  never stop loving .. and won't ever stop loving or caring about me either ... 
Mon Beau Ange
Mon Beau Ange Mon beau ange The one I adore Mon beau ange Sent from above Mon beau ange You’ve finally found me Mon beau ange The one in my dreams Mon beau ange Come to me, be with me Sing with me a song of love Mon beau ange Will you be mine? Mon beau ange Hold out your hand And hold me near You don’t need to fear You’ll be my one and only dear Mon beau ange Together we shall soar Soar into the heavens Mon beau ange We shall be together always Mon beau ange Will you have me? Mon beau ange Notre amoureux est fort Et volonte jamais mourir -© J. Bendiksen
Mon 04-14-08 (be Happy)
Monday, April 14, 2008 Happy Monday? Indeed! ... Is it working? Just wanted to cheer you up ... Is it working yet? I didn't think it would ... Dont worry ... Be happy! I just wanted to say Your a great person Each & everyday! Celibrate your greatness! Be happY ... Dont worry ... Be happy! (like me) *wink*
Mon Cherie ~pour Toujours~
Cette Nuit se tenir presde vorte cote pareil anisi beaucoup de temps en avant, Nous recontrer demi chemin a de venir un pour toujours, Nous joindre norte sourire, coeur, esprit, ame et sang aussi un. Dans celui-ci gobblet moi lieu mon sang a etre joindre avec le tien. Moi donner mon vivant, mon coeur et min ame a tu de bonne volonte. Cette Nuit le soleil et lune de venir un. Moi amour, honneur et cherie tu pour tout eternite et avec tous souffle moi tirer. Celui-ci union elle bond avec sang et argent. Moi lieu celui-ci lien de argent autour vorte doigt aussi a symbole de ma amour tu. Peux norte amour etre non brise juste aussi le lien de argent nous porter. J'tamie Cherie ~pour toujours~
Mon Coeur Est Cassé Et J'ai Besoin D'une étreinte
Mon Cher (poem)
i was lost and lonely waiting for someone to find me then you took me out of the cold into yourself to the warmth of your arms your love rules my heart like a precious jewel in the world i'm lovesick, mon cher.... hold me now join me to yourself you are the love that completes me i want to spend my life loving you come, let's ride the night let's touch the sky let's soar like eagles and kiss the moonlight 'cos many waters cannot quench love neither can floods drown it you are the smile that never fades the bliss that never wanes the light that shines in my darkness welcome me close to yourheart make us one UNBREAKABLE we will remain
Mon Cheri
Mon Cheri So we turn the lights down low turn the key on the lighted torch. as soft light pulses, reflects, echo’s across the walls corner to corner. There in the window, the stars bare whiteness to the deepest love, and the darkest sin. They are the eyes of angels, to pass judgment on our souls. Soft pillows, I see the linen flash between the dark of your flowing sexy hair. And the dim light not only echo’s through the home, but reflects those same stars, in your gleaming eyes. So green and clear that I feel watched, as we love. I feel accused, for this sin. Oh sweet blasphemy! I rejoice in your embrace again, and I love you, Once Again.
Mon 05-12-08 (coffee, Tea Or Me?)
> Monday, May 12, 2008 And . . . Glad that you joined me, can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?? Would it be to Cliché to ask: ME??? Being it's afternoon here in the Eastern Standar
Mon Cher...
New spring blossoms rage burns beyond sun's holy fire eyes drink thine beauty  
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Monday Morning Whine
It's another dreary, lazy Monday morning. Though I got woken up to the sweet sound of my honeybaby's voice calling I just can't seem to fully awaken. Maybe it's because I know the wrath that lays ahead of me later today. I started sleeping in Cheylans room last night. I really should have done it before now, but I knew he would only start a war over it. I can't take much more of the confrontations. I will be so glad when November comes and I can finally be free of all this. We were trying to part as friends, but the fire and ice attitude he keeps giving me just makes me loathe him. I don't know why he wants make this all so difficult since he himself realizes now that our coming divorce was inevitable.
Today is "Magda's" bday go show her some lub.. er love . hehehe I'd sing it like they do in Chucky Cheese to you if I could sing. Lmao I'm all good its monday. Its raining and I slept in. I feel good today.. I feel better than my netscape that is on the fritz on lostcherry.. Then again.. it hates myspace too. I had one of those strange sci-fi dreams again.. at least it wasn't a timetravel one. LOL It did have plenty of kungfu and explosions.. I sware jon Wooo was directing it. Well me going now.. roy
Monday Again
MySpace Comments Graphics I really wish they take Mondays out of the picture. You know thats the only day alot of people can't stand. Why don't we just skip Monday all together. Anyways, Until next time! Rambling Butterfly
Monday Night Serenity
The day though beginning as a dreary sleepy day has actually not all been in vein. I started seperating and packing my things up for my upcoming move back home. The elation it gave me is indescribable even though there is still much much more to do. I have hosted three tournaments for our Gamers today with my final one for the day coming up shortly. Than I will return to working on things here until time to play in my babys bowling tourney. Even though I know that 9:00 isn't far away it seems like it's an eternity knowing I want to hear my honeybabys sweet soothing voice. I can never get enough of hearing him on the other end of the phone knowing that we can't be together now. I long even more for the day that the phone no longer seperates us.
I always wake up .. half-sleep on mondays.. I have to lift some huge 175lbs rolls of plastic today. for 8 hours. This time I hope not to burn my hands and arms.. hehheeh
Monday Blues
Just wanting to say a quick hello to all my friends. Sorry I haven't been around much, seems like the change in weather gave me a bit of the blues. Just know I love all my friends & will be in touch with everyone within the next couple days. And although I'm not a religious person, this quote seems most appropriate for me today. " I believe in God as I believe the sun will rise every day. Not because I can see it, but because by it I can see everything."
Monday We R On Tv
We R on Tv on Monday Monday is our show!!!!!!!! so u guys better watch...wgn..10 am if loctated if diffrent area here is the web site to tell u what channel and what time and here is our preview.....
Happy Monday everybody! I'm going to passout now..
Morning Ya'll... How be ya? well im tired lol..and its a monday and this coffee isnt kicking n fast enuff lol... gotta few errands too run this morning then its coming home chilling unless something comes up... update on my son.. hes doing betta.. just real sore... and hurting .. but he will be ok... whew ive not had much sleep these past few days so i may just come home and take a nap... well one thing ive gotta do is give my 2 dogs a bath lol... ( fun ) anyways enuff about me... yall have a super monday and a hella of a week... Im Heading too talladega this sunday yeehawww.. so im counting the days down haha... Ok keep it real... xoxo Bec
Monday Monday .......
What the hell happend to the weekend ??? I was working on the SOS BUS ( a scheme to help those that are vunerable on friday & saturday nights) voluntry and love every minute of it. Nothing beat the feeling of helping someone out and receiving a "Thank You" at the end of it. Saturday was pretty much a lazy one chilling out and trying to catch up on sleep as I didn't finish on the SOS BUS till 4am (I know sucker for punishment) Sunday was catch up day for me meeting up with friends and finding out what ever they got up to and who is seeing who and screwing who (you know how it is) Now today and I'm catching up with some studying and those I didn't at the weekend. Oh well that's me done and dusted! Have a great day all ~o~ Zac Sky ~o~
Another monday again lol it seams to come as no suprise that its boring ;)) well my daughter starts her job after school today she was excited today before school so i hope she loves it she works at a daycare center here in town with a friend of hers which i think is cool. I miss someone very much i hope to see him before i leave tonight. if not :(( i will cry but its cool i am hoping he is ok he was sick last week so i am hoping he ins't this time or he best have a very good excuse to not be on talking to me ;)) oh well we all have a life other than the net lol hope he can come see me soon too :D it will be fun having him in the same town and not have to talk on the phone and online atleast for a few days lol
Monday Blog
just another monday.. Current mood: weird uh, yah, just — Monday, October 09, 2006 Not too much going on. I kinda had a long discussion with my teacher today, no one else was participating, so it was just me and him talking basicly. How fun. I felt kinda weird afterwards. Ohwell. That girl dissapeared right after class. Into a void or something. Then I went up to my psyche class and rememered, I didn't have class today, I had a test instead. So I reviewed the first chapter we went over agian, and then that always messes up how the last chapter is in my head, so I just really can't win. I don't think I did well on the test but ohwell, just have to do better nextime. I have tons of math to do before thursday. I almost did some today, then I got lost in thought for a while. Sometimes it seems like my mind is a record player and it gets stuck on certain grooves and has to play out ( somtimes more than once ) before any other think;ing or anything else can take
Monday Is Waaay To Close..
Well its almost Monday. Work starts again. I am soo not lookin forward to that. See my job deserves its own reality show. I am a manager of a "low-income" apartment complex. We have a variety of people. They range from families just trying to make it by, to people I would really not like to live around. The people you know what they do, but there really isnt a whole lot you can do about it. Not unless you actually see whats going on, or they are stupid enough to get busted. Its really a shame. I personaly am a woman, just trying to get by with her family. You want to know the most depressing part? I work 45 hrs a week, and I only make a quarter more than minimum wage. How effin sick is that?
Monday 10-16-2006
Good Morning everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a very good day and I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a great one. I spent the entire weekend at my parents house, playing video games on the X-box with my mom. She and I are great fans of RPG games. We bought "The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King" and it has been a real bear to get through. Anyway have a great day and hugs and kisses. Your Friend Darla
Another day like today and I will jump off a damn bridge.
screwed this week. i wish i could just cancel this week out and call it over already. i havent slept well lately so i cant concentrate during class even tho i'v got a couple of glasses of iced tea and 45 mg of conserta in me. i have a test tomorrow in justice and i havent even opened the book we were supposed to read and now i have to read all of it tonight. :( my week is PACKED already! i had to skip (meaning i forgot until i got home) a meeting wit my college counselor today. i had no lunch cuz i got into the charleston meeting late, i have to take a retake of the math quizes and test i'm failing, i have a spanish test at the end of this week and i dont understand wat she wants, my science class has a test at the end of the week and keith (the teacher) has jury duty tomorrow and wednesday so we have to review on our own, and i'm still behind in english...dammit i'm fucked this week, and the quarter ends next week and my grades will be sent to my first choice college (and i ha
Mondays Suck
Days of Week Images @ Mondays are the worst days of the week. You come off a relaxing weekend of drinking and then you have to get up and work with a hangover. I wish you could just skip monday and start the week on tuesday. After watching the packers play, a person needs an extra day to recouperate. LOL
Monday, October 09, 2006
Last week Ok so. Am-3 came calling again we had 2 nights in a row of hardcore grinding away sex. the kind that lasts for more than 2 hours. The kind you finaly finish and look at the clock and it's 4 am. Two nights in a row of it . Each night i was progressively getting more domanate over her. She was loving it . On other news there is chances of her being bi , She wants to but never had a chance. There is a freind she has that i think i can make it work. we will see. I was with am-5 also this weekend and we had a nice time also. Sorry there is not much two this but i'm coming off a monster weekend at work and had no time to blog and i also nave my son last night and tonight. More fun will be coming most likly tuesday.
Monday 10-16-06
Monday Night Football
Omg The Chicago Bears should have gotten their ass kicked on Monday night Football but the defense and special teams came back to give the bears a chance to win. But the cardinals kicker missed a field goal that would have won the game! The Chicago Bears are now 6-0!!!!
Monday V Friday -lmao
it's monday again yuk... lol. i'm feeling a little under the weather today but i'll get over it.
Mondays Suck
Mondays Here Again But
Mondays here again but this one is different this one is my birthday as of seven am here i turned 26 whoo hoo. With such a wonderful weekend behind i just gotta wonder what is today gonna be like.
Monday And Feeling Ughh
Good Morning Ya'll.. Not alot going on N Ga ( not my neck of the woods anyways other then feeling shitty.. got the flu or something.. and Yes im online haha... I cant sleep... too busy geting up and down running too the bathroom ( I know TMI ) but friends share stuff dont they lol.. Hope everyones weekeend was good.. Mine was ( VERY VERY LONG) lol... anyways just thought I would update this thing.. sorry im slacking lol.. so ya'll Be good or Be good at it whatever that may be.. xoxo Bec
MySpace Comments Graphics MySpace Comments Graphics MySpace Comments Graphics
Monday Was A Killer Fer Me. I Almost Died!!!!!!
I woke up monday to my mom just a ballin her head off. It turned out that I was bein accused of molestin some kids, but the worse part of it is that it was the same story as last time. My niece was tellin it at her school and it got turned into the CPS. They haven't came and charged me with anything yet and there is no proof of anything happenin. I ain't that type of person. Anyone that has been around me can tell ya that. It hurts down deep inside of ya when ya get accused of that type of thing. I was so fucked up from it I had reached to get my gun and blow my head off. I stopped because 3 faces popped into my head. They were my girlfriend Heather and my parents. I dont want to put them through something that bad. Heather has said that if I die before her then she will kill herself just to kick my ass. Ya know what, I believe she would do it too. I am sorry if any of this offends ya'll, but I had to write it down. I just aint all healed yet. Heather and my parents are
Monday, November 13, 2006
Well Last Wednesday I approved the sig cover design for my first poetry book and it is now in the printing department!!! I am starting to get a little ecited about it now!!! I sure hope that everyone who gets a copy really enjoys the poems and I have to admit I hope that it is a big hugh hit!! The title is: "Measure The Heart" The ISBN Number is: 1-4241-4860-X More updates to come!!!
So I've decided to start a new tradition for my blogs on CT. I'm going to post a daily pet peeve. So for Monday I'm at work being the great employee that I am when a higher up comes to me and says this person at corporate contacted me and needs you to fix something. What the hell happened to contacting me directly instead of going to someone else. Is that so damn difficult to do? Apparently it is because it's happened before. When this happens to you, does it bug you as much as it does to me?
Monday Mutha Fuckin Fundays
Ok so not really but its what u make it right...? So ya i dont have 2 work till Wednesday..and i have no fucking clue how to spend i figure ill just keep smoking till i do! So break out the Bongs, fill it up with some ice and water...and away...we...go! Blazed, JR
The Monday Blues
Awww never mind!!! I am out of here. This sucks, today. What can I say that everyone has not already heard. Yada yada yada. I have been tore up today. Mondays are the worst day of the week.
Monday Night Show
Saw the Talib Kweli show last night. Awesome show. Really, really great. If he comes through your town I promise it's absolutely worth the money. I don't think I can go to a show on a Monday again. I'm half wrecked right now. Thank god it's a short week. Still, I'm very glad I went. What a great show. Thanks to Wikipedia I found out he's in Second Life the online game: "According to Blacksmith's Web site, Talib Kweli's latest solo album will not be released until January 2007. In the meantime, he has created a global gathering place for all his fans on Second Life which will feature live concert streams as will as exclusives from his new album." I had set up a Second Life account a while ago but never really got into it. Now I totally want to check his stuff out. What a great idea.
Monday Mornin' (hagw)
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it. - Mary Wilson Little We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on. - Richard Feynman To err is human; to forgive, infrequent. - Franklin P. Adams
So it's a Monday and I have the day off. I was supposed to go to a doctor appoinment but rescheduled to catch up on so much needed sleeep. I don't sleep much. One day I might figure out why, but til then I will keep playing the catch up game. I am doing some laundry and might start on my Christmas cards. My roommate has he's done and is mailing them today. So my parents will get hers before they get mine. Kinda funny. Who really reads blogs anyway? I do becuase I like to know what goes on in peoples mind and lives. I'll try and be more faithful about updating this web page and profile. WOuldn't want the people who do have some sort of intrest to lose it. That is all for now......
Well it's monday the start of another week. Big Whoop it looks like it's going to rain or snow out. we are way over due for a good snow storm it wouldn't hurt my feelings if we didn't get any snow this winter but you know the old saying all good things must come to a end..
Monday Of Freight Training
today...*sigh* this morning was intersting. i got up late so i didnt have enough time to really eat anything and i took the normal 5 pills of the morning. i was sitting in calculus, TRYING to pay attention but i had the feeling i was going to throw up the end of class. i ate some of my lunch and my tummy stopped being wierd during 2nd period. found out tho that i'm gonna have a TON of stuff due by the end of the quarter...which is in 2 and a half weeks. PLUS i need an internship soon and i havent even started calling out yet. and the next two supplements need to be sent out by friday. BUT, the good news this week is that there's a rave at my school on friday. im draggin jess to go wit me and then go shoppin the next day but she's worried about george thinking if she's dating me (bullshit!). but if she doesnt go, then it's her loss and i'm gonna have a blast! if jess doesnt go, then rachel will be my "date" and i'll bring my light up mouth piece and possibly my light up
Monday Inspiration?
Books to the ceiling,/ Books to the sky,/ My pile of books is a mile high./ How I love them! How I need them!/ I'll have a long beard by the time I read them. - Arnold Lobel Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn't amount to much. - Peter Ustinov All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance. - Edward Gibbon
Monday Again ....
so its monday again ... had a good friday night got very very drunk think i made a bit of a tit of myself aswell but oh well if ya cant make a fool of ya self when ya drunk when can ya .. hehe !! spent the rest of the weekend recovering had to stay at my mums house saturday as she was away which was ok but my daughter kaitlin drove me crazy she has this habit of finding pens and drawing on walls... not good !! she seemed to find pens and colours everywhere .... i was up and down like a yoyo not what ya need when ya recovering !! this week ive not got much on except xmas shopping ... friday would have been my little boys expected birth date !! he would have been 3 this year i cant believe where the times gone, its strange coz in someways i still think of him as the tiny little 9 oz bundle i saw the day he was born but then when i think of him as three year old i can see him just as clear i can in vision exactly what he'd look like standing next to me ..... its still really h
I am super pissed. Tired of so called friends who have an agenda. I am going to explode and it's not going to be pretty. I may seem like a nice boy, and I rarely get mad. But when I do, back up.
Had a great dinner tonight in Palo Alto with a good friend. Fun conversation, laughter and just a good time. Wish she was my girl but she's not. Still it was a beautiful day. I got to ride my bike. The moon is full and it's awesome out tonight!
Monday Mornin' (hagw)
Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. - Kurt Vonnegut Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - Robert Frost The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can't help it. - Leo Rosten
It is not even 9 in the morning and I am having a bad day. I feel anxious and depressed. This is probably a carryover from yesterday when I was struck with overwhelming sadness. I am at work so I have to stop writing now and log off CT. =(
Ok so do Mondays suck for everyone? Well I am home thats a good thing. However sick as a dog. That of course hasnt stopped me from showing the Cherry Luv!! I have had so much fun here in the last day. Now to figure out how to make my profile a bit better. Anyone know how to add a webstream to the page??? Together with my partner in crime we run 2 webstreams 24/7.
Monday, July 24,2006
What is Gan( giant axonal neuropathy) It all applies to Alan except for the seizures and mental retardation. As far as I know, he has never had a seizure and is doing great in school. Giant axonal neuropathy is a rare hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HSMN) that severely affects the central nervous system. The first symptoms appear in early childhood. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the peripheral and central nervous systems including low muscle tone (hypotonia), muscle weakness, decreased reflexes, impaired muscle coordination (ataxia), seizures and mental retardation. Pale, tightly curled hair is frequently seen in those affected. Giant axonal neuropathy follows autosomal recessive genetic inheritance. Even Alan's hair looks like that but we can't find any evidence in our family of this hereditary disease. The diagnosis hasn't been confirmed yet but it's the closest match to all of Alan's symptoms.
Monday, July 31, 2006
NERVE BIOSPY WELL I SENT SOME PICTURES UP TO OUR DOCTOR AT UAB THIS MORNING. HE REPLIED BACK. THIS IS WHAT HE WROTE. Mrs. Hamrac, I appreciate the pictures. As you may recall, everything to date regarding testing has been unremarkable except for his nerve conduction study in the past. I think that we must now proceed with a nerve biopsy of one of his sural nerves. This is typically done by neurosurgery or general surgery. I again appreciate your patience while I make these arrangements. MY SISTER SAID THAT ALAN NEEDS A SURGEON, BECAUSE ALAN WILL HAVE TO BE PUT TO SLEEP TO HAVE THIS DONE. I HOPE THAT AFTER THIS TEST IS DONE AND WE GET THE RESULTS BACK THAT MAYBE WE WILL HAVE A CONFIRMED DIAGANOSES. THAT WAY WE WILL KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT AND PERHAPS HOW TO TREAT IT. ILL KEEP EVERYONE INFORMED.
Monday Dec 11 2006
Well I quit my job today..basically allowing me time to train so that when i get too boot camp im atleast some what physically fit.
Monday Nights @ The Gym..
So I went to the gym a little while ago, after I got off of work; I had a great workout! There were sooooo many people there, omg.. I go all the time and there is never HALF the amount of people that were there tonight. My theory is this: People eat like shit, drink, and are generally lazy on the weekends.. they are at work all day and feeling guilty for their gluttony and feel the need to hit the gym thinking that will make it all better. I didn't have to wait for equipment or anything, because the gym is huge and has a lot of machines. But for fuck sakes! There were a lot of people! ;)
Monday Madness
My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.- Henny Youngman We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong.- Sir Arthur Eddington Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.- Milton Friedman
Mondo Topless: Strippers Tell All
Today is the first day on my road back to ana. Please wish my fat ass luck 'cause I need it!
Monday Inspiration?
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. - Groucho Marx There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening. - Marshall McLuhan Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. - EW Dijkstra
well its monday night and i am worn out..i just am tired to the point of going crazy. i cant to leave for my vacation to NC in feb. !!!!!!! something to look forward to anyway. well i will be back tomorrow love you guys.
Monday Fun
Want to have some fun; try this: The classic version is best! Pete
Monday, January 22, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007 Richness all around you Wherever life may find you today is a beautiful place to be. Whatever you currently have to work with is everything you need to make this a memorable and fulfilling moment. There is value you're able to create right now that will always stay with you. There are joys to be experienced today that can change your life forever. No matter where you may choose to go, the first step is ready for you to take. The journey toward any destination you can imagine begins right here and now. There is richness all around you. There are possibilities stretching out in every direction. See the beauty in every detail and the value in every challenge. Listen to the purpose that springs from deep within you, and follow the feelings that you know are true. Let the brand new abundance that is born in every moment fill you fully with its warmth and substance. On this day, in this place, with the world as it is, take it all in and let the b
Sorry guys I am not maken my rounds today however haven't been to great since yesterday, but know that I still loves ya!!!
Monday 1.29.07
I have a very busy day today... some online testing for my job, and laundry, and house cleaning. I will be popping in off and on during the day to check my messages here. So...if I don't respond to a shout or a message it is because I am away from the PC. Oh... and I will be writing chapter 3 to my erotic ebook also. I love writing it... makes me so wet. I have already had some new friends who showed me that they do not read profiles or FAQ lists. I edited my profile with a statement at the top of the profile stating READ MY FAQ LIST BEFORE ASKING ME QUESTIONS. I hate to repeat the answer to the same questions day after day for years. That is why I created the FAQ list so many of the questions you may have is answered there for you.
Monday Sucks
lets see here it is monday already where the hell did saturday and sunday go???? oooooooo yeah thats right i worked all weekend and spent the rest of the day saturday at basketball games... so here it is monday again and im tired of work already.. like so many of us just trying to live and get by save alittle for fun sometimes the fun never comes and the bills just keep getting bigger... well i for one am tired of working and not really getting anywhere.. as u can tell im in a really pissy mood cause i had a lady come through work today and i speak no spanish and she raised her voice to me cause i could not understand her... well im soooooo sorry i didnt have to take spanish in high school and dont care to take it now unless i plan on going to mexico,, but with no money that is impossible so i guess,,, anyway as the old slogan goes at work the customer is always right but that doesnt mean i cant get snotty right back.. i didnt mean to but i had to walk away all of us food people deal w
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Monday Jan 29
I spent the day in Joplin, Missouri - truck was in the shop. The back of the drivers seat had broken, and I had to replace a tire. I'm supposed to get a load in the morning going to Mississippi, just below Memphis, I think. So I may not be back on for a few days, but I'll try.
Noting how my usual partner in crime is off upping the body count in some virtual reality, I think I will attend a few funerals tomorrow (or maybe day-afters). My last jaunt with my manual camera was highly disappointing, so it will be just me and the digital. If you have any requests, make them now. No, I will not get naked in a graveyard.
Monday Feb 12th
Very short blog here. Tommorrow morning, is the change of custody hearing. The last time i was in court the judge said "unless your ex gets struck by lightning, and turns into a different person, you're going to get custody." Fact is i've heard from the ex in 3 times since christmas, and she hasn't changed, she hasn't been drug testing, and is still living in and out of homeless shelters. SOOo i'm pretty confident, but i'm still nervous anyways. so wish me luck. I'll post another blog and/or a bulliten to let everyone know how it goes.
Morning Ya'll Hope this blog thing finds ya good.. well considering Ive not had no sleep IM DOING peachy lol.. story behind that lol.. took some new meds last night... had a allergic reactin too it gave me a rash and kepted me awake lol... but hey its all good... I guess Lmao... typical monday here.. nutin too brag about... nutin new or anything like that.. its gonna be nice here today wahoo... Im so ready for the spring and summer.... not much going on here today.. gotta run out for a few this morning.. ughh lol... then its back too doing nutin lol... anyways just wanted blabb for a few... Yall have a great day.. ( aleast try anyways ) .. Be good Or be good at! which ever u pick lol... Bec
Monday Qotd
What is your favorite material possession?
Mondays Hmmmm" target="_blank" >>
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Monday 2/26/07
Just another boring day for me lol, the weather is yucky so I'm definitely staying in and relaxing and just working on my Cherry Tap page and just chatting online as well. Two more days then DJ Cracker goes live on Crush FM for the very first time!
I think that whoever had the workweek figured out had it backwards. We should work 2 days and have off 5. :) Got an agreement sent out to a client with the changes they wanted, so that should be signed soon with a check coming with it. Sent out a proposal to a second client as well. Finished up one site last night. I should be able to wrap up the changes on 2 others today if all oes well. Busy busy busy. Seems like I am always on here.. But I always have the second computer going making changes there too.. unless I am on the phone. I make too many typos when talking. Have ribs cooking in the kitchen. They are smelling pretty darn good. Should be ready around 6:00 tonight. :) Pluto keeps heading out to see whats smelling so good. Ankle is sore and a bit swollen again today. Kept me up a lot last night. Guess I should go find something to eat for lunch now.
Monday Nite 10:57pm
It's late i have a slight headache tv shows are suckin i hope my package comes tomorrow!!!!! WOOOT gotta love! The one true place to find what you want at decent prices oh and dunno i really dont like ebay less someone can tell me a couple of reasons to....i mean sure its an auction site but still when ur lookin for somethin an jus wanna buy it it sometimes comes out way more expensive then you would have paid for it in the retail store.....sure says buy me now or buy it now watever....still doesnt mean ur gonna get it at a decent now ups is charging fucken cash for basic ground shipping thats bs it used to be free.... so fuck that its better to go out an buy what u want an use the net soley as a last resort less ur lazy lol... well im done ranting my shit better come tomorrow LOL or ima be pissed
Monday 3/5/07
Ok, today I think I am going to go to different sites looking for people who are interested in joining my disability room on So far I think I have a couple new people willing to check it out but I would like to get as many as possible. It's a really great room with live radio and friendly people and hopefully soon we will be having trivia again as that was popular in the past but we stopped it for awhile when the room was dead. Anyway, looking for members and working on my Cherry Tap page is all that I have planned for today.
Monday 10
Monday 10 1.Do you have a daily practice routine on guitar? Not really, but we rehearse so much that I get it all in then. When I pick up the guitar its mostly to write songs. 2. Are you only playing LSR songs at the upcoming show? Yeah, it will be all LSR. Maybe a few covers but no songs from our old bands. 3. Dave, what kind of recording equipment do you have at home? I have a pro-tools mbox for my laptop. Thats about it. 4. Dave do you have a certain song you like to 'shag' to? Inquiring minds want to Hmmm...I sure almost anything is great in the moment. Nine Inch Nails maybe... 5. tell me, would it be a faux pas to wear it (Frickin'A shirt) to LSR show??? Not at all. 6. What Cd is in your car stereo right now? None I listen to my iPod in my car. Wait I take that back there is a new song demo c.d. in my car... 7. How do you take your coffee? White Chocolate Mocha from starbucks... 8. How do you avoid the perils of junk food
Monday Flowers
Like monday flowers, you sew your thoughts of love at my feet to propose to me. Your bond, ours, a resemblance of me and you. Together for a lifetime, longer to be true. My heart beckons to you, crying to be held, and with yours it does so melt. One-we are a blending...body, soul, mind. In ecstasy we writhe, rising on tidal waves of lust. As our bodies inner cores, burst showering one another in our pure, silken love. My body is yours. Your temple, your concubine of pure sex, an unadulterated bond. Your fingers strumming humming over me making the throbbing spread without. My skin, yours, damp..slick with our love. Your fingertips dancing in our sweet nectar, for us to taste the flavor of monday flowers.
Monday 3/12/07
I'm just waking up and listening to DJ Dave on Crush FM and waiting on everyone to come into the room on Phreik to chat. I don't really have anything to do today so I'm just going to download torrents,listen to Crush FM and chat and work on my Cherry Tap page yet again lol. I still can't believe how addicted I am to this site. I've been trying to think of new blog topics but still have writer's block I think lol. Well, I think I'll end this entry here. Have a great day everyone.
Oh god it's Monday again!The work week begins,eeewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!Someone send me something and make me hot,wet,and out of control,so I can get through this week!!!!HELP!
Monday, 3/12
Not doing so hot today. First off, I'm so tired. I hate this daylight savings's really thrown me off. Second, I drank too much last night, and that has always been bad lately-- doctor said it's a possible side effect of my meds if I drink...I hate it when he's right on that stuff. So I forgot to turn the oven off last night after making dinner. And I made some frozen garlic bread stuff, so it had to be turned up really warm. I woke up this morning and my apartment was freakin' hot, and I was all groggy and really, really wanted to go back to sleep. Third, my legs and-- I hate to admidt this-- my ass muscles are really sore. The best part-- I'm not 100% certain why. I think it was from yesterday, when I was up north helping my Dad. We burned a couple of brush piles, and tredging through the 3 and 4 foot snow drifts was tough. Then it was sawing up and removning a bunch of pine trees that were knocked over in the huge storm last week. My Dad's never one to cut a tree trunk into
Monday Glitter Graphics
Monday, Again!
Glorious Monday to one and all! A little too chipper this morning, aren't I, lol! I'm not working today. For two months now, my friends and I have had a Women's Day Out planned - and it is here! Yay! We're just going to LaCrosse, checking out a couple of specialty stores and having lunch. Not a big deal to most! But we don't get alot of free time to just talk and visit, so this is a rare treat, lol!! I'll let you know how it goes and what great world problem we solve, lol! We have an anticipated high in the low 40s or so today in Western Wisconsin. At least there will be sunshine, always a great plus around here! We are getting ready to dreadlock Dakota's hair! It really needs something as he doesn't take very good care of it. I would shave it off again, but he wants to try the dreads. I've gone online, checked out the needed supplies to take decent care of his hair and head, figured out how to do this - yes, go to and you will get the lowdown on dreads, lol!!!! I'
Monday Mornings
urghh oh boy, I still am feeling those PM meds I took last night, lol. Stoner, lazy ass, fuck you it's Monday morning! And I'm having an awesome hair day lol, let see how many people I can please today.
moday morning... Good morning everyone. Monday morning and its back to LoveSick Radio business. I am up late today so its a quick one. The show the other night was cool but also a little weird – But all the bands were cool – we had no soundcheck and McGees monitor went out half way through the set but we made it through. Thanks to everyone that was there. OK - I dont have a lot for you today - I have a day of working at home, phonecalls etc, and I intend to make the most of it. Tomorrow, the studio & a meeting then wed. rehearsal with LSR. Have a great day everyone, and see you tomorrow. I'm going to get outta here and make the daily trip to Mecca.....uh, sorry.....Starbucks! Then the gym. One more thing. Thank you columbus for making us the most requested song on WNCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all fucking rock....... Peace david
Monday Blues
Hey, Everyone. In the quest to get to know people, I'll tell you why Mondays are so blue for me. First off, it starts the work week. Second off, it's one of the days that my parents have to watch my niece! She is truly a little hellin! I never know what I'm going to get home to. But I can always hope for the best, and hope that everyone isn't battle fatiged, and in a very good mood!! She can really be alot to deal with, so if I seem a little touch on Mondays, you know why. Also, I'm not on alot from 8 to 10 pm Central time due to Monday Night Raw! Undertaker is my favorite wrestler, and on Friday nights, I'm watching Smack Down. On Tues and Wed, after work, I go over to Dale's house until 1:00 AM, then I'm home. So, if you ever need to get ahold of me on a Tues or Wed, try my cell phone. Just ask for it, and I'll give it to you. Well, back to my Monday. Have a good one! Tracy 'Besley'
Monday Night
im djing monday night from 6-8...look forward to seeing everyone there randy
Monday, It Is Boring
Come and vote for me don't be shy now!!! The Master!
Monday Night
Finally the headache is almost gone... mostly just feeling a bit groggy and tired. Grandpa Dick is home and doing fine. He even made it to the family lunch yesterday. Had a good weekend with David. Didn't really do anything besides play games and watch movies. We do go out to movies and other things sometimes but I really don't push him to do that when he is here. We kind of do whatever makes him happy. My main reason for that is when he is at home his mother has something planned every night. He has no free time to himself. His summer is the same way. When he is home his Mom sends him off to some sort of camp every week. He has asked not to have too much planned when he is here.. so he can just be a kid and have fun. Make sense? I do need to encourage him to get away from the video games some more though. My ankle has felt a bit better. It still pops a lot, but the pain is less. I don't limp around now. Just when I first get up from sitting or laying around. I
Monday 3/19/07
Just a quick entry tonight as there isn't much for me to write about tonight. I just got the new Phreik chat toolbar and it is so awesome! it has their official radio,site links, weather, mail and everything on it. I like it better than some of the other toolbars out there that I've tried in the past. All this food talk in the Mumms tonight has made me hungry even though I've eaten dinner already, so I'm gonna end this here and go get a snack before bed lol. Good night all.
Monday Morning Hey There And How Ya Doing
Good Morning. It’s beautiful outside. So beautiful I over slept. Yes and for that reason I am only doing a quick over view of my weekend. It went by fast. LOL Ok, … Mandy had a state solo ensemble contest this weekend. The ship sank on her solo performance. And as would have it she was very devastated and quite somber most of the day and had to return for her quartet ensemble performance which she dreaded due do a band solo performance earlier. But as would have it, being with her girl friends must have brought the best in her out. As she and they received a grade 1 and all medaled. I remember just prior to them stating and thinking…oh my gosh just please get through this and not fall apart. As I closed my eyes and listened I was more then surprised to hear them play as if they were an orchestra. The judge was overwhelmed by their playing and was could only compliment after compliment them. She even went as far as mentioning that their school should allow them to play that piece for a
Monday Links: Youtube Guys, New Boobs On Ratemywow, Traveling Virus Tickets, New Videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) Happy Monday everybuddy! It's freakin' cold here in the Big Apple, and while we're patiently waiting on Spring to show up, the guys from YouTube will be showing up to hang with the show. Turn on your Paltalk if you want to see all the in-studio action...Rather than ending up like the poor guy in the UK who killed himself on cam, feel free to enjoy the lovely young ladies SHOWERING and GETTING DRESSED on cam! Just install the Paltalk and go to 'Opie and Anthony Live' (and no, you don't need a webcam to check out the video feeds). NEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW: It was a wonderful bosom-filled weekend on Not only did we get a lovely lesbian WOW photo from Minneapolis, but our buddy Brandon Iron gave us a lovely shot of Angelica Lane from Load My Mouth and her nice boobs: RateMyWOW: Minneapolis Lesbos RateMyWOW: Angelica Lane The Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus is coming to The Joint at the Hard Rock
Monday 3/26/07
I'm gonna write this early and get it out of the way because I'm heading out with a friend in a little bit. Not quite sure what we're gonna do but unless the weather improves a bit it looks like we'll be doing the mall since it's indoors. Have a great day all. Off to get ready to go.
Monday Night Raw
so anyways, most of you already think im insane, so im not too worried about it, but ya'all prob didnt know that im a freak when it comes to WWE -- so anyways, im watching RAW last night, when it happens....i've been waiting for weeks for it and i finally got what i've been waiting for last night!!! HBK, Cena, Batista, and the Undertaker all headed to wrestlemania sunday, all in the ring last night....HBK told Cena that he'd never see it coming, and hell, no one else did either, i know i didnt , i missed it when it first happened, had to wait out the commercial break for the replay, i almost lost my mind during those 2 1/2 mins. LOL -- but then there it was....that sweet chin music we've been waiting for....SMACK!!! Cena never saw it coming!! I FUCKING LOVED IT!!! I'VE WAITED SOOOO LONG FOR HBK TO GET THAT DONE!!! it was incredible.....i almost cant wait till sunday...cause im sure alot of you aren't HBK fans like me, and im sure alot of you are just waiting for Shawn Michaels to go do
Monday Links: Black Sabbath, Robert Rodriguez, Live In Chicago Today, Traveling Virus Tickets, Good Morning Horny Housewives, New Videos Online
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) Good morning and hap-hap-happy Monday everybuddy! The Opie and Anthony POgram has one hell of a show for you today, kids! `First off, we're going to be hanging with Robert Rodriguez (GRINDHOUSE, Sin City, From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, Once Upon A Time in Mexico) this morning, and holy crap...we have BLACK SABBATH/HEAVEN and HELL coming in to talk about their new disc The Dio Years and new single "The Devil Cried". Needless to say, Jim Norton is frothing. Remember, if you want to see any of these incredibly famous people LIVE in studio, turn on your Paltalk. Also on Paltalk, you can check out all the naked women that were distracting the hell out of us last week. (and no, you don't need a webcam to check out the video feeds). The Opie and Anthony Show is now LIVE in Chicago on WCKG 105.9 FM! The show airs from 5am to 8am Central Time. This morning on the Opie and Anthony Show... we're waking up the HORNY HOUSEWI
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Yeah i know it is again monday{sign}
Monday Links: Frank Vincent, Yabo Cam, New Boobs On Rate My Wow, Traveling Virus This Weekend, New Videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) Good morning and happy Monday, kids! It's a slightly chilly Monday morning here in the Big Fat Apple, but the Opie and Anthony Show is ready to broadcast. This morning on the show, we celebrate the return of The Sopranos with our pal Frank Vincent, who is checking in to the show. We're also running to the defense of our pal Don Imus, who is going head-to-head with Al Sharpton over some comments he made. As always, if you want to check out any of the show, you can flip on your Paltalk and watch it all happen LIVE. Then, you can get completely distracted by all the naked women on their webcams...just like us.(and no, you don't need a webcam to check out all the video feeds) Opie was talking about the YABO CAM VIDEO earlier this morning. Those are some HUGE boobs. There are STILL TICKETS LEFT for the Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus, which is coming to The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas THIS
Monday! Again?!
The weeks are flying by a little too quickly for me, lol! Taylor and Dakota have the day off from school. Lucky them! I have an early client, 4 total, today. So, it's upwards and onwards for me, lol! The family Easter festivities were the usual raucus affair, lots and lots of little kids!! Little Aidan slept through most of it, lol. He is such a sweetie, but then I love infants!! I did take some pics and will post them when I have time. Not very many, and not the best quality, as no one would hold still, lmao! I will be off and running soon! Have a wonderful Monday, everyone! Much love and warm hugs, one and all! Blessings, all over the place! Much later, my friends!
Monday 4/9/07
Just another typical day today, just listened to crush fm and chatted pretty much all day. I worked on my page a little bit as well. We had a really good Easter and had family over for dinner. I found out that my cousin is coming in from the AF on Thursday and the girls in the family are all going out on Friday night for dinner to visit and hang out, so I'm really looking forward to that. Well, I am going to end this entry here and start the one for today lol. Have a great day all.
Mondays Ache...
another chapter in health!! pull ups! 3 sets of 12. ride bike 15 miles *thats about how far the beach is* swim ( i dont know how far or whatever but it is for a long time) ride bike 15 miles. push ups! 2 sets of 30 diamonds, 2 sets 25 wide angled, 1 set max out. and i still have time to rot my brain in front of this idiot box.
Monday Links: Vegas Virus Recap, Vegas Photos, Frank Vincent, Joe Rogan, Hot Chick O&a Tribute, New Videos Online
Triumphant in Las Vegas! LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) It's a wet, sloppy, flooded Monday here in the New York area, but the Opie and Anthony Show is back from Las Vegas and ready to broadcast! If you missed the show in Las Vegas, don't worry...the 2007 Traveling Virus Tour is making the rounds all over the country. CHECK TRAVELING VIRUS LINEUP AND TICKET INFO HERE Thanks to our own E Rock and a bunch of loyal fans, there are a TON of photos from the Traveling Virus Show in Las Vegas: PHOTOS: Traveling Virus in Las Vegas Today on the POgram, Sopranos star Frank Vincent will be checking into the program, and Traveling Virus comic Joe Rogan will be calling in to recap the Vegas madness and possibly talk about his new CD Shiny Happy Jihad. As always, if you want enjoy any of the in-studio goodness, you can turn on yer Paltalk and eavesdrop on the show. Don't have it? Just install the Paltalk and go to 'Opie and Anthony Live'.(and no, you don't
Good Morning on this Monday morning the 16th of April. Tax Day.. !!! Yuck, time to mail off those taxes.. Ooops if it’s not mailed then you are already late. How’s it going? Hey question for ya…Do you ever run into theses types of people? The one’s where if they’re ornery everyone has to be ornery or they are not happy and then while everyone around them turns ornery they get happy… Is that just the weirdest thing or what? I have this boss that his Monday is dooms day most of the time, he is not a Monday person, you know some of the nicest people are not Monday people. But, that doesn’t mean they are bad, just perhaps they do not like coming into work on Monday… But on Dennis he would just revert it to Tuesday if he did not show up on Monday, I am not lying here honest to god. This man is anal retent’d on Monday’s. He sometimes is not happy unless he brings other down then he gets better. But my gosh by then everyone wants to hang him! He often say’s to me, how can you be so upbeat on
Monday's Stink!!!
well i worked the weekend in the rain to make some extra $$$$, and now on moday I had to stay home sick,dangit!!!
Monday Bitches
Get more @
Monday 4/16/07
Well, today started out good and was just another ordinary day where I just chatted and listened to Crush FM all day, but earlier this afternoon my online dad IMed me and told me that my online sister died this morning at 5:25 A.M. so I've been kinda down the rest of the day. He and my online mom and Lisa's sister are all having a really hard time dealing with it, my online dad couldn't even stay online to talk to me for very long because he was so upset. Anyway, the funeral will be on Wednesday sometime and she will be buried near her mom's family. Thankyou Cracker for the tribute to her that you did on your show today, that was awesome and very much appreciated. Well, not much more to write about, so I guess I will end this entry here. Have a great night all.
Monday Night
Whoever was it that sang Friday night is alright for fighting? I think it should be more like, Monday's at work are alright. I have this total skeez where I work. Everything I say, she has to try and go one better. For example, My husband works at Wal-Mart. You would think that I know the policies that he deals with everyday, right? So when a fellow coworker (whose husband also works at Wal-Mart) and I were discussing a policy in which Wal-Mart employees aren't allowed to help customers off the clock, she butts in with-"I used to work there and that's so not true!" Basically she called me a liar. It was nice when the other coworker of mine backed me up. I get so tired of people that think they know everything. Besides, it's not like they do. Only I know everything! LOL!
Monday's Tragedy (my Thoughts And Feelings On It)
Yesterday, a senseless tragedy occurred in Blacksburg, VA. 32 innocent people were all gunned down, while doing nothing more than attending class or, as in the case of the first two people killed, getting ready for their day. This was unthinkable. Thirty two innocents, taken from this world before they were ready for it. At least one of those was a friend of someone I know here on CT. Yesterday and today, as a station, we at Twisted acknowledged what had happened several times throughout our broadcasts. We must NEVER forget 4/16/07. RIP to the 32 innocents who died Monday...we will hold you in our hearts forever.
Monday Morning Ramblings
Well, this was the big weekend, all to myself, I had a plan, and a backup plan. Apparantly I needed a backup backup plan. Saturday morning I worked, then about halfway thru, My alpha plan called and said that their kids came down with chicken pox. Which meant that I wanted nothing to do with them, because I have never had them, and didnt want to now. I fear the pox. Then my other friend cancelled on me, his gf got out of work, so they were having dinner, since they rarely get a weekend night off together. I totally understood what he was saying. So I then tried to talk my ex out of making my son go see her, but she wouldn't budge. He hasn't been up there in awhile, and she had plans. (Which my son said sucked by the way) I didn't bother mentioning how Sebastian has blown me off the last two times he was supposed to come down. So I then tried to get in touch with my friends who tend to get me in trouble, but nobody returned calls. So on my all alone Saturday, I was all alone
its effin chilly this morning. i hate having to wear a sweater to drop der teufels at school. dropped the neighbor kid at school too. thats my good deed for the day. *nod* i figured he's having issues with the same kids who are givin my kids issues so why not...yannow? *yawn* Charmed is on. if i go sit and watch it...i will fall asleep. i just cant manage to get into normal sleep mode on sunday nites...i stay up way too late n then i pay for it all day monday. *shakes head at self* im still not getting my chickadee alerts. pfffft so i was helpin my *eye roll* friend with her profile. n she stole quotes from a movie i like. wanker. tho i will say...this one particular quote did cause a slight ouchy. i wont tell you what movie its from...mostly cuz im feeling obstinate. ha "You know what's the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? Is when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with and you realize that is how little they're thi
Thank you my space....just wrote the greatest blog and clicked post...It all went here the hell we go again. It's Monday....Happy Monday, it's a great one.....I know, just try missing one and see what happens. Been a good start to the week. Talked to two wonderful ladies last night who I think are going to make my web site really shine....OK, time for a plug....the site is to get that stuff in. Two very pretty ladies who should really make a difference....made me feel pretty damn good. Now I am enjoying yet anothers whiskey and diet coke, I really seem to enjoy those...more and more. Been a good start to the a email from the SonEdna Foundation, that's where I was Saturday, at Morgan Freeman's for a writers retreat.....had a great time and may get more fun work. The Crosstie Arts and Crafts Festival Satuday was also a lot of great people. Hang on...I need another drink.......Ok, I am back. Today I got a line on
Thank you my space....just wrote the greatest blog and clicked post...It all went here the hell we go again. It's Monday....Happy Monday, it's a great one.....I know, just try missing one and see what happens. Been a good start to the week. Talked to two wonderful ladies last night who I think are going to make my web site really shine....OK, time for a plug....the site is to get that stuff in. Two very pretty ladies who should really make a difference....made me feel pretty damn good. Now I am enjoying yet anothers whiskey and diet coke, I really seem to enjoy those...more and more. Been a good start to the a email from the SonEdna Foundation, that's where I was Saturday, at Morgan Freeman's for a writers retreat.....had a great time and may get more fun work. The Crosstie Arts and Crafts Festival Satuday was also a lot of great people. Hang on...I need another drink.......Ok, I am back. Today I got a line on
Monday 4/22/07
I finally got to talk to Tommy today and it sounds like Lisa's funeral was really nice, well as nice as a funeral can be anyway. They buried her with her baby doll that she always carried around with her, and some stuffed animals and put a bracelet on her that Tommy's mom made for her awhile back. He wrote a 4 page letter to her and read it at the funeral so I thought that was really sweet of him to do as well. They seem to be doing ok so far but it's still rough on them. They will be going through her things sometime soon as well. Well, I'm getting tired so I think I'm going to end this entry here, I just wanted to write about her funeral. Hope everyone has a great night.
Monday Morning
ummm if only the whole week could feel as glorious as this day right here. Man-o-man! I freakin' love it!!! Just another Monday-Friday run through, and someone tells me theres something called the "weekend"?? Never heard of that..but people tell me its awesome. =) Nothing like writing in a online journal so to speak. One that everyone can read at that! well I suppose it would be only right for me to say hi and goodmorning....but tell me what's so freakin good about it? I woke up this morning like hell...took a shower, felt a little better...then got thrown for a loop. I really dislike being a woman sometimes lol. Shit just eats me up errr...choclate tears, choclate tears running down my check.
Here we are...damn, it is Monday already. Of course, it is not such a bad thing....if you miss will probably miss a lot. I am having one of my favorites....Black Velvet and Diet Coke (gotta keep that boyish figure going) has been.............................strange, maybe? Lots of things to hope on work and such....but nothing came through I wait for another day and see what the future holds. So, for today at least, life has kinda been "lived in the slow lane". Wanting to get a lot of things started....ideas for work, ideas for new pictures.....of course through it usual....I am a bit frisky.....seems as if that happens a lot......!!! For now I am just sitting and waiting....not really sure what the hell I am waiting for...but I am doing a damn good job waiting for it. Guess it is just one of those Monday things................been sitting on the front porch...naked....drinking whiskey....and the only damn thing that passed
Monday Thru Thursday Nights 9 Pm - 1am
Come listen to the bad azzed DJ with the sexiest voice on the net Dj Onyx Illuzion at Aftershock Radio 9 pm - 12am est Monday and Tuesday and 9pm - 1am Wednesday and Thursday or in winamp at high band and low band All requests taken and played according to availablity but will get gotten and played during the show. DJ Onyx Illuzion of Xxxtasy all requests can be sent to
Monday 4/30/07
It was another pretty, but boring day today. I stayed inside in the air conditioning all day as it was 85F here and is still only down to 82. I did the usual chatting on in the Lobby and going to the Deaf and Hearing room with DJ Crackerjack here in a little while I think. Other than that I just listened to CrushFM all day. I'm not looking forward to this coming month, because of a law that will most likely be passed here in the states about royalty fees going up, which means CrushFM and other online radio stations will have to shut down if they aren't able to pay these fees anymore. This law comes into effect on the 15th, so alot of the dj's and listeners of Crush (and other radio stations I'm sure) are really down. There is a petition at if anyone reading this is interested in signing this and helping us keep CrushFM open. Well, I think I will end this here for tonight. Have a good night everyone.
Monday Strikes Again
Oh well I knew it was to good to last. I called my parents tonight to see how things were going and to let them know my daughter was not going to her Girl Scout meeting tomorrow. Well my mom asks if I got the e-mail about my aunt in Ft. Lauderdale - no what is going on. Apparently she is throwing up blood and had to be placed in the hospital. She was stabilized a few hours ago and now I get to wait on my mom to call me with more information on the reason why my aunt was throwing up blood. My aunt has cancer - it was breast cancer which went into remission, then progressed to lung cancer and now is brain cancer. It moves each time and she is taking chemo treatments. Her weight had dropped to below 100 pounds but as of last week she was back up to 115 pounds. My mom is so worried - I can tell and I know there is other stuff she is not telling me because she doesn't want me to worry about it. I love my parents for trying to protect me but I would rather get the entire story now t
Mondays My Last Day
Good bye everyone I will keep in touch...miss all of you...:( you will be always on my mind... veronica/m
Monday Links: Opie And Anthony Return Live, Turn On Your Webcams, Traveling Virus Tickets, New Boobs On Ratemywow, New Hotness, New Videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) Good morning and happy MONDAY everybuddy! The Opie and Anthony Show is back at work and ready to broadcast after a nice little break. Looks like some things have been shaken up in the radio bidness according to our pal Jacques Steinberg at the New York Times, so we should examine that, right? Turn on your webcams and your Paltalk, kids! If you want to catch any of the in-studio shenanigans, breakfast-gobbling, and booger-eating... or any of the sleeping naked women for that matter, just log in to Paltalk and go to 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' (and no, you don't NEED a webcam to view other people's video feeds) Today on the POgram, we'll be talking about a number of things...maybe some other jocks who got in some trouble with another special interest group (...cough...JV and Elvis...cough), and maybe another homage to Mr. Imus is in order. Did you get your TRAVELING VIRUS TICKETS yet? We sure hope so, because they're
Monday 5/7/07
Not much to write about again tonight, just doing the usual chatting and listening to CrushFM. I was hoping to have this written earlier, but I ended up fighting with my computer to check and see if it needed any updates, and needless to say the computer won lol, and I still can't tell if I need to update anything or not lmao. I found out from someone in the mumms that today was Nurses Day which I thought was pretty cool since my mom is about to graduate from nursing school later this month. Thankyou to all the nurses here on CT and anywhere else, you are really appreciated. Well, on that note, I think I am going to end this here and go listen to crush and chat a bit more then go to bed. Have a great night all.
Monday Links: Ozzy Osbourne, Turn On Your Webcams, Danny Dance Dance Revolution, Traveling Virus Tickets, New Hotness, New Videos Online
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) Happy Monday, boys and girls! We have a devil of a show for you this morning. The one and only OZZY OSBOURNE will be in studio with Opie and Anthony talking about Ozzfest, his new disc Black Rain. If you want to see the Prince of Darkness LIVE in-studio, you should install PALTALK and go to 'Opie and Anthony LIVE'. Of course, if you're like us, you're in there staring at naked showering/sleeping women all morning. Our own FoundryMusicDanny was at Dave & Buster's over the weekend playing Dance Dance Revolution (click link for YouTube video) Tickets for the Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus are going fast, if you want those up-close seats CLICK HERE FOR TICKET LINKS AND LINE UPS New Traveling Virus T-shirts - On Sale NOW! CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS TODAY! The lovely Gisele from FOUNDRY CAMS has sent in a BRAND NEW video showing off her new 'F*CK ME' shirt (get your F*ck Me shirts here): GISELE Shows o
Monday Finger
Monday 5/14/07
Back to my regular routine today, lol. I've been chatting in the lobby a little bit as well as working on my myspace and CT page. I like MySpace so far, but CT is still my favorite since it has more featurs and things to do. Not to mention I haven't heard anything bad happening here like I have on the other site. Well I guess this is all that I'll write for tonight since nothing out of the ordinary has happened for me to post about. Have a good night everyone.
Monday Morning, Angie and I are going to go pick my dad up from the Prison in Lapeer, Michigan. Then we have to go do all that crazy stupid stuff, so he can get on tether and be home! Then I'm coming home, getting my check, going to this little town north of Sagnasty with Andy getting his truck stuff! Then I'm going back to Vassar, and introducing andy to my dad! SWEET!
Monday, May 21st
Dear Alexa, Here is your AstroSlam for Monday, May 21: While your friends have been hoping that you'll learn to keep your mouth shut, they admit that if you do, they'll miss the reliable entertainment of watching you choke on your foot.
Monday, May 21st
Dear Alexa, Here is your single's love horoscope for Monday, May 21: You're warm and wonderful right now, if not downright passionate and hot! Friends and potential more-than-friends want to get up close, and if you meet anyone new, they'll likely be glued to you.
Monday Links: Opie And Anthony Live, Barbie Cummings, New Boobs On Ratemywow, Traveling Virus Tickets, New Video Hotness
Yo... the porn chick who performed oral on the Tennesee Highway Patrolman is Barbie Cummings. There. Now stop Emailing. You can See her videos here also. Happy Monday, boys and girls! The Opie and Anthony Show is LIVE and ready to broadcast (on terrestrial radio, that is). Think we're lying? For shame. Turn on your Paltalk and check us out! Of course, you can also be like us and gawk at the naked chicks in front of their webcams...sleeping, showering, etc. Here's list of stations where YOU can hear the O&A Show in your town (many have online feeds). We have some NEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW, thanks to our pal Brandon Iron, who is promoting his new sites Load My Mouth and Cover My Face (so very NSFW): RateMyWOW: Liv Wylder RateMyWOW: Madison Scott RateMyWOW: Claudia Downs Tickets for the Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus are on FIRE!!! (so buy two... 'cuz one might burn up). If you don't have your tickets yet, CLICK HERE FOR SHOW DATES AND LINE UPS New Traveling Virus T-shirts
gooood morning my awsome friends it is monday and going to be a great day and i hope you have coffee in your hands and smiles on your cute little faces love you all
i work as a carpenter...contractor.... with insurancedamages...mostely water damages and stuff like that. i do expensive kitchens and bathrooms or at least that what i tought i did until today.. i was put on officeduty. "u have to write some stuff down for the company homepage about work enviroment, enviroment, our policy when it comes to enviroment" :| get the fuck outta here!! i was supose to work at that girls place the one with huuuuge ummm nevermind but whyyy? -cus ur the only one who knows what a computer can do exept from pornsurfing. - i do? who said that? neways.. here i am.. at home.. writing about how good our company is at enviroment stuff. i blame this on al gore.. its not like we spray the floors with DDT b4 we put a carpet on them. were a tiny company... the best we can do is to recycle our sodacans ffs. but the day was good i finally, after about 9000 tries managed to get a song on my profile. tonight its soccer
Monday Stuff
Overall was a pretty good weekend. :) 2 trips to see David.. and then actually did some cleaning for once. As a bachelor I ignore it far too much. Have a meeting this morning at 11. AFter that will get work done.. I I might decide its too nice out and the hammock might be calling my name. I've been thinking about one of my horoscopes from the other day. I don't believe in them.. but sometimes they give really good advice. The one in particular is the one about being more attached to some people than they deserve and recognizing when its affecting my life. I do that so much... worrying about relationships, not what people think of me, but of keeping them strong and keeping people happy. I do this to the point of hurting myself. Often when I get in a situation where a relationship "hurts", I don't cut ties, I keep trying to make it work... whether as a friend, in business, or someone I care for much deeper than a friend. When it doesn't work, those are the time
Hey all, Well today is usually my relax day to sit and finish up badges on pogo or just hang out, but nope we got paid today! Normally i would be all excited, but no the stupid bank didn't post anything until Thursday, and when i called to see how much we had on Wed. it said $589 but then when i called thursday we were $200 overdrawn! I was like what i know what came out and how much yet we were overdrawn. So we had to end up taking a loan out on Friday just to make it to today. So went and got paychecks and there was a bonus on it for fuel/log bonus! WOO HOO that is the 1st time he has ever got a bonus! It was $108.09 but hey any amount helps! Went to Homeland and got groceries, went to Cashland to pay just the interest on the loan, and then to Walmart to get the rest of the stuff we needed, and of course they are out of my Mountain Dew that is on sale, but they have it in the back, and also forgot black bags, will go and get those tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to drop by and pay the
Monday 5/21/07
I got behind again and was supposed to write this yesterday, but forgot. Yesterday was just another average day, I messed around on here and in MySpace and chatted and listened to music as usual. My friend that had been bugging me to join MySpace has been bugging me on IM several times a day now generally just being a pain in the butt lol. He keeps asking me if is legal where its based yada yada yada, like I researched the site or something before I joined or something lol, I wish he'd either unjoin from there, or shut up about it, because he's getting on my nerves. Anyway, that's my little rant for today, So I'll end this here and write my other entry later today if I don't forget again lol. Have a good day everyone.
Monday May 28
Well it is just hours till I have to get up to go to work. 10 hrs. I didnt do much today did a little shopping and washed clothes. I am glad it is goign to be a short week. I dont have any plaans for the weekend but I am sure something will pop up. I really have to start packing my stuff so I can move in ot a bigger place. My mom is moving over here to be closer to her son. I have not lived w/ someone for 3 yrs now so it is going to weird having someone around all the time. I have to find Boston a home due to my mom cant be around cats. She has been my bud for over year and half. It will be hard to let her go. Been watching Jaws all day. flash back for the 80s. Well I guess that is all. Thanks for reading my boring blog Jim
Monday 5/28/07
I hope everyone reading this had a great Memorial Day weekend. We didn't do anything but decorate a few graves around here, I thought we were going to go to Ohio to decorate more but we decided not to this year. Other than that, it's been a pretty average day, chatting in Phreik, messing in here and on MySpace and listening to music. Well, that was pretty much the extent of my day, so I guess I'll end this here and go chat and listen to music some more before I get off and go to bed for the night. Have a great night all.
So yesterday I started builidng my geocities free website, mostly just for practice as I want to get a new web host and build the community for all that I've always wanted, complete with forums, blogs, artistic submissions and whatnot. It's pretty lame right now but then again, the purpose is practice! Woot! My last website was called Bleeding for Beauty but I think it's time for a new change. I've been tryinig to think up names that fit with my sick and twisty view on life but of course now I'm experiancing a friggin brain fart and no ideas seem to be able to get past the dusky funk. Bleh. Today is memorial day and all I could think of this morning was all the people who have lost a loved one. It didn't help that Maya Angelou was on the tube this morning reading letters from parents and children that lost someone. I was a big ole bawling evilgirlie. This war has been such a waste and still it's going on and on. I know that sometimes war IS neccessary, but this one was n
Monday Links: Opie And Anthony Live, Frank Vincent, New Boobs On Ratemywow, Traveling Virus Tickets And Myspace
Happy Monday, ladies and gents... it's raining and sloppy in the New York area, but it might be just dandy in your town, so let's all strap on some galoshes and get ready for another LIVE (on terrestrial radio) Opie and Anthony Show. Our pal Frank Vincent from the Sopranos will be checking in to give us the dirt on those last few episodes...and maybe he'll give us some tips on how to be A Man's Man... you know, 'cause he's the expert and all. Want to see the Opie and Anthony Show LIVE as it happens? Turn on yer friggin' Paltalk, because you never know who is going to get something thrown at their heads or savagely hazed from minute-to-minute. Just go to the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room, and if you're lucky, you'll gaze upon a bevy of lovely ladies, mostly naked, getting dressed, sleeping, or just parading around in their rooms in front of their webcams. NEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW: Thanks to the generosity of our west coast pal Brandon Iron, who is promoting his new sites Load My Mouth
Monday 5/4/07
I haven't done much today yet,but wanted to go ahead and get this posted so that I won't forget and get behind again. So far the only thing I've done was go to the dr. and get something to eat at Rio Grande. My dr. appointment went well, everything was fine. The rest of the day I just plan on relaxing and chatting and listening to music. Well, I guess I'll end this here for now, and maybe write again later if something exciting happens, which I highly doubt lol. Have a great day all.
i graduate from college on monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wwwoooottt wwwwooottt :D me excited naw =p
Monday Links: Opie And Anthony Live, Father's Day Giveaway At The Bunny Ranch, Frank Vincent, Carlos Mencia, New Boobs On Ratemywow, New Club Soda
Happy Monday, boys and girls... The Opie and Anthony Show is live (on terrestrial stations) and there's a hell of a show in store for you today. First off, our pal Frank Vincent will be checking in to say 'Farewell' to The Sopranos ( Dennis Hof from the Bunny Ranch (from HBO's Cathouse) will be calling in to help us promote our upcoming Father's Day Giveaway. Finally, Carlos Mencia will be calling in to talk about this year's Traveling Virus Tour. As always, if you need to see any of the cast and crew LIVE in studio, turn on your Paltalk so you can see everyone picking their nose and eating breakfast. Of course, you could also head on over to the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room and watch all of the WOMEN SHOWERING (RedRum, we're looking in your direction).... which is what we usually do. NEW FATHER'S DAY 'BUNNY RANCH' GIVEAWAY: We're looking for desperate fathers who may not have had a 'date' in a while, so if you think your dad is a lonely schlub wh
Monday On Raw
Hi all, for those of you who watch WWE wrestling, last night was an eventful night. First all the draft picks, and then the end of the show, Mr. McMahon's limo exploding, not sure what to think on that. I just couldn't believe what I was watching. They have stated that as of late, there has been no body recovered, but that it could be possible that his body was incinerated in the car. I just don't see how anyone could survive such a blast. They have now called in the federal agents to investigate this car bombing. It is still hard to believe that something like this would happen, and Vince McMahon could be dead!!! Last night was appreciation night for Vince, and although some of the comments were about his downfalls, some were very touching. What he has done for the business is unbelievable, and to quote the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, " You may not love him, like him, or understand his views on running this business, but you have to respect him, for what he has done for this busine

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