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Narly Beast Tattoo You Only @snake Eyes Radio
Narosis's Dream
narosis: She came to me in a intimate dream I`d almost swear I could feel her cream I open my eyes to discover she`s not there, (who?) my dream lover I close my eyes to return to my dream like state and again I can feel her sweat, her moisture, her motion, & weight I open my eyes & ask myself what am I tripping on, slipping on, Pondering, "WTF is going on!?" I close my eyes & she`s with me again Riding me, committing carnal type sin We share a sh*t eating grin Me and my dream twin She begins to move too fast I grab her *bleep* and tell her, "Gently baby let`s make this last!" As she comes for the umpteenth time, letting out a sexy moan She whispers, "I want you for my own" narosis: It feels so good almost as if we`re one in the same I want to know as well as speak her name as I tear it out the frame She interrupts me as I begin to ask her name, saying she`s tired of riding stack She asks that I bend her over and hit it from the back In to what we were doing I had
This is a little bit of the infromation I had found at the beginning of quest to learn what the Blood would teach me. In my mortal life I was a jouranlist, so I will attempt to put together a history of the Clan Gangrel in one spot. Some of the information I have found and seems to be the most accurate is contained in 2 books the first entitled Vampire the Masquerade and another entitled Gangrel Handbook. But I will try and break the information down so that most who read this will understand the inforamtion. There are a few rules all Kindred follow and they are:::: 1) We never reveal what we are to anyone 2) We hold to no prince or their laws 3) We swear loyalty to no one but our clan 4) Our history is never written down but told in stories from one generation to the next 5) We are the true warriors and we often fight for the fun of it 6) Our sworn enemies are Clan Ravonos, but we trust no one. In doing research on the Clan Gangrel I ran across some books called the Vampire Ch
Narrow Mindedness
Just the other day I was here on CT and I seen a new blog from a friend pop up in alerts, so I went to check it out. She had posted that she was deleting all of her stories she had posted to her blog because some people on here had said some things to her and about her over them. I had read many of her blogs and she is very imaginative and has a great writing style. Now for my rant. Peopel grow the hell up and open your mind to what others may see and feel. This is an adult site, meaning not for kids. Adults should be mature enough to decide if they want to see something or not and follow through with that decision without trying to hurt someone else. If you don't like it and its not hurting any innocent people then don't worry about it. Why should a person have to hide what they enjoy inside if its not hurting anyone. Censorship is for the weak minded. People that have a strong mind know how to just hit the exit button and not go back there. If you find a pic that you feel is NSFW
Narrow Mindedness
'There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance, that principle is contempt prior to investigation.'
The Narrow Way
The Narrow Way
The Narrow Way/wicked Messiah By Frequency Nothing
The Narrow Way/Wicked Messiah By Frequency Nothing
Narrowing Down..round One
As many of you may or may not know, I will be leaving in bout 2 months to head "over there" my so called friends list was just way too long.Some of you never talked,etc etc.Which of course is understandable. Therefore, with no harm intened or nothing personal, i have started to narrow down my list and it went from 193 to just shy of 100. Youre still free to come by and say hi, but am not sure how often i will make it on to this site from overthere. AT the same time if you feel the need to take me off your list, for whatever reason, please feel free to do so.I dont take it personally. FOr those of you on my family list..plan on staying there unless you dont want to be part of it!!
Narrow Minded Idiots On Fubar
OHHHHHHHHHHH for ffffffffffff sake. I came across a mumm today about this twit posting a mumm about ignorring married peeps on here. I can understand her point I guess a bit. Some on here are here to hook up with someone on the net to get their yah yah's. How ever the other 80% of us I will assume are just here to make a few friends like myself. I remember when I was in college at the age of 30, how the younger set didnt think I had the right to be there on acct of my age. Any how one day we got on the topic of having male friends. OMG a few of the girls sitting at the table thought just because some of us were married we didnt or shouldnt have male friends. I laughed at them and told them to get their heads out of their asses..this isnt the 50's or even the 40s. I went on to say...just cause a person is married dont mean their life stops when it comes to friends yanno. Then I run into this shit this morning. Gawd she acted like we have the pleage or somet
Narrow Minded Fools
There is a certain kind of moron here on this site..its the one who knows they are attractive and uses that to prey on those who appear.."plain" for their plain-ness implies they are lonely. They try to get those users to "bling" them for levels and fubucks and never care to try and really be their friend. Those Vapid Fools should learn that if they really tried to be someones friend they might actually get what they are looking for without the manipulation and make a friend in the process.
Arousal from telling sex-related stories, poems, jokes, etc.
Narrative For Army Commendation Medal For Valor
Narrative for Army Commendation Medal for Valor CPL Hall For extraordinary heroism in the course of military operation involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Iraq.  CPL Hall distinguinshed himself through his exceptionally valorous action on the morning of 4 April 2003 as the Headquarter Platoon Squad Leader during a blocking mission along Highway 8 east of OBJ Lions (Saddam International Airport). The company was in the process of clearing fields of fire with the elements of Bravo Company 11th Engineers when they were attacked by over 50 Iraqi Baath party militiamen with machinegun fire and rocket propelled grenade fire.  CPL Hall following guidance from First Sergeant Rodriguez assisted him in immediately organizedthe company headquarters elemetns and established a defensive position.  The company's platoons were out executing mission whent he attack occurred. During the course of the attack, the engineers suffered a casualty.  CPL Hall, with
Naruto: Clash Of Ninja 2
I just got Naruto: Clash of Ninja and eve though it have improved from the first, it still sucks without a block meter. Some of the characters has now balance (Sakura), but Naruto is still cheap and now Garra. Id say it gets a 7.5 out of 10!
Naruto Part 2
I know I have alots of people or fans or friends on my list that Know of naruto! But for fans of the japanese anime series Naruto Part 2 Starts Feb 15th. For my friends that have only seen it in English, your little behind LOL. Current Naruto has over 300 to the present. So if your going to watch it on the cartoonnetwork, It will come out maybe in two years! The Naruto: Shippûden ( Hurricane Chronicles) Hopefully this year you will see Naruto and his Spiraling Sphere which the 4th didnt finish!
Naruto 2
If you are a fan tell me
Naruto- Headstrong
Naruto- Down With The Sickness
The Naruto Techno Amv (extreme Seizure Warning)
Naruto- Needles
Naruto- Break Me
Naruto- Awake
Naruto Battle
Naruto- Naked
Naruto- King Of Insects
" NASTY GIRL"Prominent citizen's  in your towntaught to respect the all your lifePatted you on the head as a child,Told you to make something of your mindNow your grown and curiouslooking to share your skills with the worldAnd as you start to explore and discovereven when you find things are not so prettyThey always told you TELL THE TRUTHAnd so you purposefully AnnounceUndeniable, Unfortunate truth:Powerful peopleHeinous crimesyears of liesThe world turns round on blackmail subtle threatssecret surveillance winks and nodsSympathy for the victim's makes you weakThreats of ViolenceCriminal OR State?Now your the targetAbout to learn the lesson:THE Emperor HAS LOVELY CLOTHES  AND EVERYBODY KNOWS ITBeyond the violence ,The wickedest weapon of all:::::::::THE BLUNT
When NASA firts started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any service includining glass and at tempatures ranging from below freezing to over 300` C. The Russians use a pencil.
Nasa Launches Probe To Inform Pluto Of Demotion
In August, the International Astronomical Union downgraded Pluto to a dwarf planet. The panel of experts met to officially redefine the characteristics of a planet. To deliver the news to the distant orb about its newly lowered status, scientists at NASA's Kennedy Space Center launched a special messenger probe in September. BEARER OF BAD NEWS The Consoler probe braces to break the news to Pluto. "It's tough, but we thought giving it to Pluto straight was the right thing to do," NASA Chief Engineer James Wood said. "After all, it put in 76 years as our ninth planet—it just didn't seem fair to break the news with an impersonal radio transmission beamed from Earth." The Consoler probe is scheduled to reach Pluto in 2016. Upon landing on the planetoid's surface, the probe will relay to Pluto the news of its demotion, then orbit the tiny celestial body and radio messages of gratitude for its eons of planetary service to convince Pluto that it is still a highly valued part of
Nasa & The Bible
> NASA & THE BIBLE > > For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a >hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's >something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in >control. > > Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been >called "myth" in the Bible is true? > > Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, >Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following > development. > > I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today >happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, >Maryland. > > They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and > planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now. We have to know >this so we won't send up a satellite and have it bump into something later >on in its orbits. > > We have to lay out the orbits i
Nasacar And What They Did To Dale Jr
well those of you who are junior fans may or may not disagree. it seems that nascar is making a big issue over the bracket. but yet hendricks crew chief had an illegal spring on jimmy johsons car and jeff gordon's crew cheif got caught with something ilegal on that car but yet they appealed and got 1 race suspension but yet jrs crew chief gets 6 race suspension 100 points docked and a 25,000 fine. moral of what i'm getting at is those 2 crew cheifs(chad knauss, steve latart) are immune to any punishment but yet any other crew chief is fair game wtf is up with that?
Nasa Zero-g Sex Tests
XXXXXX Experiment 8 Postflight Summary NASA publication 14-307-1792 by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment was to prepare for the expected participation in long-term space based research by husband-wife teams once the US space station is in place. To this end, the investigators explored a number of possible approaches to continued marital relations in the zero-G orbital environment provided by the XXXXXX shuttle mission. Our primary conclusion is that satisfactory marital relations are within the realm of possibility in zero-G, but that many couples would have difficulty getting used to the approaches we found to be most satisfactory. INTRODUCTION The number of married couples currently involved in proposals for long- term projects on the US space station has grown considerably in recent years. This raises the serious question of how such couples will be able to carry out normal marital relations without the aid of
Nasa Curse
6/9/2007 Dear Readers: Once more in the name of ignorance and ridicule NASA’ scientists ignored the warnings of the Universal Code rules and got ready to launch shuttle Atlantis. Since the beginning of the year, NASA has endured an astronaut's arrest in a bizarre love triangle, a workplace murder-suicide and a freak hail storm at the launch pad. What it hasn't had is a space shuttle launch. NASA hoped to change all that with the blastoff of Atlantis at 7:38 p.m. ET last Friday. It is obvious that NASA is absolutely NOT AWARE of the upcoming Dragon’s Tail (nefarious) in the sign of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, “The God of the sky” that regiments all affairs involving space travel and technology. Be ready for a full restructure of NASA where they will be forced (like Paris Hilton and many others famous heads) to learn and respect the Universal Laws. NASA’ scientific educated mental snobs are also totally oblivious of the “Law of Omens” with the freak hail storm at the launch
Nasa Prediction
Hello Readers: First let me take this opportunity to thanks the thousands of you for your incredible support following my last appearance on Coast To Coast. Just reminding you that we are in a “SUPERNOVA WINDOW” and I strongly suggest every one of you to understand and Use the “Universal Code” to avoid penalty. As always the NASA “mental snobs” are responsible for wasting both precious astronauts lives and precious tax dollars when they could easily try my methodology and be very happily surprised with all future missions. Unless you build Cosmic Consciousness you WILL have to pay the penalty, God’s Universal tool were cast aside and replaced by ridiculous religious doctrines fuelling ignorance and fears for centuries and the results are a very disturbed and chaotic world. Mankind is at the threshold of recognizing his Celestial Divinity and raises its awareness and vibrations to the Universal Code. We are fast living the Age of Pisces (ignorance/fears/religions/deceptio
Nasa Drunks!
NASA takes swift action after report of astronaut drinking Story Highlights NEW: Drinking incidents involved aircraft, shuttle and Soyuz spacecraft NASA briefs next shuttle crew on new safety policy NASA institutes no-alcohol policy 12-hours before flights Report commissioned by NASA says astronauts flew drunk at least twice KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida (CNN)-- NASA said Friday it was going to take immediate action after a report raised safety questions about astronauts drinking before flying missions. The space agency said astronauts flew drunk at on at least two occasions, despite warnings from doctors and colleagues that they posed a flight risk. As a result, NASA deputy administrator Shana Dale said new procedures would be put in place immediately, including an internal review and a no-alcohol policy for 12-hours before all missions. With the next space shuttle mission just two weeks away, Dale said NASA has "already had discussions with the crew commander o
Nasa Deception
8/4/2007 Dear Readers: I am wondering when the American public will begin to see through the colossal waste of tax dollar and the ridiculous deception involving NASA pertaining to its Mars’ mission. CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- A robotic dirt and ice digger blasted off Saturday on a 422 million-mile journey to Mars that NASA hopes will culminate next spring in the first landing within the red planet's arctic circle. Don’t you think this waste of time and valuable resources should be used for mother earth instead? But really behind the scientific mockery where does NASA really comes from? A bunch of selected political privileges wealthy kids born with a desire to make and play with expansive robots to make a living instead of working hard like anyone of us. These smart people had access to real power, to your money, to legal information and decided to tap on your tax dollars to create NASA and they own career. They are no different than the leaders of the politically
Nasa Deception #2
8/12/2007 Dear Readers: Once more NASA decided to launch the Space shuttle Endeavour last Wednesday August 8th in a waning moon (negative) taking another chance on its seven-member crew heading for the international space station to perform assembly work, repairs and deliver supplies. Well as expected my quatrain for this window was very clear and denunciate my premonition of troubles once more. Today August 12, NASA gives shuttle's underside a close look to the gouge caused by foam and the astronauts will have to use the robotic arm, laser-tipped boom to check the depth of the gash. What amazes me is that our tax dollars, time and danger of failed mission could be easily diminished if NASA scientists would for once test my theory and realize how important it is for them to respect the “Universal Code” outside of their rigid scientific unbending minds. Time is money up there and trust me and the lives of our courageous astronauts are simply priceless. The time dedicated to the
Nasa And The Bible!
For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in control. Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore , Maryland , and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development. I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland . They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now. We have to know this so we won't send up a satellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite and where the planets will be so the whole thing
Nasa Posts First Pictures Of Water On Mars
Nasa Teams Evaluate Solar Array Damage.
Teams Evaluate Array Damage Image Above: Photo of a previous shuttle mission docked to station taken by satellite. Image Credit: NASA Images Above: Views of a damaged P6 4B solar array wing on the International Space Station. Image credit: NASA TV 30 Oct. 2007 6:30 P.M. EST. Engineering teams continue to look at the damage to the P6 4B solar array spotted by the crew during deployment Tuesday. NASA halted the deployment of the solar array wing to evaluate the damage. Deployment was about 80 percent complete. The crew photographed the area on the solar array wing and downlinked the images to the ground. Meanwhile during post-spacewalk activities, Mission Specialist Doug Wheelock reported to the ground that he had seen a small hole in one of his gloves. The crew sent photos of the glove to the ground for further review. A massive rotary joint which is supposed to make sure the solar panel wings on the right side of the space station are facing
Nasa Prepares For Tricky Eva
NASA delays spacewalk to fix broken solar wing Image Above: International Space Station Commander Peggy Whitson holds up to a camera one of the brackets that she and pilot George Zamka (Lower right, hands visible) made, so that ground controllers can get a closeup view in this image from NASA TV November 1, 2007. The device will be used to repair the P6 solar array on a spacewalk planned for Sauturday November 3. All Images Credit: NASA TV 2 Nov. 2007 9:03 A.M. EST. CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA on Thursday delayed a risky spacewalk to fix a torn solar wing panel on the International Space Station until Saturday, giving engineers more time to plan the unprecedented task. Dangling from an extension boom, astronaut Scott Parazynski will attempt to install home-made braces to the broken hinges on one of the station's power-collecting wings. The boom will be mounted on the station's robotic crane to hoist Parazynski nearly to the
Nasa Told To Solve Ufo X File
For four decades, residents of the tiny Pennsylvania town of Kecksburg have told their story of strange blue lights in the sky one winter's evening and a fireball crashing into woods.On 9 December, 1965, they say, they saw armed soldiers cordoning off the area and a large metallic acorn-shaped object bearing strange hieroglyphics driven off at speed on the back of a lorry. They talk of menacing plain-clothes officials visiting homes and warning local people not to tell anyone of what they saw. Article continues Until now the US government has denied that anything sinister took place. It has maintained that a thorough search of the woods by the air force, the only federal agency to have acknowledged it was there, found nothing. But now Nasa has been ordered to examine its X-Files to solve the mystery.Steve McConnell, Nasa's public liaison officer, has admitted two boxes of papers from the time of the Kecksburg incident are missing. The episode has parallels to the 1947 Roswell incident,
Nasa Is "go" For Sts-122 Atlantis Launch This Thursday Dec. 6th
NASA Prepares for Launch Week Image above: Space shuttle Atlantis rests on Pad 39A awaiting launch on mission STS-122. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett Space shuttle Atlantis is set to begin its launch countdown for the STS-122 mission with a flurry of activities at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Atlantis is scheduled to launch at 4:31 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 6. A green light from senior NASA managers on Friday cleared the way for the last stages of launch preparations. The seven astronauts who will fly Atlantis to the International Space Station will arrive at Kennedy at 12:30 p.m. on Monday. The countdown officially begins at 7 p.m. "We have had three outstnading flights this year and we are looking forward to a fourth," space shuttle program manager Wayne Hale said Friday after the Flight Readiness Review concluded. Atlantis will carry the Columbus laboratory to the space station and install it to the Harmony module, which was brought to the stati
Nasa Tv Public Channel
(Double click for full screen play)
Nasa Tv Media Channel
(right click for zoom options)
Nasa Sees Six Month Stays On The Moon
Fri Apr 18, 4:54 PM ET The US space agency hopes to build moon bases that can house astronauts for stays of up to six months, with an intricate transportation and power system, Carl Walz, director of NASA's Advanced Capabilities Division, said Friday. NASA is examining different designs for lunar outposts but that they could be inspired by the orbiting International Space Station (ISS), he said. "We need to establish a long, extended presence on the moon, up to six months -- same as the time we spend at ISS," Walz, a veteran astronaut, told AFP during a forum on the future of NASA at the University of Miami. "I would anticipate that we would build something similar as what we are building for the ISS, but maybe something different," he said. The station usually houses three scientists, although it can accommodate more when astronauts arrive aboard NASA's space shuttle on missions to expand the orbiting laboratory. The orbiting ISS contains a complex set of laboratorie
Nasa Morons
WASHINGTON - Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action. James Hansen told Congress on Monday that the world has long passed the "dangerous level" for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and needs to get back to 1988 levels. He said Earth's atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises. "We're toast if we don't get on a very different path," Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences who is sometimes called the godfather of global warming science, told The Associated Press. "This is the last chance." Hansen brought global warming home to the public in June 1988 during a Washington heat wave, telling a Senate hearing that global warming was already here. To mark the anniversary, he testified before the House Select Comm
Nasa Moonship Targets Slips
Nasa Moonship flight target slips Nasa has pushed back by a year its internal target date for flying the successor to the shuttle. Agency officials say they are now aiming for September 2014 for the first crewed mission of the Orion ship. This is a year later than Nasa had hoped for, but still inside its March 2015 absolute deadline. The officials say the funds currently available to develop Orion and its Ares launch rocket mean the faster timeline is no longer tenable. Engineers also need time to grapple with a range of technical issues as they develop the new systems. These include trying to reduce the levels of vibration astronauts are likely to experience when they lift off atop the new Ares vehicle. "The commitment date we have made to the administration and Congress has been March 2015 and that hasn't changed. "What we have changed is our internal planning date," explained Doug Cooke, the Nasa deputy associate administrator in the Exploration Systems Mission
Na Saturday
The theme for this Saturday at -Halloween Room- is Native American. Feel free to join in. imvu:JoinPublicRoom?room_instance_id=4271400-61 Indian Outlaw - Tim McGraw
Suspend NASA, stop burning holes through our atmosphere. We're not going anywhere! If we were, we'd be on the moon by now. NASA operating budget can be expended to repair and hopefully recover from this carbon footprint we're leaving our children. Replant trees in devastated areas, clean the garbage from the oceans. Stand back, look at all we've done to this planet. We're all more than Americans, Russians and Chinese, we're all Earthlings too. Stop the parasitic ways we treat our Mother Earth!
Nasa’s Constellation Program
NASA’s Constellation Program   Will the Unites States surrender its leadership role in every conceivable area of importance?    The new Congress should demand the reauthorization of the Constellation Program.    Beyond the obvious, of being able to fly ourselves to the Space Station, maintaining the infrastructure and programs necessary for space leadership continuity and maintenance of military, commercial and scientific space projects and research, there are other extremely important reasons to fund the Constellation program.     It is a very sad fact that a history of disastrous policies like this one defunding our space program has left our nation on the brink of surrounding our super power status. In addition to cutting wasteful spending and pumping up the environment for American business, there are some extremely important actions that must be taken if we are to climb out of this huge economic hole we find ourselves in. We are going to need something like the info
Nasa Last Flight.. More Than You Might Know...
Could there REALLY be something bad,very bad about to happen to the earth?   this is a qoute from a NASA administrator about the reasons why the space program is ending and how we should feel about it. "NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, a former space shuttle commander, said that while the budget cancels the program building the agency’s space shuttle replacement — the Orion crew vehicle — it is not trading away safety to embrace new, privately built spaceships to fly astronauts. It also paves the way for a “21st-century space program,” he said. “No one cares about safety more than I. I flew on the space shuttle four times. I lost friends in the two space shuttle tragedies. So I give you my word these vehicles will be safe,” Bolden said. “They will fulfill a critical NASA need, spur industrial innovation and free up NASA to do the bold, forward-leaning work that we need to do to explore beyond Earth.”   is one of the reasons
Nasa Has A Hand In Proving God's Existence?
For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in control. Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called 'myth' in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development. 'I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland....  They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now. We have to know this so we won't set up a sattellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the sattellite and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not
Nasa Global Cooling
Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere     Ethan A. HuffNatural NewsMay 22, 2013 Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA’s Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence. As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth’s upper atmosphere during
Nasa: Yes, Mars Could Have Hosted Life
 Curiosity, humanity's most powerful rover to land on Mars, has made a startling discovery: Conditions that could have supported life once existed there. "We have found a habitable environment that is so benign, and supportive of life, that probably if this water was around and you had been on the planet, you would have been able to drink it," John Grotzinger, Curiosity project scientist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, said in a Tuesday news conference. This discovery is based on the chemical analysis of powder that the rover recovered by drilling a hole in a rock. This was the first time a robot sent from Earth had drilled on another planet. The powder from the drilling turned out to have a wealth of chemicals in it, including sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon. These are ingredients for life, scientists said. "What do we mean by habitability? The key thing here is an environment that a microbe could have lived in and maybe even prospe
Nascar is not only for hicks! Now at one point (back in the 1968) that was true, but not anymore. I'm really tired of people calling me a hick just because I like Nascar. Nascar has elevated itself through the years. Did you know that their are an estimated 75 million fans of the sport? Companies such as Pfizer, Office Depot, Cingular, Nextel and Home Depot (my personal fav) have figured this out. In the 2005 Daytona 500 alone, DuPont was estimated to receive $9.4 million in exposure, second only to the Nike's $10.8 million value at the masters. If television networks are willing to write a check for, oh, say, $600 million a year, there must be more than a few people watching .Now, can you honestly say that all of those people are hicks? Think about all the sports in America: golf, hockey, baseball, soccer, swimming, diving, skating, college sports, rodeo and many more- yet only the NFL commands a bigger audience than Nextel Cup. Racing is more than a bunch of nondescript car
For all you JR. fans out there think of this jr. is not his daddy he has not earned a dam thing that his daddy didn't give him. GOD BLESS DALE SR. and until JR. earns it on his own piss on him. AND yes JEFF GORDON is number one because he has EARNED his position and this year he will get 5 CAMPIONSHIPS and whats that oh jr. will still be JUST A BUSH campion ROFLMFAO
Nascar Lol
OK IVE gotta gloat IM going too talladega superspeedway on my birthday ( oct 8 ) wahooooo got hospitally tickets get too visit tony stewart ( ewww ) lol but aleast it will be fun and ALL THE FOOD AND BEER u want lol and pit passes heheh most of all its FREE lol ive gotta deal with my brother n law but hey THE beer will help me there Lmao ... im siked can ya tell lol anyways i may take pics i may not.. all depends on how messed up i am lmao.. anyways just thought i would share that info with ya'll... be good or be goodat it Bec
Nascar Chase Needs Reconfigured
I don't like the change to the way NASCAR names a champion. This is not like team sports so why is there a playoff setting to it. The focus since NASCAR started was being consistent week in and week out. Avoid the DNF's and be as close to the front when the race is over. It is a long and very demanding season then to have it all come down to 10 races just isn't right. I'm definitely not a Jimmy Johnson fan but come on he wins Daytona and then leads the points standing all but 4 out of 26 races. The 27th race they wipe out the points lead and put the top ten 5 points apart. One bad finish and you are pretty much done. No time to recover with only 10 races. I understand NASCAR wanting to promote the sport. This format seams to have done just that but at the expense of the long time fans who truly appreciated the effort a driver had to put in to win a championship. Now it's just aim for the top ten and then see what happens. Bottom line - If is ain't broke don't fix it!
Nascar & Football
It's been a pretty good day.... in sports... Dale Jr. finished 10th to stay 7th in the points in the championship standings. And its the 3rd quarter of the ball game and the Bears are whooping Seattle 27 to 6...... Da Bears!!!! .... so since I am a sad ass and couldn't make it awake thru the 4th quarter... I wake um this am to find that the bears won 37 - 6!!! Go Bears!!!!
Welcome to Bullwinkleland; I thank you for taking time out and stopping by to say "HI". Time is real scarce for people and it warms my heart to see that you shared a few moments of your time with me.. Awwww. Thanks. POP in anytime....
Nascar Who Is The Top Gun?
Here is a question for ya. Who is the best driver of the modern era? Being a Stewart fan I would say he is the most talented driver in NASCAR. However I am also fairly open minded and can see an argument for Harvick and Jimmie Johnson as well. Looking at all three you can quickly see why they are the best of the drivers out there. The one thing that sets them apart is Stewart has two NASCAR championships seasons as well as Busch and IRL titles. Still you have look at how Johnson has dominated the points over the past two years only to miss out on a championship as a result of the chase format. Here is a guy who has been in NASCAR for six years and finished in the top ten each year, the top five the last four years and had it not been for a cut tire on the last race in 2005 he would have three consecutive second place years. Yes I know second place is just the first loser and until that title is his he can not be considered the best right now. As for Harvick y
Ok, I did a bulletin and didn't get any response so I thought I would try this way. Here is a little trivia question. Who knows how NASCAR was really started?
Well, it's about time for the race to start. I'm pulling for Mark Martin not only to do well in the race, but pull ahead in the Nextel Cup Chase standings. I'd like to see finish out his last full season winning that elusive championship. Go AAA No. 6.
Nascar Checker Auto Parts 500
NASCAR Starting Grid Status: Upcoming Last Updated: Saturday, Nov 11, 2006 3:25 am EST Checker Auto Parts 500 Phoenix International Raceway Preview | Qualifying | Leaderboard | Results Order Driver (No.) Car Qualifying Speed 1 Jeff Gordon (24) Chevrolet 134.464 mph 2 Kevin Harvick (29) Chevrolet 133.973 mph 3 Brian Vickers (25) Chevrolet 133.949 mph 4 Dale Earnhardt Jr. (8) Chevrolet 133.670 mph 5 Joe Nemechek (01) Chevrolet 133.620 mph 6 Greg Biffle (16) Ford 133.536 mph 7 Ryan Newman (12) Dodge 133.516 mph 8 Kurt Busch (2) Dodge 133.472 mph 9 Kyle Busch (5) Chevrolet 133.457 mph 10 Matt Kenseth (17) Ford 133.417 mph 11 Kasey Kahne (9) Dodge 133.378 mph 12 Carl Edwards (99) Ford 133.141 mph 13 David Gilliland (38) Ford 133.052 mph 14 Jamie McMurray (26) Ford 132.984 mph 15 Bobby Labonte (43) Dodge 132.944 mph 16 Elliott Sadler (19) Dodge 132.935 mph 17 Casey Mears (42) Dodge 132.856 mph 18 Jeff Burton (31) Ch
Well Kevin Harvick didnt win the championship, instead it had to be gay Jimmie Johnson ;( Life is just unfair like that I suppose...But at least Tony got even with that gay ass Kyle Busch for runnin his cockbeaters about him last weekend..hahaha GO TONY GO! Some people will just never learn, you dont mess with Tony and get away with it, he unlike most of the other drivers drives like a man not a freakin sissy. And I hope the points system gets revamped, this "Chase" is still the stupidest thing to ever happen to Nascar, I still dont like it and think its bullshit to make 30+ drivers and everyone else involved with their team feel like they arent worthy. Had it not been for the "Chase" Tony would have finished better than 11th this yr. and I am just a lil pissed.
The awards for the 2006 season are on tnt @9 pm on TNT.
Nascar Because Baseball,football,7basketball Only Require One Ball
DUMBO IS A GREAT LITTLE ELEPHANT,I ALWAYS HAD A LOT OF RESPECT FOR HIM AND THAT LITTLE MOUSE.Hear you have a runt of an elephant that had so much talent shoved in him,for whatever reason but was scared to death.And then comes that magic feather and solves all his problems. Im not gonna sit here and compare myself to an elephant,that would just sound plain queer.Why couldnt he be a runt dragon with a magic harley,then at least i would sound cool. i used to run my cars back home at a dragstrip, if you couldnt get that monster shut down your going of a cliff.A buddy of mines dad had a hot little pro stock mustang, that car was the first car i saw do a wheelstand.My buddies dad was diognosed with cancer about 3 weeks before this event.Anyway he lined up to the christmas tree,it hit green and he stood that mustang up at a 90 degree angle,i swear you could hear the chassis crack,he ran like a 5.60 ET.I stood at the fence and waited for his chute to open but
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the garage not an engine was humming, not even a Dodge. The race uniforms were tucked in the lockers with care in hopes that the '07 season soon would be there. The NASCAR drivers were nestled all cozy in their beds, while visions of championships danced in their heads. Mike Helton was sipping on Childress Vineyards wine while Jayski was writing his next brilliant headline. When out on the track there arose such a rumble, I jumped out of bed and went for a tumble. Over to my window I ran aghast, thinking of Ricky Bobby and "I wanna go fast." The moon glistened across the fresh-fallen snow, illuminating Kurt Busch making angels below. When what to my still sleepy eyes should approach but eight NASCAR drivers and a big red motorcoach. That chubby old man, could this be a trick? "No," I said, "this sure is St. Nick." In a way that was, so rhythmic they came St. Nick commanded the drivers by name. "Now H
Nascar Fan
NASCAR driver Bobby Hamilton, the 2004 Craftsman Truck Series champion, died of cancer. Benny Parsons died Tuesday of complications stemming from his battle with lung cancer. He was 65.
New Season starts tonight! I can't wait!!!! Thank You to all that has welcomed me too Cherry Tap!
as I am a huge Nascar fan, i am very happy that Nascar is starting again. 8 days till the Daytona 500, 26 races till the 'Chase for the Cup,' and 36 races til Homestead. i just hope that nothing bad will happen this year and that any of my drivers will do good this year.
Nascar Crashes Compilation
Nascar Biggest Crash In History
On lap 14, a 27 car wreck on the back straightaway put more than half the field in the garage sending 16 drivers to the infield care center and red flagging the race for 40 minutes.
Nascar Fans
~I'm A NASCAR Fan~ Don't give me diamonds they aren't my friend, gimmie the Fox Crew and my MRN. Richmond and Bristol racing under the lights, rush hour with intense speeds hey, it's just what I like. I'm A NASCAR fan !! The smell of burning rubber is such a sweet thing, fourteen second pit stops makes my heart sing. From turn three at Daytona to the wrenches turning in the garage, getting your team in the lead this isn't no mirage. Fans cheering for their driver buying their diecast cars, keeping your eyes open on the fastest new superstars. I'm a NASCAR Fan !!! Heading to the track.. for a three day weekend, meeting old and new friends while making memories that will never end. Sitting back to reminisce of the good ol' days, from who was the toughest to the one with the intimidating ways. I'm A NASCAR Fan !!! From Watkins Glen in New York
Nascar Fans
NASCAR FANS! Here's your chance to show off your favorite driver or anything else with NASCAR! I am hosting a's the deal... I want pics of you wearing your favorite NASCAR gear, your favorite driver, a winning moment caught on film, or favorite icons. Anything NASCAR goes! I am a huge NASCAR fan myself and love seeing things that other people have to show support to the sport. I have been trying to think of a way to kick off the NASCAR season, and now four races in, I have figured it out. LOL The rules: 1. NO down rating! Good sportsmanship is a MUST! 2. Comment bombing allowed, and you can comment your own pic! 3. All rates count as 5 comments! 4. NO cheating! I will be checking often! Anyone caught will be disqualified and reported. 5. This is for fun, let's keep it that way! 6. No NSFW pics! Winning: This is simple...whomever has the most comments/ratings will win. Prizes: 1st Place: A CT Blast 2nd Place:
hell yyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it is race day go jr.
Oh boyyyyyyyyy Jeff Gordon got upset with Matt Kenseth!! Matt got a little too friendly with Jeff's backend!! LOl crash!! oops
Nascar Finish In Bristol
Kyle Busch won!! way to go Rookie!!
Nascar Driver Quotes
I'm not a NASCAR person, but some of these are pretty good! • Jeff Gordon Advice for the dad-to-be: A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. • Jeff Burton Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. • Matt Kenseth Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. • Jimmie Johnson Quickly, I must hurry, for there go my people and I am their leader. • Denny Hamlin Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. • Tony Stewart Success always occurs in private and failure in full view. • Kyle Busch Something to remember when discussing the Car of Tomorrow: After all is said and done, more is said than done. • Kevin Harvick Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot. • Carl Edwards Carl's latest fan club has a catchy slogan: Wear short sleeves! Support your right to bare arms! • Elliott Sadler If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Nascar Drivers
David Letterman's Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers: (I bet his life will be miserable after the NAACP sees this!) # 10 - Have to sit upright while driving. # 9 - Pistol won't stay under front seat. # 8 - Engine noise drowns out the rap music. # 7 - Pit crew can't work on car while holding up pants at the same time. # 6 - They keep trying to carjack Dale Earnhardt Jr. # 5 - Police cars on track interfere with race. # 4 - No passenger seat for the Ho. # 3 - No Cadillacs approved for competition. # 2 - When they crash their cars, they bail out & run AND THE NUMBER ONE REASON WHY BLACKS CAN'T BE IN NASCAR... #1 -They can't wear their helmets sideways.
You scored as Kasey Kahne. You are Kasey Kahne. You are a major cutie! Everyone loves you and you have the most amazing eyes in the world. You are so loved that some people are jealous of you but don't let their thoughts bring you down just keep on being a beautiful person inside and out!Kasey Kahne75%Elliot Sadler70%Jeff Gordon70%Kevin Harvick60%Michael Waltrip55%Dale Earnhardt Jr.50%Tony Stewart50%Dale Jarrett30%Kurt Busch25%Mark Martin5%What Nascar driver personality are you?
Ok after the race sunday we all heard Tony Stewart cry and cry.. He is such a fuckn cry baby from hell.. Hes just as bad as Jeff Gordon... Juan Pablo Montoya was in no wrong sunday in the race.. He didnt intentionally hit Tony.. It was a racing deal... Tony is just mad cuz he got beat by a rookie... I think it is funny as fuck that he beat Tony neways and he would of beat Tony neways if tony wouldnt of spun out.. Then Tony wants to talk bout no being netype of frien if Juan then says if he had enuff money he would retire.. but does nebody remember how bad Tony was with his attitude and spinning ppl out?? Look who had to got to anger management.. lol... Dont get me wrong Tony is a good driver but he needs to learn alot of respect..Juan is a rookie and he is gonna make mistakes.. Everybody is not perfect... Then what do u think bout Dale Jr.. driving for a different team sunday for 9 laps? Let me know... I want him to go to RCR if he leaves DEI and drive the #3 car.. Thats what his plans
Nascar Fans
Nascar Lounge
hey to all the friends i have made here thanks for all the comments rates and being my friend im at level nine trying to get to ten so i can open a nascar lounge and i hope all of you will attend beer will be on me
Nascar Rules
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Nascar Caution Flags
Stewart simply stated what many fans believe Published May 4th, 2007 in NASCAR Perception is everything. Which is why Tony Stewart’s comments last week that NASCAR is beginning to look like professional wrestling struck a responsive chord with stock car racing fans. Nextel Cup champion could have picked a slightly better analogy. Possibly, he’s totally wrong. And choosing to make the charges on his own radio show (Sirius Satellite) after skipping a mandatory postrace interview session was completely out of line. But Stewart only stated what a lot of fans believe – that NASCAR rigs late-race cautions to fit in a final round of television commercials and set up a photo-op finish. When that is the perception, there is a problem, which NASCAR needs to address. In case NASCAR hasn’t noticed, television ratings were down 10 percent last season and empty seats could be found at most tracks. If the boom isn’t over, it has at least slowed. Why? Well, some fans – and
Nascar Joke
Four NASCAR fans wanted to show their drivers that they're each the biggest fans in the world, so they decide to climb the biggest mountain they can find. The first one to the top is a Dale Jr fan, and he says, "I'm the biggest fan in the world! This is for you Dale!" and he jumps off. The second one to the top is a Jimmie Johnson fan and he says, "I love you more than anything Jimmie, this is for You!" and he jumps off. The last 2 people who get to the top get there at the same time. One is a Tony Stewart fan and one is a Jeff Gordon fan. When they're both standing at the top together, the Tony Stewart fan says, "This one is for all the NASCAR fans everywhere!" He then pushes the Gordon fan off.
Nascar Is Bs
And thank you very much...I think I will!!!!!! Tony knows what is really going on and so do I!!!!! I know it is just not me, because I have had all kinds of friends saying the same. Don't you think it is ironic, that just as Jeff Gordon is getting passed by Ryan Newman the caution flag is thrown???? You have got to be effing kidding me. This shit has gotten way out of hand!!!! I may work for Alltel, but I can assure you, I am not a Ryan Newman fan. But come on.........I can guarantee you this....if he had gotten passed, they would not have called that race. We would have ran again until a Hendricks car was up front. And for all of you punkboy is what I have to say.....Jeffy started with Hendricks and has always finished good. Lets put his ass in another owners car, and let him show us what he is really made of....then we will see if he is really a good driver, or just happens to drive for the right owner. I don't have to tell you what I think!!!!!! I have been a Nascar
Nascar Its Great!!
In the race for riches in the sports world, NASCAR is on the right track. The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing is one of the most popular and fastest-growing spectator sports in the US. NASCAR runs more than 100 races each year in three racing circuits: the Busch, Craftsman Truck, and its signature Nextel Cup Series. Featuring popular drivers such as Jeff Gordon and Dale Jarrett, the Nextel Cup alone draws more than 7 million fans to the tracks each year. In addition to organizing and promoting the races, the association negotiates broadcast rights and licenses the NASCAR brand for merchandise. NASCAR was founded in 1948 by Bill France Sr. and is still owned by the France family.
Hey guys my work is sponsoring a race in Ona,WV and Dale Jr and some of his buddys will be there. I want to know if anyone would like some pics of him if i can get it. Let me know!
Sooo on sunday i experienced my first NASCAR car race ever. Infineon Raceway up in NorCal, it was incredible. So loud, so fast. my boy Dale Jr. started 3rd, so when they first start i'm pretty close, the only one in red on the fence... and of course he slowed down just for me!!! so i could blow him kisses and take a picture ... LOL ... All I know is that I am a NASCAR FANATIC!!! My pussy was soo juicy and creamy the whole race, the smell the sound ... the drivers ... this is an experience I will never forget and I will go to every freakin race in cali that they have. Oh yea let me tell you how the day began ... my friend came and got me around 7:30 am ... (it takes about an hours and a half to get up there) and good thing he came early, we walk into 7/11 and my dam shoe broke ... so we had to find someplace that was open so i could get a new pair of shoes... so that works, however shoes walking about 5 or 6 miles because of the way the track is, i get huge blisters on my
Nascar Driver I Would Be
Which Nascar Driver Are You ?Dale Earnhardt JrHow do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Nascar Wreck Compilation #3
Nascar Fury - I Stand Alone
Nascar Tribute (funny)
Nascar Clip Martinsville/ozzy
MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds
Nascar Race
Its raining at michigan international speedway .what are we gonna do drink? Hell yes
~ 2001 Nascar Dinner - Garth Brooks - The Dance ~
any one like nascar or watch it on here???
Nascar And Jason Coley
YOU GO BABE IM BEHIND YOU !!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Jason Coley Date: Sep 20, 2007 9:47 AM All fansNascar told us again that it's between me and one other artist for singing the National Anthem on Oct 28 at Atlanta Motor Speedway.Just click the banner to go to the site.God blessjcp.s. please repost this one
Nascar Pics
Are there any NASCAR fan`s out there ? If so, check out my NASCAR pics on I have race pics from Dover & Pocono on there. Click on Car Show pics and you`ll see NASCAR Dover & Pocono pics by Dan Rowland. That`s me !!
Nascar Photos This Week
Biffle Gets Married: Kenseth, Biffle, McMurray, and Bush href="" target="_blank">
Nascar Race Sunday
the nascar race sunday will bring to an end the number 8 budweiser chevy driven by dale jr. i know he will be driving the 88 mountain dew car next year but it will still be strange not seeing that red 8 car on the track next year. i did get to see that car win two races at talladega.
Nascar Lounge
hey all i opened my nascar lounge im working on it there is no background or music but come one come all
Nascar Lounge Now Open
A friend of mine opened a new lounge called the Nascar Deluxe Lounge. Come check it out. We are also looking for help. Just ask Dale Jr. (he is the owner) you can find his profile in my family section. Check us out, join and have a good time!! Hope to see you all there.
~ 1993 Nascar Winston Cup Awards Banquet 1st Place ~
Dale Earnhardt is awarded 1st place at the 1993 NASCAR Winston Cup awards banquet
~ 1994 Nascar Winston Cup Awards Banquet 1st Place ~
Dale Earnhardt is awarded 1st place at the 1994 NASCAR Winston Cup awards banquet
Nascar Champions Week Photos
Nascar Champions Week Photos 2
Nascar Here I Come?
So last night me and chris went to do some shopping and what not. as i get on the connector to come back i notice this SUV right on my tail and flashing it's high beams, which of course prompted me to do about 20mph, just to piss him off. as we exited the ramp this blatant asshole then decides to honk at the car in front when the light JUST turned green. final straw. chris, infuriated turned around and threw up both middle fingers for a good half a mile's ride. i did what i do best. blocked him in behind a car and me, both of us doing a max of 25. then when he tried to get in front of me i gunned it to about 85mph to block him in behind a city bus as to not pass me. the rest of the trip was about 15mph. do NOT piss me off when i'm driving. i'll make you pull your hair out.
Nascar 2007 Memorable Moments
The end of an era for Dale Jr.: The battle between Montoya and Harvick: Busch Bro almost tags a #20 pit crew guy....
Nasca Mine Discovered
ScienceDaily (2008-02-03) -- An archaeologist discovered an intact ancient iron ore mine in South America that shows how civilizations before the Inca Empire were mining this valuable ore. The Nasca people may have used the red-pigmented mineral primarily for ceramic paints, but they also could have used it as body paint, to paint textiles and even to paint adobe walls. Purdue University (2008, February 3). Archaeologist 'Strikes Gold' With Finds Of Ancient Nasca Iron Ore Mine In Peru. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 5, 2008, from
Nascar Passing
Nascar News
02/14/08 Gatorade Duel 1 Daytona International Speedway SPEED/2 p.m. MRN/2 p.m. 02/14/08 Gatorade Duel 2 Daytona International Speedway SPEED/3:30 p.m. MRN/3:30 p.m. 02/17/08 Daytona 500 Daytona International Speedway FOX/2 p.m. MRN/3:20 p.m. Tickets Travel 02/24/08 Auto Club 500 California Speedway FOX/3:30 p.m. MRN/4 p.m. Tickets Travel 03/02/08 UAW-Dodge 400 Las Vegas Motor Speedway FOX/3:30 p.m. PRN/4:30 p.m. Tickets Travel 03/09/08 Kobalt Tools 500 Atlanta Motor Speedway FOX/1:30 p.m. PRN/2 p.m. Tickets 03/16/08 Food City 500 Bristol Motor Speedway FOX/1:30 p.m. PRN/2 p.m. 03/30/08 Goody's Cool Orange 500 Martinsville Speedway FOX/1:30 p.m. MRN/2 p.m. Tickets Travel 04/06/08 Samsung 500 Texas Motor Speedway FOX/1:30 p.m. PRN/2 p.m. Tickets 04/12/08 Subway Fresh Fit 500 Phoenix International Raceway FOX/8 p.m. MRN/8:30 p.m. Tickets Travel 04/27/08 Aaron's 499 Talladega Superspeedway FOX/1:30 p.m. MRN/2 p.m. Tickets Travel 05
Nascar Is Back!
If you didn't know already, then you must have missed last night's truck race- which literally RACED down to the finish. Then, tonight's Busch (or Nationwide as they call it thse days...) that's finish was just as phenomanal! GO MATT! Way to start a little bit o- Daytona action- start in the back and pull out a top 5. THAT'S MY DOG!!!
I was going to write a mumm about this but I seem to have been banned from them for making rude comments haha oh darn. Anyway, I was curious if I happen to be the only person on earth who finds nascar to be the most moronic "sport" ever devised. I have never understood the concept of sitting in front of a tv screen or sitting at a race track just to watch a bunch of hicks in cars drive in circles for hours. The sick part about this nascar BS is that it is the most popular motor sport in the USA. This scares me to think that there are so many people out there who get a thrill from watching dumb little cars going in circles. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I have actually watched nascar was for the crashes. That is about the only exciting thing that happens and unfortunately, in many cases, the person in the crash is hurt or killed. So what is it that makes this garbage so popular? NOTE: Trust me, one of two things is gonna happen here, ONE: nobody is gonna respond
Nascar Fans Unite !!!!!
hey fellow nascar fans , we are having a charity drive and auction in honor of brienne davis ( nascar offical ) who passed away this month . so please join us and help make june brienne davis month in the nascar community . ! you can check out this site and keep updated on the auction .it will be on ebay june 16th through the end of the month . http://fanzone. webng. com/briennedavis so far items from darlington raceway larry mcreynolds infineon raceway talladega super speedway more coming in daily !!! so keep a look out for all new things listed on the site on our thank you list or watch for updates on Infieldparking. com or messege me here please pass this on to all your nascar friends thanks everyone ! cindy
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i went to my first NASCAR race on june 1 2008 and i tell ya what i had a good time there it was the best thing i ever did. even if u dont like nascar go to one race and see how it is it was the best time i had
Nascar Kitty
Nascar Photography
Nascar Fans
If got tickets to the August sat nite and Sun nite races. Where do I stay heard its in the middle of nowhere Help Please
Nascar: Nuts And Bolts
Now i'm not going to go on a tirade about Nascar, but let's face it, wives must be relieved everyday when their husbands come home with trophys and grease all over them, and some scratches. But they are probably more relieved at their husbands funeral, because she's got to be nervous wondering if daddy's coming home or taking his al-queda rocket ship into a wall at 180 mph. I wonder what the statistics are on legal and illegal drug usage with wives of Nascar drivers. It's a tough job but I wouldn't want it..I hate driving to 7-11.
The Rules: 1. Stop by Mz. Liz's page and rate her Nascar Chase folder... Start with this pic... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "At the Nascar Chase" or something like that... 4. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 5. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request 6. Repost the bulletin so it can be seen by as many people as possible. 7. NO DRAMA... You agreed to the rules... So, be sure you follow through... No cheating... Please... ****************************** Below is the gift tag you will receive... Feel free to save and upload your tag or rip it... But if you rip it, you will NOT receive points when someone rates it on your page. Pl
Nascar Chase See Carrie For Updated List Txs
The Rules: 1. Stop by Mz. Liz's page and rate her Nascar Chase folder... Start with this pic... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "At the Nascar Chase" or something like that... 4. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 5. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request 6. Repost the bulletin so it can be seen by as many people as possible. 7. NO DRAMA... You agreed to the rules... So, be sure you follow through... No cheating... Please... ****************************** Below is the gift tag you will receive... Feel free to save and upload your tag or rip it... But if you rip it, you will NOT receive points when someone rates it on your pa
Nascar Chase Train
The Rules: 1. Stop by Mz. Liz's page and rate her Nascar Chase folder... Start with this pic... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "At the Nascar Chase" or something like that... 4. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 5. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request 6. Repost the bulletin so it can be seen by as many people as possible. 7. NO DRAMA... You agreed to the rules... So, be sure you follow through... No cheating... Please... ****************************** Below is the gift tag you will receive... Feel free to save and upload your tag or rip it... But if you rip it, you will NOT receive points when someone rates it on your page. Pl
NASCAR's most popular driver, fired a shot at some track owners who say drivers aren't doing their part to help sell tickets. "That's not true," Earnhardt told reporters at NASCAR's annual pre-Daytona 500 media day. "We do winner's circle programs, we're constantly doing things every week for this guy and that guy to help race tracks. We were in Daytona for Fan Fest, I read off 20 damn scripts about selling tickets, that very thing. "They've got to take a little responsibility for themselves. I was thinking the other day they ought to build their own hotels that way they can bring the hotel prices down and control the hotel prices in the region and make a little bit of money." Earnhardt went on to dispute the assertion that live attendance is down because drivers aren't doing their part. "People aren't coming to the race track because the drivers don't (care)," he said. "People are not coming to the race track because it's expensive to do it. Drivers do pitch in, drivers do try to
Nascar Train For The '09 Season. Updated 2-18-09
Babz Nascar Train....Wanna Join?? First you need to Add/Fan/Rate the hostess then leave her a comment saying your Joining Babz Nascar Train ~ßÂßz~ Å$$t. HëaÐ G®ëétè® @ TPG ~@ fubar Second you need to R/F/A everybody on the train and leave a comment telling them you are Joining Babz Nascar Train. Third you need to rate all pics in this Nascar Folder. Forth send me a private message to let me know you did all this and who your favorite driver is. I will make your tag and add you to the train Fifth pick up your tag here and then repost the bulletin that you are on! 1.Todd@ fubar 2.Being all I can be@ fubar 3.Wofant Sexatary@ TPG Lounge
Nascar Drivers Don't Qualify As Being Athletes,0,7681772.column NASCAR drivers don't qualify as being athletes David Whitley SPORTS COMMENTARY February 17, 2009 You never bite the hand that feeds you. But on the Sentinel Web site Monday we posed a question that forces me to take a nibble. "Is Dale Earnhardt Jr. the most overrated athlete in sports?" There was only one problem. Athlete? Who was writing our headlines Monday, Bill France Sr.? Probably not, because NASCAR's founder has been dead for 17 years. The argument whether drivers are athletes has been around a lot longer than that. Anybody with more than a carburetor for brains knows the truth. Yes, drivers are athletes. But only if you think it's athletic to make a Grilled Texas Bacon Double Patty Melt Plate. That's one of the delicious specials you'll find at Waffle House. Preparing it requires stamina, strength, concentration and guts. Sounds a l
Nascar: Points Options For A Better Change?
With so many controversies over the points in NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, I was thinking of a better way or at least a different way to break down the points in order to make the winner garner more points than those who are just able to lead laps only to lose the race.The following is how I am recommending they break down the points and pay close attention to the All Star Weekend/Bud Shootout Points that are added to provide those who make the weekend a small advantage.
Nascar Fan A Must Read
For those of you who are huge NASCAR fans know about the Toyota Racing contest that is going on with NASCAR. I have made a patriotic car that I hope wins. I would appreciate all the votes. You can vote one a day for the next 15 days. If I have the most votes my car will be seclected and replica made and driven in the 2010 NASCAR Sprint All- Star Race. to find my car click on search and type in sapphire6988 I will have the blue/red car with POW/MIA emblem on the hood and eagle with the flag on the rear quarter panel. Please SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! SAPPHIRE6988 has used the Sponsafier to create a custom Cup car. If enough people vote for this design, SAPPHIRE6988 will experience never before seen glory and fame as it’s showcased at the 2010 NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race.
The Nashieboo Survey
. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?: Sarah Michelle Gellar...I wanna introduce her to my bologna 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?: I'm the guys that makes that one wheel always stick. 3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?: I listen and then use peoples words against them 4. Do you take compliments well?: I hate them 5. Are you an active person?: actively resting 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, do you survive?: of can't kill me 7. Do you like to ride horses?: In the nude 8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?: once...but I broke out 9. What was your favorite game as a kid?: Burn Things 10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you get involved with him/her?: nobody would EVER pursue me....I am IMMUNE to adultery 11. Are you judgmental?: nope...just better than you ( j/ lc girls know i love them! ) 12. Could you date
Nashieboo's Alphebet Soup
[A is for age:] 4000 years [B is for beer of choice:] GUINNESS or Harp [C is for career:] Instigator [D is for favorite Drink:] IRN BRU [E is for essential item you use everyday:] Toilet paper [F is for favorite song at the moment:] Workin' For The Weekend [G is for favorite games:] Smash The Toe With The Hammer [H is for hometown] Melmac [I is for instruments you play:] Peanut Butter Sandwich [J is for favorite juice?:] pickle [K is for kids?:] I have three for sale [L is for last kiss?] don't care [M is for marriage:] a hopeless situation [N is for name of your best friend(s)] Jameson,Tangueray,Smirnoff [O is for overnight hospital stays:] only on weekends [P is for phobias:] redheads [Q is for quote:] I lowered my cholesterol [R is for biggest regret:] Not saying... [S is for self confidence:] Zero [T time u wake up:] morning time [U is for underwear:] pink lacey thongs [V is for vegetable you love:] Steak [W is for
Nashieboo's Questions
. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?: the lottery saying congrats you won a hundred million dollars! 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?: if I parked close, if I am out in the north 40 then no 3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?: talk talk talk talk especially when I am drunk...I get VERY friendly! 4. Do you take compliments well?: yeah but they kinda embarrass me I never know how to respond 5. Are you an active person?: actively resting
Nashville Underground Muzik Scene
My homie of Antioch's FINEST & ILLEST lyricists rep'g 615 NASHVILLE, Tn on sum real talk wit a lil Antioch history. Chance Rep'nAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Nashville's Underground Muzik Scene
My homie Dj Wick-it Da Instagator one of THE DOPEST DJ's I know personally....(And i know ALOT of Dj's). Dj Wick-it doin his thang@12th & Porter downtown Nashville 2005 Dj Wick-it Da InstagatorAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Nash And Wolf
THANKS TEXCAT! imikimi - Customize Your World
Nashville's Recent Gas Crisis!
My job requires me to travel and I don't like eating alone. Always looking for someone to have dinner with and / acouple of drinks. I will be traveling to Nashville next week. 2-18. Look at my profile and give me a yell if you would like to get to know me better...
Some of you may kmow what is going on with my son, for those who don't here it is. My son rides motor cross and two weeks ago  he was in an accident. He broke his leg, collar bone, 7 ribs and punctured his lung. Friday a week ago they found a blood colt in his leg and one in his lung. The next day the one in his lung broke loose and they had to opperate. Things were going all right until they put him on medication for the clot in his leg. He was allergic to the meds. He tried to get up to go to the bathroom, got dizzy and fell. The fall caused his injured lung to colapse. They had to put a baloon in to fix that. Last night the doctors called and ask if he had a living will. This is no longer a "oops I crashed" but rather will he survive. I have to go and be with him no matter the cost. I'll try to keep in touch but don't know if I can. I'll update you when I can. Love, Eddy
Nashville Update
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and support. They gave my son a transfusion and his condition improved dramaticly. It was decided to move him to a sports rehab center in Chicago that is better equipped to deal with his muscle fatigue. In a week or two they expect to let him go through a standard program but right now he will be getting electro muscle stimulation a nd hydro theropy. This is a big weight off my shoulders. He will get better it will just take time and following the doctors orders. He understands what this has done to those who care and vows to never ride motor cross again. I'm glad but also sad because I know how much it means to him. Without it he will have to find a new hobby. I hope it's safer and even more fum for him. My suggestion was fishing, as long as it wasn't for sharks or something like that. lol Hugs,   Eddy
Nash, Deron Williams And Dwight Howard
BLAINE, Minn. Shea McClellin Jersey . -- Ashleigh Brykaliuk and Karly Heffernan each scored in the shootout as Canadas under-18 womens hockey team beat the United States 5-4. Brykaliuk, Hannah Miller, Halli Krzyzaniak, Cassidy Carels each scored for Canada, which won the three-game exhibition series after taking the opener but dropping Game 2. Canadas head coach Jim Fetter said Sunday the series victory should give Canada confidence ahead of the world championships in December in Vierumaki, Finland. "Now the girls think they can beat the U.S. Its in their minds so theyre confident," said Fetter. "I think with the collapse we had in the third today the girls will be a little more focused now going into that game and knowing that were going to have to play 60 minutes." Kimberly Newell made 32 saves in net for Canada, while Americans Alexis Shaw and Sidney Peters combined to stop 22 shots. Amy Menke gave the Americans a 1-0 lead in the first period, but a goal by Brykaliuk took away the a
Nas Is Like By Nas
Na Siaigh Conghal Siorcha
“Who Dares To Say, ‘Forget’?” My apologies for this somewhat sectarian piece. However, we cannot heal the errors of the past until we heal the schism within our own hearts. Herban Media's Myspace Tools
Nas In Concert
I won tickets today on partypeeps to see NAs in concert 3 june in groningen city in holland yeahhh soo coollll this is the second time around i won tickets before this i won tickets for ludacris sooo gonna check Nas out this sunday damnnn im lucky
Nasio Fontaine She Lost Track
Arousal from kissing, sucking, touching or looking at another's nose.
I couldn't just pass this up: a Russian Olympic champ Nastia Liukin. Nasty Lookin?
"From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."
Nasty Sex Poem
Sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! roses are nice violets are
Nasty Fun On A Boat
Nasty Fun on a Boat by notnice66 © Needing a break from things, I treated myself to a weekend in a luxury hotel on the coast. Arriving on Friday afternoon, I showered and dressed and went down to the lounge. It was quiet. Looking for company and some holiday fun, I left the hotel and strolled down the main street of the town, enjoying the warm evening air. There was music coming from a run-down looking pub and I went in. The bar was crowded and there was a band playing in the lounge. This was more like it. I had barely settled in a booth with a drink when two hunky guys came over and struck up a conversation. They were well-scrubbed and in clean t-shirts and shorts, were open featured and weathered, and both bore tattoos on their upper arms. They introduced themselves as Mario and Pete and told me they were down for the weekend to go fishing. They co-owned a roofing business in the city and co-owned a boat. They were both good dancers and over the next three or four hours we spent
He thinks he's the shit as he sits you upon his shelf, like a prize to be won, he plays wit himself. Tounges tide, twisted revenge, all the while he's fu*kn yo friends. So honest you think, that he's tru to u, neva really cumin unglued. You sit by yo self, wondern now, how the hell did this all go down. I thought he loved me, you scream out loud, god damn I feel like Ima drownd. Too Much emotion yo eyes can't see, that this whole while you was bein deceived. Go head pretty mama, fall off that shelf, pick yo self up and dust yo self. Don't worry bout them, and how they feel, cuz obviously this sh*t wuzn't real. Who's the joke, not you sweet thang, don't let them keep you in a bag. Bust yo self out and do yo thang, cuz lil lady, its yo time to swang.
Nasty Poem I Found It Quite Funny
sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain
Nasty Poem Dirty!!!
sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!
Nasty People
Kids Shirts With 800 Number Advertising Phone Sex Line
A Nasty Bulletin...
Just curious..Anyone read a bulletin bashing cam whores naming Scarletxoxo as one? I'd like to see the bulletin!
Nasty Halloween Costumes!
There was an old couple who hadn't celebrated Halloween in a long time, so they decided to dress up and go out. The old woman went in her bedroom, stripped naked, and tied a string between her legs with a lemon at the end of the string. When she walked out of the room her husband yelled, "You can't go out like that!" "I can go out as whatever I want and so can you!" The man agreed and went into his room. Soon, he came out naked with a string tied to his penis and a potato at the end of the string. The woman said "You're going out as that?" "Yes," said the old man. "If you can go out as a sourpuss, I can go out as a dicktator
Nasty Sex Poem
nasty sex!! roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Hicory dickory dock some nigga was eatin my twat the hair got tangled the nigga was strangled @least h swallod a lot. Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid So if u want me in yo sack li
''nasty Sex Poem''
''nasty sex poem'' Sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore and Daddy is an asshole! This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So st
Ok, so I went to the doctor yesterday because I feel like hell. Well I have the flu, ear infection in both ears and a viral lung infection. I need some loving and stuff. Woohoo, I did get some good pain meds, so if you're talking to me and I seem to go off the deep end, you know why. LOL
Nasty Freak Quiz
Body: Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u do me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind
Nasty Quiz
Body: Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u do me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind
Nasty Short Jokes
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. Q. What's a mixed feeling? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q. What's the height of conceit? A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name. Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball. Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick. Q.Why is divorce so expensive? A. Because it's worth it. Q. What is a Yankee? A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal. Q. What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common? A. Their balls are just for decoration. Q.What is the diffe
Nasty Sex Poem
Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you be the nine
Nasty Servey
NASTY SURVEY Welcome 2 the Nasty Survey. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u want me 2 do u in? answer: 3.Would u wanna taste me? answer: 4.Would u want me 2 sex u hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 12.Where would u do me @? answer: 13.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 14.Would u do me again and again? answer: 15.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mind if we did it like porn stars? answer: 17.Woul
''nasty Sex Poem''
Sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore and Daddy is an asshole! This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opene
Nasty Freak Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/ eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like .......
Nasty Freak Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/ eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........ star
Nasty Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/ eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........ star
Nasty Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? 2.What position would u ........ me in? 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? 4.Would u sex me hard? 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? 6.Give me a naked pic? 7.Would u do me in the shower? 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? 9.Would u use desert? 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? 13.Where would u do me @? 14.Would u do me in front of people? 15.Would u do me again and again? 16.Would u do me in the rain? 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........ stars? 18.Would u have phone sex with me? 19.If i gave u my heart would u love it or let it go? 20.Woul
Nasty But Funny As Hell
Monkey loveAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Nasty Sex Poems
Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Hicory dickory dock some nigga was eatin my twat the hair got tangled the nigga was strangled @least h swallod a lot. Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid So if u want me in yo sack lick yo lips and HOLLA BA
Nasty Quiz 8
1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u fuck me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u handcuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use dessert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me ? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like porn stars? answer: 18.Would u have phone sex with me? answer: 19.If i gave u my heart would u love it
The Nasty Test! Answer If You Dare!
Subject: Nasty Test Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u fuck me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a n pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use dessert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and
Nasty Aids Eaters
I think they broke apart my mind Yeah they just wanted to see what was inside They wanted to know if fairy tales were true Or if they were poorly constructed lies, told to pass the time And I told him I was trying to write a catchy pop song About failure and hate and sodomy I don’t think he believed me. But I looked him dead in the eye. And pinky promised. I told my 8 year old sister I was a raging alcoholic And she told me that god didn’t like me anymore And then she cried for me. For my fury, for my weakness. And I sat at my computer for 6 hours waiting on him to IM me. Just. Staring. And when he finally did he said “Dood. I am sooo messed up” And right there, my heart broke. I wanted better for him. And staying up till 5 am only feels right with Dyllon When we’re watching Thumbalina And imagining that tiny, tiny girl trying to fuck that thumb. That had us rolling for like a half hour.
Nasty Sex Poem!
nasty sex poem Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 16 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you be the nine.
*nasty Grrl!!! Thanks Lesa*
You scored as Complete Filth. You are flithy! You see sublimal messages everywhere... and you're always willing for some *ahem* fun. You can get "creative" with it too. You need serious counseling. Click Here, cus you need helpComplete Filth80%Not so clean70%Pedofile10%Pure and Innocent10%How dirty is your mind?created with
Nasties *&^&%*^
I think Im one of those people now, that are easily amused, and its easy for me to Laugh. Dont get me wrong I cant stand stupid shit or people.MOST of the time I am very patient and it takes ALOT to annoy me but man when you hit that limit, Im done. Please just dont be stupid and I dont mean lack of knowledge stupid, I mean just plain STUPEEEEDDDDDDDD.Ignorance (they say .. and no I dont know who they is) Is no excuse, ALTHOUGH I dont really believe that. Heres an example, You know the fruit cakes that get online and first thing they want to do is say hey Jenna, You getting naked today??THATS stupid, becauseeeeee WHEN EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR have I EVERRRRRR given anyone the idea at some point I was going to be??? SCUSE MEEEE but the ONLY thing I shall be wearing is a DAMN FOOKING TWENTY LAYER NEON GREEN ESKIMO SUIT....with a jacket and 31 pairs of socks..HELLLLO!!! AND NO NO NO FUCKING NOOOOOOOO I will NOT Check and tell you the ''Status of the moisture level DOWN THERE'' that
Nasty Sex Poemt
"nasty sex poem'' Body: roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit f*cking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you b
A Nasty Poem By Me
Up and down we move our bodies, Making love like never before, Faster and faster till we can't breath, The sweat begins to drip down, Next we turn and 69 one another, You play with my clit so right, I begin to cum in relief, I suck and blow till I make you scream, You cum in my mouth that hot stream, I taste the satsifaction of a job well done, Ingesting it into my body.
Nasty Survey
Welcome 2 the Nasty Survey. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then re-post it 4 your self 1.Would you have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u want me 2 be in? answer: 3.Would u suck/lick me? answer: 4.Would u want to have sex with me hard? answer: 5.Would u have anal sex with me the first night we met? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic of you? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u handcuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me will we sexed? answer: 12.Where would u do me @? answer: 13.Would u do me in front of ppl? answer: 14.Would u do me again and again? answer: 15.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mine if we did it like porn stars? answer: 17.Wou
The Nastiest Shit In The World (literally)
Ok..So I am on my first 15 minute break chopping it up on my sidekick with a few people when it came time for the Carls Jr I ate earlier to make it's exit out of my body. So I mae my way into the rest room and pick the handicap stall (for the leg room). I do the "pre-shit wipedown" ritual and blop my tank ass on the toilet. So there I am, texting friends and squeezing to my hearts content when some dude (no I didn't look!) comes into the restroom and enters the stall next to teh one I am occupying. He also does the "pre-shit wipedown" ritual. Then he sits down and begins his work. I tell you people, I never thought how FUCKING SICK shit sounds coming out of an asshole until I heard this dude shit. It was the nastiest fucking thing I have heard and I almost threw up by the sound of it. And it was not liek i was TRYING to ear how this dude shit, but MY GOD, it was unavoidable not to hear. It was not the sounds of the comical farting and plopping noises. that movies made famous.
Nasty Sex Joke
okay so a guy is near the end of his senior year in high school. Unfortunately, he still has to share a room with his younger brother who is only 9 years old. One night, he decides to bring his girlfriend home for a little fun. They have bunk beds and the guy notices that his little brother is already asleep on the lower bunk, so he and his girlfriend climb up to the top bunk. As you might expect things start to heat up. The guy remembers that his little brother is sleeping below so he tells his girlfriend to whisper "lettuce" if she wants it harder and "tomato" if she wants a new position. Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!!
Nasty Skank
since cherrytap dont seem to care about harassment by all means go rate her a 1. after all if she can do it and spread lies she deserves it.
Nasty Black Toothed Bitch!!
Nasty Test!!!!
Welcome 2 the Nasty Survey. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 Other PPL 1.Would u fuck me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ want me to have u in? answer: 3.Would u give me head/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard? answer: 5.Would u fuck me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u fuck me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then fuck me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 fuck me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we fucked? answer: 12.Where would u fuck me @? answer: 13.Would u fuck me in front of people? answer: 14.Would u fuck me again and again? answer: 15.Would u fuck me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mind if we fucked like ........ stars? answer: 17.Would u have ph
Nasty, Bitter Old-ass Men Shouldn't Throw Stones.
"The same corporate power structure that supported Imus for 30 years also supports the lowlife "gangstas" and their imitators, because the images they all project maintain the divisive thinking among white AND black people that prevents any unified movements against the class inequality in the US. How conveeeenient they all are!!!" -My father
Nasty Wreck
You scored as 0mg, u nasty!. 0mg, u nasty!100%s0 bad, u freak!!88%So pure!75%Yur not a freak! Yur gay!75%lil bit daring50%R u a sex freak?created with
Nasty Person
now listen to this...i have never done anything to anyone..never posted any nasty or bad comments. i never downrated a very sweet and honest person,so with this ..i just recieved mail from an anonymous person sending me weeds talking bout that im a nasty white bi hore and go do your kids and shit..this person which isnt even man or even woman enough to show who they are i have a few coice words for you....THANKS FOR THINKING ABOUT ME ENOUGH TO SPEND YOUR TIME AND MONEY ON ME..this hasnt changed me as a person and im very proud of who i am and i will not change for no one
"nasty Test!"
Welcome 2 the Nasty Survey. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 Other PPL 1.Would u fuck me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ want me to have u in? answer: 3.Would u give me head/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard? answer: 5.Would u fuck me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u fuck me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then fuck me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 fuck me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we fucked? answer: 12.Where would u fuck me @? answer: 13.Would u fuck me in front of people? answer: 14.Would u fuck me again and again? answer: 15.Would u fuck me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mind if we fucked like ........ stars? answer: 17.Would u have ph
Nasty Freak Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........
A Nasty Lookin Low Rater
Go check out this profile! She likes to rate below a 10 but doesnt have any room to talk!!!! princess@ CherryTAP
Nasty Freak
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........ stars?
Nasty Girl Fight
Free Video Hosting
Nasty And Sick Questions?
1.)Have you ever shit your pants? 2.)Have you ever farted in a Resturant while you were waiting for your dinner to come? 3.)Do you know what a lincoln Log is? 4.)Do you know what a Taco Pussy is? 5.)what is the sickest thing you have ever done? 6.)Have you ever had a Mud Butt? 7.)Have you ever had sex on your Period? 8.)Did you ever vomit in someones mouth while u were kissing them? 9.)Did you ever wet your pants from laughing so hard? 10.)Do you think this blog is stupid?
Nasty Freak Quiz
Welcome 2 the Nasty QUIZ. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like ........
A Nasty Joke
A guy is near the end of his senior year in high school. Unfortunately, he still has to share a room with his younger brother who is only 9 years old. One night, he decides to bring his girlfriend home for a little fun. They have bunk beds and the guy notices that his little brother is already asleep on the lower bunk, so he and his girlfriend climb up to the top bunk. As you might expect things start to heat up. The guy remembers that his little brother is sleeping below so he tells his girlfriend to whisper "lettuce" if she wants it harder and "tomato" if she wants a new position. Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! She screams. Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Whoa!!!
Nasty Poem
Lemons are sour Open your legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happened If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You don't multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style and 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! you opened it so you are cursed for 5 yrs. you need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. i'll be the six if you be the nine. eat me bea
Nasty Poem (lmao)
Lemons are sour Open your legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happened If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You don't multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style and 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! you opened it so you are cursed for 5 yrs. you need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. i'll be the six if you be the nine. eat me bea
''nasty Sex Poem.''
roses are red Lemons are sour Open your legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happened If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You don't multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style and 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! roses are nice violets are fine. i'll be the six if you be the nine. eat me beat me bite me blow me fuck me suck me very slowly if
a peach is a peach a plum is a plum a kiss ain‘t no kiss without some tongue,tongue,tongue
Nasty Girl
Hmmm do you....? And do you have a problem with it if you do? Oh... and psst... ignore the last line of the song... somehow I don't think I'd ever say that... :) Thats right, pleased to meet u I still [don't wanna/wont] tell u my name Don't u believe in mystery? Don't u wanna play my game? Im lookin for a man to love me Like I never been loved before I'm lookin for a man that'll do it anywhere Even on [the/a] limousine floor Cuz Tonight, I'm living in a fantasy. My own little nasty world Tonight, don't u wanna come with me? Do u think I'm a nasty girl? Tonight, living in a fantasy My own little nasty world Tonight, don't u wanna come with me? Do u think I'm a nasty girl? I guess I'm just used to sailors I think they got water on the brain I think they got more water upstairs Than they got sugar on [the/a] candy cane Thats right, its been a long time Since I had a man [who/that] did it real good If u ain't scared, take it out Ill do it like a r
that is what NSFW stand for
Nasty Comments
I've noticed that quite a few people are putting some extremely innapropriate remarks on my page. You probably know who you are. I mean thanks for the confidence boost, but come on man! Send me a message or shout me. Wait, don't do that either. Keep it to yourself pleeeaaaassseee! Myself and everyone else are not interested in reading about a stranger who wants to give me ________ and do _________, etc. So once again, thanks, but try and keep it off my comments. Much Love, Inked
Nasty C$#@ In Rankin County
Naw,this ain't safe for work but I will tell ya this.If i see this girl,my lovely white Monte Carlo SS IS fully insured and I WILL back it up in her mac truck ass if I get one more phone call from a stranger,after she's posted my home phone on a NASTY website.Everybody knows me and my car and they know I would never mess with anybody's life UNLESS they pushed me into it.Well,the cunt has pushed and the law has himhawed,MY TURN! I'll get my satisfaction and folks standing in line to get me outta jail.It would be worth it to see the look on her face when she realizes,if that's possible in that 2nd grade head of hers,that you don't push ME!YOU DON"T DEFAME ME AND YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT,MESS WITH MY FAMILY>I can and will help her lose hers.She's a rotten mother anyway!She's too stupid to see she has what lots of other want and can't have .ungrateful HO!U KNOW WHO U B! You know where I work-come get some if U think you can.
Nasty Roommates
I had a problem this evening for a third time with one of my room mates.She Constantly leaves her garbage around, and never cleans the household.When the other roomate and I confront her she makes excuses and blames others for her misgivings. So this evening she left another disgusting mess in the kitchen. I made it known to her that I knew it was her mess, and she should be respectful enough of the Household and the people living therein. Including herself to clean her mess and not leave it for days on end. She then Spits at me feet and slams her door in my face.I knocked on the door till she opened it again and I punched her as she was about to me again. The incident ended up in The Security Officers hands. I was reprimanded, but she was asked to move to another unit as soon as one becomes available. What do you think did I handled this right or was I bit Rash ???
Nasty People
Some of the people online is looking for a relationship or a good time or whatever their choice is, but what ever it is as long as you/they are happy thats fine. But it is a whole lot of people online to hurt, put them down and give them drama for what? egos. There isn't anybody trying to take anything from nobody up here becos far as i am concern it is just pasttime pleasure something to do. There are people that wanna make friends and have a good time thats cool! let them ,just keep in mind that all ppl have feeling and that we should watch what we say or how we say it it is not funny to low rate someone out of malice, becos how you treat a person in return someone will do it to you. So let just get along with each other you never know when that ugly duckling might turn out to be a beautiful swan.
Nasty Rhonda
This is a link to an exteme story with a little video that I made myself. Not for the timid.
Nasty Surprise By The Fan. A
Nasty Surprise by The Fan. Helena Kyle, the Huntress is the superheroine who looks after Gotham at night. She gets a nasty surprise from one of her best friends one evening. (Ff, bdsm) Dinah entered her room at the Gotham clock tower. She was very excited. She was a tall teen girl with long blond hair and pale blue eyes. Her face was smooth and cute with a slightly frowning, slightly dreamy expression. She was eager to watch the tv series Androkles. It was a story about a roman slave who fought a lion in the arena and was spared by the king of beasts and they became companions, fighting for freedom and such. She watched intently. The lead actor walked on screen. He was a tall, lean, muscled man with dark hair and eyes. he wore little more than a loin cloth. She stared dreamily. This was the man of her dreams. Emphasis on dreams because she could never have that kind of man in her life. She was a mutant. Life was tough on all her kind an
Nasty Surprise By The Fan. B
Nasty Surprise by The Fan. Helena Kyle, the Huntress is the superheroine who looks after Gotham at night. She gets a nasty surprise from one of her best friends one evening. (Ff, bdsm) When she came back she dropped the contents on Huntress's face. Helena woke up abruptly. Her eyes blazed with uncanny fury. She looked at Dinah, confused. "What's happening, Di?" she said. "You're my new fuck toy, bat bitch," Dinah said. Huntress looked at the girl. All trace of the tender girl she knew was gone. what stood before her was a fierce, sadistic bee-atch. The kind she liked beating. She struggled in her bonds but to no avail. "Oh, Helena, you can't escape. These are titanium chains reinforced with some green product I found in your dad's lair back when he was a Batman and there was an alien from space helping people." "Why are you doing this?" Helena said. "I love you." "I love you," Dinah said mockingly. "You're pathetic. You won't get a
Nasty Or Weird..not Sure Lol
SB message I got and responded to. Read bottom first. LOL ->sanchristo...: i bet it would be so funny if you had all of that plastic on and someone pushed you close to a fire and it started melting on your skin. LMAO sanchristo...: Hi, i am 30 m from germany. i get turned on, when i am wearing button down shirts, rubber pants, my selfmade plastic wear or a suit of plastic wrap. i wanna show my fetishism to other people.
Nasty Quiz!
Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u fuck me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard/want me to fuck you hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u handcuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like .porno stars? answer: 18.Would u have phone sex with me? answer: 19.If i gave u my heart would u lo
Nasty Quiz -something For Fun
Nasty Quiz Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u fuck me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard/want me to fuck you hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u handcuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like .porno stars? answer: 18.Would u have phone sex with me? answer: 19.If i gave u my
Nasty Weather Ahead
we are getting nasty weather starting tonight so i may not get to check in tomorrow...till is one called "What If I Said...." What if I said.... I love you Just what would you do What if I said.... It's you I want Would it be my dreams you'd haunt What if I said.... It's you I need Would you make me beg and plead What if I said.... All the things I feel inside Would you run and hide What if I said.... I love you
so today i went to work and i came back from break the two girls i work with saved me some pound cake from snack and they offered it to me knowing that i will eat anything so of course i eat it and they start laughing at me and i get paranoid and five minutes later they told me they put sea monkeys all over the bread i even said it tasted good but when they told me i wanted to vomit.... it was nasty anyone have a good way to get them back
~~nasty Handbags ~~
: ...I never gave it a thought. HANDBAGS...I never gave it a thought. Who would have thought? Have you ever noticed gals who sit their handbags on public toilet floors - then go directly to their dining tables and set it on the table? Happens a lot! It's not always the 'restaurant food' that causes stomach distress. Sometimes "what you don't know 'will' hurt you"! Read on...Mom got so upset when guests came in the door and plopped their handbags down on the counter where she was cooking or setting up food. She always said that handbags are really dirty, because of where they have been. Smart Mom!!!It's something just about every woman carries with them. While we may know what's inside our handbags, do you have any idea what's on the outside? Women carry handbags everywhere; from the office to public toilets to the floor of the car. Most women won't be caught without their handbags, but did you ever stop to think about where your handbag goes during the day."
Nasty Snow
i want it to be hot least 105'. sleet and snow serve no purpose to me. i love the sun..beating on your skin, feeling the warmth, makes you feel all hot and steamy, getting tan, relaxing, drinking a daquari, listening to music, wearing nothing ( thank god for privacy fences) just enjoying what nature brings in the summertime, laying next to the pool and hearing all the little bugs: locust, honey bees, wood bees ( i play baseball with those) birds singing cause their happy its summer. ive always loved summer more than winter. i do like some aspects of winter, movie watching, fireplaces, hot tea, snuggling, snuggling, snuggling. but always my favorite season will be: SUMMER. whats you favorite season?
Nasty Thyme Lounge
Come check out the wildest party on Fubar.... BabyGirl Head Promoter!!!!
The sky was dark the moon was high all alone just her and I Her hair so soft her eyes so blue I knew just what she wanted to do Her skin so soft her legs so fine I ran my fingers down her spine I didn't know how but I tried my best to place my hand on her breast I remember my fear my fast beating heart but slowly she spread her legs apart And when she did I felt no shame as all at once the white stuff came At last it was finished it's all over now, my first time...milking a cow. wahoooooooo i got u all lmao
Nasty Talk!
Ok guys.....this is too many of you out there....just because my name is naughty does NOT mean i talk dirty to the whole fuckin world! Ya see FUBAR created a family list for reasons......mine are ... 1) the men i talk nasty to are on mine! 2) as of today all of my nsfw's will be for my family ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) LAST BUT DEFINATELY NOT LEAST.....if you cannot avoid being an unwanted perv! TURN THE FUCK AROUND....WALK AWAY AND CLOSE THAT FUCKIN DOOR!
The Nasty Fucker ( The Mom Fucker For Real)
THIS IS WHAT THIS NASTY FUCK SAID TO ME AND I QUOTE "->txjewel22: well do you fuck your mom ->txjewel22: you would fuck you mom ->txjewel22: that is just gros TroyR: ok ->txjewel22: what TroyR: k -> txjewel22:NO TroyR: :) TroyR: can my mom lick it ->txjewel22: hell ya TroyR: do u like another woman to lick ur pussy ->txjewel22: mmmmmmmmmmmm i like that TroyR: watch another woman to lick u" SO IF YOU SEE THIS NASTY FUCKER RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!! DONT LOOK BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!! IT IS THE NASTY MOM FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Nasty Sex Poem
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Shian Date: 15 Jan 2008, 15:49 Body: Roses are redLemons are sourOpen ur legs and give me an hourKissing Is A HabitFucking Is A GameGuys Get All The PleasureGirls Get All The Pain10 Minutes Of Pleasure9 Months Of Pain3 Days In The HospitalA Baby Without A NameThe Baby Is A BastardThe Mother Is A WhoreThis Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!!Sex is like mathYou subtract the clothesAdd the bedDivide the legsAnd Pray to godYou dont multiplyRoses are redGrass is greenOpen your legsAnd I'll fill you with creamHickory dickory dockThis bitch was suckin my cockThe clock struck twoI dumped my gooAnd dumped her to the end of the blockSex is goodSex is fineDoggy Style & 69Just for funOr gettin paidEveryone likes gettin laidSex is evilSex is a sinSins are forgivenSo stick it in!!!u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!!roses are niceviolets are fine.ill be the sixif you be the nine.Repost this as
Nasty Feets!
I really dont get the foot fetishes folks have on here. Some folks will put tons of pics of thier feet on here n apparently some guys digg that. To me feets is ugly, dont care how much paint you try n slap on em.N its just plain damn nasty to lick toes or crap like that.feets r one of the dirtiest n germ ridden parts of yer body, no matter how clean yopu try n keep em.Just wondered if anyone else but me found that odd. But on the other hand leggs r damn sexy! mmmmmm hmmmmm love em!that n boobies lol! but i'll behave n wont get strated on that
Nasty Joke
One day, a mom and her young daughter were walking thru the park on the way to the zoo. During their walk, the young girl looks over and sees a teenage couple having sex in the bushes. The little girl points and asks..."Mommy, mommy, what are they doing?" The mom thinks that the girl is too young to have this conversation with, so she lies and says, "They are baking a cake dear." The little girl seems to accept this as an answer. They continue thru the park and get to the zoo. They look at all the animals and when they get to the monkey cage, sure enough, the monkeys are fucking. The little girl looks at her mom and says, "Mommy, mommy, are they baking a cake too?" The mom is all pleased with herself because she got to sidestep that whole conversation. "Yes, dear, they are." After the zoo, they go home and mom, dad, and daughter have dinner and watch TV on the couch. The little girl goes to bed and mom and dad are feeling frisky, so they have sex right there on the couch. The next m
Nasty Quiz
Nasty Quiz Rules: Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u fuck me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard/want me to fuck you hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u handcuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u use desert? answer: 10.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 11.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 12.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 13.Where would u do me @? answer: 14.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 15.Would u do me again and again? answer: 16.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 17.Would u mind if we did it like .porno stars? answer: 18.Would u have phone sex with me? answer: 19.If i gave u my
this is the worst girl on fubar her name is (WITCHY WOMEN MR MMS LADY Mmmm)if you see her kill her she has like 3 different kinds of herpes and aids just shit like that she is a nasty dirty slut ass bitch.
Nasty Old Devil
stop calling your self sexy or lil or angel if you are like 200 pounds or older (like over 35) its a lie, and its nasty just put down "i should have gotten laid more when i was younger when i had the chance" and if your profile is abunch of pictures of you playing with toys or showing your tits, then come on, you arent really an angel angels are boring some women still look good when they are older, and some arent 200 pounds, im not talking about those ones. They are lying to us or themselves
Nasty Test
Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 Other PPL > > 1.Would u fuck me? > answer: > > 2.What position would u ........ want me to have u in? > answer: > > 3.Would u give me head/eat me out? > answer: > > 4.Would u fuck me hard? > answer: > > 5.Would u fuck me the first night u met me? > answer: > > 6.Give me a naked pic? > answer: > > 7.Would u fuck me in the shower? > answer: > > 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then fuck me? > answer: > > 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? > answer: > > 10.What makes u want 2 fuck me? > answer: > > 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we fucked? > answer: > > 12.Where would u fuck me @? > answer: > > 13.Would u fuck me in front of people? > answer: > > 14.Would u fuck me again and again? > answer: > > 15.Would u fuck me in the rain? > answer: > > 16.Would u mind if we fucked like ........ stars? > answer: > > 17.Would u have phone sex with me? > answer: > > 18.If i g
Nasty, Evil, Mean
Ask anyone, most of them will tell you I am a people person. Miss Mary Freaking Sunshine. That is until, yes until, someone phucks with someone in my family or one of my friends. Someone did that today. My best friend, my sister, the one chick in this entire world that always has my back no matter what. She is an angel and the best friend any gal could ask for. She is having some trouble lately, so she posted a mumm, some nasty, evil, mean heifer decided to take out her own issues with low self esteem on my friend. I hope you read this. Girl and I use that term loosely, because I am not even sure you have a heart. Take your vileness somewhere else and LAY OFF my friend. I am sorry that you hate yourself so much that you want to spell your wickedness all over someone that does not deserve it. Treat yourself to the beauty treatments that you so unkindly offered my friend and take a deep look inside yourself. Get yourself a new attitude because it sounds like to me you desperately
A Nasty Response To A Bitchy Bbw
I just looked at your tit And it made me throw up a bit You can't fix shit like that Even with a baseball bat I was gonna go and eat But I had to look at your shit
Nastiness Pushing and pulling Stroking and poking A bite for a taste Falling into each other with out haste You got me screaming rubbin my clit In and out my fingers go putting them in ya mouth for a lick where are you at I need a hit from the back preferably, where the hell is my dick ooohhhh there it is..filling me up stroking and poking me all in the guts titties swaying, ass shaking they banging on the wall for all the noise we making but damn it feels so good, now my hand is on ya balls but I gotta release them cause you got me climbing up the walls now it's time to switch, I need to be on top sliding and riding, nicca stop telling me to stop stop moaning and take it like a man this is all part of the game plan now I turn around, ass in ya face spread them cheeks nicca and have a taste juicy and wet, dripping with sweat now we lay spent, marinating in ya cream what the hell…the alarm clock
Nasty Test
Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 Other PPL 1.Would u fuck me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ want me to have u in? answer: 3.Would u give me head/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u fuck me hard? answer: 5.Would u fuck me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u fuck me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and Then fuck me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 fuck me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we fucked? answer: 12.Where would u fuck me @? answer: 13.Would u fuck me in front of people? answer: 14.Would u fuck me again and again? answer: 15.Would u fuck me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mind if we fucked like ........ stars? answer: 17.Would u have phone sex with me? answer: 18.If i g
Nasty Bad Pagans"
recopied this from lady V I am very upset at the ignorance and intolerance of celebrities and would request every and all to join me in signing a petition against Kathy Lee Gifford's comment on the Today Show about "Nasty Bad Pagans" Please Copy and paste to your browser the following link: The ignorance and complete intolerance of Ms. Gifford is completely unacceptable as well as unforgivable. Any and all parties who accept and condone her action are just as guilty and I for one, as a "Nasty Bad Pagan" would like to educate and inform that just because of differences in beliefs, I am above the pettiness of hypocritical behavior and forgive her for not knowing what she said and how hurtful it was. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs, but to be judgmental and air such to the general population and be rewarded with a salary and lifestyle is beyond my comprehension. N
Nasty Survey
Welcome 2 the Nasty Survey. Are u daring enough 2 answer this 4 this person? if so, message them your answers!!! rules: to keep ya info private send it to my mail box Answer this 4 the person who posted this and then repost it 4 your self! 1.Would u have sex with me? answer: 2.What position would u ........ me in? answer: 3.Would u suck me up/eat me out? answer: 4.Would u sex me hard? answer: 5.Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? answer: 6.Give me a naked pic? answer: 7.Would u do me in the shower? answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up 2 the bed and then do me? answer: 9.Would u have a 3-some with me? answer: 10.What makes u want 2 have sex with me? answer: 11.Would u talk dirty 2 me while we sexed? answer: 12.Where would u do me @? answer: 13.Would u do me in front of people? answer: 14.Would u do me again and again? answer: 15.Would u do me in the rain? answer: 16.Would u mind if we did it like ..
Nastiest Toilet Ever
This guy wins the iron will award for consistently shitting over his own shit and not flushing it.
Nasty Sex Poem Lmao
Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you be the nine. Repost th
''nasty Poem''
it starts with a sensation when a guy stick's his location in a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation do you get my explaination or do you need a demonstration??? Sky is blue Water is wet I'll make you cum I'll make you sweat Pressed up against my body Movin up and down Slowly but firmly We'll move the ground Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Basturd The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is
Nastia Got Robbed!
A complete score is now made up of two parts, A and B. The first, the A score, or the start value, is an assigned degree of difficulty.I n this instance, both He and Liukin had the same start value, 7.7. The second part of a score, the B score, is an execution score. Six judges vote. The high and the low are tossed per the rules. Working the numbers That leaves four scores. Those four are averaged. That average becomes the B score. Add the A and B together and you get a complete score. In this instance, both He and Liukin got 16.725. Thus: onto tiebreakers. The first tiebreak is the B score. Here both got the same B score, 9.025. The next tiebreak: the judges drop the next highest deduction. That obviously leaves three judges' scores instead of four -- or to be precise, the marks those three judges gave for deductions. Here, the average of those three judges' deductions for He: .933. For Liukin: .966. Liukin had a greater deduction. Thus she was seco
Nasty Sex Poem
Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Hickory dickory dock This bitch was suckin my cock The clock struck two I dumped my goo And dumped her to the end of the block Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you be the nine.
Nasty Men
people really need to learn how to approach a girl. and im sorry the first thing i wanna hear is NOT do you like to be fucked in the ass, do you like big thick black cocks and do you like 4 somes! No i dont like being fucked in the ass thats really a sensitive subject and of course im gonna get upset. 2 i have no problem with black guys been with a few of them myself, but dont be so crude and the more you brag the smaller you probally are anyways. and no im not some slut who likes to get done by 3,4,5,6 or however many you wanna include. I like one on one only! just because i look nice in my pictures dont ASSUME im a skank and well get along fine!
Nasty Girl
Nasty Grind
Nasty grind - Adina Howard
Video____1. Click Here Video____2. Click Here Video____3. Click Here Cum On Black Chick Gwen Tennyson Hentai Gangbang Wife Story Bitches Rape Bikini Kimmy Beachball Fetish Asian Handjobs Videos No Nude Usenet Drunk Coed Sex Jessy Hentai Clinic Of Rubber Cocks Up Cunts Los Simspson Xxx Barbara Feldon Nude Clips Masturbation Male Polly Shannon Naked Bella Nude Best Male Blowjobs Crazy Hentai My Auntâ´s Pussy Nurses Fucking Doctors Dirty Sex Movies Hanjob Mature Dick Hair Nude Christmas Pics Asian Voyuer Nude Celebs Forum Daniel Nude Pic Levis Underwear Hannah Spearritt Nude Ping Pong Balls Pussys Online Adult Coloring Outdoor Fucking Gay Porn On Ipod Touch Gay Threesome Fkk Nudist Pictures Mom Seduce Sons Movies Blonde Sex Joke Lilo I Stich Hentai Barbeau Naked Naked Lesibans Fondled Gay Movie Amandabynes In A Thong Black Gay Fuck Bestiality Video Kiddie Nudists Blackdicksmovie Foreign Fucking Bravoerotic Ho
Nasty Girl
get down on you knees take my cock in your hands let me know you're my nasty little girl rub it on your face worship it tell me how much you love it let me know your my nasty little girl run your tongue up and down it take it in your mouth let me know your my nasty little girl tell me how much you love it how all your holes are open for me let me know your my nasty little slut lie on the bed legs in the air show me me know your my nasty little slut beg me for it plead for my cock tell me you're my little slut take my cock deep inside you prove to me you're my little slut
Nasty Boo-boo
So I was in NJ visiting my gma.. everytime I see her I help her, like putting out her deck furniture, grocery shopping, tending to things she can't get to anymore...   Saturday 5/23 started beautifully.  The beach was warm, the sky was blue, and I was happily busy helping my grandma... I was taking her deck furniture out of the garage, washing it, and planned to put it back on her deck in the back of the house.  My grandma wanted to help... I had to keep chasing her away so she wouldn't slip and hurt herself.  I was going to bring a chair off the deck down to the driveway so I could clean it.  When i got to the top of the stairs and began to drag the chair down the steps, I stopped.  Chair was too heavy.  I left it.  I began to back my way down the steps... got to the last step and I slipped. I was wearing wedge flip-flops... BIG MISTAKE. So I rolled my right ankle cuz of them damn flip flops... and then BOOM.. I fell on my left leg.  I'm laying in the mud/water/driveway, look down
Nasty Lol
In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens, her mother must be in the room to witness the act. (Makes one shudder at the thought.)
Nasty Mofo Did What??
Nasty Whore Drips In Loads Of Group Cum
Nastyu Hentai Sluts In Action
100% Real Milf Submissions Sisters twins are young whores Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Cute gfs getting splashed with cum... 45+ Hardcore sites The most fucked UP party Most squirts per scene - nobody can top us Hardcore single bondage, rough sex, and more! The hottest girls will make all you want Black hotties get stuffed massive loads of cum
Nasty Wife Gives Blowjob
Real Live Farm Sex! Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Anime So Sexy, So Real Asian Sexual Delights College Girls Fuck! Ass-Fucked Sexy Girls Deranged Dungeon Fetish Mammoth Cocks In Tight Pussies Boys Fucking Boys, Yay!
Nasty Angel In Pink Panty Playing Pussy On Kitchen
Real Live Farm Sex! Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Real Live Farm Sex! All access pass to 120 sites Real Live Farm Sex! Real Live Farm Sex! Real Live Farm Sex! Real Live Farm Sex! Real Live Farm Sex! Asian Sexual Delights Ass-Fucked Sexy Girls
Nasty French Threesome
100% Real Milf Submissions Sisters twins are young whores Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Cute gfs getting splashed with cum... 45+ Hardcore sites The most fucked UP party Most squirts per scene - nobody can top us Hardcore single bondage, rough sex, and more! The hottest girls will make all you want Black hotties get stuffed massive loads of cum
Nastyu Hentai Sluts In Action
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Nasty Old Mom Take Huge Black Cock
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Nasty Blonde With Full Lips Gets Down On A Guy
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Nasty Hunk Loves Licking Assholes
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Nasty Twink Jacks Off Like Crazy Home Alone
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Nasty @ss P.c's
Nasty And Fucked Up.. But What Would You Do?
Heres a story i heard. So, i heard this story from a friend, and i found this very nasty, and fucked up. So, this is what happened. This dude had broken up with this girl, he dated another and found he still had feelings for his ex. so he couldnt think of anything to do but to try to get a hold of her. he finds her on facebook and regains her number after a few messages are exchanged. well the next week they start hanging out and having fun. the girl tells him, she still has feelings for him and confesses that she cried everynight for a week when they broke up. So time goes on, the guy is falling back in love with her. they end up having sex for the first time in a long time. before his next visit with her, she tells him oh i miss you , i cant wait to hang out with you and taste ur lips. So one day he goes and walks her home from work and decides to spend the rest of the day with her and have dinner. After dinner she tells him oh my brothers friend came over today and hung out w
Nasty Girl Drop A Line Here If Its Not Kinky It Wont Stay
I am looking for hot nasty girls to play with
Nasty Escort Here For You
Bella’s menu oral and rims given and rec'd vag penetration - most positionssensual massageKink and  role play fetishes accepted (ROR-right of refusal in effect)  master and slave possibilitiesadvance arrangements req'd leave message for appointments Prices may very .
Nasty Girls
The sleek black Harley hugs the turns on the busy streets. The figure clad in black leather with a black helmet and darkened visor is determined upon reaching her destination. Grateful for leaving work early, a sinister smile covers her face as she remembers calling the strawberry blonde informing her to be ready. A few more miles and she eases the bike into the driveway. Parking it, she takes long strides to the front door. Once inside, the helmet and jacket are thrown onto the couch. She takes the stairs to the second floor two at a time and enters the bedroom. "Did you touch yourself?" she asks the prone figure on the bed."No," is the response from the young blonde.The dark figure kicks off her boots. She grabs the young woman's wrists and binds them together with the strip of cloth she pulls out of her pocket and brings them over her head. Forcing the woman's legs apart, she kneels between them and shoves two fingers into the exposed cunt.The strawberry blonde jerks her hips off th
Nasty Adults On Fu!!!!!! Plz Read!
Nasty Old Sluts
these old ladies who think they are still 18 can just stop with being sluts and posting pics of their sagging old junk. no one wants to see left over deli meat gone bad. you might think that since you get responses from hundreds of old perverts that it means you are hot, but it doesnt. those are the same old freaks who want you to watch them jerk off on camera. nothing to be proud of when they talk to you and tell you how they wana fuck you. those guys would have sex with a hole in a dumpster if you told them it was female. so just grow up and put some clothes on ffs.
Nasty Thoughts
We had both been working so hard and been so busy all week. You were wonderful enough to suggest a romantic evening out. We decided on a fancy restaurant (any excuse for me to wear a slinky dress and a garter belt). I decide that I'm gonna wear a slinky little red dress, and nothing but the garter belt and stockings underneath.You decide to take me to a quaint little Italian restaurant, and just before we are seated, I say, 'Honey guess what I'm not wearing.' I see you blush when you realize I'm pretty much naked underneath my dress. You sit next to me, and I let my hand slide down to your lap after the waitress takes our drink order....I unzip your trousers, and I slowly easy your semi-hard cock out. I finger the head of your cock with my thumb, and you start to nuzzle on my ear. Mmm, your tongue is so soft and you start trailing my ear lobe with it. I feel your breathing coming more and more unsteady, as I stroke you faster and faster....I love how your cock reacts when I
Her eyes had my heart,Before her lips said hello.So deeply caught in a trance,It had nowhere to go.Shes held mine from the start,Now to bring her heart to me.And through all my words,Her mind will begin to see.To be her first thought of the day,And at night as she sleeps her last.To be the greatest of loves to her,Never to repeat ones of the past.She glows like the sun in my eyes,I hope in hers to I will shine.As I long for the day you tell me,Beautiful,the day you tell me your mine.
Natal Chart
The Cosmo Natal Report for SuTTDoGG April 10, 1974 7:02:53 PM Bellaire, Ohio Calculated for: Daylight Savings Time, Time Zone 5 hours West Latitude: 40 N 00 58 Longitude: 80 W 44 33 Positions of Planets at Birth: Sun 20 Ari 41 Pluto 5 Lib 03 Moon 10 Sag 14 N. Node 21 Sag 07 Mercury 28 Pis 55 Asc. 10 Lib 59 Venus 4 Pis 25 MC 12 Can 40 Mars 24 Gem 26 2nd cusp 7 Sco 58 Jupiter 7 Pis 27 3rd cusp 8 Sag 56 Saturn 29 Gem 23 5th cusp 15 Aqu 58 Uranus 25 Lib 58 6th cusp 15 Pis 47 Neptune 9 Sag 23 Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others Libra Rising: You are a natural diplomat, reasonable, tolerant, fair, always willing to listen to varying viewpoints, and ready to see the other side of an issue. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you will try to
Natalies Story
I knew i was Kinda diffrent when i was young kickin a ball about in the street with my brothers and friends ..i mean i did all the usual run of the mill london boys stuff and that but somehow felt different i wanted to be a Girl ... i wanted to play football yes but i also wanted to be daddys little princess too !1 you see i was the youngest of 4 boys and mums favourite too cos i was the baby mum and dad always wanted a girl and used to say it and inside i was screaming I AM A GIRL !! Anyway i got into my teenage years and had to get tough to survive especially whre i was from as it was very rough and poverty was rife in the east end of london . I absolutely excelled at sport especially football [ soccer] and athletics which made me very popular with the kids at school and at home .. like i said i did all the boy things got into scraps , Dated loads of girls and went to see chelsea play all the time ..but Still felt i should be a girl ! i actua
Natasha Bedingfeld - Unwritten
I am unwritten, Can't read my mind I'm undefined I'm just beginning The pen's in my hand Ending unplanned Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words That you could not find Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten I break tradition Sometimes my tries Are outside the lines We've been conditioned To not make mistakes But I can't live that way oh, oh Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words That you could not find Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the
Natalie's Diary
Natalie's Diary Monday, February 16, 2004: Dear Diary, It's been another one of those Mondays. Somehow after partying all weekend, I made it to work on time this morning, and actually had a pretty good day. Tommy, my wonderful boyfriend, wants me to go to the movies with him tonight. I think I might hang out with my best friend Tonya instead. Tonya always tells me how beautiful I am. She says that Tommy doesn't deserve me and I can do much better. I kinda believe her, but Tommy has been great and he totally loves me. Maybe tonight, I'll go to the movies with him. Friday, February 20, 2004: Dear Diary, Just got in from work today. Tonya has been telling me about tonight's party all week. I got some new clothes just for tonight. I feel kinda bad about Tommy though. After standing him up on Monday, and not wanting to do anything with him tonight, he's probably pissed at me. Oh well, I will see him after the weekend. Tonya says this is gonna be the hottest party of the
Natal Curry Contest
You may not be aware that Durban has the largest Indian population >outside of India in the world. Understandably they have put their mark on >the city and its culture, and Durban (or Natal) curries are legendary (and >almost lethal). Now read ... > > NATAL CURRY CONTEST > >This is great.... > > If you can read this whole story without laughing then there's no >Hope for you. I was crying by the end. Note: Please take time to read this >slowly. >For those of you who have lived in Natal , you know how typical this is. >They actually have a Curry Cook-off about June/July. >It takes up a major portion of a parking lot at the Royal Show in PMB. >Judge #3 was an inexperienced food critic named Frank, who was visiting >From America . > >Frank: "Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a >Curry Cook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment >and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking for >directions to the Beer Ga
Natal Curry Judge
Natal, South Africa, has the highest quota of Indians outside of India ... Natal curry contest. If you can read this whole story without laughing then there's no hope for you. I was crying by the end....... NOTE: If you pay attention to the first two judges, the reaction of the third judge is even better. For those of you who have lived in Natal , you know how typical this is! They actually have a Curry Cook-off about June/July. It takes up a major portion of a parking lot at the Royal Show in PMB. Judge #3 was an inexperienced food critic named Frank, who was visiting from America . Frank: "Recently, I was honoured to be selected as a judge at a Curry Cook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment and so I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking for directions to the Beer Garden when the call came in. I was assured by the other two judges (Natal Indians) that the curry wouldn't be all that spicy and, besides, the
Natalie Gets Banged
Natalie Portman Photoshoots
Natalie Portman
Natalie Merchant : My Beloved Wife
This is the kind of love you dream of...
Natasha Bedingfield-pocket Full Of Sunshine Lyrics
I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh Do what you want but you're never gonna break me Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh oh oh Take me away, a secret place A sweet escape, take me away Take me away to better days Take me away, a hiding place I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh Do what you want but you're never gonna break me Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh oh oh I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh Wish that you could but you ain't gonna own me Do anything you can to control me, oh, oh no Take me away, a secret place A sweet escape, take me away Take me away to better days Take me away, a hiding place There's a place that I go that nobody knows Where the rivers flow and I call it home And there's no more lies in the darkness there
Natassia Hentsridge (species I And Ii)
Natacha Atlas ~ Leysh Natarak
Natalia Boa Vista: The Voice Within
Natalie Grant The Real Me
3 first entries for my name from :) 1. Natasha The name Natasha (Russian) means Christmas Day or birthday. It is usually used to portray desirable and enviable female characters in film, literature, etc. Most Natasha's are beautiful. They exude mystery and seduction. Tabitha: I don't like that girl, Natasha. Robert: She's hot!!! I would love to bang Natasha!!!! Tabitha: She looks like a slut! Robert: You're just jealous. christmas birthday exotic mysterious seductive alluring by natashasoftheworld Nov 15, 2006 share this 1 comment 2. Natasha A woman of outstanding beauty, intelligence, and grace. That girl is totally a Natasha allure pulchritude loveliness elegance exquisiteness by Boyfriend of The Year. Jan 21, 2008 share this add comment 3. Natasha the most awesome person ever. shes so much fun to hangout with and i love her
Natasha Skinski & The Anal Serenade
RadioSuzy1 is just a talk show...that just happens to sometimes turn into an orgy. Other times, it turns into something in between, with several people drinking and chatting passionately in the bar, somebody tickling the ivories of my grandmother's Steinway, a couple guys playing pool, a few ethical hedonists having sex discreetly, or maybe not so discreetly, on a bed on top of a stage. It’s the Bonobo Way. And it's the nature of life at the Speakeasy. And that’s what happened here last Saturday, when our special guests included the delightfully lascivious ultra-MILF and super Cougar Natasha Skinski and her wild-eyed, skinny and hung young hot hubby Tommy Lei. Natasha was one of the stars of our Eros Day X “Orgy for Obama,”, stealing the show at one point by squirting up a small Soviet storm around the stripper pole, soaking Jay Lassiter and several lucky camera people in her fragrant Holy Water. Natasha couldn’t make it to our 17th Wedding Anniversary Sh
Natasha Skinski On The Dr Susan Block Show!
I will be at Dr Susan Blocks BDSM Extravaganza this Saturday with a goodie bag fiull of whipes, ropes, Floggers, single tails, bullwhipos and more! Feeling brave or just submissive? Cum meet Natatha Skinski in raw form as Mistress Omega 1oo% BITCH! Foot fetish, strap onplay... do you dare ...?
Natal - Intriguing
This looks... fascinating. :o  
Natalia es cantante y compositora original de Medellin,Colombia.En el Album "Decidete",Natalia nos regala la increíble potencia y dulzura de su voz privilegiada.La dirección artística estuvo a cargo de Julio Reyes Copello (Jennifer López, Estefano, Noelia, Alexandre Pires, Chayanne)    
Natalie Has 50 Day's Left To Cook(hopefully)
I just hope she stay's in there that long to keep cookingMake a pregnancy ticker
Natalie Portman Rap
w/ Chris Parnell and Seth Meyers Chris: We're sitting here today with film star Natilalie Portman. Natalie: Hello Chris: So Natalie, tell us what a day in the life of Natalie Portman is like? Natalie: Do you really want to know? Chris: Please tell us. Natalie (Rap) I don't sleep motherf*cker off that Yak and the durbin' Doin' 120 getting' head while I'm swerving (Seth: Damn Natalie, you a crazy chick.) Yo, shut the fuck up and suck my dick. I'm bustin' dudes valves like gushers motherf*cker. Pull up to NBC and smack the sh*t outta Jeff Zucker. What you want Natalie? (To drink and fight!) What you need Natalie? (To f*ck all night!) Don't test me when I'm crazy off that airplane group Put my foot down your throat til your sh*t's in my shoe. Leave you screamin, pay for my dry-cleaning F*ck your man it's my name that he's screamin? Chris: I'm sorry Natalie, are we to believe that you condone driving while intoxicated? Natalie: I never said that I was a
Just to warn all you ladys out there.. this memeber resorts to name calling..Like Slut,Whore, Bitch, know like a little bytch boi...When he doesn't get his way with women on here.I wonder if he used to kiss his mother with that same mouth....What do yA'll think shall I kick his ass...Feed him to mah pets and pick mah teeth with his bones......i think i should make him lix every shoe that i have in my closet CLEAN..Maybe then he will know his place in this world./. Im sorry that your first night on here HoneyPot you had to go thru that stupid shyt..The ignorance and the uneducated.Makes me wanna rip their fukkin tongues out.. But ignorance is bliss to some... Bestios mi amor...
Thanks for putting me on to fubar baby!!! None of this nonsensical blogging would be possible without you :D peacey
Nate Dogg
Nate Arling Of The Last Vegas Interview
Interview with Nate Arling, drummer for The Last Vegas 1/23/09 It was a Cinderella story...with leather and guitars and Motley Crue for Chicago band, The Last Vegas, when they won the first annual Guitar Center On-Stage: Your Chance to Make Rock History contest. From 8,000 undiscovered bands, 30 were chosen to perform one song at the historic Guitar Center Hollywood on Sunset blvd for a panel of industry experts including the Eric Sherman (President of Fuse TV), Julie Pilat, (program director at Los Angeles’s 98.7), Chris Nilsson (10th Street Entertainment) and Frank Wordworth (General Manager, Eleven Seven Music). After 2 days of performances, 30 bands were narrowed to 6. The top 6 undiscovered bands in the country included The Dirty Pearls from NYC, The Heroine from San Antonio, TX, Lorene Drive from Victorville, CA, The Spittin’ Cobras from Seattle, WA, Waterstreet from Peoria, IL and The Last Vegas from Chicago, IL. Guitar Center’s On-Stage: Mötley Crüe
Nate's Wrestling Tournament.
I am so very proud of my son Nathan.  He is in the 6th grade.  And he is a maverick.  He won 1st place in his wrestling tournament.  Tell me that don't make a mother proud.
Nat Growing Up
So today in our household was a big day! My one and only child got up this morning before the crack of dawn 5:00am and then woke her mother up at 5:30am. If you haven't guessed by now it was the first day of school and we are hitting one of those milestones. She started high school this morning. Let me tell you this morning didn't sail very smoothly either. She lost her schedule and it took an hour to find so she was hurried and only took 4 bites of her breakfast. We found the schedule as her ride honked and I got a quick kiss and off she went. I went to get her after school and she seemed a different kid. Reality for her set in that it was just another school and she liked some of her classes and then she hates others. Normal I know. Made me think of the days when I walked her to kindergarten and she seemed so big then and now it is even more so.
ilost my son Nathan on 15 Dec 06,he was just 17,i want 2 make everyone out there aware that epilepsy can be fatal and to find out more on this condition if it effects u or ur family.jst tap in "epilepsy" on ur pc.these kids need more protection than u think,take care,a heartbroken dad.if i can help,drop in anytime,kieran.
my son Nath died on 15 Dec,06,its his birtday 2day,say a prayer 4 him plse,and all those in ur family that r gone from r lives,he would av been 18,take care all Christians.God bless.
Nathan's Return Home!!
Ok.. My high school sweetheart, who I am still friends with, found this video on YOUTUBE about his brother's homecoming from Afganistan. We don't know who it was that posted it... but it's awesome! I just had to share it with everyone... this is the site I would love to see for all of our Soldiers... to come home safely!
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart! Else it may be their miserable fortune, when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities, to be reproached even for the calm content, the marble image of happiness, which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality.
In my heart, you will always be, On my mind, you'll never leave. In my arms, I wish you were, In my hands, I once held you there. For the best, is what they said, For the best, it plays in my head. For the best, they were right, For the best, plays in my head each night. I'm sorry, I wasn't the mom I should've been, I'm sorry, I wasn't the mom I could've been. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry, but what else was I to do. There will come the day, When you will see for yourself, I did this for you, Not for myself. Happy 13th Birthday Nov. 29, 2008
Nathaniel Borenstein
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
I AM SELLING MY BEST FRIEND NATHAN BECUASE HE IS SO SEXY I HAVE TO SHARE HE NEEDS A VIP OR A BLING PACK BUT ANY BID IS WELCOME HE WILL NOT DISSAPOINT U HE IS A GREAT SLAVE SO CLICK ON HIS PICTURE TO GO DROP HIM SOME TLC HIS OFFERS owned by in name for a month 700 tens if VIP offered 500 11s for the month sfw salute top friend for a month added to family link to about me section for a month sweet pimp out bully put in blog permanently fan/add/rate 10 of ur friends if bling pack of 25 or more will bling u 3 credits If bling pack of 65 he will talk to you about what u want but no more than a 20 credit bling the higher the cash bid the bigger things I offer BEING SOLD BY: *AngelDawnKris*Owned By Dj Scooby*@ fubar AC/DCTouch Too Much
Native American Day---sept 22nd
September 22nd is Native American Day Before America was America, this land was comprised of various tribes and tongues that were (are still are) as diverse as our modern-day melting pot. September 22nd is recognized as Native American Day this year, and though Native Americans take pride in their heritage on any occasion, this day gives reason for celebration and education. Whether you're an American Indian or not, take some time to learn more of our history pre-Columbus and take part in Native American culture. Quanah Parker Photo.. Thanks to Great Spirit for the use of some of his photos on my blog...He has more Native American Culture posted on his Site below: !¡!_GreaTSpiriT_!¡!@ LostCherry Please go by his Site and check out his Photos.. Please be Respectful. and do not Rip without asking first. Thank-you..ENJOY OUR HERITAGE.. Here's a Great WEBSITE For Learning: Check it out and ENJOY!! Heya ..
Native Indian's
Guardate, fratelli è arrivata la primavera ! La terra riceve l'abbraccio del sole e presto vedremo i frutti di questo amore. Ogni seme si risveglia e tutti gli animali ricominciano a vivere. Anche la nostra vita viene da questa forza misteriosa e quindi accordiamo ai nostri vicini persino agli animali dei dintorni il diritto di vivere nel nostro paese. Ma ora ascoltatemi gente ! Ora abbiamo a che fare con qualcosa di diverso: una gente, tanto fragile e piccola quando i nostri padri la incontrarono per la prima volta è cresciuta e avanza pretese. Hanno disposizione per l'agricoltura. La gioia per il possesso è per loro una vera mania. Questa gente si è posta molte leggi che i ricchi possono infrangere e i poveri no. Da noi pretendono nostra madre la terra. Fratelli, dobbiamo arrenderci o dire loro: dovrete uccidermi prima di impossessarvi della mia patria !
Native Indian's Words Read Up On This
Dio creò terra per gli Indiani ed era come se avesse disteso un panno. Sopra vi mise gli Indiani. Sono stati creati qui, su questa terra e allora cominciarono a scorrere i fiumi. Poi Dio creò i pesci nei fiumi diede la vita alla selvaggina sulle montagne e ordinò che si moltiplicasse. Poi il Creatore diede la vita a noi Indiani. Ce ne andavamo in giro e quando vedevamo pesci e selvaggina sapevamo che erano stati creati per noi. Dio creò radici e bacche perché le donne le raccogliessero. Dio ci ha creati perché vivessimo qui ed era nostro diritto cacciare e pescare finché io e mio nonno riusciamo a tornare indietro nel tempo con la memoria
National Sex Offender Public Registry
Native American Pictures
Native American Drums
Drums of The Native American Indians All life is rhythmic. We see it in the coming and going of day and night. the ebb and flow of tides. The swaying of trees in the wind. We hear it in the patter of rain. The repetition of footsteps. The beating of the human heart. We respond to rhythm when we sense it-and seek it out when it is not present for it is invariably pleasant. Little wonder that throughout the history of mankind, people from all over the world have prized drums-the instruments of rhythm. Perhaps no other people have attached a greater significance to the spirit of the drum than the Indian tribes of North America. The drum has played an inherent role in the lives of Native Americans for centuries. prior to battle, the beat of the drum aroused a sense of strength and solidarity. in gatherings of celebration, it created a sense of social and spiritual harmony. The Indian Nations continue to express their deep spiritual awareness through ceremonial dances accompanied by th
Native American Qoutes
NATIVE AMERICAN QUOTES Current mood: blah Category: Life You always work as a group, not somebody singled out. There is no such thing as that with the Apache. We say, "I walk with you," not " I walk before you" or "I walk behind you"....You are not a leader, you are a part. -Philip Cassadore, Apache I am alone in the world. I want to live in these mountains; I do not want to go to Tularosa. That is a long way off. The bad spirits live there. I have drunk of these waters and they have cooled me. I do not want to leave here. -Cochise, Chiricahua Apache Speak, Americans...I will not lie to you; do not lie to me. -Cochise, Chiricahua Apache When Usen created the Apaches, he also gave them their homes in the West. He gave them such grain, fruits, and game as they needed to eat...and all they needed for clothing and shelter was at hand. Thus it was in the beginning; the Apaches and their homes, each created for the other. When they are taken from these homes they sicken a
Native Left Her Prints All Over Williamsburg
Rosemary Scutti was the first woman to be mayor of Williamsburg, but she wasn't the first Scutti. Her family, which has lived in the Williamsburg area for more than 100 years, had plenty of members in public office. Two of her uncles were mayor; her dad, Charles Scutti, was town clerk and her brother, Ty Scutti, was town clerk for decades. Her grandfather, Guilio Scutti, was an early-day marshal of the small town near Florence. "Some people called Wil liamsburg 'Scuttiville,"' said Scutti's niece, Chris Stutzman of Denver. The town was settled in 1888 by people working in the coal mines, and the Scuttis were some of the first. Rosemary Scutti, who had a tax service, was a champion bowler and softball pitcher. She died Sept. 10 in Cañon City after a brief illness. She was 77. There wasn't much Rosemary Scutti wasn't in the middle of. She started as a teller in the First National Bank in Florence and was a vice president and loan officer when she retired. She ow
Nation's Third Deadly School Shooting In Less Than A Week
Nickel Mines, Pa. - A milk-truck driver carrying three guns and a childhood grudge stormed a one-room Amish schoolhouse Monday, sent the boys and adults outside, barricaded the doors with two-by-fours, and then opened fire on a dozen girls, killing three people before committing suicide. At least seven other victims were critically wounded, authorities said. It was the nation's third deadly school shooting in less than a week, and it sent shock waves through Lancaster County's bucolic Amish country, a picturesque landscape of horse-drawn buggies, green pastures and neat-as-a-pin farms, where violent crime is virtually nonexistent. execution-style at point-blank range after being lined up along the chalkboard, their feet bound with wire and plastic ties, authorities said. Two young students were killed, along with a female teacher's aide who was slightly older than the students, state police Commissioner Jeffrey B. Miller said. "This is a horrendous, horrific incident for the
Native American Ten Commandments
1) The Earth is our Mother, care for her. 2) Honor all your relations. 3) Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit. 4) All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect. 5) Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more. 6) Do what needs to be done for the good of all. 7) Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day. 8) Speak the truth; but only of the good in others. 9) Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun. 10) Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.
National Girlfriends Day
National Girlfriends Day What would most of us do without our sisters, confidants and shopping, lunching, and traveling girls? Let's celebrate each other for each other's sake! TO MY GIRLFRIENDS! If you get this twice you know you have more than one girlfriend. Be Happy! PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL OF YOUR GIRLFRIENDS AND RETURN IT TO THE FRIEND WHO SENT IT TO YOU! It is good to be a woman: 1. We got off the Titanic first. 2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. 3 Taxis stop for us. 4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. 5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo. 6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves. 7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know. 8. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end. 9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there. 10. We have the ability to dress ourselves. 11. We can t
National Breast Cancer Awareness
It would be wonderful if 2006 were the year a cure for breast cancer was found! Every year, breast cancer claims more than 40,000 lives. It's likely that someone you know has been affected by it. Awareness and early detection are our best weapons in the ongoing fight against this killer. Get involved! Your support and involvement are so important to us and your local community. Please participate in Pink October activities. Together, we can meet our goal and make a difference in someone's life. Many of us know women and their families whose lives are turned upside-down by breast cancer. It takes so little to do so much in this drive.
National Care Week
It's national care week... time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them. Without friends you would be missing out on a lot. A friend should be radical; They should love you when you're unlovable, Hug you when you're unhuggable, And bear you when you're unbearable. A friend should be fanatical; They should cheer when the whole world boos, Dance when you get good news, And cry when you cry. But most of all, a friend should be mathematical, They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow, Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow, Calculate the need deep within your heart, And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts. I care about you. Have a nice day, and I'm glad we are friends!!!
Native American Quote
A Native India's Tribe Girl Became A Sex Bomb
This overall story is a wierd one, it is all about how a conservative young Brahmin(A Native India's Tribe ) girl became a sex bomb and a socialite moulded into sex and everything around offering sexual excitement. It all began in a year when she was just 18 years old- budding young college girl whose breasts were grown well enough and were shooting out with hair on the cuntal surroundings still a virginal bush- hadn't started to shave yet. Her father used to work for the Railways and she was the younger of the two sisters. They were in Kakinada, a small town in Andhra on the southern coast of India. She used to wear half sarees over a colourful petticoat and would wear neat silky blouses with touchy touchy slips inside. Her boobs were very handful,sexy at that time and they had the necessary effect on men. The place where they used to stay was a kind of big house divided into 3 partitions, the middle portion was occupied by the owners (5 brothers - all married excepting for t
Native American Pride
Native American PrideAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Native American Pride
Native American PrideAdd to My Profile |
Native American Pride
Native American Pride
A Nation
I remember a nation Where the things that are now cliché Were truth I remember the nation Of Robert Frost And Norman Rockwell It was a nation of heroes It was a nation of Yankee skeptics And Johnny Reb independents It was a nation of stubborn honesty (Except maybe while horse-trading) And great ingenuity It was a nation of liberty and justice Maybe not for all But we were learning It was a nation of respect A nation of neighbors A nation of friends It was a nation where people mattered More than programs A nation where a handshake Was a binding contract Because the people who were thus bound Were bound by character It was a nation where pride and self-respect Meant that mean, small thinking Was beneath us That dishonesty brought disdain And that there was something wonderful About being an American I remember a nation Where people worked hard Where they laughed and joked in the shade While eating box lunches Before rising, and stretching A
(native American Poetry)grandfather Feather Seasons
Feathers Of Grandfather Seasons Golden Yellow as the Grandfather sun Shines Down on us Keeps Us Warm Every fall and Winter the Cool winds of Mother earth keeps us cool when we are too warm in winter and summer Feathers fall from the tree Tops of the Long Oaks and Wise old trees all around us; Dancing in the Golden feathers Hear the Indians Dance Dancing around the Warm fire Grandfather; Father Spirit of our feather Seasons.
National Pageant
Off to California in the morning for the National pageant!!! Wish me luck! :) I'll be back in a week but I am bringing my labtop Talk to all of you lata! :)
Native American Quotes
Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. Ancient Indian Proverb ~~~ Go Forward With Courage When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists-- as it surely will. Then act with courage. White Eagle ~~~ When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. White Elk ~~~ Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. Chief Seattle, 1854 ~~~ May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May hope foreve
Native Friends(dont Be Offended)
Native Friends(don't be offended) WHITE FRIENDS: Never ask for food INDIAN FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. WHITE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. INDIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad. WHITE FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. INDIAN FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but that shit was fun!" WHITE FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. INDIAN FRIENDS: Cry with you. WHITE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. INDIAN FRIENDS: Keep your shit so long they forget it's yours. WHITE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. INDIAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. WHITE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. INDIAN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. WHITE FRIENDS: Would knock on your door. INDIAN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I' m home!" WHITE FRIENDS: Are for a while. INDIAN FRIENDS
National Domestic Violence Hotline
At the National Domestic Violence Hotline… We believe that every caller deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that every family deserves to live in a world free from violence. We believe that safe homes and safe families are the foundation of a safe society. Until the violence stops, the hotline will continue to answer…One Call at a Time. Help is available to callers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hotline advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 140 languages through interpreter services. If you or someone you know is frightened about something in your relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
The National Commander Of The American Legion Called On Rep. Charles Rangel (d-ny) To Apologize
WASHINGTON - The National Commander of The American Legion called on Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) to apologize for suggesting that American troops would not choose to fight in Iraq if they had other employment options. “Our military is the most skilled, best-trained all-volunteer force on the planet,” said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “Like that recently espoused by Sen. John Kerry, Congressman Rangel’s view of our troops couldn’t be further from the truth and is possibly skewed by his political opposition to the war in Iraq.” According to Rangel, “If a young fellow has an option of having a decent career, or joining the Army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq. If there’s anyone who believes these youngsters want to fight, as the Pentagon and some generals have said, you can just forget about it. No bright young individual wants to fight just because of a bonus and just because of some educational benefits,” Rangel said. Rangel was respondi
Native American Flutes
A Yuma flute player photographed in about 1865. He is playing a cane flute. This demonstrates that the flute, while not common among all Nations, did indeed stretch from the west to the east. The majority of the flute music heard in the contemporary world comes from the Plains Peoples, in terms of how the flute is made, and the modes of tunings, fingerings, and style. NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTES There are many stories among the various Nations as to the origin of the flute. Some American historians believe that the flute was developed after German organ-pipe craftsmen came to America in search of woods with which to make organ pipes. Given that these craftsmen did not arrive in America until the late 1700's, this could not be a plausible theory, as indigenous flutes dating back nearly 2000 years have been discovered by archeologists. The flute was used by some Nations in ceremony or healing at one time, but it has been said by the Elders that these ceremonies
National Socialist
Native American Vietnam Veterans
Native Americans have one of the highest record of service in the Vietnam era conflict, per capita, of any ethnic group. A majority of these men enlisted, and a disproportional number served in combat positions: in infantry regiments, tank battalions, airborne and airmobile units, and artillery batteries. At first glance, these statistics might seem surprising. After all, historically, the U.S. military took Native land by force, and wiped out a generation of Indian warriors. Paradoxically, however, the recruitment of Native Americans had been as much a federal policy as Indian removal. Indians were recruited to fight with American forces against the British and the French. Native American served in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, and were recruited by both sides in the Civil War. A much more powerful and persistant reason for the record of service, is that, in fact, many Indian veterans think of their modern warfare experience in terms of much older traditions. For
A Native American Christmas...
A Native American Christmas... European Christmas for Native Americans actually started when the Europeans came over to America. They taught the Indian about Christianity, gift-giving , and St. Nicholas. There are actually two religious types of Indian people in existence. One of these is the Traditionalist, usually full-blooded Indians that grew up on the reservations. The second type is the Contemporary Indian that grew up in an urban area, usually of mixed blood, and brought up with Christian philosophy. Traditionalists are raised to respect the Christian Star and the birth of the first Indian Spiritual Leader. He was a Star Person and Avatar. His name was Jesus. He was a Hebrew, a Red Man. He received his education from the wilderness. John the Baptist, Moses, and other excellent teachers that came before Jesus provided an educational foundation with the Holistic Method. . Everyday is our Christmas. Every meal is our Christmas. At every meal we take a little portion
The Nativity Story
About two thousand years ago, in the town of Nazareth, there lived a young woman named Mary. She was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter. One day an angel appeared before her and told her she had been chosen to have a special baby. The baby would be God's son and she must call him Jesus.Soon after the angel's visit, Mary and Joseph were married. Mary was due to have her baby when they were told they had to go on a long journey to Bethlehem, which was where Joseph came from.This was because they had to pay a special tax. Mary had to ride on a donkey for a few days over the hills of Gallilee.At last Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem. It was crowded with other people who needed to pay their taxes. Mary was very tired and needed a place to stay. At each inn, the story was the same. There was no room for them. Eventually, one kind innkeeper said he had a stable where he kept his animals. They were welcome to stay there.And so it was that a few hours later, Mary gave birth to her
Native American
I walk the good red earth of Arizona I feel every rock as if it were a heartbeat. However it is.. For it is Mother Earth. She is our Life She is the very Soul of our Existence. I look down from the mountains and feel the beauty of every Turn of the path ahead of me. I awaken in the dawn of the day With my prayer and tobacco. I hold my head high As I cry in awe of the beauty I spy. I find so many wonders. So much beauty in the land And so close at hand. I hear the flutes and the drums I hear the whisper of the ancestors. I cannot make out what they say. I know they call me to something I am so unsure of. Help me Creator Hold me to your Breast when I am scared. Hold me when I am feeling so alone. Wipe away my tears and my fears. Show me the Path is clear and full of Life. The wolf Cries out in the night. For its mate.. Whom has gone astray. Maybe in death from another preditor. Maybe in death from old age. The owl flies swiftly through the night. The sound
National Day Of Mourning?
National Day of Mourning? What are we mourning, maybe we should take the time to mourn our fallen soldiers. May even the ones who will lose their lives today. Those in the military that have off today shouldn't. There is a man very close to me who is in Iraq right now and he definetly doesn't have today off, why should anyone else. I think our soldiers abroad should get a day off they deserve it more than we do. Yeah I am working today too.
National Guardsmen Overrun At The Border
A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico. According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region about 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat. The Border patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident. The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor, Last year, 124,000 pounds of illegal drugs were confiscated in this area. The Border Patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico. Pretty sorry situation when the people who would have the manpower, firepower and knowledge to protect our country from illegal invasion are empowered ONLY to report it to the Border Patrol who are woefully understaffed and armed only with 9mm pistols
Native American Tattoos
Many early and primitive people incorporated tattoo art into their societies. This is true of the Native Americans as well as people from the Polynesian and Hawaiian islands. The Native Americans would use objects such as sharpened bone or rock and carve the tattoo into the flesh. The Native American tattoo would then be filled with soot or natural dyes to stain in the wound. There were a variety of reasons why the Native Americans would be tattooed and sometimes, women as well as men would undergo the process. After wars, many men from the winning tribes would often receive a tattoo signifying their conquest and victory. Different tribes were known by their Native American tattoos. There were different markings to identify different tribes and the regions they were from. Native American tattoos also held mystical or spiritual meanings to those who wore them. Many early people believed that the tattoo would endow them with supernatural powers or strength. Many people took the tattoo
Native Commandments
Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right. Look after the well being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. Be truthful and honest at all times. Take full responsibility for your actions. Let us greet the dawn of a new day when all can live as one with nature and peace reigns everywhere. Oh Great Spirit, bring to our brothers the wisdom of Nature and the knowledge that if her laws are obeyed this land will again flourish and grasses and trees will grow as before. Guide those that through their councils seek to spread the wisdom of their leaders to all people. Heal the raw wounds of the earth and restore to our soul the richness which strengthens men's bodies and makes them wise in their councils. Bring to all the
Native American Style
Native American Indian Traditional Code Of Ethics
1. Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strengthto be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone). 2. Respect. Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or somethin with deference or courtesy". Showing respect is a basic law of life. a. Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect at all times. b. Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders. c. No person should be made to feel "put down" by you; avoid hurting other hearts as you would avoid a deadly poison. d. Touch nothing that belongs to someone else (especia
National Freedom Day
Hello everybody, I hope this blog finds you all in great health and good spirits. As the title says, it is National Freedom Day and I couldn't think of a better way to let everyone out there know about it then by posting this blog. Many of you may not know that I am a Military brat as well as a proud Military Veteran. I served my Country with pride and respect as did my Father, Grand Father, younger brother & two cousins. Before all of you President bashers and tree huggers get all huffy about what you think about our participation in the Iraq war STOP!! This about your Freedom, and regardless of your political views and standpoints, you have got to appreciate that. I mean , if it wasn't for the Military and the wars and our Government you wouldn't even have the opportunity to say all the stupid shit you say anyway! All I ask is that you take the time to appreciate your Freedom and those fighting for it, for those who have fought in the past and have died for it and of course tho
National Heart Association - Red Day
National Heart Association - Red Day GO RED.... Today is The Go Red Heart Check Up for women challenge. As you know I am a surivor of a double bypass back in June '06. I now and will always have Heart disease. Heart Disease is the #1 killer of women in America followed closely by cancer. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to visit the National Heart Association page and take the check up test. It is a 10 year assessment to help women calculate their risk of heart disease and how to prevent it. It's a great site where you can learn qbout foods and exercise. Believe me you would rather pervent it then be oblivious to the effects. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and if your here whats the problem ? Still not convinced ? If you have someone near and dear to your life, weither it be a parent, sibling, lover or child think of them. What a gift for them to make the one they love healthier. I wish I had been given the information I now know about sooner
Nativity Flash Movie
Check out The Nativity Flash Movie from!
Native American ??
It is not blood that makes a Native American... It is the Soul... Too many...with the fire of Native blood...walk ignored. Do not say I am Apache or Kickapoo.. Do not say I am Sioux or Cherokee.. Say...I am of the Mother Tribe. This is the pain of our children..To return from the stars without a home or community...A tribe lost returns...scattered in the wind. Those who hear must unite and reap the seed of this return... ONE tribe...ONE Earth...ONE Heart...ONE People. those with ears must build a fire and give thanks this night. Be united with ONE soul... Oh, my Children come home... Teachers step forward without fear! You are real!
Native Quotes
Some Native quotes from our elders. Lakota Instructions for Living passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman. "Friend do it this way - that is, whatever you do in life, do the very best you can with both your heart and mind. And if you do it that way, the Power Of The Universe will come to your assistance, if your heart and mind are in Unity. When one sits in the Hoop Of The People, one must be responsible because All of Creation is related. And the hurt of one is the hurt of all. And the honor of one is the honor of all. And whatever we do effects everything in the universe. If you do it that way - that is, if you truly join your heart and mind as One - whatever you ask for, that's the Way It's Going To Be." The True Peace Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader (1863 - 1950) "The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe
Native American Dwi
View this on LiveDigital
Nationsl Westher Service!!!
Subject: Nationsl Westher Service ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... ...BLIZZARD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ WEDNESDAY... You just have to love them. Very bland statement re WSW cancelled and we now have............. Regards, Bill
~~native American Wisdom~~
Subject: Fw: Indian Chief > > > > >An old Indian chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking a Ceremonial >pipe and eyeing two U.S. government officials sent to interview him. > >"Chief Two Eagles" asked one official, "You have observed the white man for >90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen >his progress, and the damage he's done." > >The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued, "Considering all >these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?" > >The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute and then >calmly replied .... > >"When white man found the land, Indians were running it. > >No taxes, > >No debt, > >Plenty buffalo, > >Plenty beaver, > >Women did all the work, > >Medicine man free, > >Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing, > >All night having sex." > >Then the chief leaned back and smiled .... "Only white man dumb enough to >think he c
Native Cherokee And Help Me Out Pls To All My Friend And Fan
National Disgrace By Atmosphere
Native American Art
I put this todether i hope you like it
National Hoiday!
Nativevue Newscast--february 19
NativeVue NewsCast--February 19 Body: NativeVue NewsCast... February 18, 2007 Click on Each Topic to Link Directly to Blogs and Forum…..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> ¨ SPECIAL OFFER: Special Pre-Release Edition of "Expiration Date" Offer for NativeVue Readers ¨ SPECIAL FEATURE: No One Ever Sees Indians: "We Have Become God's Madmen" ¨ SPECIAL FEATURE: All Roads Makes Inroads ¨ It's Rob-alicious: Newspaper Rock ¨ "Apple and Indians:" Lorne Olson's Little Film Packs a Great Big Punch ¨ Ruthless? ¨ The Documentary "Waterhaulers." Watch it Online. Then Do Something ¨ The "Simpson's" Little Big Girl ¨ Emergence Productions… Entertainment as Empowerment ¨ Life as an Urban Native: The Short Story "Indian City" ¨ The Dark Side of Celebrity Worship ¨ APTN Premieres Aboriginal Achievement Awards ¨ SHORT TAKES: Short Takes: Blogomania…Free Screenin
Native American Inspiration
Native American 10 Commandments
Treat the Earth and all that dwell therein with respect Remain close to the Great Spirit Show great respect for your fellow beings Work together for the benefit of all Mankind Give assistance and kindness wherever needed Do what you know to be right Look after the well-being of Mind and Body Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater Good Be truthful and honest at all times Take full responsibility for your actions
Native American P...
Native Tongue
It was a balmy texas afternoon, looking out over the vast acreage she felt a burning desire to ride,... something about being in the wind pleased her to the core. Its been to long that she has had to tend to this land on her own, but her will, and stregth refused to give up she would not lose that which she has worked so hard for. It was un heard of in these times a widowed woman refuseing to re marry or even date devoting herself to almost 300 acres of farm land so close the the Native tribes yet to be discoverd. But it didnt matter to Barbaba, this was her solitude, this and her mare storm..together they were un stoppable. She walked to the stabble feling the heat from the afternoon sun beat down on her tanned flesh...storm as always greated her knowing soon they would be in the wind. But this day would be different, she looked at the saddle, and back at storm storking the mares neck and patting him...what do you say feel up to bare back today..storm shaling his head as
Native Tongue Ii
...Its been over a week since she has seen her dark warrior, yet she can still feel his touch. As she passes her porch, she looks off to the Texas sunset and wonders what he is doing at this very sadness over comes her and she moves back into her house. The feather Greywolf gave to her sits on her mantle, the Buffalo hide he wrapped her in is layed across her bed. She did not relize there was a chill in the air till now, and she puts up a pot of water on the stove..perhaps some tea will help she thinks, and as she sits by the window her eyes looking to the hills where she first met him, her mind again replays the night in the cave where she gave herself to him..freely and fully. What is this I'm feeling? she thinks..... what magic does this man have over me? She moves to the fire place, placing another log on the fire and stoking it, she again see's the eagle feather on the mantle,..lifts it and embrases the memory....why did he give me this, what meaning could this have?
National Association Of Black Journalist
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALIST Place: Las Vegas, NV Dates: Aug. 8-12, 2007 Comments: NABJ draws as many as 3,500 journalists, students and media professionals to its conventions and contributes millions of dollars in direct spending to the host cities. Each summer, the much-anticipated meeting draws major newsmakers and includes dozens of plenary and workshop sessions and hundreds of recruiters and exhibitors
National Anthem In Spanish
> Yep! I passed it on... I am sorry but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. No where did they sing it in Italian, Japanese, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, French, or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close. Sorry if this offends anyone but this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP ---- please pass this along -- I am not against immigration -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA! PART OF THE PROBLEM Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone-----YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !!!! Will we still be the Count
Native American Code Of Ethics
I found this on someone's 360 page and like it..thought I would share it here Native American Code of Ethics These words have helped me many times in my life, my hope is that even if one person reads this and walks away a better person in anyway, that they pass this wisdom along. 1) Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you will only speak. 2) Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. 3) Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. 4) Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor. 5) Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a cultu
Native Woman
Native Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. Native Women come in all shapes, and sizes. They'll walk, run or ride on horse back far just to be with you, that
Native American Wisdom
Friend do it this way - that is, whatever you do in life, do the very best you can with both your heart and mind. And if you do it that way, the Power Of The Universe will come to your assistance, if your heart and mind are in Unity. When one sits in the Hoop Of The People, one must be responsible because All of Creation is related. And the hurt of one is the hurt of all. And the honor of one is the honor of all. And whatever we do effects everything in the universe. If you do it that way - that is, if you truly join your heart and mind as One - whatever you ask for, that's the Way It's Going To Be. passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman
Nation States
Dont know if there are any players on cherry tap who are playing the game Nation States, I started a nation a while back, but had no one to play with at the time, anyway a friend of mine has just started playing and I have set up a forum on the scarybirds site for more info. Set up the Dominion of Elvinir and I am now a corrupt dictatorship, as you vote on issues your economy, civil rights and political freedoms change UN Category: Corrupt Dictatorship Civil Rights: Very Good Economy: Reasonable Political Freedoms: Unheard Of The Dominion of Elvinir is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate, cynical population of 5 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or
Native American Code Of Ethics
NATIVE AMERICAN CODE OF ETHICS: Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them.
Native Prayer To The Great Spirit
A Native Prayer to the Great Spirit (Unknown) Grandfather, Great Spirit I give you thanks That we can sit here In this circle of Life, We send Prayers And the very best thoughts. Grandmother Great Spirit As we raise this sacred pipe To give thanks to you And to all of your Creation, We give thanks To the spirit helpers Who came and sat among us. Grandfather, Most sacred one, These are your prayers That we send to you As we sit here together and pray. Grandmother your children are crying. Grandfather your children are dying. The hands of greed And the hands of lust for power Have been laid on them And all around is death and desolation The gifts you made, for all your children Stolen, And laid to waste In a monstrous desecration. Grandmother Great Spirit, As we sit and pray together We send you this prayer of affirmation- We your children whom you created in your likeness and image- We will reach out, And we will dry our tears And heal
Nationals This Weekend
I'm off to Monroe, LA this weekend to compete in the AAPF Powerlifting Nationals. Top 3 spots in each weight class get an invitation to the Worlds later on this summer. That's the goal I'm looking to achieve.
Native American Prayer For Healing
Mother, sing me a song That will ease my pain, Mend broken bones, Bring wholeness again. Catch my babies When they are born, Sing my death song, Teach me how to mourn. Show me the Medicine Of the healing herbs, The value of spirit, The way I can serve. Mother, heal my heart So that I can see The gifts of yours That can live through me.
National Anthems
National Lampoon's Van Wilder: The Rise Of Taj
Movie Trailers & Clips - Taj gets a surprise visit from his parents just as he is about to get it on. Lauren Cohan is HOT!!!
Native American Wisdom
Native American Wisdom "What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime, It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." Blackfoot. ""If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other, If you do not talk to them you will not know them and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." Cherokee.
The National Day Of Prayer
I was watching "Good Morning America" this morning, when they said that today is the National Day of Prayer.Now, we all know that the Supreme Court has decided in favor of the Separation of Church and State many, many times.  This is yet another attempt for theists to get their foot in the door of breaking down the wall.Yet, never let it be said that I can't join in on the festivities.  Even though I do not believe in god, satan, etc., I wanted to show willing.I looked for a prayer that I had seen a while back, calling for the destruction of the false nazarene and calling his mother all sorts of filthy names, but for some reason I can't seem to find it.Instead, I offer the following, which I found at the Satanism Archive:BLACK MASS INTONATION from Huysmans' "La Bas"Master of Slanders, Dispenser of the benefits of crime, Administrator of sumptuous sins and great vices, Satan, thee we adore, reasonable God, just God!Superadmirable legate of false trances, thou receivest our beseeching te
National Livestrong Day
On Wednesday, May 16th, the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) will lead a group of 200 advocates from every state to demand that our nation's leaders invest in resources, treatment and services for everyone battling cancer. On the same day, LAF supporters from across the country will also host LIVESTRONG Day activities to raise awareness of cancer issues and show support for people affected by cancer in their communities. Wherever you are, you can make a difference in the fight against cancer. Basically we are trying to raise awareness of the cancer problem in America and the lack of funding it is receiving. The easiest thing to do is to wear something yellow and show your support of the LIVESTRONG campaign. You can shop for LiveStrong apparel at: All of the money spent in the store on that site goes to the Lance Armstrong Foundation and it is for a good cause. Please don't forget National LiveStrong Day, May 16th, wear yellow to support survivors just like
Nationalism Vs. The New World Order
by Dr. William Pierce An interesting thing happened recently. The government of India detonated five nuclear warheads in underground tests, and the establishment in the United States reacted with shock and dismay. This is good news for at least six reasons. I'll name them, one reason at a time. First, the nuclear tests were a complete surprise to the Clinton government. That's a wonderful proof of the fallibility of government. Too many people believe you can't fight the government because the government has the secret police working on its side, and the secret police know everything. Our Central Intelligence Agency spends $27 billion a year to be aware of what's happening around the world, including the building of facilities for making nuclear warheads and other weapons of mass destruction, and the CIA didn't have a clue! An even better scenario would be that the CIA knew but kept it a secret from the Clinton administration. But that is unlikely since the head spook himself
A National Moment Of Remembrance On Memorial Day
A National Moment of Remembrance On Memorial Day That poem about where “poppies blow” And, “the crosses, row on row” Still rings true, these ninety years After written, still brings tears. We still have Dead, “amid the guns” And lose our young and our loved ones Those who lived, “short days ago” Who, “felt dawn, saw sunset glow”. In Flanders Fields, “the poppy red” Still grow near where the blood was bled They, “Take up our quarrel with the foe” And still die for Freedoms that we know. They pass, “The torch” to, “hold it high” And not, “break the faith with us who die” For they, “shall not sleep, though poppies grow” Beneath all those, “crosses, row on row” In Flanders Fields. Del “Abe” Jones 4-25-2005
Native American Poetry
Call To The Four Sacred Winds By Spirit Wind (Pat Poland) I call to the East, where the Father ascends to all Mother Earth where life begins. I fly through the cedars, pines, willows, and birch as animals below me wander and search. I call to the South, to the land down below. Turtle stands silent, as man strings his bow to hunt food and fur for his kin before snow. A life will end so others will grow. I call to the North, that yansa once knew. I follow their path til it disappears from view. Once vast in number, there stand but a few. I hear only ghost thunder of millions of hooves. I call to the West, to the ends of the lands, to the Tsalagi, Kiowa, Comanche ... all bands. Unite for the strength. Teach the young and demand that you are Native Americans. Learn your tongue and stand. My name is Freedom... I fly through this land. I call to the Four Sacred Winds of Turtle Island. Ghost Warriers By Donald Hook Shadows dan
Native American Code Of Ethics
NATIVE AMERICAN CODE OF ETHICS: 1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. 2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. 3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. 4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor. 5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours. 6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant. 7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely
Native American Poem
~ Forgotten Ones~ Should we forget our Ancestors and our teachings, our culture and language or feel ashamed when we tell someone we are American Indian ~ its a sad reality that this bigotry is not confined to the white world as many within our own nations feel the same way. It may because our skin is not dark enough, the color of our eyes, or because we stand out, we don't look the same among our own people. My Mother was Cherokee Tsalagsi Trible Wolf Band--Kitualah Clan Anigiduahwa ~Father was german. Am I less American Indian because my blood does not run pure. I have not nor will I ever forget my teachings, traditions, culture, and language taught to me as a young boy then through my adult life. My heart is saddened my people as I know that this bigotry continues in every Nation across the Country. Stop the hatred my people ~ We Are All Related ~ These words written by ~ White Wolf (Chuck Westfall)
Native American Blessing
Let us walk softly on the Earth with all living beings great and small remembering as we go, that one God kind and wise created all.
The National Day Of Sweden 6th June
Native Cree Proud Native Culture
˜Cree Indian Fact Sheetwas written for young people learning about the Crees for school or home-schooling reports. We encourage students and teachers to look through our Cree language and culture pages for in-depth information about the tribe, but here are our answers to the questions we are most often asked by children, with Cree pictures and links we believe are suitable for all ages. Photographs are the property of the sources we have credited. families past... ...and present Cree Tribe How do you pronounce the word "Cree"? What does it mean?"Cree" rhymes with the English word "see." It's a shortened form of the French word for the tribe, Kristeneaux, but it's not clear where that word came from. It may have been a French mispronunciation of a Cree clan name (Kenistenoag) or a Cree mispronunciation of the French word for "Christian" (Chrétien.) In their own language the Crees call themselves Iyiniwok or Ininiwok, meaning "the people
As some have seen that I, and RECK was with a family and it just didn't feel like a family... SOOOO, Reck decided to bring her Yahoo family to CHERRY TAP. Purple was already a friend of ours so she helped started this new family up. We are known as the Native_Rebel.. we are a close net family of friends. We stick behind all our friends and family 1000%. Here are the RULES.. If you think you would like to join after reading and you can agree to them.. You may contact myself or Purple. One thing is.. WE DO NOT COMMENT BOMB, UNLESS WE ARE ASKED AND YOU HAVE HELPED US IN THE PAST. We don't ask for a amount to be reached by you.. you do what you think is fair to that person you are helping. We Do realize that you all have a life outside Cherry Tap and We do not expect you to stay on here 24/7. We do ask that you wear the name and wear it with pride. You can be part of other Lounges. But you have to have our lounge on your home page. All Rebels will show respect to all other
The Native_rebels Family
~Native_Rebels Family~ Two of my wonderful friends started a new family for CT! This family is very relaxed! We understand LIFE HAPPENs! These are the rules we do have though. *WE DO NOT COMMENT BOMB, UNLESS WE ARE **ASKED AND YOU HAVE HELPED US IN THE PAST. *No Recommended Amount of Bombing Photos * Have to add ~Native_Rebels~ to your name *You do not need to be on CT 24/7! We understand you have a LIFE outside of this bar! * Make Bulletins Subject: "ATTEN NATIVE_REBELS:" * If you post blogs. Please have a blog group title ~Native_Rebels~ So we know where to go for your information. * You need to attend our LOUNGE meetings when we post the meetings. This is just to benefit for you if you have any concerns in regard of your family. This doesn't mean you have to disconnect from your other lounges. By all means, we ENCOURAGE you to stay connected with your friends! This only
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Native 2
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Native American Tribes Speak Out About Climate Change
Native American tribes speak out about climate change By Associated Press Sunday, June 17, 2007 - Updated: 03:46 PM EST MT. MOOSILAUKE, N.H. - Native American leaders are speaking out more forcefully about the danger of climate change. Members of six tribes recently gathered near the Baker River in New Hampshire's White Mountains for a sacred ceremony honoring "Earth Mother." Talking Hawk, a Mohawk Indian who asked to be identified by his Indian name, pointed to the river's tea-colored water as proof that the overwhelming amount of pollution humans have produced has caused changes around the globe. "It's August color. It's not normal," he said. "Earth Mother is fighting back _ not only from the four winds but also from underneath," he said. "Scientists call it global warming. We call it Earth Mother getting angry." At a United Nations meeting last month, several Native American leaders spoke at a session called "Indigenous Perspectives on Climate
Native American Tribes Speak Out About Climate Change
Native American tribes speak out about climate change By Associated Press Sunday, June 17, 2007 - Updated: 03:46 PM EST MT. MOOSILAUKE, N.H. - Native American leaders are speaking out more forcefully about the danger of climate change. Members of six tribes recently gathered near the Baker River in New Hampshire's White Mountains for a sacred ceremony honoring "Earth Mother." Talking Hawk, a Mohawk Indian who asked to be identified by his Indian name, pointed to the river's tea-colored water as proof that the overwhelming amount of pollution humans have produced has caused changes around the globe. "It's August color. It's not normal," he said. "Earth Mother is fighting back _ not only from the four winds but also from underneath," he said. "Scientists call it global warming. We call it Earth Mother getting angry." At a United Nations meeting last month, several Native American leaders spoke at a session called "Indigenous Perspectives on Climate
Native Pride
Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at
The National Transportation Safety Board
The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged they had covertly funded a multi-state project with auto makers where black box voice recorders were installed in 4-wheel drive pickup trucks and SUV's in an effort to understand the last 15 seconds of fatal accidents. The Board was surprised to find the recorded last words of drivers in 48 of the 50 states were all the same: "Oh, SHIT!" Only the states of Montana and North Dakota were different, where the final words were: "Hold my beer, I'm gonna try somethin'
Native_rebels Family List
Please check back here from time to time to see the update version as we get new members added to our family!!!! Please take the time to SHOW your love to our MEMBERS and those who you might have missed as "new" family members! THANKS! lxl_purple_lxl ~~founder~~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP RECK ~Founder~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP MJ~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP Amdukias~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP Dragon~Proud Member of Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP theking381~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP foxx~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP acidburn~Native_Rebels~@ CherryTAP

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