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More Nigerian Scams....
reposted from a bulletin: he is from Nigeria and he's passing himself off as a business man purchasing merchandise to stock his new store He buys merchandise online on stolen credit card numbers and has the merchandise send to your home, starting off as a gift that just happens to be the wrong size then has them pickup from a paid UPS tag he has you print off. Bottom line is that when the companies discover the purchases were made on stolen credit cards they trace it back you and your address, in the mean time he's got the goods and your S.O.L. So Please everyone, repost this bulletin to all your friends and fans, get everyone to be aware and on the look out for these creeps. (repost of original by '(Rere)' on '2007-03-31 11:27:59') (repost of original by 'Tomcat' on '2007-03-31 11:55:51') (repost of original by '**~Chez~**' on '2007-03-31 11:56:34') (repost of original by 'Maggie' on '2007-03-31 12:02:29') (repost of
More Proof I Am Catlike
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What Animal Are You? MY RESULT:Cat A cat’s M.O. is simple: they just don’t care. Seriously, an intruder could be attacking you, and a cat won’t get up till it’s finished licking its paws, and even then, it’s not really in a hurry to help you out. Being a cat, you’re cool and refined, and you’ve got plenty of that cat attitude. Okay, fine, we’ll say it – cattitude. Just be careful not to fall into any huge open vats of water. Cats don’t like that sort of thing. Take This Quiz!
More Rain... When Will This Stop?
it's so gray here, it isn't stop raining where i live we doesn't have problems, but the weather alert is still for the worst cities in the next provinces... this site had an update you can read this site is in spanish but it has another video you can see of how another province is all filled with whater... they said they have around 5feet of water inside the houses... keep this people in your prayers, 4 years ago they lost everything in the same situation when the rivers grew up because of the rain, now they are losing everything again...
More Entree's Needed For A Contest
More Rapes Iraq?wtf!
arch 22, 2007, 11:33AM Huffman soldier sentenced in Iraq atrocities By CINDY HORSWELL Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle TOOLS Email Get section feed Print Subscribe NOW FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — Pfc. Bryan Howard of Huffman, the youngest of five soldiers accused of participating in one of the worst atrocities of the Iraq war, reacted with solemn resignation when told Wednesday he would be dishonorably discharged and sentenced to 27 months confinement. Howard, now 19, had his hopes initially lifted when the military court agreed to greatly reduce the charges against him in connection to the rape of a 14-year-old girl and the killing of her and her family on March 12, 2006. After the court determined Howard's involvement was limited to overhearing his friends discuss committing the crime and then lying to protect them, the murder and rape charges were dismissed. He was left with two lesser charges of obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact that carried a
More Pearls, Fewer Swine: Find A Mate You'll Treasure
If you're in the world of online dating, you probably are familiar with the combination of fear and excitement that most singles report. Fear is a normal reaction: It's scary to open yourself up to judgment and possible rejection. Excitement comes from the enormous possibilities presented by Internet dating: You could very well realize your sweetheart dreams. But first, the hundreds and thousands of possible mates have to be sorted through -- by you! How ever are you going to find your "pearl," that special gem of a sweetie to spend the rest of your life with? Be careful with chemistry experiments Many singles resort to that elusive phenomenon "chemistry" to help them wade through the myriad candidates. While having chemistry (a matter of basic animal attraction) with another person certainly intensifies the desire to connect meaningfully, most of us have excellent examples of horribly failed chemical experiments. If our chemical experiments are so likely to explode in our
More On The Satanic Bible
(Originally posted on April 9, 2006)Well, like I have said, I have read it. The first part was perfectly understandable and seemed to make sense. Then, we got into the spells part, where Satan was called and honored and such. Now, I think of myself as an atheist for the most part.  I know that the god of the abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Mormon) doesn't exist.  (I mean, there's all sorts of information supporting that out on the web if you're interested.)  Therefore, Satan can't exist either. But here is the interesting part.  Due to my upbringing I feel (not think) it is possible for Satan to exist.  And by upbringing I don't mean living with a strict xtian family.  (Heck, my family was about as religious as a retarded kumquat.)  I am talking about the stories and such I would read in books, watch on television, and the like. That brings up the feeling that if Satan could exist, so could the xtian god. So, right now I have a battle of emotions versus logic go
More Like He's Like The Wind
it's called she's like the wind but to me it'll be he's like the wind i still miss him *sigh* Music Video:SHE'S LIKE THE WIND (by Lumidee)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
More News
(Originally Posted on April 28, 2006)(From What's legal for Evangelists should be legal for Satanists By Mike SeateTRIBUNE-REVIEW Monday, April 10, 2006 Last weekend, I visited a Bloomfield coffee house. Nothing unusual about that, only this time I was recognized by a regular reader of this column. The man seemed friendly enough and actually complimented me on my work, but then he had to go and get all goofy on me. The guy asked if he could pray with me for my continued success. "No thanks, bud, I'm an atheist," I told him, hoping the conversation would end there. Ah, but who is more determined than a religious zealot faced with what they believe is a lost soul? Naturally, my lack of faith struck my new friend as a challenge so he placed one hand on my shoulder and started praying out loud. Politely brushing him aside, I wondered to myself why it is that so many religious people feel compelled to proselytize total
By: Allen ( :) always ) I love you more than all the stars in the sky. I love you more as each moment passes us by. I love you more with every breath I take. I love you more with each promise we make. I need you like a flower needs the rain. I need you for you can wash away my pain. I need you more each day I need you for you are so wonderful, in every single way. I miss you more than ever now. I miss you because I really need you somehow. I miss you and your touch. I miss you for to me, you mean so much. I want you to caress my lips the way you always do. I want you to look into my eyes and see my love for you. I want you to hold me close to your heart. I want you to know that I love you, need you, miss you, and want you And I have for every single moment, right from the start.
More On Blue Security - The Spam War's Over!
(Originally Posted on May 6, 2006)Today when I got in, there were several hundred spam messages for me to deal with. Included in them were a couple of threatening messages stating that since I use Blue Security, I would be getting a lot more spam.What the spammer doesn't know is that (a) I don't care how much I get, (b) the war he is waging is already lost, and (c) by continually passing my email address to different spammers, he is just hastening his own demise.The thing is, I have to press one button to send all the spam to Blue Security. Just one. Then, they report the messages to the ISPs, law enforcement, etc. I have no problem pressing the one, single, solitary button to get this spam taken care of.And by forcing the issue, this putz is bringing Blue Security into national news. MORE people will sign up for it. MORE spam will be reported. More, more, MORE!And the new spammers who don't know about Blue Security and are just spamming because they were told to do so? Well, T
More Foamy!!!
More Livejournal Page Stuff
(Originally Posted on May 25, 2006)I gave a website where they show the last 40 images posted to LiveJournal are displayed. A lot of the pages seem to be in Russian. When I see an interesting looking page, I translate it with Yahoo Babelfish.However, the translations aren't perfect.Take, for example, this page. I mean, the general gist is readable, but take this part:Tens of the most sexual women of planet on the version of the Russian FHM it appears as follows:1. Joly's Andzhelina2. Dzhennifer Lopez3. Skarlett Of yokhansson4. Sharliz Of teron5. Monica belluchchi6. Carmen the Electras7. To Jeanne friske8. Dzhessika of Alba9. Kir naytli10. Helen korikovaSome names I can figure out (Carmen Electra, Jessica Alba). Others I don't know.tag: blogging, image, photo, internet, russian, foreign
More Info On The Field Trip
(Originally Posted on May 31, 2006)As I mentioned a few days ago, I went to a cemetary to get the earth in the use of the initiation ritual.It was a weird cemetary in that most of the markers were just file numbers, with just a few "regular" markers, none later than 1943.I told a couple of people at work about it. One person said it might be the Partlow mental hospital cemetary.So I did some searching on the Internet.The best thing I have been able to find is at and says:Although this collection includes some material related to Alabama's institutions in the early 20th century, it is primarily a time capsule of newspaper articles and file materials circa the 1970's when the state found itself in the national spotlight as the treatment of the residents of its institutions became known. Newspaper articles report firsthand on the horrors of life in Partlow State School and Bryce Hospital. The struggle to fire Stone
More Workplace Strife
(Originally Posted on June 7, 2006)Work is an interesting place, that's all I've got to say about it.(Well, I've got more to say, but that's what it'll boil down to before the story is over.)Check this out:  Man X can't stand Man Y at all.  Man Y has found a job at a new place where he'll start Monday.  Man X calls relative at new job to let him know that Man Y isn't a good person (although workwise, he does what he needs to do).  I informed Man X that, should he succeed getting Man Y fired from new job, Man Y will come right back here.I guess it's like the South Park hybrid car episode, where Cartman fought to get Kyle to come back to South Park.  Or something.(Hey, I had some peppermint candies.  Cut me some slack.)tag:  idiots,  work,  office politics,  South Park
More Lyrics
"Not Ready To Make Nice" Forgive, sounds good Forget, I’m not sure I could They say time heals everything But I’m still waiting I’m through with doubt There’s nothing left for me to figure out I’ve paid a price And I’ll keep paying I’m not ready to make nice I’m not ready to back down I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round and round It’s too late to make it right I probably wouldn’t if I could ‘Cause I’m mad as hell Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should I know you said Can’t you just get over it It turned my whole world around And I kind of like it I made my bed and I sleep like a baby With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’ It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger And how in the world can the words that I said Send somebody so over the edge That they’d write me a letter Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing Or my life will be over I’m not re
More Online Pics
Hello all my cherry friends, if for some odd reason you dont see enough of my pictures here you can go to my online album at Flickr and see pics that I dont have on here and some I do have..... Photos:
More Goodies
I see myself holding you close to me, Squeezing your body tight. But for all I see as I daydream- I know I'll get tenfold tonight. Running your palms across my breast, As I tremble and bite my lip. Feeling my hands upon your chest, The softness of each fingertip. Tasting my neck so sweet, so soft, And slowly lowering your kiss. Over hard nipples, across my navel, And finally into pure bliss. Looking upon my face from below- As I toss back my head. Feeling my fountain begin to flow- As I ease back on the bed. My "innocent little devil" look- Crying insatiably with the sensation. Lip to lip lapping up every drip- From the well of my creation. The way I pull you atop my body so fair- To the heat of my mouth, on fire. No other thoughts, no other cares, Just the quenching of our mad desire. Riding the tide of passion, Pushing your love into me making me feel you. On the waves of pure emotion- In slow motion, so sweet and true. Pulse pounding in reso
More Bookings!
Semi Pro - on set again! Current mood: cheerful Well folks another booking. I will once again be on the fabolous set of 'Semi Pro'. Look for that in 2008. Will Ferrell, Andre Benjamin, Woody Harrelson and Andy Richter will once again be graced by my presence LOL. It will be this coming up Monday, with a possible recall on Tuesday in Anaheim, California. I will be playing the role of a fan again., but maybe this time it will be closer than last time! Congrats to Brandie on being on CSI and Prom Night [I hate her for that, I wanna be in horror too!]. Be on the lookout! My first paid acting experience. Current mood: bouncy Hey all! Hmm, lots of stuff has happened recently. One, my friend Brandi got her first paid gig like I did, congrats to her! Now, it's my turn! I got a call from my agency today - Booked Talent [I highly recommend them!]. I will be playing the role of a teacher on the set of the new TV show "The Middle". I am truly excited, but also nerv
More Photos!!!!
More Thoughts
Today has been another day that i almost wish i could start over again. For some reason nothing i seem to do of late seems to matter to anyone, well almost anyone i guess. I do the best i can but that just never ever seems to be enough. Its Friday night , im sitting here much like any other night. Have no real life friends and can't make them easily. Come online to make some and end up getting hurt time and time again. Wearing my heart on my sleeve, heart of gold, caring, trustworthy, loving - all qualities that have been used at some point to describe me. Of late i must say i just feel like crap, worth even less than crap and feeling i have no value being alive.
More Atheist Comics
(Originally Posted on June 27, 2006)I found these at this site. And here's one where xtians are shown to have a Satanic bent...tag: satan, satanism, satanist, satanic, religion, atheist, atheism, humor, funny, image, art, christianity, christian, comic
More Often Than Not
Buried at More often than not Words can't describe My feelings for you Which live deep inside Feelings that grow stronger With every beat of my heart I knew you were the one for me Right from the very start There isn't a moment In the day I can find Where you face and smile Don't appear in my mind I long to be with you And hold you so tight To protect you and love you Everyday and each night We share something so special Each and every day A feeling in our souls Words alone can't say
More Updates
Hey everyone. Just another update for those that care. My sister is still in the hospital. She's still on the feeding tube but they have been giving her liquids. She's adjusting slowly. they are hoping to give her solids soon. SIGH. They say with the surgery she had that it will take at least 2 weeks minimum for her stomach to start acting normal. We shall see. It's been a week since her surgery so keep the prayers going please. I love you all huggles Bren
More Post Secret
I bought a post secret book today and I read it all in about an hour.... I wonder why it was in the self help section of borders... It didn't help me... I made me feel even more alone than I already do... I think I will send them my post secret... I bought plenty of stamps and some things to mail today anyway... God do I have so many confessions to make..
More Stash Goodies!
I added a ton of stuff to my stash, it's happy hour, go rate the stash and go crazy. LOL Have fun!
More Snow
Yeah so I wake up finally, not even really feeling good great. It's Easter and theres snow. It sucks a moose cock. Take the dog out and all she wants to do is play in it. My cars pretty much covered as it shows in the pictures. Go ahead shovel a walking path at least to the street so brother can come. It would take about 5 hours to shovel all the damn snow, be nice to have a snow blower, yay. My car has at least a nice tower of snow on top. Yeah fun, Happy Easter. Hope it starts warming up soon.
More Shit!
this is an copy of the email i got today... "Adam, God did not say there would be no suffering in life, He allows it. It is how a person handles the suffering that is the important issue. I am sorry you are angry with me and choose to blame God for things in your life which do not go as you want them to be. I have read your blog, and feel badly that you were hurt. Would you really have rather not known? I do not care if you are happy for me or not, I only wish for you to find peace within your life." This is my reply: 1) I know you are going to read this so I deleted the comment you left on my other one. 2) Why do you try to push god on someone that has doubts on if there is a god? 3) WTF happened to you to make you this way? I only cared about you and it is looking like you are going farther and farther off that deep end. You gave up on my ... I never gave up on you. NEVER!!!! 4) YES I am upset... how could I not?!?!?! 5) Would I have rather not been told? maybe... you
More On Imvu Hottest 3d Chat On The Net
the potentioal is overwhelming, adult oriented or not, your choice, all free, unless you want to pay. sign up today it is double points bonus day for easter. thanks for the Luv all.
More Thought On Living Again And Letting Go
I have also been doing a lot of thinking about myself lately. I think that I have been in too many failed relationships. Trying to figure out what I have done wrong in each and everyone is hard because some of them I put entirely too much into. I have lost me in the process of all of this. Which is truly a sad thought. What I mean by this is I rearrange all my beliefs , hopes and dreams to fit what that person wanted at the time. I have decided not anymore. I want someone who wants the same things I want. There is someone out there for everyone. I want that one that is for me. I have put a lot of thought into this person and every single man I have been with has helped me to a point on figuring out who this person would be. I believe that people come in your life for a reason. Be it just to help you through something you do not know is coming or to show you something. Some may come and go but everyone leaves their own special mark on your heart and soul. It may be
More Of The Way I Feel
Life seems so dark and alone to me Family so cold and unloving Friends so distant and unreachable I look around the room and see lonliness and dispare Only to reach out and see no one there Lifes cold and lonely grasp has its hold on me Wish there was something or someone i could see Someone who understands why its meant to be.. The hurt so hard and deep plagues me,makes me wonder why i even go on.. Theres nothing here for me other then my 3 kids Id love to move far far away and say to hell with family and the way things are.. You know sometimes in life theres many things that are not understood and to me my parents are one of those, Easter Sunday I visited the parents as i normally do and asked if i could check my messages , so i logged onto cherrytap and checked them and signed back out, well to make a long story short, when i left my parents checked the history tab to see where i had been ( which is bullshit to begin with im 38 yrs old) so in order to see my page
More Bad News On Mom In Law
We talked with the doctors this weekend and its looking pretty bad. They say that they do a trial breathing test each morning to see how she is going to do breathing on her own. She is not doing well at all. She has pnumonia in both lungs, pretty bad, and her lungs are so weak already thats its taken a toll on her. The doctors ask my husband Saturday to start thinking about how long he wants to keep her on the ventalator. Considering he is the medical power of attorney, it is primalary his decision, although he will discuss this with the rest of the family, he is the one that has to sign the papers. It has taken a lot out of both of us. Along with others in his family. Please continue to keep us in your prayers that God help us to make the right decision regarding what is best for her. And on another note. Thoes of my friends that smoke, please consider quiting. Every one of my mother in laws problems are related to her smoking. Please consider your families and what they are going
More Q N A's
1. Do you like anyone?: sure do 2. Do they know it? i believe so 3. Simple or complicated? simple for now IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U 4. Had sex: with someone ..i wish 5. Bought something: yes 6. Gotten sick?: nope 7. Been hugged?: oh ya 8. Felt stupid?: all the time..laffin 9. Talked to an ex: sure do 10. Missed someone: yes 11. Failed a test: no 13. Danced: no 14. Gotten your hair cut?: no 15. Lied: kinda U N I Q U E 16. Nervous habits?: play with my finger nails 17. Are you double jointed?: pinkie finger 18. Can you roll your tongue?: nope 19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: nope 20. Can you cross your eyes?: yes 21. Do you make your bed daily?: no 22. Do you think you are unique?: sure do,, everyone is H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S 23. Said "I Love you": yes 24. Given money to a homeless person: yes 25. Smoked?: yes 26. Waited all night for a phone call?: no 27. Snuck out?: oh ya..shhh don't tell my mom 28. Sat and looked at
More Karoke Lyrics
There Is No Arizona (Back to Top) He promised her a new and better life, out in Arizona Underneath the blue never ending sky, swore that he was gonna Get things in order, he'd send for her When he left her behind, it never crossed her mind There is no Arizona No painted desert, no Sedona If there was a Grand Canyon She could fill it up with the lies he's told her But they don't exist, those dreams he sold her She'll wake up and find There is no Arizona She got a postcard with no return address, postmarked Tombstone It said "I don't know where I'm goin' next but when I do I'll let you know" May, June, July, she wonders why She's still waiting, she'll keep waiting 'cause There is no Arizona No painted desert, no Sedona If there was a Grand Canyon She could fill it up with the lies he's told her But they don't exist, those dreams he sold her She'll wake up and find There is no Arizona Each day the sun sets into the west Her heart sink
More Of The Dirty Stuff !
Animalistic urges grow As we make loves sweet show Bite flesh with your nails and claw The beast within likes the feeling raw Takes over and gains control Beast of lust without a soul Bites and growls locked in heat Makes a lover a meal to eat Pain excites the beast within Drives on lust oh sweet sin Faster pace of lusty grind Now set free from in the mind Forcing harder till climax arrive Feel the energy so alive Growls of orgasms final release At last the beast lays at peace Safely back within its prison cage Only to awaken when you enrage With love bites and claws and torn flesh Beast of lust will then with you enmesh As you are one in the act and deed beast leaves in you something you need That primal part that stirs the soul Makes you both one complete and whole By R. Thomas Dinsmore An epic story of immortal love Sweet perfection blessed from above An unending saga of souls so joined A love for the ages the term is coined For selfless de
4 More Days :)
More Than Friends
More Practice Test
WOOT!!!! Took 3 test on transporting cargo, combination vehicles and on the road driving test. Had 50 questions and got em all right :) Having lots of fun learning this stuff :)
More On My Health
More Random Funnies...
Kentucky Love Poem Susie Lee Done Fell In Love; She Planned To Marry Joe She Was So Happy 'bout It All She Told Her Pappy So. Pappy Told Her, "susie Gal, You'll Have To Find Another. I'd Just As Soon Yo' Ma Don't Know, But Joe Is Yo' Half Brother." So Susie Put Aside Her Joe And Planned To Marry Will, But After Telling Pappy This, He Said, "there's Trouble Still. You Can't Marry Will, My Gal, And Please Don't Tell Yo' Mother, But Will And Joe, And Several Mo' I Know Is Yo' Half Brother." But Mama Knew And Said, "my Child, Just Do What Makes Yo' Happy. Marry Will Or Marry Joe. You Ain't No Kin To Pappy." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just thinking about my second wife. We met at a party. I fell for her fast. After a week I asked her to marry me. She said: "But we don't really know each other yet." I said: "Don't worry, we'll learn about each other as we go." So we got married in Las Vegas.
More Bad News
Sigh My sister was admitted back into the hospital today. She was too weak to be at home. She wasn't eating because she can't hold down food. Keep those prayers going strong for her please. love you all Bren
More Jethro
More About My Zoloft
I went to the Psychiatrist today. He increased my Zoloft to 250mgs a day now. I knew he was going to do that... I don't know what to think.
My name is Liza Galemore. I get real horny when people see my hot,juicy cunt in action,,,FREE! I'm in my mid-30's and just now reaching my sexual peak. I live in Sikeston, Missouri (THE SHOW-ME STATE) And I DO LOVE TO SHOW IT OFF! I love to get shit-faced and get laid and share it with everyone! My free videos are made to JACK OFF ON! DOWNLOAD MY FREE VIDEOS AND GET YOUR COCK OUT! ;                HIT             HIT PLAY BUTTON       
More About Me
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: lol! of course, I'm an IT professional, it's one of the secrets of the trade. :D What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve been involved with? 25 years. Ever been in a car wreck?:: Yes. Have you ever been on a blind date?:: Yes. Are looks important?:: NO! Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??:: Yes By what age would you like to be married? I was first married at 30. Then again at 40. Neither one worked out, so if there is a next one, I'll try an age not ending in zero. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?:: Only if it is AFTER we 've made a commitment. Have you ever made a mistake?:: I wish I could say just "a" mistake. But my life has been plaugued by them. Are you a good tipper?:: Yes, I never leave less then 15% even if the service is awful. I will go as high as 50% for exemplary
More Pictures
(Originally Posted on August 18, 2006)Here's another picture.  I found it here:Again, scary things come out of religious stuff like this.  There's all sorts of information in the seemingly innocent phrases shown, such as:"You think it's hot here?"  A not-so-veiled threat"That 'Love Thy Neighbor' thing?  I meant that." - Uh, yeah, have you read what the xtian god commanded his followers to DO to their neighbors?!?"Big bang theory?  You've got to be kidding." - Again, trying to get science to take a backseat to religion.  NEVER a good idea."Don't make me come down there." - Another threat'Keep using my name in vain, I'll make rush hour longer." - And yet another threat.The rest is just plebian pleadings.And one final picture I found here:Again, it seems to be the way the United States is heading - a theocracy.(And yes, I know it's somebody's idea of a joke with one of those church sign generators.  However, it's still true.)tag: politics, religion, christianity, government-*-*-*-*-*-
More Fundie Stuff...
(Originally Posted on September 1, 2006)Well, here's a funny picture I found today:As seen on Break.comIt is a parody of a "real" billboard by Fundies.  A picture of that, along with some of their whining is here: It's funny to think that the Fundies are upset that being prejudiced against Asians is bad, but being prejudiced against gays is okay.  Nobody chooses to be gay, just like nobody chooses to be Asian.  (In other words, in the nature versus nurture, I vote nature.)tag: homosexual, religion, fundies, parody, funny, gay, asian-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Ave Satanas!
More Fun Religious News
(Originally Posted on September 1, 2006)Once again flipping through websites I came across another one with news about the Catholic church.  In this one, there is a website which has Catholic priests who haven't fulfilled their vows.  It seems that the church isn't pumping out enough people to spread its way of life.  (Of course, since part of their vows is celibacy, it's harder to get people into that line of work if they aren't allowed a little nookie, even sin-free nookie.)In The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, he states that the "mainstream" religions are moving towards more permissiveness.  The mainstream religions, in other words, are evolving (albeit slowly) into Satanism.Think about it.  Protestant religions already allow condoms, meaning they allow sex for something other than procreation (i.e. pleasure).  Some allow gay priests, definitely a biblical no-no.It might (will) take a while, but sooner or later your descendants will either be following a mainstream religion closer to
More Pics
I put up some new pictures commet them or whatever and i'll do the same.
More Writing...
He stood, he breathed, therefore, he existed. At least, that's what his thoughts would tell him. But after three years of feeling invisible, he was convinced that the critics were wrong. Just because your brain worked didn't make you alive. Just because you breathed didn't force you to exist. Just because your heart beat didn't mean you could love. He had nothing left to say to the world. His thoughts were skewed; his inspiration was as good as dead. Once one of the most powerful creative minds in North America, he was now void of life and incapable of love. It was all because of her. She crept into his every thought. It was as though she was there, whispering those blessed sweet nothings in his ear once more. But this time, instead of joy, they only brought pain. The memories of better days gradually weighed down on his heart until finally, one day, he could bear it no longer. Today was that day. He stood, he breathed, he existed. Escape lay at his feet, a mere decision away.
More On This Year's Elections
(Originally posted on October 10, 2006)I am disgusted.I looked at the candidates for my district of the U.S. House of Representatives.  There's Spenser Bachus (who doesn't "bach" me and my beliefs) who has no major opposition, just a low-ranking third-party candidate.  According to the Wikipedia article, there's no chance that any US Rep office will change in Alabama this year.I am even considering running for office myself next election cycle just to give people a "viabile" alternative.tag: elections, democrats, republicans, politics-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!
More Anger Towards Religion
(Originally posted on October 23, 2006)I don't know why, but recently I've been getting angry again at organized religions.  And then I found this page with a little quiz.  Here's the quiz:Q1)  Who has killed more people overall, God or Satan?Q2)  Which is the bigger sinner, the average human being who's never killed anyone, or the God of the Bible who's killed at least 2.5 million people?Q3)  Who has committed more crimes, YOU or the God of the Bible, who's killed millions of people according to the Bible?  If your answer is you, then explain what crimes youve committed thats worse than killing millions of people.Q4)  Who is the bigger sinner, YOU or the God of the Bible?  If your answer is you, then explain what you've done that's worse than killing millions of people.Now you can answer that without studying, but for the answers go to this link and do a search for the phrase "Killed by God".tag: religion, satan, satanic, satanism, satanist, christian, christianity-*-*-*-*-*-*-
More Test :)
Took 11 more test on general knowledge and each one had 15 questions each.. here is the results :) Your Total Score is 12 Percent is 80% Your Total Score is 13 Percent is 86% Your Total Score is 15 Percent is 100% Your Total Score is 14 Percent is 93% Your Total Score is 12 Percent is 80% Your Total Score is 15 Percent is 100% Your Total Score is 11 Percent is 73% Your Total Score is 14 Percent is 93% Your Total Score is 11 Percent is 73% Your Total Score is 13 Percent is 86% Your Total Score is 14 Percent is 93%
More (possible) Political Dirty Tricks
(Originally posted on November 6, 2006)(Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but it does seem like something either side would try to pull.  Also, I didn't see anything on Snopes about it one way or the other.)Supposedly, the Republican party will use robocalls to piss off Democrats and swing voters.    I've reposted the entire blog entry below.  The original can be found here.Heads up! Republican trick to alianate Democratic voters with robocalls is in process:PoliticsSubmitted by Paul -V- on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 9:06am.Editor's note: I've been getting alerts from several sources about this. I'm re-posting one of them here to spread the wordKarl Rove has been bragging for weeks about his "72-hour program" to swing the elections, which predict a Democratic takeover of Congress.Now we know what it is: a dirty trick campaign using robocalls.The calls are made to Democrats and swing voters at all times of day or night to make them angry. And they pretend to be from the *Democrat*.For ex
More To Come
Hi Peeps.. Well as soon as I level again ..I will put the rest of the few pics I have of my tattoo's up .. I also would like to say that Im glad to be back .. Yup that is right ..I was here back in Aug up until a few months back when CT lost my email in there system..Not sure how that happen but that is alright bc I'm back once again ..with a better name and awesome profile..and more pics ..Will add more pics as I lvl..U know the rules.. Well until we meet again ..catch ya on the flip side.. Oh yah btw ..if u would like to feel free to add me as a fan or friend ..Or do both if u would like too..
More Whining On My Part....
I've learned something very important today. Listening to sad music... SOOOOOO doesn't do ANY fucking good when you're sad... so why the fuck does everyone do it?!?!?!?!? Just to put this one out there, it's a bad idea... don't do it... School is sooo going to suck, as is work... i want to just stay in bed... and lay there... i can't sleep... which totally bites... i dislike not being able to sleep... and I keep crying, so my fucking head hurts, and my nose is running, and my eyes look puffy.... I feel sicker than shit.... I'm sad, i'm whiny, this is just not a good day for me... and i have class until fucking 8... this is sooo going to suck on SOOO many levels... And stupid playlists playing sad songs, cuz i didn't change the stupid play list.... how's this one for making you cry~ "Listen To Your Heart" I know there's something in the wake of your smile. I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea. You've built a love but that love falls apart. Your little piece of
More About Friiday Niight
More About Me
My Best Features i am a good friend and i will do everything i can to help a friend in need. other than that does it really matter? what im into my daughter and making her happy cause she make my day brighter when i see her smile. everything else is window decorations . i am me, if u dont like it that is your bad luck. i have a great daughter and a great job. i dont beat around the bush and i am far from p.c. if u want p.c. go hug a tree with the hippies as they protest the men and women that protect their right to do it, but dont come at me with that crap cause i will simply tell u to kiss my ass. elvis is dead and there was no goverment plot that took down the towers, it was some stupid terrorist that thought that they would go to heaven and have 70 virgins waiting for them. their bad, i guess they now know that its hot in hell. dont preach to me about how horrific your life has been unless it is true or i will again tell u to kiss my ass. if u think u had a hard life
More Random Thoughts
AHHHHHH! ok I'm a little better what happened at Virginia Tech was sad, horribly sad. however, I turned the tv off because I don't want to spend my whole day being sad and having it shoved in my face. I have said my happy thoughts for the families. still bored with food, but I should eat breakfast.. I guess I could have a bagel or something pack pack pack..blah blah blah I wish the shop's Kit-Kat order would come in why can't happy music be as pretty as sad music? daddy offered to help me pack tonight if I want it.. (huh?) I like the TV show "Drive" what the hell is that song from the Gilgamesh preview? it rocks what ever happened to Gwen Stefani's talent? I really like the phone straps we ordered for work yesterday. why is Gackt too pretty for his own good? HYDE..*giggles........ they just go together why can't I find those model leg shaper shoe things, damn, I need to go to japan. maybe I can find some in SF need to go to SF ok, mindless
More Is Coming
More Mind Distraction . . .
1.Ever talk to the person you lost your virginity to? When I see him, yes. His wife gets the biggest kick out of the fact that her husband was my first. 2. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone? To reject someone . . . I am a chicken shit! I actually had my friend Jenn break up with a guy for me because I couldn't do it. 3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? New Wave 4. What is the best thing about your current job? Thank you . . .remind me that my life sucks and that I have no job. 5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class? Actually...yeah...but where's the class? 6. What's the last thing you drank? Coffee 7. Have you been on a date in the past week? Not a "date" per se . . . I went to a stip club with 3 of my former bosses . . . 8. Where are you going on your next vacation? Vacations require money. I am thinking of Bunola, PA. 10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Newer . . . Seems t
well, i fell back to earth a little while back to feel something nice - love. and yes, i felt it, and it was wonderful. but, while i was visiting, i also felt - many other things. which i do not care for. so i think - that i shall fly... far up high... where i came from. and feel not. no more. i like it, more. :(
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
More, More, More......
Hello, Thanks goes out to those who rated my pictures so I can move up to the next level so I can add more of my pictures from Europe, as for the rest of you, come on I need your help.Please rate my pictures so I might advance my status and add more picture of Europe. I want to show you some great pictures I took. Thank you and talk to you soon! Pete
More Questions
Body: 1. Anal or oral? 2. Chocolate or whip Cream? 3. Ice or feathers? 4. Two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl? 5. Movie porn or live porn? 6. What do you wear to bed ? 7. Love making or hard fucking? 8. Do you shave ? 9. Spit or swallow? 10. Do you masturbate ? 11. Whats your turn on ? 12. Whats your favorite position ? 13. Do you belive in no glove no love ? 14. Where would you really love to have sex ? 15. How long can you go ? (and be honest) 16. Bondage or soft & gentle ? 17. Have you ever had sex in public ? 18. Do you touch yourself and get turned on ? 19. Is there anyone on your mind you want to have sex with ? 20. List one person on your friends/family/fan list you would have sex with? Be honest !!
More Foamy! Gawd I Love This Squirrel! Lol
coffehouse propaganda!
More Ozzy News
OZZY TO RECEIVE VH1 ROCK HONORS VH1 pays homage to the legends who influenced the sound of rock with the second annual "VH1 Rock Honors". This year's celebration will honor the music and influence of OZZY, GENESIS, HEART and ZZ TOP. Premiering on Thursday, May 24 at 9:00 p.m., "VH1 Rock Honors" will be taped at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas on Saturday, May 12. The two-hour tribute will salute the groundbreaking bands of rock, the once in a lifetime events and the influential people who made a lasting mark on the history of rock. The influence of these honorees will be felt through spoken tributes, filmed packages and performances by some of today's hottest rock acts as well as the legends themselves. Check soon for interactive honoree profiles, exclusive programming, show information and more at
More Litrature From Beyond
Subject: Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm is not a figment of a Childs Imagination nor is it something out of YU_GI_OH! Cartoon. No. This place is one of many places just outside of Tarterus and Hades. Its not the underworld but certainly its not Shangri-la. This realm is a place where things get discarded like a used condom, like a toxic waste dump but more spookier. It is said that Ancient Egyptian Pharaoe's would send the most Henoius and most Evil'st individuals here. Here your mind wanders for all eternity until the person and the relic could free your mind. Its a terrible place to be. The Devil's Rejects, and host of other swarm roam here. I feel so creeped out I cant even begin to fathom what else the landscape looks like. I've been here and let me tell you its no walk in the park. I cannot write for fear of retribution. ~Writer unknown~
More About Mom's Death. . .
Mom got home from the hospital yesterday evening. She had sat on her bed for about 20 minutes when she thought she was gonna get sick. Well 5 seconds later she was throwing up blood. We rushed her to the ER where they then decided that she should be taken in the emergency helicopter to St. Joseph where she died on the way.
More Veronica Mars
More About This Insane Loser
they say that i must of sipped from the cup of insanity shit i think i guzzled it. i left that bitch empty, i think it tasted like pussy which is why i crave it so much. female cum is the best taste in the world. (with that said i should had been born a lesbian i get told by les all over that they wont be with a guy cause only a woman knows how to please a woman. why get ate out and fuck a strap on when i can eat longer and better plus if you need the dick its there.. lmao sorry just wanted to put that out there im sure the les's will be mad at that comment but had to say it)i dont know what it is that makes me me but i do know i would be a great study subject for shrinks around the world. i'm truely a strange case of insanity. i remember most of my past lives. i see dead ppl and talk to them as well. i have a pet that can only be seen in the dark and by certain ppl. its a gremlin he follows me to keep me protected from the things i see. i was a killer for almost every past life. so i
More Truth Then Not
Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good, They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would. They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home. Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone. But I would not feel so all alone, Everybody must get stoned. Well, they'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street. They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat. They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor. They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door. But I would not feel so all alone, Everybody must get stoned. They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table. They'll stone ya when you are young and able. They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a buck. They'll stone ya and then they'll say, "good luck." Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone, Everybody must get stoned. Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end. Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again. They'll stone you when you're riding in you
More About Me
More Photos
To all my friends I have a bunch of new pics I will be posting from my Easter weekend in Memphis with my mom.
More Children Die
Children dying Not given a chance to live To Learn To Love Taken by another Trying to show the world Making a name against those who they hate Women who turn from them Those with more than they have Innocents who merely are there In a good place At a very bad time Dances, classes, alone in their rooms Peace is broken by madness Sharp sounds Deep pain Never ending darkness Back in the light Parents cry Memories flow Friends mourn Somewhere, someone sees the story A newscaster tells of death They don't cry They don't mourn They plan They dream of darkness They dream of death They look for a good place at a bad time They look into innocent eyes And they kill The cycle starts again And more children die
More Bull Shit
Yupp cant see the fucking bulltins yet again seeing if this works it did last time so yer
More Thoughts Of Mine
Well with each day that goes by its getting a little easier for me to accept the way things are right now . But it won't keep me from wanting what I had . The hardest part about it was that he was supposed to come to visit me and spend a week with me this month and then he just broke it off saying he doesn't love me anymore . But some of it I blame it on him still being young and wanting to play the game for a bit . I know it sounds cynical but sometimes I do believe that love is just a wicked game that we play during our lifetime . But is it really worth it in the end. Right now I honestly don't know exactly how I feel. In a way I feel numb inside and just constantly wondering what happened ? How can someone just throw away a 2 year history for someone they have only known for 6 months give or take ?
More Thoughts.
Heros are fools thats a deturmination others will make in hine sight.. but by being here now we make that deturmination for ourselves.. and its neither. How do you know what others feel? I see the laughter and the tears and you know... But we arent suppost to feel and that entire time you stand in that uniform you cant get that time back in a day... Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be honestly loved? I try not to think about what never was... I know we arent children and i know we fight and die ... Life takers and heart breakers, And theres only one thing you need to know.... Anything thats ever been learned or discovered in all the centures of life on earth means nothing right now. No one can tell you what to be pre-paired for, your enemy has a dark blood thursty heart assume everything is dangerous ... if in doubt kill. Look around you though defeat is on every face, fear and surrender is on everyones mind at home. the secritary general is ready to give in... I
More Photots Coming Soon!
Coming this next weekend I will be doing more Photos for all my friends and fans! So please keep a close eye out and some new Photos will soon be here!!
More Pretty Hair
I bleached my hair. It's not all even. I like it though, I like colorfull stuff.  I didtn't bleach the side much because I am going to cut them off soon. Most of the roots got bleached out good though.  I'll probably leave it like this a few days, then I'm going to dye it purple. I might make some of it blue. I don't know, it depends on how I feel at the time. 
More Weird Irony
new horoscope: A loved one tells you that it's time to get some fun into your life. It's easy to get caught up in the rhythm of work, work, work, but this person shows you what's really important. Listen to this advice and follow it. ok so its not always loved one has said that too me...though it'd be
More Votes Please!!!
OMG!! I can't believe I don't have more votes than I do!! Oh would you please go to my profile page, click on the blogs and find the one with my picture asking for votes for the Cleavage contest I am entered in? Remember I am all me-no artificial fillers or preservatives!! Go to most recent blogs to the finally think I got the right link-click on my pic there and vote vote vote! (Please!?!) Thanks to those of you who have so far but if you have time please go back and do some more??? Love you! Andie
More Crap
?'s u wont find anywhere elseSurvey for the really boredby **HOOKER**001. What is Your Name? jackii002. How old are you? 22003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? whatever004. Name? Jackii005. What do u think of our president? retard006. Whos ur fav comedian? Jim Norton007. Fav internet service? comcast008. Fav tv channel? comedy central009. Fav radio station? xm 202010. Posession u never leave without? cell phone011. Person u can trust w/ anything? Neil012. Friend u cant completely trust? Sarah013. Person u pretend to like or be friends w/? kristie kline014. Fav nelly song? country grammar015. Fav song? love like winter016. Best slow song? i'unno its name017. Fav r&b song? no idea018. Fav country song? garth brookes i got friends in low places019. Fav rap song? eminem - fack
More Cats!!!!
/" target="_blank">64);">*******************************THE CULPRIT!!!************************************** POT POT BEIN A BAD BAD BOY if you look in the right hand lower corner of the screen door you can see blackie or midnight don't know which the neighbors cats Mommy you sure need to dust.Let me help! Mom doesn't know that we are plotting our next search and destroy mission!
More Fun Graphics
More Quotes
More Animated Sex...
Arms wrapped around me Head on my shoulder Breath on my skin Let me go Teeth on skin Nails raking your shirt Lips begging for yours Let me go This fire burning inside Hold me down Make me cry Let me go Your taste still burning on my lips Drowning in your scent Hands longing for your skin Come back Want screaming from my lips Desire driving me mad Lust burning me alive Craving sins of the flesh Tease me with your touch Impatient breath on my neck Draw me into you ... I need more
More About Me
...::About Me::...
More About Me
MySpace CommentsMySpace CommentsMySpace CommentsMySpace CommentsMySpace Comments
~*more Than Ever*~
things come and things go and things are more powerfull than others. Somethings that we can control some things that we can control. We lock out the bad and bring in the good and we stand up for what need to and what we want to and things that we can control we let slide till we think we can take no more. The one power i thought i could fight was with love and when i seen that i couldnt block it anymore i let it in and seen that it was all worth takeing the chance. A friend told me to give it all worth a try and see were it goes and when i sat down and thought about it all i did it and wow was i shocked to find that i found my one true love and never could be happier that i did listen to her i couldnt be happier that him and i are together and that we both love each other more than anyone can even think of. We share a bond that alot of people dont understand to be honst i dont always understand it but i know that deep down he is the one i love and im the one he loves for we wasnt ea
2 More Weeks
It was confirmed yesterday. I will be home 2 weeks from today. Yea!! I'm so excited. I'll be back on like before as soon as I get settled back in at home. Thanks for all of your support and friendship... Kisses..
More People From Uk Wanted
hey guys and gals, where are all the brits on here? come say hi and let's chat and party it up
More Meaningless Crap
It is not sufficient for religious people to be involved with prayer. Rather, they are morally obliged to contribute all they can to solving the world’s problems.
More Words Of Wisedom
As in a pile of rubbish cast by the side of a highway a lotus might grow clean-smelling pleasing the heart, so in the midst of the rubbish-like, people run-of-the-mill & blind, there dazzles with discernment the disciple of the Rightly Self Awakened One.
More About Sissy
I have spent all day thinking about her. She had been with me since I was 23... Before I had my daughter I used to take Sissy with me everywhere. Stores, restaurants, bars, movie theatres... literally everywhere, usually hidden inside my shirt. I miss her. She was my constant. She loved me and only me. You should have seen how she protected my shoes. It was absolutely hilarious and I am gonna miss seeing her attack ankles if someone came to close to a pair of my shoes. I can't really describe this loss, it was sudden and caught me totally unaware. My vet now believes that she had an aneurysm. That she went very quickly in her sleep. There was nothing I could have done. I truly thank god that I was able to have last night with her. She layed on my bed with me and cuddled for a bit. She never stayed long, just long enough, but she always had to come up on the bed at bedtime. This is pain, like I haven't felt in a very long time. She was my friend and with me through all the bad times, sh
More Rain?
FFS... The cops found my van... I should be happy right? I mean aside from the mother trucker breaking out the ignition theres nothing else wrong. nothing stolen etc. SO why am I not happy? Constable Gallant has my van towed to impound? WTF? Why should it be impounded and why cant I have called my Auto club and towed it strait home... duh cuz fucknuts...errr I mean Constable Gallant fucked up. Yeah nice he fucks up and I gotta pay the city 104 bux to get my van... But hey its all cool. just submit the billwith the police file number and the city will be happy to refund me...One teensie problem... I dont have 104 bux nor do I have a credit card. Why cant they release the van and let me get on with my life? What the fuck is it about these dipshits? why cant I just get a break... anybody want a dark cloud? Cheap?
More Old Thoughts..
Leave me broken and crying on the floor, dieing inside, never wanting this pain. Happiness is just a thought to cover my hurt, and I have hurt so much.I also have never been so happy. This will all end in tears just like before, it will always be my fault. I will always be to blame. So my thoughts ramble on in hopes to be some type of pathetic song or poem or something. Yet in the end when its all over you'll read it and not understand what I mean. Hope is useless and happiness is false. Love will hurt you and hate will fallow you. Pain will never ease and regret will always burn. But there will always be you, a pen, and paper to write all of it down on. So that maybe someone will learn about your hope, happiness, love, hate, pain, and regret. Katie
More Bad News...
For some of you know my Dad fell Wed. and broke his hip.he's doing good now... Thurs nite after my Mom had been to visit my Dad in the hosp,she was in a bad car accident and is very lucky to be alive.Some guy crossed the centerline,about 4 miles from there house.They had to use the jaws of life to get her out,thank god she had her seatbelt on,they said thats the only thing that saved her life... She is still in the hospital is having problems with her hemoglobin count,shes actually in the same hospital as my Dad now..Also has a hairline fracture by one of her knees which might require surgery,dont know yet. Please keep my family in your prayers now. Will keep you updated... Hugssssssssssss Luv ya all!!!!! Julie
More Poems
Thoughts from a long time ago that still apply, possibly even more so now A single word flowing from my lips Creating a painting from my heart A winding vine encircling all i know Causing some to squirm and wiggle A solem word to me of beauty and life Growing with light so real and pure Another breath to those who will listen Gliding through the strings of life The words of my life continually flow
More General Than The Post That Used To Be In This Blog Anyway
If one's going to follow a link to someone else's profile anyway, let it be to spread some joy in their lives. Comfort the afflicted. Befriend and aid the new. Advise the uncertain. Help some people past level, even. Leave the insults in your hindbrain, at home, or take the day's frustrations out on your foam Wham-It™. (Edit: fortunately, most people who this applies to are no longer on my list if they ever were, and probably will never read this.)
More Than Passion
Silently she awakes and gazes upon him there. She sees him sleeping peacefully and longs to hold him near. She reaches out her trembling hand to gently touch his face. Remembering short hours ago, sharing love's embrace. He stirs just then and spies her tender. loving stare. Then places his hand over hers, stunned at the extent of her care. Their eyes never leave each other as she caresses his soft skin. She smiles at him slightly as she moves closer to him. He takes her in his arms placing a kiss upon her cheek. She turns her head slowly, his lips for her to seek. A subtle moan escapes her as his hand explores anew. Passions kiss intensifies as their rhythmic dance ensues. He proclaims his love for her as he kisses her wanting neck. She moves her hands over him finally to rest upon his chest. Feeling her velvet secret engulf him again and again, And feels her building climax escaping from her then. She arches back, catches his eyes adoring their allure. As they reach
More To Life Than Ct
I know sometimes it seems like there is nothing else in the world besides CT, but you know there really is. WHile I still leave it open and check from time to time, I have not really paid too much attention. I really only look for some close friends to say hi. It's been forever since I went out adding people, or just rating pics, or checking out new members. There was a reason I "lived" on CT for awhile, but that reason isn't a reason anymore. CT means different things to different people. I think I let it become too real to me. A lot of people here will say and do a lot of things to get your attention. And that is all they want, attention. The things they say aren't real, they don't feel things they say. It doesn't matter that you really believe them, or believe in your own feelings. Last weekend, most of my friends that I talk to were not on, and I sat and asked myself what the hell I was doing sitting here staring at the screen. Then I tried to figure out what to do
More Beltane Lore
Beltain Beltain is that point in the year when you normally feel the springtime has arrived at long last and you just want to be a part of the Earth and the things that are growing in it. Each Beltain we try and connect with that spirit of lightness and growth that signifies the season and this includes your garden, your mind and your spirit. If you are lucky enough to be a part of a large group, you could make a traditional May Pole and do a dance around it. This is an old pagan rite that personifies the mating of nature with all things. You need a pole that is at least 16 feet long, and it should taper from the bottom to the tip in a gradual way. Each person that is taking part in the rite brings a ribbon that is 16 feet long. (Urge them to bring different colors.) The ribbons are attached to the top of the pole with a length left swinging free. The pole needs to be put into the ground very firmly, some people use a 5 gallon bucket filled with sand and then sunk in
300 More Photos!!
At myspace!! If you are not a friend there come add me..especially females!!! Hugs and kisses Kelly
More Animal Stories, I Just Couldn't Resist..
Good Morning, Happy Day it’s Wednesday and my computer is up. Well that and 10 cents will buy you…ah, well nothing… Hey I did a little research on Penguins. Well actually not on Penguins themselves more so Penguins as a Meal ticket. Did you know the average Polar Bear can eat as many as 86 penguins at a single sitting? Wow, huh… I bet that gives the gay Penguin rights activist’s some new ground to tread on. Some animal rights issues are for the birds… Hey I am a firm believer that animals should not be harmed, hurt (well apparently if you harm something you might as well say you hurt it, some excuse the hurt in this issue) or maimed in any making of any movie, stunt act, zoo trick side shoe Bob outing… (Side shoe Bob is from the Simpson’s right?) Well, anyway just wanted to add something…sort of food for thought on the gay penguin issue…hmmm Polar Bear food for thought that is. Now here is one for you that think you have no fear. This is a little tidbit on how far someone will go to
More Rants Here!
Have you ever loved somebody sooo much yet at the same time hated them and what they represented? When at first all you saw was a kind and sweet person but then find out later that they are scandalous and liars? How can a person fall for someone like that??? I mean, there were warnings all around but you just didn't listen because you thought they would be different...that they would break the trend you are so desperately trying to get yourself out of?? That no matter how the person treated were ready to give them everything you had and work for the things you couldn't give them at the time?? How no matter how much you pour your heart and soul out to the person only to have them throw it away like yesterdays bad magazines?? How even though you aren't together, you still give your all to make sure that the other person is happy and comfortable?? How the only way to deal with things going the way they are is to put up your defenses even higher than they ever have been and getti
More Facial Abuse
More Bs For No Reason
So I've spent the last few days trying to become friend's with the hottest pornstars on Myspace. So far I've been good to go. If only I could go ahead and meet these lovely women on a more personal level. Then I could truly be happy. Also, I've noticed that none of the girls at work are hitting on me. I don't think that I understand why they won't. I've been there for over 2 weeks now, and still no one asking for my number or telling me that I should go to their dorm room and have a 3-sum with them and their roommate.... I am disappointed. And this is not the last time I was disappointed today. I wanted to watch the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie tonight on tv like they advertised. But what did they do? They went ahead and showed it in mini mini mini shot on the bottom left corner of the screen while all the other shows were on. Dammit. It was funny. Don't get me wrong. But damn it disappointed me.
More Wolf Images
Christines Alaskan Wolf
More Of My Ramblings
I would like to take the time to welcome all of my newly made friends and fans, thanks for taking the time to visit my page. I know I blog about this often but I like to let ppl know that I appreciate the rates and comments. Hoping all is doing well, I'm feeling somewhat better than I have been. I have dry socket where I had a tooth exstracted , silly me just had to smoke so I have no one to blame but me. I should know better, this isnt the first time I have had it. Trust me taking my smokes from me would be hazerdous to ones well being lol. I made home made lassagna for dinner tonight, I took total of 3 bites and couldnt eat any more. It was good but thats all I could hold. I cant hold alot of food for my tummy is about the size of an egg on the inside where I had bariatric surgery back in 03. I've had great success with it. I am proud of my accomplishments. I know alot of people think it's the easy way out but let me tell you something, it's not, it's a life changing expe
More Info On Wolves
HOME BREEDING HABITAT HUNTING WOLVES Gray wolf (Canis Lupus) The gray wolf (Canis lupus) also called the timber wolf, is the largest of about 41 wild species within the dog family, Canidae, of the order Carnivora. They range in size from 26" to 38" shoulder height, 39" to 80" in length (tip of nose to end of tail), and vary in weight from 57 to 130 pounds. Their coats may vary in color from grey to brown, from white to jet black. The gray wolf, Canis lupus, lives in the northern latitudes around the world. There are five subspecies of the gray wolf in North America and seven to 12 in Eurasia. The currently recognized subspecies in North America are: Canis lupus baileyi, commonly referred to as the Mexican wolf or lobo. Canis lupus nubilus, referred to as the Great Plains or buffalo wolf. Canis lupus occidentalis, known as the Rocky Mountain wolf or Mackenzie Valley wolf. Canis lupus lycaon, commonly referred to as the eastern timber wolf. Canis lupus arctos, known a
so. doin another day tripper tomorrow. got the 'just in case' bags all packed. got the critters in bed. got the laundry done. *yawn* called the realtor. did the banking. picked up the ever important smokes. n if the kids had gone to bed earlier n i had already had my 'me' time? i'd go to bed too. cuz im effin tired but i need my me time first dammit. hmm i wonder if i should text my peoples to tell them... *debates* eh i'll do it in the morning. cuz im eatin cereal now. and other things that only make sense to me. a cricket jumped into my house this evening. poe ate it. at least the bitch is good for something. ha. the toilet in the hall bathroom still isnt fixed. i spose the fuckers think cuz im a woman i dont know how to use a plunger? gee fuckers. yes i do. it needs more than that. it prolly needs to be snaked out. it worked for a whole half a day... now its full to the brim again. joy oh joy. i so cant wait to get outta here. *goes back to
More Needed To Level Up....thanks
Well...thanks to everyone that helped my son Landon make it to that "wasted cherry" he's not too far away from being a "magic cherry"! So...hope you'll drop back in and help him reach his next level, very quickly! I'd sure appreciated it! landonrmorgan@ CherryTAP
You will never love me more than I love you. You will never miss me more than I miss you. You will never want me more than I want you. If you you think you will you might want. Do a self check on all the things I do for you. SO I can be with you So I can hold you So I can feel you. So I can hear you Think then who loves who more. I miss you more than the galaxies are vast. I love you more than all then water in the world. I want you more than a dying man wants life.
More Surveys..about Me...part 2
ABOUT YOU Name: Diana Age: 36 Brithdate: April 1 Birthplace: Baltimore,MD Current Location: Reisterstown,MD Heritage: German Religion: raised Jewish,I also believe in: Taoism,Buddhism,Christianity,Wicca School: been there, done that GPA: 3.0 in high school and college Grade: graduated high school and college Tattoos: 30 Piercings: 3 in each ear,1 in right upper cartlidge Hair Color: dark brown with white here and there Eye Color: brown Height: 6' 1 1/2" Shoe Size: 12W FAVORITES Food: chicken,pizza,albacore tuna,potatoes,chocolate,steak Beverage: water,Classic Coca Cola,coffee,tea Pop: Classic Coke Movie: The Godfather I and II,The Deerhunter,Sleuth,Freaks,Long Day's Journey Into Night,LA Story,Raise the Red Lantern,The Rocky Horror Picture Show,Pink Floyd The Wall,Diner,Yellow Submarine,Rear Window,The Breakfast Club,Young Frankenstein,Wargames,Die Hard,Sense and Sensibility,French Kiss,Blade Runner,Raging Bull,Goodfellas TV Show: M*A*S*H*,CSI,Quincy,Columbo,B
More Quotes I've Written Down...
Mantras for your soul: This first one is one of the most important lessons! The scorpion and the frog,those that give(frogs) and those that take(scorpions): A scorpion wants to cross a river,but he can't swim,goes to a frog that can & asks for a ride on his back.'I can't give you a ride on my back,for you'll go and sting me.' 'Would not be in my intrest to sting you for we'll both drown.' The frog thinks about this logic and excepts the deal.The scorpion crawls on the frog's back,the frog braves the water & halfway across feels a burning spear in his side,he realizes the scorpion has stung him after all. And as they both sink beneath the waves,the frog cries out,'Why did you sting me Mr. Scorpion?For now we both will drown!' The scorpion replies,'I can't help it,its in my nature.' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A person that can laugh at themselves,never ceases to be amused.-Carol Burnett --------------------------------------
More Songs...part 2
That's a sad song That used to be our song The one you just played I wonder if I'd stayed what we'd be doing now Yeah, but part of bein' people is an ever changing mind We don't mean to be unkind We just grow That's a sad song That used to be our song And oh, she sang it too And every word rang true like a bell somehow When I ran off chasing visions my emotions made me blind Like a fool I left behind my angel's glow So play it one more time That symphony in rhyme Let those old familiar feelin's start to show Sing my favorite phrase From those good old days Let those tears and sweet memories flow That's a sad song That used to be our song And oh you played it well It isn't hard to tell you love it too It amazes me to hear it--how it's beauty never ends Now the music made us friends I'm asking you So play it one more time That symphony in rhyme Let those old familiar feelin's start to show Sing my favorite phrase Fro
More Fav. Songs...part 3
Leave It by Yes(Squire/Rabin/Horn) I can feel no sense of measure No illusions as we take Refuge in young man's pleasure Breaking down the dreams we make Real One down one to go Another town and one more show Downtown they're giving away But she never came back No phone can take your place You know what I mean We have the same intrigue As a court of kings Ah leave it Ah leave it Two down there you go McArthur Park in the driving snow Uptown they're digging it out Better lay your claim Get home you're not alone You just broke out of the danger zone Be there to show your face On another dreamy day Ah leave it Ah leave it Goodbye goodbye goodbye bad Hello hello heaven Goodbye goodbye goodbye bad Hello hello heaven Ah leave it Ah leave it I can feel no sense of measure No illusions as we take Refuge in young man's pleasure Breaking down the dreams we make Real Ah leave it Ah leave it Goodbye goodbye goodbye bad Hello hel
More Random Written Stuff.
Coiling black locks swirled their way over the edge of the massive slab of rock the young girl lay upon and dipping into the cool, night reflecting water pulled very gently in the river. Delicate, glass-perfect nails brushed a few strands of the hair away from dark entrancing eyes fringed with a soft swirl of eyelashes. The outline of her face was sweet with a fragile nose and generous pouting, strawberry lips. The neck, graceful and small enough to hold almost with one hand, blended splendidly with her soft shoulders. A well shaped body comfortably lain out on the rock shone and glimmered in some places with the moons milky beams. Again, the outline delicate yet entrancing as she was young and unravaged by time or humanity and still so innoecent. Lifting her voice above the babble of the river she sang a song of time and knowledge and hen suddenly let it die back down as the bolts of lightning came to enclose her..
More Random Thoughts, Sunday Edition!
Interesting bits and pieces, running through my mind! Just finished perusing a mumm and almost commented - almost, lol. This mumm was basically about taking pictures of body parts for viewing by friends and family on CT. The question was: would you still take and post pictures of areas that had scars, scars due to an abusive relationship. I suppose it could also apply to any scarring, birth mark, blemish, etc. Would you expose that much of who you are on CT. Taking the risk to expose yourself, who you really are, physically or emotionally, can be a frightening thing. Your self esteem can take a hit, bigtime, especially here at CT! I suppose that is the reason you frequently find or hear about the fake pics, pics of more attractive and, yeah, younger individuals posted instead of the actual owner of the profile. I wanted badly to comment on that mumm! Wear those scars proudly, I wanted to say. You have survived and triumphed over that part of your life. You are beautiful for h
More Thoughts
Ever meet that certain someone, that you connected with and felt like they were the most compatible peson in your life? I often think of couples and how they find that unique certain something that makes them click. Is it racing, is it dancing, going for walks, how one throws her hair or how ones goatee looks on certain days? I remember how my grand parents were towards each other, they never seemed to fight, but I was young then but I don;t recall my parents ever telling any stories about fights they used to have. (my grandparents) How is possible for coouples to stay married for 30+ or even 50+ years and know they got what it took to work things through and make them last. That's what I want in my life. Someone who feels and knows without a doubt that "we" have what it takes in the beginning to last the rest of our lives together and actually be happy and grow older together, raise our kids, and just plain and simple love one another, and live out our hopes and dr
More No
More Cool Things To Know
In the 1400's a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have "the rule of thumb". Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden"... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. Coca-Cola was originally green. It is impossible to lick your elbow. The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% (now get this...) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38% The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $6,400 The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000 Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom
More Me
I'm happy 'cept when I'm mad I'm cheerful 'cept when I'm sad I'm good 'cept when I'm bad and when I'm bad, I'm very, very bad…
More Than 100%
This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint. It goes like this: What makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life? Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions: If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Then: H-a-R-d-W-O-R-k 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% And K-n-O-w-l-e-d-G-e 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% But, A-t-t-I-t-U-d-e 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% And, B-U-l-l-S-h-I-t 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% And, look how far ass kissing will take you. A-S-S-k-I-S-S-I-n-G 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118% So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that while hard work and
More! I see myself holding you close to me, Squeezing your body tight. But for all I see as I daydream- I know I'll get tenfold tonight. Running my palms across your breast, As you tremble and bite your lip. Feeling your hands upon my chest, The softness of each fingertip. Tasting your neck so sweet, so soft, And slowly lowering my kiss. Over pert nipples, across your navel, And finally into pure bliss. Looking upon your face from below- As you tilt back your head. Feeling your fountains begin to flow- As you ease back on the bed. Your 'innocent little devil' look- Crying insatiably with the sensation. Lip to lip lapping up every drip- From the well of your creation. The way you pull me up by the hair- To the heat of your mouth, on fire. No other thoughts, no other cares, Just the quenching of mad desire. Riding the tide of passion, Pushing my love into you. On the waves of your emotion- In slow motion, so sweet and true. P
More Thinking
Why do I continue to post anything... NO ONE FUCKING READS IT ANYWAYS so whats the point? If they don't read it why do I bother? Oh, I know, because I want the one person who is supposed to care to notice that they way they treat me makes me feel like crap...They never talk to me unless I message them first, and sometimes even then I don't get a responce. Thus I feel depressed and moody all the time. It's a waste of breath to hope they read this, so I will leave it at that. I'm done pouring my heart out to them because it isnt getting me anywhere but really fucking depressed.
More Funnies!
Hi all again, i've uploaded a load more funny pics if you fancy a giggle :o) Enjoy! (Looking forward to Dazzy's comments as usual)! LMAO Jeff :o)
More Upgrades
Well, I ordered another 8500gt msi card for my amd am2/6000+ setup! Woot! sli comming soon baby! Anywho.. this might mean that I won't go out this weekend and instead chill out and watch anime and eat and play videogames.. fun times! Sad times for the homies that want me to drive all over freakin town chasing drunk women in clubs that will bore me to a bitter death! lmao Ok, I'll split the joy fest up.. half for me and the other half i'll hang out and drive them around .. since I don't drink.. ugh.. lol such is life.. I'm shy.. can't help it.. lol peace oh yeah..
More Thoughts
Thinking , Feeling , Rethinking Thinking of you my sweet day dream wondering if I'm going to extreme Why are you in my thoughts so much ? Why do I hunger for your touch ? I think too much and act too slow I want to be there more than you'll ever know I've been told to take it slow for there is always tomorrow I've taken it slow and in my hesitation felt the sorrow Not willing to pass on what may be real Not wanting to let go of how I feel Unsure of my thoughts and what they mean Unsure of an out come that remains to be seen Fear that you are too good to be true Fear that I may not be any good for you Tied to a past unresolved Tied to the present still uninvolved Wondering if I deserve the best Thinking it's time to give thinking a rest ! By R. Thomas Dinsmore
More Pic
my camera died at my daughters birthday party today but i will recharge it and post some soon. Thanks so much for everyone that has stopped by and rated fanned and friended me I appreciate it so much.. love you all.
More Kissin'
KissinHochgeladen von Meikel_Sunshine
More Writing
Between the Two Angels let me go I don’t want to care anymore Demons leave me alone I feel like loving someone a lil more- Twisting between the two Being the most hated and loved The dark side that most never knew The light everyone once shoved- Angels let me go I don’t wanna care anymore Stress overwhelms everyone I know You add it to my list like its my chore- Something I just have to do Even if I know them not Angels find someone new Their burdens corrupt my every thought- Demons don’t you grab me I dare not sell my soul Why won’t you let me be? Give me back the heart the angels stole-
More Writings Lol
Have You Ever 5/17/04 Have you ever thought about the future? About what you shall become Have you ever told someone you care And will love them for all the years to come?- Have you ever had a friend One honest and true, that won’t make you blue? A friend that loves you, because you’re you- Have you ever watched a sunset, Or watched the stars shine so bright And know you will never forget What makes your troubles light- Have you ever ran like the wind Or walked across the beach’s warm sand? Have you ever found the love of a fairy tale end Or walked with a friend hand-in-hand- Have you ever loved someone enough That you would give your life To make them become tough And diminish their reason for strife- Have you ever had a friend To which compares the rose, Don’t shiver fearing the end ‘Tis the protection the thorn shall pose.-
why oh why is it so hard to find some decent men to dirty talk with.. i need it pleaseeeeeeee!
More Ink
so yeah, I went in yesterday for yet more work on my sleeve... I got the outline from last time (angel on bicep) colored in. The devil from last time, touched up a lil... and some shading / coloring on my elbow. They look sick!! I am so stoked! But... here is the catch. I fucking lost my camera!! WTF! I donon how or when or where, but it gone... So no pics ight now till I find it or get a new one. DOH~!
More Than A Mother
MORE THAN A MOTHER When God set the world in place, When He hung the stars up in space, When He made the land and the sea, Then He made you and me. He sat back and saw all that was good, He saw things to be as they should. Just one more blessing He had in store; He created a mother, but whatever for? He knew a mother would have a special place To shine His reflection on her child's face. A mother will walk the extra mile Just to see her children smile. She'll work her fingers to the bone To make a house into a home. A mother is there to teach and guide, A mother will stay right by your side. She'll be there through your pain and strife, She'll stay constant in your life. A mother will lend a helping hand Until you have the strength to stand. She'll pick you up when you are down, When you need a friend she'll stick around. A mother is one who listens well, Will keep her word; will never tell. A mother never pokes or pries But stands quietly b
More Me.
HI some have asked questions like how long have I been into this or what all I have done. it all started when I was alittle kid about 10 or 11 I guess my mom would come into the bathroom when i was taken a bath and she would have to pee or poop there was times she would come in holding her stomach and farting alot at times it was soo smally bad. I woild lay there in the tub and watch as she pulled her panties down and sat on the toilet as it is my mom was not a small woman to me she was real fat had big legs and huge butt and tummy and all wow. there was a time 1 night she came in and had to go real bad holding her tummy and farting she pulled down her pants and sat down and begin to pee and fart alil more then she spread her butt cheeks alittle and sat quite and I begin to hear crackling sounds as she begin to moan and grunt and it started to smell real bad my mom was seating in front of me taken a poop wow. i lay there watched and listened she must of sat there a good 15 or
More Random Thoughts
The world spins wildly Round and round I'm going crazy Insanity bound I left my mind In some bar's lost and found One drink after another Down down down The emptiness inside Temporarily full Then I wake up Hangover from hell The world stops spinning I now see clear What an ugly sight before me So I drink some more To make it disappear Vision blurred, heart racing Everything looks beautiful I feel alive again At least for now Of all the lessons I have learned I hope to pass on at least this one Love the people that take care of you Love the friends, you know are true Love the enemies with which you've fought Love the family that gave you their hearts Love the strangers you'll never meet Love the earth beneath your feet Love the one whose heart you've sought And love yourself no matter what A mother's love knows no boundaries She sees no flaws or imperfections She loves whole heartedly And holds nothing back A mother would sacrifice ever
More About Me, Just For Shits N Giggles
60 HAVE YOU EVERS.....what is your name?:Amanda age?:33 sex?:yes please height?:5'6' hair color?:brown eye color?:hazel have you ever...eaten dog food?:no...*blech* peed your pants?:I am potty trained cried in the movie theater?:hell ya been in love?:havent we all been kissed in the rain?:yes *sigh* lit yourself on fire?:lmao, i dont even want to know who answered yes to this been to canada?:no, as stated before..they are all crazy there lied about your age?:ummmm....maybe burned a cd?:yes lied to your parents?:never (crosses fingers) broken a glass cup?:many, im a clutz wrote on someones face with marker?:Lol, just today at work...Sorry Paul done chores?:my life is a chore smoked?:nope drank?:occasionally been drunk?:yes cut yourself?:i was a cook, so that would be a yes had a pet die?::( eaten something moldy?:Accidently been fired?:nope eaten string cheese?:Mmmmmm called a psycic?:No been to a bonfire?:Yes
More Hot Mami Anime
More Useless Products
Upon wandering through my place of employment the other day, I stumbled across some more useless items we sell. I don't know who comes up with this shit, let alone actually buys it... The Olivia Newton-John Self Breast Examination Kit. While I'm all for breast cancer awareness, who actually had the nerve to come up with this, and have ONJ endorse it???? It comes with a magnifiying glass that fits your finger, an examination pad, a velvet pouch for the magnifier, and a postcard. I was born with my own self breast examination's called HANDS. A portable alchol detector...great for parties! See who can blow the highest at your next kegger!! A perfect stocking stuffer for your favorite alcoholic!! If you blow in the Alcohol Detector, you won't end up blowing Bubba in the big house!!
More Of Us Hot Drunk Naked Poets - Fuznub
More of us from BDBP Bad Drunken Bar Poetry - World's Most Raw Honest anti-Forum DANA - aka FuzNub
More Of Us Horny Hot Genuis Lovely Bdbp Members
More of us from BDBP Bad Drunken Bar Poetry - World's Most Raw Honest anti-Forum Crystal - aka CryssyJ
More Sex Postions
Erotic instructions: "Lie on your stomach, legs straight and spread slightly," explains Julie, 33, who says this homegrown move is her favorite. "Your guy lies over you, positioning his legs on either side of yours. As he enters you, close your legs and cross them at the ankles." Pleasure payoff: "With your legs clenched and ankles crossed, you can feel the entire length of your man's member and grip it tight," she raves, creating loads of feel-good friction as he tantalizes the depths of your pleasure zone. He can also reach under you and play with your breasts or brush his lips against your ears, cheek and neck. Though this move offers mega sensation, there isn't a lot of motion, so it's a prime pose for guys hoping to hold off on climaxing or couples who want to savor the feel of each other's bodies. Erotic instructions: As your guy lies on his back, face him and lower yourself onto his penis in a kneeling position. Keeping your knees on the bed, hook your feet over the insi
More Lusty Anime
More Quotes
I love quotes, sometimes they help to see that there is hope. I found some that i really loved tonight thought I would share them with you ...... Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert A. Heinlein Live through feeling and you will live through love. For feeling is the language of the soul, and feeling is truth. -- Matt Zotti Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness. -- Bertrand Russell The way to find out if you love someone or not, is by talking to them. The more you talk to them the more you either hate them or love them. -- Brad Breitenstein The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. -- Jaime H. Young No woman/man is worth your tears and the only one who is, will never make you cry. -- Source Unknown If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go
More Than Friends
More Than Friends People always say that friendships should be treasured. But I want something more with him. My love for him could never be measured. I only wish he could see how I feel. So I wonder, what can I do? Can I just be friends with him? Or can I say to him, "I'm falling for you," And lose his friendship forever? So is there any hope here or I should let my love for him end? No matter how it all turns out, I'll always be his friend.
More About The Game
More Hot Anime
More To The Longing Story
I wrote a blog about longing recently. I want to add a few things for I was very upset when I wrote it. I have an absolute perfect life. Everyone I love is happy and healthy. I have a great marriage and great kids. I am doing excellent in school. So I don't want that blog to be a pity thing, because most people would kill for my life because its great and I am happy. But back to the longing part what I was trying to say is that I long and yearn for something so much it makes my heart ache. And as much as I realize logically I have everything a person needs, this is something that is almost a calling and if I can't have it I will wonder what my purpose in this life was. I am sorry to be vague about what I long for, it is very personal, private and close to my heart and as everyone knows somethings are best kept a secret. It belongs in my soul and to express what it is would be wrong. I do promise this when I get it (if I do get it) I will tell everyone in a blog hell I will shout from
More Tiring Than A Monkey Knife Fight
Somewhere between headbutting God- in a completely noncompetitional and just drunken friendship way and a sandwich shift... I meant to tell everyone that I was okay. I love you miss. My dad's okay. Chipper as ever. In that quiet bean counter way of his. And I've got just enough time to get out of my clothes... and into bed. Rough day at the office. More to come. Thank Tim? Thank Ed. Did I mention though... between no lunch break, and my fourth solo-walk-in, that I really just wanted to call you? I missed the sound of your voice today- definitely didn't get my fix. But we'll live. We're tough like that. Grr - Flex - You know... because I do too.
More About Me
So many of you have asked me what I am looking for in a friend and in a relationship. Loyalty is the most important thing to me. As far as what I am looking for in a relationship is hard to answer in words. To me it's in how two people click. You don't necesarily have to be physically attracted to someone, you can talk to someone for years and have a mental attraction. What I mean by that is this. You can meet someone online and never had met them before develope feelings for them based on personality, and the things you have in common. When you finally do meet you already have feelings, that I think the anticipation makes you physically attracted to them already. Now sexually is a different story. You can have all the above and not be sexually attracted to them wich falls under physical also. So to me I want this: Honesty, loyalty, and the rest falls in place. I am not one to just sit around the house and do nothing. If the weather is nice, I have to be outside. I don't like to ha
More Goodies
More Updates
my son won a medal in the race he was in today my kindergarten baby is reading second grade level sorry im a proud mommy also im almost at the next level finally so can you all please help me get there? thanks so much
More Tidbits
*At one point I had no nose *I'm double jointed *Very clumsy *Toenails are usually pink *I can't feel my left knee *I've broken both my pinky's *Very shy *I've crashed a car that wasn't mine *Never owned a fake ID, but always got drinks :P *I love the rain, and thunder storms *Like to play card games *Not fond of shopping *Love to read, yes, Harry Potter, think of me what you will *Favorite Artist is Amy Brown *Musical obsession is currently a lady names Aslyn *love LOVE the movie Goonies *I've made 2 quilts *I play gameboy at work *Still play UNO *Kick ass in poker Thats all I can think of at the moment, please ask if you need me to elaborate
More On The Nba Rewarding Dirty Play
Not really a counter-point to Chumley's fine post yesterday on the NBA's decision to try and ruin Phoenix's chances in their series against the Spurs, but instead a slightly different musing. If the Spurs hadn't been allowed, via Bruce Bowen and the rest of the Spurs' cheap shot artistry, to get that series to that point in terms of chippiness with their dirty play, culminating in Robert Horry's cowardly mugging of Steve Nash, then maybe Stoudemire and Diaw don't take the apparent ill-fated three steps toward the mugging. Maybe if that series were officiated in a way that didn't allow the less-talented Spurs to mug the Suns in any way possible (clean AND groin-kicking, attempt to shred achilles dirty), we are not at this juncture. As it is, we are left with the impression that San Antonio can't hang with Phoenix except by doing the little (and bigger) dirty things, and the NBA is perfectly fine with that. It's a fine line between "hard" defense" and dirty "defense" and, as usual, th
More Foamy
Foamy speaks about Anerican Idle Click her to Listen
More Contest Fun!!!
**Couple with the highest number of 10's (pic ratings) also get two CT Platinum Cherries** Get your pic link and start sending it out to your friends!! HERE ARE YOUR COUPLES:
More Like Her
She's beautiful in her simple little way She don't have too much to say when she gets mad She understands she don't let go of anything Even when the pain gets really bad I guess I should have been more like that You had it all for a pretty little while And somehow you made me smile when i was sad You took a chance on a bruised and beaten heart And then you realized you wanted what you had I guess I should have been more like that I should have held onto my pride I should have never let you lie I guess you got what you deserve I guess I should have been more like her Forgiving you, well she's stronger than I am You don't look much like a man from where I'm at It's plain to see desperation showed its truth You love her as she loves you with all she has I guess I should have been more like that I should have held onto my pride I should have never let you lie I guess you got what you deserve I guess I should have been more like her She's beautiful in her
More Of The Same
Since I posted the previous blog Ive found these as well Theres the link if you wanna see the whole page. Theres only actually about 10 real pics in the mix. The rest he made up of kiddy porn.
10 More Days
i got 10 days till my bday yahoo im gonna be a gun 22 lol just kidden have a awesome day all mwah
More On Me...for Those Interested Of Course
About me. Not sure how much good this’ll do but I want to put it out there for people who are actually interested in who I am. The shit on my page is just an introduction obviously. This is more in depth. No, I don’t believe in god. I’m more interested in an older belief system. Call it what you will, I don’t care. Just don’t ever call me a Christian. There’s more at work in this universe than one supreme being. If anyone came along and said they were the son of god now we’d just throw them in the puzzle factory. (The loony bin for those who don’t know what I’m talking about.) Yes, I’m a musician, artist, and poet. No I don’t let just anyone see or hear what I do. I don’t need the attention to be complete. I do it for me. Now my opinion on the other hand, I’ll shout that shit from the rooftops, lol. Good friends are hard to come by. I’m desperately searching for someone who shares my views and passions. Why? Because being alone is okay most of the time but solitude isn’t always
More Jokes .... For Good Spirits
A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, "Can you tell me how long it'll take to fly from San Francisco to New York City?" The agent replies, "Just a minute..." "Thank you," the blonde says, and hangs up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get into heaven you had to walk up 100 stairs but on each stair god asks you a joke if you laugh you go to HELL. So the brunette gets to the 56th stair and bursts out laughing and gets sent to hell. Then red-head gets to the 97th stair and bursts out laughing and gets sent to hell. Then the blonde gets into heaven and bursts out laughing then god asked her "why are you laughing?" the blonde replied "I just got the first one!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two casino dealers are at the craps table when a cute blonde comes over and says, "I want to bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice. But, if you don't mind, I'd I feel
More Bad Luck
I'm sorry i havent been in contact lately but ive not been feeling well at all and Friday was not a good day either Ive just had some more blood tests the results came in on Friday my doc rings me up and says i need to see you asap as your thyroid is showing to be very wonky her words not mine I have an appointment on Monday. The last time I got a call like this i had canser as you can guess i am scared to death and not very happy. I wish all of you the best of health and i will let you all know the results as soon as i have them. Please keep your fingers crossed for me
More On Reparations
by Dr. William Pierce A subject we've discussed often enough on these broadcasts for many of you to be tired of hearing about it is the continuing -- make that the escalating -- Jewish effort to extort reparations from the rest of the world for claimed injuries done to Jews of past generations by Gentiles of past generations. I would drop the subject, except that every week Jewish leaders make new demands which surpass all previous bounds for greed and arrogance. You wouldn't believe the arrogance and pushiness of these Jews when they smell gold -- except that it's all documented, all in your daily newspaper for you to read. Therefore, this Great Jewish Gold-Hunt makes a wonderful educational tool for helping others to understand the nature of the Jews, and I cannot resist using it. You remember, this current gold-hunt began early last year, when Jewish leaders came up with the idea of expanding their claim for reparations from the 1930s and 1940s to include countri
2 More Busted On May 20, 2007
**DJ Devil Witch** AKA Adopt a soldier@ CherryTAP **DJ DEVIL WITCH**HOT COP ON THE JOB YOUR BUSTED!! NOW PULL OVER!! THESE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PULLED OVER!! In order to be BUSTED!! you need to have an awesome profile, kind and nice, very few (NSFW) photos, NO "FAN ME" on your profile, must have a SALUTE, and not a drama queen. (DO NOT MESSAGE ME!!!!!). If you fit this you will be placed in MY BLOG with your link, for people to add you. Also a BULLETIN will be posted daily about all the busted people. MEN AND WOMEN ♥ HeAtHeR ~ DiZzY's ~ WoOd ♥@ CherryTAP Ronnie *WildMan* - Bodyguard to all the CherryTap Ladies@ CherryTAP
More Of The Blonde ! Lol
A highway patrolman pulled up alongside a speeding car on the freeway. As the officer peered through the driver's window, he was astounded to find that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting. The trooper cranked down his window and yelled to the driver, "Pull over!" at the top of his lungs. "No!" the blonde yelled back, "Scarf!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A blonde and a brunette are driving down the highway in a convertible. The brunette knows that she's speeding so she asks the blonde if there's a cop behind them. The blonde looks behind her and sees a cop and tells the brunette. The brunette then asks if his he's got his lights on. The blonde replies "Yes...No...Yes...No...Yes...No" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A blonde went to a hair dresser's one day, listening to a walkman. The hair dresser asked her what she wanted, and the blonde replied, "I need to get my
More Divination, Please.
From right to left. Strength Eight of Pentacles The lovers Knight of Swords (flipped) *packs up his cards again* Very interesting. hmm? What does it MEAN? ...Well I can't just give away ALL the answers now can I? Incidentally- I assure you it is incidental- I have never had butter tea. But I am looking forward to trying it. And also- my favorite flower is chrysanthemum. Perhaps I'll grow some. *hums and stares off into space*
More Parental Supervision
Last night, in the midst of drinking bottles and bottles of wine, I was outside on the patio with a couple friends, having a smoke break. Much like my mother pretends that I don't have sex, she also likes to pretend that I don't smoke. She stepped outside during this smoke break, watched me take a drag of my cigarette, and gave me a fake-horror look. I, being a thoughtful smoker, offered her a cigarette. She gave me another indignant look. She pondered it for a moment (she hasn't smoked since I was born, or at least that's what I choose to believe), but then refused. And that was it. Some fake horror, a condemning "You're SMOKING?!?" and she got over it. I wonder if the same would happen if she walked in on me having sex. I hope not to find out. Sound travels well in my house, so in an effort not to disturb my parents, I've been hanging out downstairs late at night. And, last night, after a long day of celebrating, I found myself on my couch, pants-less, my face bu
More Random Usless Facts
PROOF THAT THE WORLD IS NUTS! In Lebanon , men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death. (Like THAT makes sense.) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* In Bahrain , a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror. (Do they look diffe rent reversed?) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers. The sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times. (A brick?) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation. (Much worse than "going blind!") *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege
More Things To Ponder ....
When exactly is Hammertime? What are you supposed to go figure? Would working out help a road with soft shoulders? If a road has no shoulders, how does it keep its arms on? If a bunny is so quick, why do so many get run over by cars? Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
More Music Clips Added...
Howdy all. I updated my video stash. Check it out, rate and leave comments if you like them. I still have a few more pages to upload so stay tuned. PEACE!
More Random Pomes Unttitled
Here I am sitting in another chat room geting attacked by bots and pervs, Why can't a goth like me find some one willing to talk and not want to fuck, Is it possible to find some one on the net that is decent and caring is it possible to find some that you cant talk to and relate to, Or am I just a poet dreaming of lost ways, Dreaming the impossible dream..... your mind race's like a train, And spring brings the rain, Summer theres nothing but the drought, While your head is filled with doubt, Lied too, And a heart broken in two, Love is said to be blind, But all in all there is only time.
More Poetry.
Of The Night: I am of the night; as the night is of me; Darkness Covers me ; Peacefull,Quite, relaxing and ever so calming; Looking into the night ky and be moved; Hear the words that floast on the night's wings; Feel the extasy of the darkness; Know that I am with you every night and every day; If you ever need just close your eyes's and know I am there; I will alsways be there because I love you more than any one; In your dreams I await you; In my dreams you are there; For you have given me hope ,love and somthing I had given up on; So know when I say I love you , you are the one I love; For I will love you to death... ______________________________________________________________________ How do I tell you; How do i show you how much you meen to me; How do I find the way's to show you for you to see; How can I fight these erges from when we are alone; Wanting to do what ever you want (almost) to show you what you meen to me; Wanting to tell you I love you as
1 More
Lonely DayAdd to My Profile | More Videos
More Pics - Horror And Sexy Pics
We've got more private pics for friends and Cherry Tap family! We've got more horror pics up as well. We need the pic rates! My wife loves the comments, keep them coming and thanks for those who have been so kind. I always repay the favor and rate daily until I'm maxed out to the limit! Hope to hear from you soon, Mark and Lina
More Rants And Raves
play the video while reading ok peopl wtf is wrong with the human population we are to eased to point our own blame and fualts on other people its like wtf why cant we all go *yeah i fucked up yeah its my responsibilty and i will fix it* noooooooooo we ease to point it off to the next guy or girl or we ease to easly to seek out conflict to make ourselfs seem better then what we truly are it seems to me the human race is a smarter form of parasite for we know how to fix things but we keep fucking shit up worst hence voting *W* bush into office twice i bet the intire bush family right now is feeling like a bunch of idiots for it seeing with good ole W bush hes making the intire bush family seem like a bunch of war hungry know nothing tards but i wont insult tards because i know some tards that could run things better then bush so please oh fucking please can we the human population step out of the the seaspol we call life and grow the fuck up
2 More Downraters And Haters
Oh and this is another downrater!!! Come someone stop them they are inbreeding!!!! shawty@ CherryTAP And dumbass doesnt even have a pic!!! thanks for the 4 prick!!! Maybe your mother and father shouldnt have been siblings!! Oh since you are from Texas I guess we shouldnt be surprised! tnredneck@ CherryTAP OK this is for those people who dont get it. this isnt about points. it is about the mean spirited petty ass bullshit! if you come to my page UNVITED and started rating my shit 1s and shit without even knowing who I am. Well that is what I call childish and sheer stupidity!! So if you dont like my shit then DONT FUCKING LOOK you fucking MORON!!! christ it is that easy!!!Stupid Fucknuts amazed me!!! QUIT INBREEDING!!!
More Adult Questions
1. Is sex best morning, afternoon or night? It's best whenever I can get it. 2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? In the Middle 3. Pork, Beef, or Chicken? Beef 4. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? Yes 5. What leg do you put in pants first when pulling them up? Left 6. Candles or Incense? Both 7. Do you dance when no one is watching? Yes 8. Did you play doctor when you were little? Yes 9. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? No, but I've been offered money to put them back on. 10. Stove top cooking or microwave? Stove top I'm a good cook. 11. Would you rather your car or your house be dirty? Both 12. Shower or bath? Bath but i take mostly showers. I'm to tall for most tubs 13. Do you pee in the shower? No 15. Mexican or Chinese food? Chinese 16. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Depends on how I feel so i would have to say Both 17. Do you love someone on
10 More Things I Hate About You
1. I hate the way you make me smile 2. I hate looking at the phone and not knowing the number to dial. 3. I hate knowing the smell of your hair 4. I hate knowing that you care. 5. I hate the way you talk to me 6. I hate the way you let me be. 7. I hate the way this all rhymes 8. I hate that I feel like I am wasting your time 9. I hate the way I love you so 10. I hate not knowing if our love will grow But most of all I hate me. For not being all the man I should be. I hate that I feel so much for you and wonder if you really feel it too. I hate that I care so much that I think of you night and day waiting for a call just to hear you say. Hello and I love ya Ray. I hate feeling so alone in a world full of people. I hate to have to wait to see you some day and wondering if the hate will ever go away. I hate not knowing, I hate knowing when, I hate all this hate dripping from my pen. For someone special you are to me, someone special I want to see.
3 More Days To Re-coop
We are back from our 3 day trip to Indianapolis, arriving home around 1 a.m. Tues. morning. Now, after spending the past 3 days helping my mother in law unpack from moving, and the total of about 14 hrs. on the road, I feel like I need 3 more days just to re-coop. lol Making that trip absolutely wears me out. But, here it is, Tues. and I have to leave for work in the next hour, and sure aren't looking forward to it. I really wish I could just stay in this house all day and do nothing. I know Lee has it worse than I do...he'll put in 10 hr. day today, unlike me, and I know he could sure use another 3 days to re-coop from the trip. We got a late start on Friday night, and it was about 5 am Saturday before we even got into Indy. Then when you sleep 1/2 the day away, trying to catch up from lack of sleep the night before, you don't seem to get much accomplished. Our sunday was cut short too, being able to unpack, since we went and attended a family "race party" that is held eve
More Pics
I am working on adding more pics to CT.. Just give me a few days. I might even put up some nude ones too.
**more Projekt Revolution Dates Announced**
Two more dates have been added to the Projekt Revolution tour! The Auburn, WA show at the White River Amphitheatre will be on July 25 and the Chula Vista, CA show at the Coors Amphitheatre will be on July 31.
More Bullshit In Colorado
well wife had to get house insurance for the trailor in colorado but who the hell knows y because we have insurance here in pittsburgh that i thaught was going to be transfer out there but what else is new more fukked up shit again.i'll be broke before i make it out there.
More For Us Guys
Two Girls Kissing Compilation - Watch more free videos
More ?'s
1. What made you happy this weekend? seeing my g-pa 2. Who's car were you in last? well besides mine today..dads 3. When is the last time you cried? couple nights ago 4. What is your favorite color? pink and orange 5. How long is your hair? about shoulder length 7. What's on your mind right now? certain someone :) 8. Last movie you watched? stand by me 9. Last thing you ate? eggs and bacon 10. Last thing you drank? milk 11. Where did you sleep last night? in my bed 12.Are you happy right now? of course 13. What did you say last? goodnight 14. Where is your phone? right here 17. What color are your eyes? dark brown 18. Who came over last? jana and lyndsey 19. Why did your last relationship end? i ended it because it needed to be ended before shit got outt ahand 20. Who/what do you hate/dislike currently? liars, bad drivers, thats it for now 21. What are you listening to? mariah carey 22. What is your weapon of choic
More! I see myself holding you close to me, Squeezing your body tight. But for all I see as I daydream- I know I'll get tenfold tonight. Running my palms across your breast, As you tremble and bite your lip. Feeling your hands upon my chest, The softness of each fingertip. Tasting your neck so sweet, so soft, And slowly lowering my kiss. Over pert nipples, across your navel, And finally into pure bliss. Looking upon your face from below- As you tilt back your head. Feeling your fountains begin to flow- As you ease back on the bed. Your 'innocent little devil' look- Crying insatiably with the sensation. Lip to lip lapping up every drip- From the well of your creation. The way you pull me up by the hair- To the heat of your mouth, on fire. No other thoughts, no other cares, Just the quenching of mad desire. Riding the tide of passion, Pushing my love into you. On the waves of your emotion- In slow motion, so sweet and true. Pulse pounding
More Colorado Bullshit Aaaaaaaaa.
well things were looking up for the move but now r uncle cant move us till mid june because his father in law is going for surgery.wife found out now wants me to get moving company for r shit.once again my thaughts...this move is going to fucking kill me once and for alllllllllllll.
More Fucktards
Re: you and gabe have new tags in my elite family folder Show header Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 20:44:30 -0700 From: To: Reply-To: Size: 3 KB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not trying to be your mom, and i am not into all this fucking drama shit like your gabe and fat sonny. so you do as you please. he got pissed because i busted his chops about the drama retarded kiddy bulletins he was posting. thats part of my Elite duties. and i told him he can keep his drama queen for a friend, and i will keep my pot head aka bendover for a friend. waaa waaa waaaa i aint cryin over the stupid shit. look who blocked who. now you are both blocked. leave me alone and i wont mail you any more. On 6/1/2007, wrote: >As far as i now im 21 not 2 and i can make my own decisions i dont have anyone make my decisions for me. I was never told
More About The New At&t
Okay, well today I was on the phones at work like I am all of the time and my last call just happened to be a customer inquiring about a new deal Cingular Wireless, the new AT& promoting. The sad thing is that it is going on till the end of October though. I guess we are offering the new 99.99 unlimited talking plan for both consumer and business accounts. I certainly hope that this will boost the sales at least. Its going to be fun stuff I guess. And then we are offering 19.99 for unlimited texting too.
More To Read
Honesty is something I value and something that really helps inspire trust and build credibility in a relationship. If you really know me, you know by now that it is better to beg for forgiveness now and be honest than later. If you want any type of relationship with me and to be in my life, honesty is the thread that will hold it together and allow us to both grow. Bottom line, you need to be honest with yourself before you can have a relationship with someone else!!!!!!! You can't be "secretly" honest. Being "honest with yourself" is simply not separable from being honest with another. A person who says, "I was honest with myself, but decided not to tell..." is just another miserable liar and will have to suffer the consequences. Sharing honestly, with others present, is the way we can have an authentic relationship with another person Ask yourself, is it possible to be completely honest without hurting a person's feelings? Ummm, prob not. If you are in an ongoing relations
More Crazy Thoughts
Why are dandelions considered weeds when daisies are considered flowers? Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? Whenever an adult is kidnapped why isn't it called adultnapped?? Why do blacklights look purple? Did Yankee Doodle name the feather, hat, town, or his pony Macaroni? Why is it that people duck in the rain, do they really think the rain won't hit them? How come the Bible is the most stolen book, and one of the ten comandments is "thou shall not steal"? Why isn't the caps lock capitalized? If there's a hole straight through the earth, from the south pole to the north pole, and you jump through it what would happen? would you keep falling forever, or fall back down when you get to the middle, or is it physically impossible? If someone with a nostril ring takes it out, then blows their nose, do they have to cover that hole as well as their nostril holes so that snot does'nt blow out everywere? Isn't it weird that if you rearange the word "teacher" you get
More Contests...
Hey, to all of my friends and kids are going to be seen in two other contests starting tomarrow. Or supposedly going to be starting, once the creator of the contest gets like two more enteries for the contests. Jake will be in the "Best kid on CT contest" and both my kids, Jake and sammy, and my niece, Cortney will be in the "best children on CT contest".... Here is the link to the blog if u want to check it out. Best kids on CT: Best Children on CT:
More On Peter Britt's Book. Will Be Out Soon!
I thought it would be a great idea to offer friends & fans the opportunity to get their names in my book on a special dedication page. Please red below as to "how" to pre-order and, to read some samples. Peter Britt; Country/rock recording artist-Singer/songwriter/musician-Twice published author, poetry and now his soon to be best selling book "All That I Am, I Think!" And, his soon to be submitted and published second book, "The Devistation" To pre-order the book is $35.00 to have your name in the book. You will also receive an autographed copy for that. No extra shipping is required. Pre-order the book and have your name in it alongside those who have made a differernce in Peter Britt's climbing music career. Click the banner to join the street team. Click the paypal link below to Order the book. Click here to pre-order All That I Am, I Think! Below is a preview of chapter Five (Passion) and chapter Twelve (Rights & Wrongs) of All That I Am, I Think! This preview will also be
More Shit To Happen In My Damn Life..
Well here is an update of what is going on.. A month passed when grandma died and now on saturday my great grandpa died of a heart attack.. This is bull shit why does this shit happen to me in my damn life.. I am just hanging in there yeah I did got it out of my damn system and I do feel a little better.. Well I will keep you all an update on me ok.. Virgo24
More Violence
Robert J. Klein , 28, of 724 Meadow in Rockdale, was arrested by Rockdale police and booked into the county jail Sunday on a charge of aggravated battery to a handicapped person. **As printed in the Joliet Herald News on June 4, 2007 The handicapped person was my son Joey. He is alright and was not injured. My son was at a Pig Roast, at a table, eating food with his female friend. This man walks up and inappropriately touches my son's friend. My son tells him to take his hands off of her and then this man attacks my son. Would someone please tell me what this world is coming to when a grown-ass man attacks a 17 year old handicapped kid in a fucking wheelchair? ~~Spanky~~ :(
2 More Days
Man,, it's unbelievable that in 2 days I will have the kids all day long, which is gonna be a huge hand full. Am so use to just Summer being with me but now the two boys (WOW) It just seems like they went back to school an now their gonna be out untill August 22ND.. May not have to much time on here so if ya'll don't see me around you'll know why...
More On Mumms
I have come to the conclusion that the many of the current mummers are not only intellectually deficient, but are psychopathic. We do live in a wonderful nation, don't we?
More Conan Favs
Analogies! WAY too funny! Lindsay Lohan 2005: (is to) I'm a box office smash! as Lindsay Lohan 2007: (is to) I smashed into a box office!
More Of Kays Blogs
This blog is about being punished last Thursday night. After doing more reading we both learned that a hard, fast spanking was probably not the best way to go. I appreciate that because although hard and fast is painful I think it defeats the point. The point is to be submissive to you. If I am overwhelmed by the fact that my ass is burning by a heavy hail of blows then I will not be able to be submissive. Instinct will kick in and then everything I'm learning goes out the window. Although I don't like the fact that I'm being punished, I appreciated the fact that you started slow and warmed things up first. Although I don't think any of the swats were that hard they did become painful. After 30 minutes of being on the receiving end of having swat after swat hit the same spots over and over, it got very painful. I felt it the next day too, all day, and I still feel it. During the spanking I was able to lay over your lap in a submissive manner. Although you eventually brou
More Than Cooking Going On
The day was hotter and more humid than I had ever felt before. The heat index was over 100 degrees.There was something strange in the air, but I didn't know what. A feeling of something different. Having a day off finally, I decided not to put on my usual jeans and blouse. Instead I grabbed one of his muscle shirts and and my panties. No-one was home so I could be comfortable. I decided that I would do something I hadn't in a while. I would cook a nice dinner for him. It had been some time since I had done this because of our work schedules. We were so busy all the time that we would just pick up something at a resteraunt. So after running around and cleaning what little needed to be cleaned, I headed for the kitchen. I took steaks out of the freezer to thaw. I had to make sure I had enough broccoli. No meal was complete without it to him.Having done all this i decided to take a quick nap. Waking to the heat of the day was not my idea of fun. And cooking in the kitchen on a day l
..more Like Pervspot..
Perfspot.. OMG I JUST JOINED and already have 50 guys begging to cam. :o
2 More Of The Greatest Movie Scenes
More On Me.
I enjoy expanding my horizons. I can be easy to get along with or very hard to put up with. Personally, I'd have to recommend never screwing with me, EVER. I may not always come off as a really nice person, but I AM. If you are truly my friend and I care for you in any way, I would break my back to give the world for you. However, I will be the most evil bitch ever if you purposefully screw me over. I can make life hell for people. Don't AT ALL think I am a slut, I just have a terrible mouth and I'm a touch perverted SOMETIMES. I do not pass the goodies out like Halloween candy to just anyone. If I would actually act out everything I talk about and say to people, then you could call me a slut. I get annoyed easily. In the past, I used to get attached too quickly, yet lately I tend to let go very fast. I'm weird, and people tell me that alot. I can get pretty paranoid, and my true friends that know me well will say that I'm (slightly) neurotic. I am hard to follow in a conversat
More Gibberish
The only sign upon her face that anything was happening were the tears streaming from her eyes. Blow by blow the spikes sunk deeper then through her flesh. The weight pressing down as she tried to stand upon the spike through her feet, was a sudden shock. As they pile the wood and kinling around her his eyes never left hers. He was in pure denial as they lit the pile beneath her. He never thought it would go this far. Yet she won't call it off what is left to be done? Finally he has to turn for a moment as the heat over takes him. He begs with her, "Please, stop this, it has gone too far!" She shakes her head and tries to smile. Suddenly the sky breaks forth with rain and lightening. The crowd knows they have done wrong and the gods are not pleased. Their granddaughter should have never been touched. The crowd disperses as he gently brings her to the ground. The fire smolders around them as he tries to pull the spikes from her flesh. He realizes he does not h
More Randomness
How tall are you barefoot? 5' 2 3/4" lol Do you own a gun? no i don't Rehab? no thanks Do you get nervous before “meeting the parents”? no not at all What do you think of your friends? love 'em What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water Do you do push-ups? sometimes Are you vegitarian? somewhat What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? thats for me to know ;) Do you own a knife? no Do you have A.D.D.? not that im aware of... Date Of Birth? 05/07/87 Name the last exact thing you bought? pop What time did you wake up today? 11:30 Current worry? lots Current hate? nothing in general Favorite place to be? anywhere in colorado Where would you like to go? Longmont Do you own slippers? somewhere What do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs? hopefully happily married with a couple of wee COlorado Do you burn or tan? tan Last thing you ate? toast Woul
More Pics Coming Soon
just wanted to let yall know new pics are coming soon of my newest peircing
More News
Space shuttle launch was a 'hit'! Picture perfect! 118th flight, 21st to the space station...way cool!
More Blather
So I completed my guitar I was making. It looks beautiful. I named her victoria, got the ody dow for my warlock guitar. Starting to get used to this site now. I like it. Will stay. Oh yeah, it is now 12:03 on Saturday morning. My birthday is today.
More Feelings
My heart is broken Because of words spoken My heart is broken The tears have woken They're here to stay Because of words spoken They won't go away I'm caught in this curse They're here to stay A heartbroken verse Pours from my soul I'm caught in this curse I'm no longer whole Everything I knew Pours from my soul I thought it was true Everything I knew My heart is broken My heart is broken
More Sizzlin' Hot Anime
More Stuff Written In College. . .
A long time ago, I learned that it is much easier to create the thing you pine for, than to wait for it to find you. Wasn’t that a sort of eighties maxim: See what you want, then take it? Mine’s a tad different: see what you want, then make it. You see where this is going. In a “Personals” add, I’m hot stuff: Fun-loving blonde with blue eyes, funny, smart, talentlessly artistic, a little zany and not looking for any sort of up-front commitment. Then the reality kicks in: the “artistic” turns out to be an all-out obsession few can tolerate and the “zany” can at times be less than fun. Even as the kind of girl who I thought might pass for desirable on the written page, I seem to only attract ne’er-do-wells and creeps. I discovered this in my brief foray into the world of the “Personals” with my post on The Onion’s website--- not one of my better moments, I’ll admit. In fact, some would call
More Fiction.
Resolutions He hadn’t changed at all. Five years ago, Michael Hayes McAllister could have been the paradigm that all stereotypical geeky guys were judged by, suspended indefinitely in those Fred Savage-like awkward years, charmingly bohemian while at the same time precociously intelligent, obsessed with video-games, hacking into unsuspecting victims’ computers, the truth, damning the man and saving the empire, the kind of guy that would never get a girl like Janie Mitchell. She smirked, narrowing an impossibly dark blue gaze—one that way too many nights of overindulgence in jager bombs and jack and cokes had compelled Michael to confess reminded him of a midnight sky, but without the comforting sparkle of stars, just cold and dark. In that typical tail-wagging desire to please, he had meant it in a dreamy, romantic way, but somehow she always knew it was a true assessment of her character. As he picked his way though the white folding chairs that filled the ba
" More Than You'll Ever Know"
If I told you I loved you, it's cause I do... If I said that I missed you, it must be true... If I try too hard, it's cause I like you... If I seem upset, it's cause I don't wanna lose you... If I'm quiet, it's cause I think you might be mad.. If I hurt you, I really didn't mean too... My feelings are my own, but I am trying to share... just know i always want you to be there... If I seem somewhat distant,I might need to talk... But if I seem fed up, I probably tried enough... But when it comes down to you and me, Just know that I say what I mean and mean what I say... But I would never do anything to hurt you in  anyway... My love is strong and I know it's deep... So please be gentle, never cruel, and if you don't want me ...just let me i can turn around and go....always remember You are forever in my heart, there will always be a place for you,in my life..... Anytime,anywhere ,whenever you need me i'll be there... So remember no matter what'll be my best friend... T
More On My Short Stories...
Given the response on my last blog, the short story entitled "The Storm", I'm thinking of giving you, my faithful blog readers, a treat, and allowing you to see the creative process in action. My last blog was nothing more than just a random outpouring of a new story, which evolved as I wrote it. The more I re-read it, the more I want to clean it up, add additional character development, smooth out a few parts, and generally make it more engaging. I'm thinking that I'll take the raw material from my last blog, and use that as a glimpse into the writing process, posting each new revision in a new blog, so that you, my readers, may follow the evolution of the story, and see the real writing process in action. Additionally, I think I may start adapting some of my short film screenplays into short story form, and posting some of them here as well. I have a ton of short stories that deserve to get exposure, and where better to start than on a social networking site such as this?
More On Unconditional Love.
On my blog You Choose To Have Insecurities ~DK~@ CherryTAP wrote the following comment "I got a kick out of "the women who earned the right to have sex with you"!! That in itself has "conditions". Whats with all the speak of unconditional love? Let me go check out another blog entry and see what wisdom you have for the masses. Create a great day!" ........................ ~DK~, You say you got a kick out of me saying that women earn the privilege to have sex with me and that is is conditional, but you think that is not unconditional love. Everyone has to have standards and conditions otherwise you end up with someone that you aren't compatible with. If a woman doesn't meet my standards, I won't have sex with her. I won't date someone that I'm not sexually attracted to, that can't hold a conversation, acts aloof or bitchy, doesn't communicate with me or that insists on arguing a lot. Since I only date bisexual women and I refuse to date straight women, I won't have sex with a
Morenas Esperanza
More New Pics
I have new pics up in a whole new album so please stop by rate and commit and ty to all who have so far :-) ~Danielle~
10 More Joints.....for People Who Enjoy Hiphop And Other Good Music.
welcome to the next installment of joints you should be bumpin.. 1.Doin It--Thes1 & Rashaan Ahmad 2.Vallejo--Headnodic 3.Fight Here--The Procussions(ft.afrobots,ahmad of 4th ave. jones,dj vajra) 4.Not Impressed--Molemen(ft. Qwel) 5.Raw Esoteric--Qwazaar(TypicalCats) 6.LeftField--SwollenMembers(ft.Del,Unicron) 7.Galleries(the album)--Visionaries 8.Wonder Years--WildChild 9.Read My Lips(the whole coast2coast album)--The Alkaholiks 10.Bracket Basher--AesopRock
More News On Peter Britt's Book
Just wanted to let everyone know that the publisher told me they will have the cover gally to me tomorrow probably. As soon as I get it, I will be posting it here for everyone to see what the book will look like along with the new paypal links to get the book. I am VERY excited I must admit. My book goes to print on Monday and will be available in no time at all. So watch for a blog about the cover and how to get the book. Will let everyone know of course. I also wanted to thank ALL my wonderful friends here for your ratings, comments and support, most importantly, your friendship. Very happy to have many wonderful new friends. :) Peter Britt
More Black Bike Week Nice Ones Sexy Ones
More From The Player Lol
go show this ass the luv he so desreves peeps lol banned@ CherryTAP >On 6/12/2007, wrote: > >>I ended it maria tonight also...I dont want and need drama in my life...I had you really think I am a player >>>> Re: hey Show header Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:04:43 -0700 From: To: Reply-To: Size: 5 KB my family does not talk to me we had a falling out about 4 yrs ago...long story I grew up an abused kid physical and emotional abuse really bad...I went for counselling about 10 yrs ago to get family is super rich but they wont help me..if I doint have the money by the end of the month I going to lose my car which is worth about 5, really sucks >>>>> Re: hey Show header Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:08:04 -0700 From: To: Reply-To: Size: 6 KB but I definitely would pay you back...I would never burn anyone for money...see the owner of the repair place has o
More Pics
i uploaded more pics take a look and leave some luv...thanks everyone!! ~Danielle~
More Than Words Can Explain
It's a blessing That I don't deserve To be with the greatest Guy in the world It's been fun Being your friend But all this time I wish we were more Then back then The smiles that you brought Upon my face Was never matched By anyone so great I hold out my arms Just to feel you there To know that You always care I can feel it Deep in my heart And I know you've felt it Right from the start The closest friends To the very end The times That were apart Seems like years Begin to dart The times we've had Goofing around Will replace all the times I was ever mad I can't remember that awful fight Or the days and nights We spent close to fright Of losing what I loved so much A friend whom I wanted To be so much more He's the only guy Who can lift my spirits With his random jokes And peculiar faces But don't be fooled by whats outside He has a heart of gold On the inside I love him dearly For everything he is And I wont change that Because love is
More Ee...
(for "chas") All in green my love went riding by: e.e. cummings All in green went my love riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn. four lean hounds crouched low and smiling the merry deer ran before. Fleeter be they than dappled dreams the swift sweet deer the red rare deer. Horn at hip went my love riding riding the echo down into the silver dawn. four lean hounds crouched low and smiling the level meadows ran before. Softer be they than slippered sleep the lean lithe deer the fleet flown deer. Four fleet does at a gold valley the famished arrows sang before. Bow at belt went my love riding riding the mountain down into the silver dawn. four lean hounds crouched low and smiling the sheer peaks ran before. Paler be they than daunting death the sleek slim deer the tall tense deer. Four tall stags at a green mountain the lucky hunter sang before. All in green went my love riding on a great horse of go
More Quotes
Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Pure love is the willingness to give, without a thought of receiving anything in return. Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful. Most of the time it's both. I wanna be the girl he's scared to lose, the one where he can't walk away from knowing she's mad at him. The one who can't fall asleep without her voice being the last one he hears, and the one he can't be without. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. The best things in life are unseen, that's why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream. Nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets. Because at one poing everything you did was exactly what you
More Poems
HERE ARE SOME MORE POEMS My heart aches when I talk to you My heart aches when I don’t hear from you My heart aches when I long for you I don’t know why You’ve taken over my thoughts I can’t explain You’re still a stranger Far away I want you close by I miss your embrace Holding you close My heart aches I miss you! silhouettes dance within my heart casting omnipresent shadows of you and yet there remains an echo an eerie silence of loneliness deafened by dreaded emptiness in a place you once tread those boyhood memories remain absence the fondness you shared the gentleness of your touch supported by words of compassion always teaching, reaching no longer can I feel you though I see you daily from visions of the past my soul aches to know how long does death last.... I miss you it hurts to think of everything we went through I wish you could see my heart I hate that we're apart I cry for your touch Baby i miss y
2 More Days To Go To Meeting A Lady From Cherrytap!!!
WoW I was very nervous to meeting that lady! I never had any girlfriend for about 12 to 13 years! I just keepin packing little more clothes and bring 30 DVD and few games! her kids have own game box so i bring some and extra joystick! My parents just hopeful that we will work out maybe we will getting marry or NOT? Wait ~N~ See in few days??? I will taking more pics of us in kissing or hugging in this Pics!!! BUT Don't getting MAD or JEALOUSY!!! OK !!!!! I never seen any lady offered me to meeting her but I always saying her YES I will go!!!! Thanks Mike (Buddy Christ!)
More Pills
Every day it becomes harder, So less and less I try. You may think I'm giving up. But secretly inside I die. The pain is overbearing. I guess it's easy to see, How fake this smile is that I'm wearing. All I do is frown. Never do I smile. I am always down. I just want to be happy. And laugh like I did before. I want this sadness to leave. But it keeps coming back for more. It eats away at my soul. Until there is nothing left. I'm almost completely gone, No longer whole. I'm trying to get out. Out of this hole I'm in. But the harder I try, And the more pills I take. The less real it gets. And the more and more it becomes fake.
More Troops Stuff
It may take you two minutes to read this, but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. ____________________________________________________ You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. ____________________________________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. ____________________________________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. ____________________________________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. ____________________________________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. ______________________________________________
More Elusive Than The Chupacabra!!!!!!!
Last night as I'm driving home I could almost swear I spotted the bff pulling into a gas station on the main road by my house. But since, i OF COURSE, was doing about 60 on a residential road was going to damn fast to stop and see if it was actually him. This is getting to be ridiculous now.
More About The Story
Below is Kristy's original bulletin posted shortly after the incident. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello everyone... I write you this message in grief in faith. My son Kaleb was rushed by ambulance to the emergency room on Wed. after we picked him up from the babysitters house. At UCH they determined that Kaleb had a SubDural Hematoma (His brain is bleeding). He then was Bayflighted (helicopter) to Tampa General Hospitals Pediatric Intensive Care Unit on a Trauma Alert. Doctors determined that Kaleb was shaken while at the homecare he goes to. He is suffering from Shaking Baby Syndrome. When we first arrived at the hospital they put a pressure gage into his head to moniter the Intercranial Pressure (The pressure that the brain is under due to swelling and Bleeding). He wasn't doing too well all day yesterday, his pressure in his head was ranging between 29-40 and the normal pressure is between 5-20. So doctors decided that the best thing to do was to put a tube into
More To Come..
my 1st ever poem back in 2002...
More Meaningless Stuff ...
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel, stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, sometimes we just have to go with it, whatever happens, happens.
More News On The Death Off Wwe Superstar Chris Benoit
According to several sources, Chris Benoit's last known contact with World Wrestling Entertainment was this past Saturday, when he informed the company he was flying home from Texas due to an illness in the family. The wrestling community has begun to post messages of condolences in the passing of Chris Benoit and his family. TNA Wrestling posted the following message on their website, TNA MOURNS THE LOSS OF CHRIS BENOIT Everyone in the TNA family joins the entire wrestling world in mourning the untimely passing of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel. Many TNA staff and stars worked closely with Chris throughout his career and we are all shocked and saddened to lose a friend and legendary competitor. Benoit was considered a consummate professional both in and out of the ring. As details develop, those who knew and admired Chris are shocked and saddened to hear of he and his family's untimely passing. Please keep Chris and the Be
More Than A Heart Can Handle...
sometimes I dont see how people can have a life and end it.. a guy from work committed suicide and I just cannot believe he did it.. he seemed okay.. I talked to him the day he did it... its messed up.. I can remember a time after my daughter passed away that I couldnt keep in touch with reality, and I could never bring myself to think thoughts of ending my life... I read about that wrestler that was murdered and about the 9 month pregnant mom killed in ohio.. why are people so VAIN and hateful and wanna hurt each other for? I dont know... people need help thats all I know.. I have been TRAVELING for work.. to springfield ky to audit parts... I like it.. its just a temporary thing though.. my birthday is next month... watch everyone forget...
More Stuff ..
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? I dunno was someone stalking me as i put my kids to bed? Have you ever punched a tree? yeah my temper got the best of me once Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it? not if you dont work for it Do you have a sixth sense Not that I know of Do you watch a lot of tv? yep lots of hockey Have you tried ecstacy? yeah bad idea Kill or Be killed? depends are they threatening my kids cuz htem mofos are history if they are Break someones heart or have your heart broken? Usually I am getting my heart broken Never sleep or Never eat? never sleep Wh o was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? No Comment, it will get me in trouble Would you ever get a tattoo? already have a few Who was the last person you had a dream about? Some hot guy Are you a morning person or a night person? night, i guess What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? oh i
The More
i need to get to the next level so i can down load more pictures :)wink lol you all are awsome muahhhh
The More
i need to get to the next level so i can down load more pictures :)wink lol you all are awsome muahhhh
More Of Wwe Info On Benoit Story learned from an interview conducted Tuesday by Vancouver’s News1130 that Chris Benoit’s son Daniel possibly suffered from Fragile X Syndrome, a genetically passed-on condition that results in impairments ranging from physical and learning disabilities, to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities. In the interview with News1130, Pam Winthrope, whose own 12-year-old son suffers from Fragile X Syndrome, recounted how she and her husband talked to Benoit about the condition five years ago. “We talked to him because I was trying to set up a support group in B.C. and in Canada; we only have a couple of them,” she said. “My husband was struggling when we got diagnosed with our son, and Chris was struggling with his. They talked for a few minutes, and then he said he didn’t want to be a public face for Fragile X. He just wanted to keep it really, really quiet.” A source close to Benoit recalls similar conversations with him, where he described his son’s condition as
More About Me....
I grew up in hill country in a little town just west of Ft Worth Texas, I live in the area still to this day. I love it here. My parents have farmland.. so yes, I grew up on a farm. A few acres, we had cows and chickens, and horses. A garden down in the valley. And in the very back we had a stock pond. Around the stock pond were the better half of three dozen trees, huge trees. On the northwest end, was the biggest tree of all of them. It towered at least twenty feet higher than the rest. Still to this day, that is my favorite tree. I would sit under that tree for hours, just watching things. I would watch the wind make ripples in the water of the pond. I would watch the fish jump up to catch the lil critters that flew down for a drink. I would watch our horses and cows come there to quench thier thirst. Most of the time they never knew I was there, watching, solemnly, quietly. Wondering if they had thoughts. I would take a book on occasion and just sit there and read often times.
More Stuff
Another day full of stuff on my mind. I applied for another job which I hope I get. The only bad thing is the job will move me farther away from my family and friends. I am pretty sure the job is worth it though. The good thing is it is a permenant position so I might be able to get a pet, which would be really nice. The other bad thing is moving again all by myself. My birthday is in exactly 32 days which is making me feel kind of old. Unlike my sisters I don't have kids or a man to lean on. On the other hand I have decided I work to damn much. Speaking of work time to go back, so I guess thats enough shit for today.
More On Gypsy (june 28th)
Just thought I'd tell you the latest about Gypsy, I got this from Renate earlier today: Gidday All Here is an update on this long-winded saga of my recently diagnosed, pancreatic cancer Am trying to answer every e-mail each 'letter' well wishes ...A Candle has been lit in my honour and I have to say....I am very deeply touched I started on my Chemo blast on Thursday... The next one is due this coming Friday.... The every Friday for 9 weeks... The a double whammy of a mixture of Chemo & Radio therapies for 3 weeks.... Followed by just radio for another 3 weeks... The entire process takes around 15 wks after which I get to have a 3 week break... Holidays.... Whooooo-Hooooooo... Lmaooooo... Then if the following CAT scan proves that the regime` is doing it's job....I get to start the while 15 week course allllll over again.. I have also done the organ donation thing so that my kids wont be asked that when the time arrives... I'm not being a pessamist... But I am being
More People In Here Eat Alot Of This I Bet
More People In Here Eat Alot Of This I Bet
More About Me
Ok here goes well I am a mother of two wonderful but sometimes aggrevating children whom I love with all my heart. I have been married to the same wonderful man for 9 yrs come this december whom is also the father of our wonderful children. Yes Happily Married though we do have our problems but it wouldn't be marriage otherwise. I am 5'7 165 lbs brown eyes brown hair big ghetto booty and big tits thanks to hubby lol i swear he's miracle grow for them. At the moment we live in North Carolina ( me and the kids that is) and he is in Georgia. I am a very outgoing person tries to make friends with everybody but don't take my friendliness as a welcome mat do me wrong and there will be hell to pay trust me. The saying goes I don't get mad I get even well I get both because I am a vidictive bitch and trust me i mean that in all of its essence I am a bitch. Well thats bout it other than I love to sing play pool and go swimming oh and I dable in poetry and writing erotic stories.
More Poetry
A Moment With My Wife… The bedside lamp stood on the floor, your dress draped over it’s shade. The room was gilded with its muted glow; Every color touched with yellow; you are sometimes golden; sometimes tallow. The wrinkles of the sheet beneath us zigzagged out into a continued chaos of wrinkles, clothing and limbs. The windows were dark after the glorious setting of the sun, and gingerly I knelt over you. You licked at my perineum and gently drew the length of my cock efficiently into your throat, The sensations only heightened by the languorous, muffled sounds of your groans. Your tongue was hot; your lips cool. And I could hear the faint huff of breath from your gently flaring nostrils. My penis looked very odd pumping in and out of this lovely woman’s face, with your blissfully half closed eyelids and newly hollowed cheeks. I reluctantly drew it from your mouth – it emerged with an audible pop – and nibbling the underside and base of my cock, you invited me t
More Important...... You Tell Me, Please.
Hey y'all, what is more important: following the career that you feel you have a blood connection to or following the career that the most important person in you life wants you to follow? Both will take me to Iraq, Iran, NK.... one (the airborne, the one that I have a family connection to) might take me to Afghanistan( for a second time) as well. What is more important: Family legacy and a unit that I fell more confident going to war with or going to a post/unit that I feel I might die every day in combat with said mechanized unit?
10,793 More To God Mother!
I need help people to kill 10,793! any kind of help i can get would be great! thanks maria
10,793 More To God Mother!
I need help people to kill 10,793! any kind of help i can get would be great! thanks maria
10,793 More To God Mother!
I need help people to kill 10,793! any kind of help i can get would be great! thanks maria
Moreee???!!!! Hot 4 Teacher!!live Gutiar!!! Wes!!
More Of My Interest......
Most of the things I like... For Fun- I enjoy dancing,Kickin it with friends,Spending time with family, Talking walks, Reading, Good music ( of course )Love to laugh and cut up,I also love to be a lazy ass, The couch, me and popcorn and a great movie..And maybe oneday someone special. Music- In no particular order - Guns N' Roses, Scorpions, Nickelback, James Blunt, Pink Floyd, Hinder, Buckcherry, The Beatles, Chantal Kreviazuk, Imogen Heap, The Killers, Blue October, Taking Back Sunday, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Amy Winehouse, Relient K, Tenacious D, Snow Patrol, NIN, Metallica, Nirvana, Ozzy Ozbourne, Dio, Def Leppard, Chris Daughtry, The Panic Channel, Sugarcult, Dashboard Confessional, Porcupine Tree, The All-American Rejects, HIM, Evanescence, Whitesnake, Queen, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Uriah Heep, The Fray, Foo Fighters, Cascada, Ace of Base, Green Day, Tommy Lee, David Ford, Damien Rice, Jason Mraz, KT Tunstall, Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Supertramp, 30 S
More On Me...
One of my favorite sayings is, "Men make plans and the Gods laugh." I am a fatalist - I believe that everything happens for a reason, the good and the bad. And even though life always gives the test first and the lesson afterwards (and there's always a lesson), all the bullshit we have to go through really does make us stronger. All the crap that life inevitably throws at us, regardless of how unfair or earth-shattering it may be, shapes our psyche, empowers our minds and strengthens our hearts. The challanges and the bullshit are the purest essence of what makes us grow as human beings. The trouble is, every lesson comes with a price. Moreso, since we have no idea what kind of bullshit we're in for this time around, it's like we're buying blind. So not only are we forced to gamble with choices that have the power to change our lives in a million different ways, we're ultimately just driven by blind ambition and can only hope for the best possible outcome. Nevertheless, some people sti
Could use some help w/ some comment bombing for best smile: (click on photo)
More Stewie !!!!!!
[watching cheerleaders change in a locker room] Stewie: It appears my wee-wee's been stricken with rigor mortis.
More Random Star Pics
More About Me (updated)
I am very openminded person,but I hate lies and games,that drives me nutz.I like people with ambitions and some kind of talent.I hate stupid people who have no talent but try to convince everyone around that they have what it takes to be called A "star".Or people who make alot of promises, but at the end or even fucking beggining they can't even mantain their one promises that they've made before
More Random Star Pics 2
More Bondage Fun!
More Bd Fun!!
More Bd Fun!!
More And More
the pain keeps resurfacing and I dont know why. I havent been this upset about him since he left me, and I cant understand why all of a sudden its resurfacing. The dreams I have at night keep getting worse and worse, and I find myself feeling like shit every day. I guess maybe I still cant get over what he did to me. He called his mom sometime last week and asked HER if she could get the rest of his stuff from me. AND invited her to a barbeque..... ok, he wouldnt have invited her to his friends house for this, so obviously the "friends" he went to go stay with, is his new girlfriend. The one he apparent directly left me for. Went straight from my home to hers. I doubt he even misses me. But I miss him. More I miss the companionship. He's the only real love I've ever had, and to know that he lied to me, told me he loved me back, and to know that he cheated on me with all these other girls. I feel like he just completley lied to my face about everything so I would take care o
More!! More!! More!!
ok...well i never blog..if you havent noticed :P lol i never think i really have anything worth hearing i guess :P but damnit...I have been on ct now for almost a year religously :P like baaaaaaaaad addiction ...i need atleast my daily fix!!! and now...i'm back living with my mom for those of you that dont know...and damnit she's a bigger attention whore than anyone ive ever seen on cherrytap!!!!!!! its crazy!! i hardly have time to be on the computer anymore...and in turn be on cherrytap!!! Like i hope im makin sense and not too many typos but anyhow..its 4th of july...shes drunker than f*ck but yet she expects it to be all eyes on her!!! no matter what!! no hands down!! its driving me nuts!!!!!!!!! hahahaha and now i forgot the point of this lmfao!!!! umm..yea...mebbe i just craving ct MORE! MORE! MORE!!! :P and umm..yea! i love all of you!!! just thought id say so :P lmfao!!! that was random :P then again so is this whole damn thing
More Music.
This little box contains my everything. All the memories,and how I hope it lasts. I try too hard to keep these thoughts out. You can never seem to figure this out. One foot in front of the other, I'm moving along towards moving on. My hearts wrapped up tight, undercover. Awaken by the silence, awkward to the ears, My dreams have held true to my worst fears, The sheets so cold and empty beside me, Have I imagined you so long now, vividly? Dream of dreaming, left me leaving, A new hole in my heart, lies deceiving. Take back the words you said, Repeating over and over in my head, I shouldn't feel this way, You should've just said you'd stay. Then again what use is it to lie, We would've been distant before good bye. Days never seem to stay and the nights never pass, We're getting somewhere alright, but its no where fast, You turned right around and I'm in for the long haul, A lack of composure now found, no grace left at all. I would've been better off le
More Stuff...
Ok so I keep seeing all this stuff posted about do internet relationships work or don't they? Is there true love out there or isn't there? Here's the thing people...internet love can happen if both people are honest and open and actually willing to commit to an intangible relationship. If you meet a shithead and date them online they would have done the same thing if u had met in person. People fuck each other over everyday. In all honesty at least if it's an online relationship it may be easier to end. You don't have to worry about seeing them somewhere else. Love happens. True love does exist. People have to work for it and people have to want it more than anything. But I honestly believe that if you find someone and they touch the very core of ur being you should do everything you can to hold onto that person. It's hard to take the step out there and say yes I'm going to trust that you live in a different state and will be faithful to me, even though we know each other o
More Space!!
It is a huge relief! I sold my old Lazy Boy Recliner Sofa and Chair, and coffee/end tables on Craigslist and they are officially out of my apartment. Didn't try to sell it for much (just $100 for all of it) but it is officially out of here and I can now have that space back to store some of my stuff that I have been having to be quite creative in storage capabilities (ie 12 large tubs creatively stacked in the middle of my large kitchen to make an island of sorts...). That was the goal and I achieved it in less than a week once I set my mind to posting the ad! Now, I have a glass top dining room table that I am thinking about selling.....but first things first. I need to get those boxes moved around. It is such a pain living in an apartment these days; they just don't have the storage spaces that they used to have. For now... it is a huge relief to have extra space finally. Going to vaccuum right now... Ttyml... (((HUGS)))
2 More Pics Flagged
If you eyes are that sensitive STAY THE FU** off my page, hows that? HAVE A GREAT DAY :)
More Questions
1. if you were sitting cross legged on the floor, could you stand up? no Too old... 2. have you ever smashed a window? yes just to get into my own house. 3. what color ink do you write in most? BLACK 4. chemistry, biology or physics? Biology all the way...yeah I never liked physics and Chemistry I was afraid of melting the lab lol 5. where is 5? between 4 and 6. What did you do it? 6. whats the fastest you've ever drove in a car? About 95.. when I was a teenager lol 7. have you ever scored a goal playing football? yes Street and High School 8. whats the last thing you watched on TV? I'm not watching much now but there was this Special about the Kennedys on the history channel. 9. whats your favorite emotion? Happiness 10. what color were the sheets on your bed last night? Like they have been every night..Olive green 11. why did the last person call you? Just to Nag me...Nag nag Nag Nag 12. favorite flavor condom Sorry don't swing tha
More Issues
Well I swear that if anyone could piss me off it would be my work. I swear those people are always out to see how long it would be before I snapped and started killing people. I've been going to the doctors now for months for problems I've been having. But does the manager care? Nope she does. She has this idea that it's her way or no way. I am to pissed off to deal with her I swear and now I find out that the injection that I was supposed to have later in the month is monday, oh the boss will be pissed about that one. But at this point my health is more important than that lousy job.
2 More Weeks!!!!!!!!!!
2 more weeks.....UGH. I gotta wait 2 more weeks before I can finally go to Cheetah's. I am going nuts because I haven't been in such a long time because "things" keep getting in the way!!!! But that is totally ok because I am going no matter what in 2 weeks!!!!!! I am getting lap dances for sure!!!!!!!!!
More About Sex...
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
More Hppiness Is.....
Happiness is.... ...Waking up with your arms wrapped around an angel. ...Going somewhere for dinner and ending up with breakfast. ...Thinking you found a friend and glad its more. ...realizing that pictures of someone naked just doesnt stand up to really being there. ...starting something in the morning you know you cant finish but knowing you will get the chance later!! ...An empty house except for two naked people and the 48 hours of the weekend!!!!! Most of the time life is crap, but sometimes just sometimes there is a little bit of happiness.
More Conservative Than I Thought!
Your Political Profile: Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
More More
awwww it's snowing here yes i love winter and snow but Buenos Aires isn't ready for it, no chains for the car wheels or anything it's getting even colder and i hope it stops, or the transport system will be a disaster i uploaded a couple videos, and i can see through my window it's still snowing :( note: the audio sound in those videos SUCK! i'm going to look for another site where i can upload them
More About Me!
Whats your sex style?..>Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic..>Are you good in bed..>READY TO GET DOWN AND DIRTY!!! one of the best in bed! You know what your partner wants and how they want it. You love to try new things and love being in control when in bed (or where ever you might be). They beg you for more and they wish you'ld never stop.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic..>How smart are you really?..>One smart cookie!!!You know the answers to all life's questions! Your are not only intellegent, but are loving and caring. You have a great sense of humor and this all will add to your wallet $$$$How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic..>
More Than Friends
when i look in to your eyes i became memorized when your hand brushes mine i become paralized all you have to do is give that smile and my heart drops to my knees you are always in my thoughts you are always in my dreams i wish that you could see how much i feel for you i wish you were here in my loving arms i pray for an embrace that means we are more than friends i wait for that day for you to say all the words i want to hear from the depths of your heart so i pray i pray i so longingly pray for you to say those 3 simple words i feel for you i love you!
More Random Thoughts 07/10
Well, what can I say today... almost at a level 10 finally. All I gotta do is the CT Salute Pic. Once I do it, it'll be the first time I've ever been considered a 10 by anything.. had what I thought was a good mumm idea yesterday, but didn't get near as many views as I thought it might. Either it sucked, or the timing was way off. Most exciting sport moment where a team scores.. the inside the park home run, or the Kickoff/punt return for a TD. Almost time for my old mans soccer league tonight. At least it keeps the spare tire at donut size instead of being full size. But as long as the game is fun, thats the important thing. Ohh.. that SexyTruck comment/spam that went around... somehow I got 6 back which means "I'm a sexy babe" or something like that... to me it means.. y'all ladies that sent it to me... really need to lay off the beer... LMAO
More Lost Trust
so called friends!! friends you say so many things of lies and all how this is. trust? no there has just more been proven there there is none needed or ever will for this world. friends what trust should be earned for only a mere let down in the life of it all why bother in the set of it all why waste the time ? instill the time on better
More Sh*t I Can't Put In My Stash. Lol
Touch the Darkness @ Touch the Darkness @ Touch the Darkness @ Touch the Darkness @
More Info
The website is know youre really careful about what you put in your house.Please believe the same "healthy" stuff youre buying isnt what they say.I buy Melaleuca's non-toxic products so I can feel confident in knowing I can walk barefooted,my baby can crawl all she wants without chemicals absorbing through her and our skin.We can eat off our plates knowing theirs no film and/or toxic residue on the dishes and silverware,and theres so much more!!! Sometime this week,Im going to have to share with you everything this company has to offer,like more income and improving your health.If you did have time this week,when might you have an opening?I can have you listen to the top head people of the company.They will tell more on what I'm telling you and how you can make part time income!!! When you look at the website,everything you buy from the store,they have it there.It gives you a description and tell you exactly whats in it.You wont be disappointed.You will replace
More Of The Story....part 2
… moan “please” softly in my ear as your nails dig into my shoulders…Slowly, as I nibble and kiss your ear…I unbutton your shirt, my hands slide underneath it, lightly brushing your nipples as I slide your shirt off of you and let it drop to the reach down and grab the tail of my shirt sliding your hands underneath and up my sides, enjoying the feel of my warm skin as you tease my shirt off of me. As my shirt falls to the floor, I pull you close, your warmth is exquisite against my skin. Your breasts pressing against me, I kiss you passionately and deeply. Our lips part with a sigh and I kiss slowly down your chin, my mouth kissing lower and lower…your hands in my hair, my mouth finds an erect nipple. I take it into my mouth and suck on it gently. I feel your hands tighten in my hair and pull me closer into your breasts. I suck harder and nibble on it gently as I hold it in my mouth. You soft moans spur me on as I lavish your breasts with soft, warm kisses. I begin
More Yin Or Yang
You Are More Yin Feminine Devoted Forgiving Fall Winter Afternoon Moon Time Passive Metal Honey Are You More Yin or Yang?
there is more out there waiting in the mist among the shadows of myself and as many times as i reach... denied I keep reaching hoping that the light will shine for me guide me to where i belong i fight the unseen by sensing its presence i will triumph in time unstoppable me
More Music From Different Artist-cowboy Haven
More Information For Paris Hilton - From Boxxet - July 02, 2007
This Boxxet RSS feed for Paris Hilton contains only content that has been rated as "Better" or "Best." Below are rated "Good" by Boxxet. You can go to the Boxxet for Paris Hilton to see even more. * France?s Capital is in Danger (Google-wise) -- by dan allen from * The Access Entertainment Week In Review -- from Access Hollywood * Weekend Gossip Roundup -- by Corey Podell from LAist * FREE CELEBS XXX MOVIES: Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton, Cameron Diaz...e.t.c. -- from irfaoksb * Jay Leno Interviews Paris Hilton -- from
More Inspiration
as i sit here in a quiet little park, i hear a sound of a dog bark, can`t get you out of my mind, though i know you aren`t that kind, of person that gets real serious, you have always been so curious, still cant forget those bedroom eyes, and all those other different guys, they really don't mean nothing to me, even though its hard for you to see, i don't care where you have been, that was way back then, before you found someone who cares, told you before i will always be there, even when you don't want me around, and break my heart, stomp it in the ground, so maybe i should leave this place, but, its so pretty shows all of god`s grace, thats why i really come here i think, would take a swim, but would probably sink, burdened by all of my weight, so now i am opening the gate, i need to leave, before i start to cry, though stopping is what i am going to try, it really it a beautiful day, thats why i have decided to stay, here and collect my train of thought, see my heart is what you hav
More Complications
Assumption. I have to say, assumption is one of the biggest problems with people today. The funny thing is that assumption is like air. You dont know your doing it until someone tells you about it. Like when your a kid, you dont know what air is until someone tells you about it. I learned about assumption when I working at my job. And you know what I learned? (And Im sure some of you have heard me say this before) Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. You see assumption falls back to human nature. We develop patterns in behavior and assume that because that is what happened the last time, that is what will happen over and over again. You see anywhere you look. Now some can argue my point by saying things like "well, what about what we know is going to happen?" Like gravity, if I drop my laptop right now I know it will fall to the ground because gravity exsists. But do I really know? I dont. I assume that it will fall because the last X amount of times I dropped something gravity a
More Ups And Downs For Me
had a wind storm tonight and once it quit fixed the skirting around trailor with cousin and while i was fixing the shit i lost my damn wedding ring so like the title more fucking ups and downs in my damn life.hopefully daughters friend will come up with a metal finder so i can find my damn ring.
More Sexy Pics!
Finally got two sets of pics up. Some in our friend's file of both of us (not naughty) and some in our NSFW file. We apologize for those that didn't get marked properly NSFW the first time. They were in the NSFW file, but I forgot to hit the button. My apologies for all of you who didn't want to see those! For those that do, please stop by, rate and DEFINITELY COMMENT! My wife loves reading the comments! Mark and Lina
More Scars..........
i miss my friends. but due to recent events, i haven't been on much. things have been chaotic at best. i am healing well, from the bike wreck. but it seems that some other scars are starting to show through now. anyway, like i said, they are healing, and i hope to be around soon. i had to quit taking the painkillers, they were making me crazy. so now i am just dealing with the pain. but pain is good for the soul, they say. if thats true, then my soul should be in good shape in no time at all. lol. i should be around sooner or later. i miss my friends.
More Adult Content
Touch the Darkness @
More Pain...
More Anger
"Can't Heal" Do you know how hard I tried but I fail Do you know that I tried my best but I lose Don't you know I'm so envious I've got nothing Dead to this world cause I'm all alone Time goes by another wasted year there's no way out I lose myself to another fear I've lost again Deviously low scum is what I've become I want you to die But that's just a lie because I've never changed I feel my hatred about to explode Feel my anger consume you whole You're weak cause life was kinder to you As for me my goal is to make sure you learn what's misery My feelings are gone I'm numb inside I feel they steal I can't heal cause that's my deal My feelings are gone I'm numb inside I feel they steal I can't heal cause that's my deal We won't rot alone the ones we hate Their ends will comfort my hate My plans were set long ago Destroy all the hopes that you've known Crush all your silly dreams You're life aint as perfect as it seems Now feel my hatred explode Now know my pl
More About Me
I guess i just have been relizing i wear my heart on my sleeves for all to see and touch! I guess i like people too much or get too excited and i always end up getting hurt or on the wrong side of something bad! or i guess try too hard and always fuck shit up! I guess i gotta learn to keep my feelings in more and not show too much emotion anymore! I think i am goin gto try that and see where it gets me! Always willing to improve and try new things so why not right?! I have been broken up with my ex for like 5-6 weeks and actually it has been great! Well execpt for recent events! No regrets breaking up with that bitch! And now after the other day from what she pulled! I never want to see or talk to her again! Thank god! haha! Well thanx all for listening! Take care and god bless
More About Me
Fave actors: Danny Devito, Arnold Schwarzenegar, Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith, Holly Robinson Peete, Whoopi Goldberg, Duane Martin, Tisha Campbell Martin, Ronnie Barker, David Jason, Martin Lawrence, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Owen Wilson and John Candy
3 More Days
Hi everybody :) I want to really thank all of you that have been helping me with the contest. You are truely great friends and I will always treasure you :) If you ever need me for anything don't hesitate to ask, I'll be there for you :) This competition has been so much fun and has been a tight race from the beginning, but there are just 3 days left to go and I would love to get a good lead on this :P If you can, please come by as often as possible and comment bomb the hell outta me :P Comment till it hurts,,cause I would for you,,any time :) Here's the link again :) I love you all and I really appreciate you so much. Thank you :) Batty
2 More Weeks
The exam went well, but they want to see me again next week for a follow up, something about having large optic nerves that puts me at a risk for glaucoma (I don't have it, just a higher chance of developing it). I'll have the glasses in 2 weeks (*drums fingers anxiously*). I went with a different set of frames than I had planned, they're a lot more rounded and looked better on me IMO. The whole process ended up costing a little less that $600 (thank the force for plastic money LOL). It also turns out that I'm not nearsighted as I've always thought, but farsighted with an astigmatism. BTW, is it just me, or is it really ironic that there's reading material in an optometrist waiting room? I picked up a magazine and found myself wishing that I had brought my reading glasses.
More Of Why We Love Can I Have A Drink Of Water?
A small boy is sent to bed by his father. ~ Five minutes later... "Da-aaad..." "What?" "I'm thirsty. Can you bring me a drink of water?" "No, You had your chance. Lights out." ~ five minutes later.... "Da-aaad..." "WHAT?" "I'm THIRSTY..Can I have a drink of water?" "I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!" ~ five minutes later.... "Daaaaa-aaaaad..." "When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"
More Silly Videos By Bored Ole Me!
heh.. me bein silly again :D deal with it
More Stuff I Can't Put In Stash. Lol
MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY
More Not Safe For Stash. Lol
MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY
1 More Nsfs
MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY
More Thoughts On Aging
- The aging process could be slowed down if it had to work its way through Congress. - You're getting old when you're sitting in a rocker and you can't get it started. - You're getting old when you wake up with that morning-after feeling, and you didn't do anything the night before. - The cardiologist's diet: if it tastes good, spit it out. - Doctor to patient: I have good news and bad news: the good news is that you are not a hypochondriac. - It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. - You know you're getting old when you stop buying green bananas. - Last Will and Testament: Being of sound mind, I spent all my money. - When you lean over to pick something up off the floor, you ask yourself if there is anything else you need to do while you are down there. - You find yourself in the middle of the stairway, and you can't remember if you were downstairs going up or upstairs going down.
More Q
1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you slept in a bed with? Spouse 2. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Eat-N-Park 3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? A little vodka a few nights ago. 4. How many others have you cheated on? None - I'm stupidly loyal and honest. 5. What is more essential - a pretty face or a great body? Without a good spirit these are both worthless. 6. What is the value of all the jewelry on you? none 7. Medicine, fine arts, or law? fine arts 8. When was the last time you got a good workout? I did some weight-work yesterday morning before work 9. Best kind of pizza? the one I ate in an open-air stand in Greenwich Village in June of 1991. It must have been the atmosphere. 10. If you need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go first? K-mart 11. Where did your last hug take place? today before work 12. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Saturday night? getting ready to go to sleep
~ More Reasons To Hate Snow ~
I can't believe the 2 women who jumps out of a moving car.
~ More Hate For Winter ~
Why is there always Someone who says" onh hell i'll just go around them" lol
More Information For Kim Kardashian - From Boxxet - July 01, 2007
This Boxxet RSS feed for Kim Kardashian contains only content that has been rated as "Better" or "Best." Below are rated "Good" by Boxxet. You can go to the Boxxet for Kim Kardashian to see even more. * Candids: Kim Kardashian in Hollywood -- by Sheena from Saiko Jungle * Grumpy Links -- from The Grumpiest * Kim Kardashian - Candids, 2007.06.27 -- from Hollywood Rag - Celebrity Gossip Board * Real Quick: Charles In Charge Lied To Us -- They Should've Given ... -- from Wendy Wayrad * MUST-READ HOOPLA -- by Chi from URBAN-HOOPLA.COM * Weekend Backwash -- by Spar
More Random Pics Lol
More Nsfs
Buried at Buried at Buried at Buried at
2 More Downraters
jyfrey2003 rated your photo a '1'! jyfrey2003@ CherryTAP rbccmchls rated your photo a '3'! rbccmchls@ CherryTAP
1 More Downrater
acrystelia rated your photo a '5'! acrystelia@ CherryTAP
More Moving
Well, Monday I started moving the big stuff at 7 am, by the time I got home at 5 am Tuesday morning. Got two hours sleep, thanks to the dogs, got maybe another hours worth (if that) and left again to get my bird, firebellied toads, and a trunks worth of stuff then came home. I'm black and blue, knots in my arm, heat rashs, blisters apon blisters, oh yeah, I'm feeling good! Sunday will be spent finishing off the move... I hope. Hugs and kisses and I'm sorry for my lack of time here.
More Than Tree Hugging
The more observant readers amongst you (assuming there is more than one of you) might remember that in an earlier blog I mentioned catching people having sex in a tree. The time has come (pardon the pun) to relate the whole story. I will assume that people are familiar with the concept of “dogging” (if you’re not, read this before you go any further: One evening, me and a friend, Dan, who some of you might remember from earlier blogs (Limelight and Lemon Light), decided to go “dogger dogging”, i.e. throw things at voyeurs. We were, I have to admit, a bit tiddly. There was a spot not far from Dan’s house that was very popular with the connoisseurs of this particular pastime, so we headed out to seek our quarry. Our weapon of choice: blackberries, this being during the autumn and there being a plentifully supply. We had been “sneaking” about in the bushes for a while (for “sneaking” read “stomping about in a heavy foote
More Than Words "extreme"
More Changes
Well, I guess they weren’t kidding when the said they were changing the name…………….again. I’m not sure why they keep messing with things that already seem to be ok. For those of you that haven’t been here very long, ill tell you a story. For those of you that have, you may skip to the end, lol. Once upon a time, there was a fun place to come and hang out and meet people. It was better than myspace, wasn’t commercial, and nobody had an agenda. The magic kingdom was called Lost Cherry. But then, popularity and pressure spawned changes to the magical kingdom. The name was changed and rules where slammed upon everyone. It seemed like a dark cloud was floating above the new kingdom. Childish games, haters, fakes, down raters, and people bitching about down raters abounded. This kingdom was called Cherry Tap. Now a new chapter begins. FUBAR. The military acronym for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. A far cry from the previous incarnations of our beloved bar. Not very sexy or playful
More Sex
Dream Lover Like a thief in the night you stole my heart, Your fingers played my body like a sensual art. Relaxing, submitting myself to you as best I could, You started slow and easy like every man should. Knowing all the right spots and places, Never getting me mixed up with different faces. Knowing you’d had a few more lovers than me, You still experimented just to see. Tried to figure which ways I enjoyed, With my breasts, my pussy, even my clit you toyed. Making me cum and moan real loud, My hair spread on the pillow like a soft cloud. Whispering softly in my ear, “You’re the one I need”, very clear.
More On My Playllist
well i rearranged deleted and added new tunes to my playlist ,, so as to better present my taste in variety in music ,, it is all around my life and is a definite constant as are my family and friends are too,,, if you get a chance stop by , check it out and tell me what you think,, yall have a good day and be well
More Than Passion
Silently she awakes and gazes upon him there. She sees him sleeping peacefully and longs to hold him near. She reaches out her trembling hand to gently touch his face. Remembering short hours ago, sharing love's embrace. He stirs just then and spies her tender. loving stare. Then places his hand over hers, stunned at the extent of her care. Their eyes never leave each other as she caresses his soft skin. She smiles at him slightly as she moves closer to him. He takes her in his arms placing a kiss upon her cheek. She turns her head slowly, his lips for her to seek. A subtle moan escapes her as his hand explores anew. Passions kiss intensifies as their rhythmic dance ensues. He proclaims his love for her as he kisses her wanting neck. She moves her hands over him finally to rest upon his chest. Feeling her velvet secret engulf him again and again, And feels her building climax escaping from her then. She arches back, catches his eyes adoring their allure. As they reach
More Than A Moment
More than a moment The exhale of her breath across your chest is almost enough to send chills through you You take turns inhaling and exhaling, to feel the full effect of each others breaths Her warmth spreads through you like the sun on the first day of summer You both feel invincible, united and time almost stops You hold her tighter not wanting the moment to ever end Nothing matters or exists but the two of you and this moment You lean in and kiss her forehead and catch the heart stopping smell of her hair You make eye contact and every thing stops Youre breathing, time and the world all freeze as you gaze deeply into each others eyes Slowly you move closer until your lips almost meet You kiss her lightly first then again whole-heartedly, passionately and with the up most care Again eye contact is made and you are over whelmed by warmth Knowing that you have someone that youre happy just holding and being close to You realize this isnt just lust, passion or a brie
More Random Bullshit...
Well, things in my life sure haven't settled down by any means. I'm stressed as hell. It seems like if it CAN go wrong right now it WILL go wrong. I work at 945 in the morning, yet i've been asleep all day, so i'm going to have to force myself to actually sleep tonight. I've just been so stressed.... between this stuff going on, and my sleeping habits, and lack there of, and just all the shit going on in my life, i feel like i can't control anything. I dislike not being in control. I'm going nuts. I'm just so sick of people, so sick of drama, so sick of life in general right now. No one really understands what I'm going through right now, and it's like, I feel so bad. I can't really go into detail why, but i feel like so much is all my fault. I feel like if i had just paid a little more attention, cared a little bit more, or done something different I could have prevented everything... could i have? i dunno... everytime something bad happens i feel the same way.... i always feel like i
More Songs To Live By.....
This songs lyrics really made me think of something .... Seems it is another part of my life, Some lessons we learn in life take longer than other. You can not continue to fall for someone that does not fall for you. There comes a moment when we must admit defeat and move on with our lives. Mel I am sure you will like this as well. How many times have you told me you love her? As many times as I wanted to tell you the truth. How long have I stood here beside you? I lived through you, you looked through me. Ooo, Solitude Still with me is only you Ooo, Solitude I can't stay away from you How many times have I done this to myself? How long will it take before I see? When will this hole in my heart be mended? Who now is left alone but me? Ooo, Solitude Forever me and forever you Ooo, Solitude Only you, Only true Everyone leaves me stranded, forgotten, abandoned left behind. I can't stay her another night Your secret admirer, who could it be? Can
More Songs To Live By ....
I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd need you there when I cry And the days feel like years when I'm alone And the bed where you lie is made up on your side When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missing you When you're gone The face I came to know is missing too When you're gone The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok I miss you I've never felt this way before Everything that I do reminds me of you And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now We were made for each other Out here forever I know we were, yeah All I ever wanted was for you to know Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
More Little
It was Friday morning, and that meant it was time for an activity that the teacher called “add to the picture". The teacher would call students to the chalkboard one at a time. The first student would draw an object on the chalkboard, and each following student would add something to the picture to make it a new picture. The teacher called on James to start things off. James returned to his seat. The teacher called on Ernie next. Ernie returned to his seat. Now it was Suzy's turn. Suzy returned to her seat. Next, the teacher called Jerry to the board. Jerry returned to his seat. Kim was called to the board. Kim returned to her seat. About this time, little Johnny began waving his arm hysterically. Little Johnny was well known for being off center, so the teacher was reluctant to call on him for anything. But as the teacher looked at the picture on the chalkboard, she thought that there was no way that little Johnny co
More Deep Thoughts
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another? Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas. The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face. If you were a poor Aztec with no weapons, and a bunch of conquistadors came up to you and asked where the gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I swallowed it. So sue me." When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges. To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking
More Losers!
This woman is weird. Now she logs in under other names and leaves me hate mail. What a moron. The 2% club. She states that she has "posted all my letters" so that people can see what kind of a person I am. Yet she keeps emailing me. I think she is in love!
More Questions
1) Single, Taken, or Flirty? Single 2) Are you happy with that? I guess 3)Why? because life is less complicated this way 4) Have you ever had your heart broken. yes 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? No 7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? yes 8) Do you want children? yes 9) How Many? 2 would be nice 10) Would you consider adoption? Yes 11) If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? sure 12) Do you want someone you cant have? Probably 13) Have you fallen in love? Not sure 14) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? The milestones anyway 15) Do you believe that you can change for someone? Not really 16) Is it a good day?. Not really 17) Have you ever wished you could have someone but you couldn't? don't we all? 18) Have you ever broken a heart before? I doubt it 19) What would you say to your most recent ex? Go away, and never come b
More About Me...
My name Manda. Best physical feature My amazing ass and fantastic, uh... eyes? (jokes) Greatest love My kids! Greatest fear My kids! Worst habit Cussing like a mother fucker. (apparently, I stopped biting my nails. Just stopped) Spoken languages English, and I am learning Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, and a few others. I am determined! Favorite food Thai, Chinese, Japanese. Asian apparently. Favorite drink (alcoholic) Yummy Purplejuice and beer. Left or Right handed Right. Pet name my parent(s) call me Manda Bear. (SHUT UP!) Best friend My mom. Favorite season Summer. First thought when waking up Fuck, I need some coffee... Tattoos 10 and more to come! Piercings 4 and maybe more to come. Favorite Car 1976 Corvette! Oh yeah! Coffee or Tea COFFEE! Cats or Dogs Kitties! Night or Day Night. Sunny or Rainy Sunny.
More Info On Fred Aka Talented Tongue
oh by the way he told a friend of mine. that he is sending some friends down here to texas to take care of me..... FRED H AUBUSCHON Victim under the age of 18 - Status: Compliant FRED H AUBUSCHON Victim under the age of 18 State Profile 530 S CLINTON COLLINSV ILLE IL 62234
More Poetry.. Deal With It...
I appologise, but my muse only strikes when my heart is bleeding and broken. Lies Lies And liars with honest eyes Liars Proclaiming love til they die Lies The fool has been deceived Lies That I, the fool, believed Lies And I’m alone again Lies Took from me my love, again Lies Broke my heart, smaller still Lies Won’t stop. I fear they never will.
~~more Protein In Your Salad~~
Now ....even frogs are coming to America illegally....Huuummm Look closely inside the package. Just below the words Fresco Lavado.... Dont forget this brand of fresh lettuce, folks. What probably happened is, the water the lettuce was washed in contained tadpoles and these became fresh new frogs, right in the packages. So if you're looking for salad fixins with a little more body, then be sure and try this brand. Don't forget, it's the extra care that Mexican companies take that makes the difference.
2 More Days
To more days till my surgery. My nerves are on edge. Im sick to my stomach. Just totally stressed out. yes i have had this done before 6 times to be exact but I cant stop thinking of what they did to Monica last month. She had the same thing done and they stopped her heart when the hit a nerve. No I didnt know the risks involved till then and it scares the hell outta me. I woke up at 4 am with the sweats and still cant go to sleep its 530 am now. Im starting to get tired again so it may be time to lay down and try again. so on that note good night again. Show me lots of Fu-love. I really need it. thanks
More Points
i think fubar should give you more points when they give people there mumm's back for me its been a week an 4 days
More Pics
More Sick Pics Found, How Can People Do This To These Animals
More On What Attracts Me
What is attractive to me in a woman? 1.) A honest sincere personality one that is sweet and caring. Yet I'd also like a decent sincere sensible sense of humor. 2.)I find a woman that takes care of her body. (That doesn’t mean just personal hygiene.) I mean a woman don’t have to be skinny or perfect small size body. If she is comfortable with her body as it is I will accept her as she is even if she is a plus, plus size woman. 3.) A woman that is not too shy but is able look me in the eyes and tell me how she feels is very attractive. (Note: It is ok to be shy or bashful but don't fear being honest with me.) 4.) A woman that is confident to be herself around my friends, family and me is very attractive. A.) Don't be shy around my friends and family. (Note: What I mean is it is ok being little scared. but don't be so terrified you are affraid to be your self 'who you are always'. If they don't like it is considered tough because I like you and want to be you.) B.
More Observations On Profile Pics
So I was just browsing the pics of people using the "I'm Bored" method. I see so many of those webcam pics from above with either the woman looking up to make her eyes look bigger or the camera looking down her bra/top to show her cleavage (which head on probably isn't that great) that it's getting irritating. Years ago I had the same reaction (and still do) whenever I see a "Glamour Shot"). Ugh. Just be yourself....sheesh. While I'm bitching, I might as well throw this in here too. If you have a username with "69" in it, it's annoying. Frankly, anyone who DOESN'T like that position is weird, so why broadcast that you do? Unless of course you were BORN in 1969. Then I forgive you :)
More Alice .........
More Pics
I got the rest of my pics up, please cum have a look.
More Than Cooking
The day was hotter and more humid than I had ever felt before. The heat index was over 100 degrees.There was something strange in the air, but I didn't know what. A feeling of something different. Having a day off finally, I decided not to put on my usual jeans and blouse. Instead I grabbed one of his muscle shirts and and my panties. No-one was home so I could be comfortable. I decided that I would do something I hadn't in a while. I would cook a nice dinner for him. It had been some time since I had done this because of our work schedules. We were so busy all the time that we would just pick up something at a resteraunt. So after running around and cleaning what little needed to be cleaned, I headed for the kitchen. I took steaks out of the freezer to thaw. I had to make sure I had enough broccoli. No meal was complete without it to him.Having done all this i decided to take a quick nap. Waking to the heat of the day was not my idea of fun. And cooking in the kitchen on a day l
(more)* Deep Thoughts * By Jack Handy
One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late.
More Plans For Me...
Yippiers I’m so excited. Only a few more days till Ozzfest and then Jer De Fete is right around the corner. Between the yummy food and awesome crafts it’s a sure win. I need to sit down and fix every ones shoes for it. I got conned into decorating sandals for every one to wear. Then its count down time for some very special people’s birthdays so I’m gearing up for party planning mode. September 14th for Ryan and then the 16th for daddy, 2 parties in one weekend. There’s nothing like an eye crossing challenge.
More Poems
Sometimes I feel as if Im non existant. Everyone just looks right through me. Im invisible to the world and no one seems to notice Im gone. Im alone and scared. Im in love and he thinks that Im always at fault, But nothing could make me hurt him or even consider it. I dont see how I can scream at the top of my lungs and still the world sees me not. Im so confused and lost in this hell of a world SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!?!?!?!?!?!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some days I just sit and think if he makes me cry why do I put up with it, But then i realize its because I love him and dont wanna lose the one person who has made the last four months the best of my life. Why would I do anything to compermise the relationship that makes me so happy I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I lay here staring at the ceiling I think why, how, and what makes me feel so strongly for him. I could have a million things to worry and think about but when Im with
More Pat Tillman
Here is an update from my friend Ian. This is an update on my recent blog on the Pat Tillman case. In honor of Mary Tillman and her family's efforts toward full disclosure from the Army in the death of the former football star in Afghanistan, I am trying to focus public pressure on the Pentagon to release everything they know about the incident, however unflattering. Here's a little background if you don't want to read the whole blog from Saturday: No longer disputed are the details that set the scene for Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004. He was not killed by al Qaeda or Afghan rebels. The Army knew that almost right away but appeared to be unwilling to give up their PR prize. Maybe it was because they knew the scandal at Abu Gharib was about to break. Maybe it was simply things hadn't been going so well at the time. Maybe it was because this particular case of "friendly fire" just seemed so avoidably stupid. Whatever the motive at whatever the lev
More Data No One Wants To Deal With.
In 2000, according to the Statistical Abstract's Table No. 313, more than three times as many males were murdered as females: Men:------12,407 Women:---3,799 The homicide rates by sex and race per 100,000 population: Black Men:--------38.6 Black Women:-----7.5 White Men:---------5.3 White women:-----2.1 Obviously, by far the least victimized by homicide are white women.
More Generally :)
Since Italian music terms (Adagio quasi un poco andante indeed) befuddling to some English speakers less conversant in the language (or in our own...) fly fast and furious in the typical music score, a look at a Wikipedia article like a> - well- couldn't hurt!
More Then A Ghost
I lack real form, And so I linger in words. that you'll only remember. when I am gone. But one day, I'll be real. Of body and mind, and I won't be so expendable. I won't be just a memory. One day I am going to be much more, then the one that got away. cause to you right now, I'm nothing. But that's not how I will stay. Inside me is more, then you will ever know, but when every change it gets broken. its very hard to grow. So I water strength in tears. And take my place with the shadows. cause you broke your word, and broke my feelings. And it never really mattered. Today, I might be nothing, but I am sure that's not how I'll stay. Cause I am made of more then air. And I cannot just dissappear. So I am nothing but shadows today, writen off with out much trouble. But one day, I'll be so much more. Till then I dun exist. Till then I am the nothing. For today I am your joke. But at night when shadows rule, you'll know and taste your lies, you'll remember t
More Tags
Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at
More About The Water Heater...
I just got a little punked out (and I DESERVED it) by a buddy of mine who came out to look at the water heater today on his lunch break... This is my friend, Danny: slay@ fubar He services appliances of the water variety, and without him I would have been shooting in the dark. Oh, and NOW he tells me he could have installed the damn thing! Thanks big guy!
New Leveling tags! (can also be found in my stash, and left as comments on the family page)
More On Online Surveys... They Suck
God these suck. If you're lucky enough to NOT get bounced immediately, you spend 30 minutes on VERY poorly designed web pages answering inane questions. That's if you're "lucky"... If you get bounced ("don't qualify") you still invest up to 10 minutes getting to the point where they say "so sorry, thanks much (sucker)". They GOT a bunch of information from you in deciding you DIDN'T qualify. You made an investment. I think we should get some FUBUCKS for this. If you don't qualify for anything, zero. If you make it through phase 1 (5-10 minutes of inanity) then 2000 FUBUCKS. If you make it through the whole thing, then you get the 10000. Cause I'm done with this crap. This website is really losing my attention.
More Updates
I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I spoke to my sister a little while ago, and she said that mom is now awake....well, kinda groggy but expected. Surgery went well and she is now in ICU recovery. Thank you ALL once again!
i was gong to clean my room today. i didnt do that. when i went outside this wasnt too hot...the sun wasnt glaring was under 90 degrees...there was a slight breeze in the air...and clouds were wafting by...which made today the absolutely perfect day for yardwork. so...i had the kids put on their yardwork gear...opened up the garage n got the weed-killer out...and discovered oh lookit...they forgot to attach the i dug out a spray bottle...marked it with POISON...and filled that puppy up. attacked the weeds with a ferver...than had the kids yank 'em out...they did a pretty good job. moms came out to deal with the leftover tree hangings from the last time we snipped the bastards... and i...well i...dug some holes...six of em to be exact. nice big deep ones...for the daisy shrubs...the black eyed susans...and my poor cinnamon basil which was incredibly root-bound even tho i transplanted it into a larger pot about a week or so ago. ferti
More Than Just
More Than Just I am more than just tits, More than pussy and clit. I am more than just blonde, More than someone for you to cum on. I am more than just lips, More than just hips. More than some place for you to dock your ship. I’m a normal girl, smart, funny and kind. Which probably doesn’t change that fact that you wanna fuck me blind. Just once I’d like some one to see That there is so much more to me.
2 More Downraters
OHIO_CHICA rated your photo a '5'! OHIO_CHICA@ fubar xDuckix rated your photo a '3'! xDuckix@ fubar
More About Me
You all know my name by now. I am 34 yrs old. I raised my 11 yr old son from the age of 2 to very recently. Due to a bad break-up I went through which altered my living arrangements he stays with his mother. She and I are very good friends. If you read my blog entitled " My life" you know much of this already. I am looking for "The One". Am I looking on here? Not entirely but I am not closed off to the fact that it is possible. I am a hopeless romantic, very passionate, very giving, and kind to all unless provoked. I do believe in true love and seem to have a good bit of knowledge on it. Not because I have truly had it but because of what I have not had. So many claim to have had true love before. Here's a clue..if it was true would STILL have it. I love fantasy. I am a fan of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I collect Star Wars and Dragons and even certain Super-heo merchandise. No, I am not a nerd. My close friends claim that I am just a big kid and due to years of
More Pics
Hey all, I added more pics!!! :D
More Sex Jokes
A woman asks her husband if he'd like some breakfast. "Bacon and eggs, perhaps a slice of toast? Maybe a nice sectioned grapefruit, and a cup of fresh coffee?" He declines. "It's this Viagra," he says, "it's really taken the edge off my appetite." At lunch time, she asks if he would like something. "A bowl of home made soup, maybe, with a cheese sandwich? Or how about a plate of snacks and a glass of milk?" Again he declines. "No, thanks. It's this Viagra," he says, "It's really taken the edge off my appetite." At dinner time, she asks if he wants anything to eat, offering to go to the cafe and buy him a burger supper. "Or would you rather I make you a pizza from scratch? Or, how about a tasty stir fry? That'll only take a couple of minutes...?" Once more, he declines. "Again, thanks, but it's this Viagra. It's really taken the edge off my appetite." "Well, then", she says, "Would you mind getting off me? I'm fucking STARVING!" --------------------------
More About Me....
I'm not your conventional girl. I'm a little different. I don't believe in superfical speech. Small talk is irritating, but only when a person doesn't know how to have it. I like my food, and I will eat it. When I had my car, and I would drive it fast & when i get a new one i'll do it again. I like the rain, and I will get muddy. I'll pick up that snake, but I don't go near that spider. I order salads at resturants, but only when I'm not hungry enough for a meal. I'll take critisizm, it's good for me. I'll wear guy pants and shoes, who cares? Yes I love cartoons and I'm eighteen. Screw off, at least I don't lose it over a stupid sport's game outcome. Sometimes actually more than sometimes I don't play the role of your average young lady, and there are those out there that do not appreciate that. To you, I say, "Mind yourselves, not others." :] These are the areas I have recieved the most critisizm for.... I am a good person. I don't hurt people (as least not with intention
More Pics Added
4 More Days
Sorry I have not posted a blog in a couple of days, I have been in Kaneohe, on the other side of the island at a family beech house. Doing some boating spear fishing and other odds and ends, I am happy to say however I have been talking to my beautiful Angel everyday, several times a day and there are only 4 more days left, 4 more days until I am back in Texas, and with the most beautiful woman in the world. Only 4 more days until all of my most wonderful dreams come true, all because of her
More Scattersworld
3 More Weeks
This is the longest three weeks of the year for me, waiting for the start of college football. NCAA Football. It's football in it purest form, played mostly by young men who thrilled parents on Friday nights, reached their goal of playing Saturdays, and only on Sundays in their wildest dreams. It's the drum corp working tens of thousands of fans into a frenzy followed by the rest of the band making their hearts race. It's the pride of your alma mater, state, and community in human form taking the field in their colors. No contract hold outs, no free agent controversy, and no tight hash marks. It's guts for pure glory, pain for gain, and memories of a lifetime. It's in our blood and has etched a place of fondness in their hearts, and my hope is that everyone could feel this at some level, at some time. The hype of the press and that of fans, who have talked on cold winter nights and fresh spring air as they debate how their teams will make a showing, awaiting the pre-season polls,
3 More Days.
Just 3 more days till i return home, till i am with my Angel, JUST 3 DAY'S!
More Than You'll Ever Want To Know About Me
All about yourself...the survey.All about yourself...First name?::Gary Middle name?::DeWayne Like your name?::yes Named after anyone?::Father Any nicknames?::nope Age?::43 Birthdate?::September 4 Birthplace?::Mt. View, California Time you were born?::early morning Current location?::Goodyear, Arizona Height?::5' 10" Like your height?::I better cuz i aint growin Eye color?::Brown Contacts/glasses?::Both, usually glasses Hair color?::Brown Natural hair color?::Brown Dye your hair often?::you gotta be kidding Righty or lefty?::Righty Your favorite...Type of music?::Classic Rock, Country, Jazz Band or singer?::too many to list TV show?::LOST Movie?::As Good As It Gets TV channel?::Discovery Radio station?::Knix Place to be?::Ocean Thing to do?::Scuba Diving Food?::Chocolate Donuts with Non alcoholic drink?::Buttermilk Alcoholic drink?::Cabo Wabo
More About Me
More About Me! SurveyMy nameChristineBest physical featureMy EyesGreatest loveThats to hard to answerGreatest fearDyingWorst habitBiting my nailsSpoken languagesA little spanish, latin, and germanFavorite foodAmericanFavorite drink (alcoholic)Tiq straightLeft or Right handedRightPet name my parent(s) call meCritter or ChrisBest friendTabithaFavorite seasonWinterFirst thought when waking upFuckTattoosYes... I have 3 and a scar from onePiercings13, 6 in each ear and my tongue... for right nowFavorite CarMINI!!!Coffee or TeaEither orCats or DogsCats all the wayNight or DayNightSunny or RainyRainy >More free surveys at MFSpace!
1 More Downrater
hippie_mama_jen rated your photo a '5'! hippie_mama_jen@ fubar
More Of The Same.
My face is exploding in sneezes, my head is exploding in boredom. What does this all boil down to? I need to play MGS4. And Paper Mario. But most importantly- I need to work again.
Morena Esperanza
More Bisexual Pride Pics
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Morena Esperanza (chapaquena)
Morena Esperanza-illapu (la Serena ´07)
Morena Esperanza
Morena Esperanza- Marciano
Morena De Mi Corazon
Morena De Mi Corazon (desperado)
Morena Morenita
More Insanity
Alright yesterday was what I hope to be the final major twist in this soap opera. She has managed to get the car reposessed. There will e no getting it back. I am out a ton of cash sucks because it would have been paid off in November, but I do find it a little ironic that whatever plan she tried blew up in her face. It sucks and I am now without a vehicle, but I have friends that already said they will help me until I can get another one Now for the twist she got me served a judge ordered writ that states that she will be living here until the end of the lease, which thanks to her is the first. I went out and found a new apartment that I had planned on moving into by then, but I didn't plan on her moving back in here at all. Although I am dreading her coming back, I am not sad, angry or anyhing other than shocked that she had a judge order served to me. That is fucking nuts. Anyway I appreciate the support and love I have gotten form my friends and fam here on FUBAR. You are
More Questions :d
1. Hi, my name is.... Alissa 2. Never in my life have I... eaten caviaar 3. The one person who can drive me nuts is... Emily...and my that's 2 but whatever. 4. High School is... well, it WAS fun lol 5. When I'm nervous... I talk...a lot (ok, more than usual, people WORK WITH ME!!) :D 6. The last time I cried was... I dunno...I forget. 7. If I were to get married right now my maid of honor/best man would be... Shell 8. My hair is... blonde and curly 9. When I was 4.... I fell and about completely severed my tongue lol 10. Last Christmas... was BUSY lol 11. I should be... finishing so many other things but I'm waiting for dinner to cool 12. My favorite thing to do is... nunya :D 13. The craziest recent event was... a whacky weekend :) 14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be... I'm kind of a combination between all of the girls on there. lol 15. By this time next year... I want to be in a better financial position than I am now (dit
More Lyrics.....
Into The Dragon's Den Placid skies, through crystal gazing eyes Slaves to our desire, in a ring of smoke and fire The dungeons call, two faces on the wall Candles light the way, for a moonlight serenade Through the nights and days, we will find a way A way to carry on what we believe An empty door, ashes on the floor Hypnotic array of lights, dragons calling throughout the night Omen in black, chained down to the rack The end never in sight, soaring through an endless plight Through the nights and days, we will find a way Silence fills the shrine, giving us the sign Forever lost, forever in the dragon's den Born with second sight, essence burning bright Forever lost, forever in the dragon's den Silence fills the shrine, giving us the sign Forever lost, forever in the dragon's den Born with second sight, essence burning bright Forever lost, forever in the dragon's den
More Lyrics
JEWEL LYRICS "Daddy" My bones are tired, Daddy I don't get enough sleep I don't eat as good as I could, Daddy What's that say about me? Sometimes I sleep past noon, Daddy Drink lots of black coffee and I smoke like a chimney. Yes, I left the refrigerator door half open, Daddy. What's that say about me? Sometimes I want to rip out your throat, Daddy For all those things you said that were mean. Gonna make you just as vulnerable as I was, Daddy What's that say about me? Sometimes I want to bash in your teeth, Daddy. Gonna use your tongue as a stamp Gonna rip your heart out the way you did mine, Daddy Go ahead and psycho-analyze that. 'Cause I'm your creation, I'm your love, Daddy. Grew up to be and do all those sick things you said I'd do Well last night I saw you sneak out your window With your white hood, Daddy What's' that say about you? I'm sloppy, what's that say about you? I'm messy, what's that say about you? My bones are tired, Daddy
More Russell-isms
1. Life is a playground and sometimes you get hurt but you still play. 2. If you are what you eat, I am a vagitarian. 3. Be bad, It feels good. 4. You're only as faithful as your options. 5. The things that are funny are not always fun. 6. I have a pornographic memory. 7. I like to take my inner child out to play. 8. Never attend church at a "compound".
7 More Days
More Baby News!!!!
Well all I have some big news to share. I have had my baby. He was 8 pounds and 3 onces and 20 inches long. He was born at 6:41 in the morning on Aug 11th 2007 after freaking 10 hours of damn labor lol. He is a cubby boy too. I will put some pictures up as well.
More Cd Images
Check them out, if you're interested, they're in Crossdressing, and there are some new ones with pointy objects! Alis
More On This Subject
For the record: I get it Like a bar, buying a blast could run along the lines of buying you a drink, I guess. Perhaps I was a little sharp but, ya know, if you have some great photos, I enjoy them, I might buy you a gift. If I buy a gift, find out your pix are a) not you b) commercial porn that I can find for free or c) you're not in the least attractive to me, I may not be very happy with you. "Would you buy a horse without riding it first?" lol Example: How many times have I seen profiles with a nice Main Pic only to find out that picture is either not the person in the NSFW folder or is a ripped pic of a professional model. Nothing better than eagerly opening up that NSFW folder only to find your worst nightmare competely naked, or worse. No offense intended to anyone that is not intentionally deceiving people. If you are not proud of who you are and your appearance, don't post your pics.
More Legal Bs
OK Your charged with say Aggrevated Stalking and get arrested that then sends you into a Violation of an Injunction. OK - Well they drop the Aggrevated Stalking charge so how come they can still get you with the Violation. If they dropped the charge that made that possible in the first place. I just don't Flippin understand. But yet they can let a guy out of jail 22 times and then he kills a cop. But they can't seem to actually let the innocent people go. The system is so (fucked) up I'm ready to go postal on someone. I am gonna be so far up the state attorneys ass they will need the jaws of life to get me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 More Days
Well there are only 8 more days till I get to hold my love.. I couldnt imagine anything more wonderful.. I feel so lucky I have an amazing man and wonderful friend Chica. Thank you for being so wonderful. I am glad that we all got to mee and became friends.. cant wait to all get together and hang out.but as for you love i am truly blessed to have met you and i am thankful everyday that we are together 8 more days baby then our lives begin!!
More Skin Help
ok im ganna ask my friends..since the fucking retards in the help lounge have about as much common sense as a dried out dog turd. ive got 2 skins...the one that is active now(eve though the damn thing wont show up) and one i just ripped..... now i cant find the link to go to my skins to change one to the other....i dont want the link.. i want to know how to do it myself so i dont have to keep doing this... can someone give me step by step instruction on where all this crap is so i can find it myself later? please?
More Shane And Carmen..
More Hot Scenes With Carmen And Shane
More Jokes
what do you call a man with a spade in his head? Doug What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? Cliff What do you call a man with a family of rabbits living up his bum? Warren!
More Covers...
More Deep Thoughts
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another? Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas. The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face. If you were a poor Aztec with no weapons, and a bunch of conquistadors came up to you and asked where the gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I swallowed it. So sue me." When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges. To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking
More Erotica :)
Getting To Know You We're not new to each other, but our bodies are. We've kissed, we've gently fooled around, but still we're strangers. Her true self, so wrapped up until now, is before me. She is glorious. She is blonde, brunette, she is tall, she is short. She is the as-yet unknown woman, and she is perfection. I'm sitting against my headboard, with my legs flat out in front of me in a 'V.' I beckon her closer and have her sit between my legs, then lean her back against my chest. We've been kissing...probably even grinding at this point, and both of us knows that the other is VERY turned on. Sex would be the next typical thing, but I prefer this... I kiss her neck...I hold her to me. She can feel how hard I am against the small of her back. She moves her hips in a small circle, teasing me. I take her hands in mine, so that mine rest on the tops of hers, maybe our fingers inter-laced. I say softly in her ear, "Show me how you turn yourself me what you
More Things About Me.
* NOTE- PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU KNOW ME BY THIS BLOG OR THINGS YOU MAY HAVE HEARD.IF YOU ARE THE TYPE OF PERSON THAT JUDGES A PERSON BEFORE EVEN MEETING THEM OR ANYTHING.I HAVE NO TIME FOR YOU.GET ON!!! K,Thanks! * Age: 22 Birthday: 12-31-85 Hair color: Red with black underneath. Height:5'7 Weight: 245 - 248lbs (depends on how much beer that week ) Measurements: 51-42-52 Hometown: Norfolk,VA Sign: Capricorn Nationality: 50% Irish and 50% Italian Current Location: Charlotte area of NC Other locations lived: Born in Tampa,FL., Lived in Fort Collins,CO. for a year,Va and NC. Places want to visit the most: Ireland and Canada. Sexual Orientation: Dominating Bisexual Favorite Colors: Red and Black Favorite Food/Drink: Mexican,Italian,Mountain Dew & Pabst Blue Ribbon. Favorite Movies: Fear and loathing in Las Vegas,Reservoir Dogs,Napoleon Dynamite,HORROR!!.Anything by Tarantino or Burton and the more gore the better in my book. Favorite music: Kill Whitney dead,Job For a

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